Example #1
bool getDagPathByChildName(MDagPath & ioDagPath, const std::string & iChildName)
    unsigned int numChildren = ioDagPath.childCount();
    std::string strippedName = stripPathAndNamespace(iChildName);
    MObject closeMatch;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
        MObject child = ioDagPath.child(i);
        MFnDagNode dagChild(child);
        std::string name = dagChild.partialPathName().asChar();
        if (name == iChildName)
            return true;

        if (closeMatch.isNull())
            if (strippedName == stripPathAndNamespace(name))
                closeMatch = child;

    if (!closeMatch.isNull())
        return true;

    return false;
void geometryReplicatorGeometryOverride::updateDG()
	if (!fPath.isValid()) {
		MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode(fThisNode);

		MObject messageAttr = fnThisNode.attribute("message");
		MPlug messagePlug(fThisNode, messageAttr);

		MPlugArray connections;
		if (messagePlug.connectedTo(connections, false, true)) {
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < connections.length(); ++i) {
				MObject node = connections[i].node();
				if (node.hasFn(MFn::kMesh) ||
					node.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface) ||
					node.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve) ||
					MDagPath path;
					MDagPath::getAPathTo(node, path);

					fPath = path;
					fType = path.apiType();

Example #3
        const MFnDependencyNode& depNode,
        const MString& name,
        VtVec3fArray* val)
    MStatus status;
    depNode.attribute(name, &status);

    if (status == MS::kSuccess) {
        MPlug plug = depNode.findPlug(name);
        MObject dataObj;

        if ( (plug.getValue(dataObj) == MS::kSuccess) &&
             (dataObj.hasFn(MFn::kVectorArrayData)) ) {

            MFnVectorArrayData dData(dataObj, &status);
            if (status == MS::kSuccess) {
                MVectorArray arrayValues = dData.array();
                size_t numValues = arrayValues.length();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
                return true;

    return false;
    // we don't want to fallback to the active selection if there is no sot
    // select
    bool defaultToActiveSelection = false;
    MRichSelection softSelect;
    MGlobal::getRichSelection(softSelect, defaultToActiveSelection);
    MSelectionList selection;

    for (MItSelectionList iter( selection, MFn::kInvalid); !iter.isDone(); iter.next() )  {
        MDagPath dagPath;
        MObject component;

        iter.getDagPath(dagPath, component);
        // component.isNull() indcates that we're selecting a whole object, as
        // opposed to a component.
        if (!component.isNull()) {

        float weight = 0.0f;
        _dagPathsToWeight[dagPath] = weight;
Example #5
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::createModifierNode( MObject& modifierNode )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

	if( fModifierNodeTypeInitialized || fModifierNodeNameInitialized )
		if( fModifierNodeTypeInitialized )
			modifierNode = fDGModifier.MDGModifier::createNode( fModifierNodeType, &status );
			myModifierNode = modifierNode;
		else if( fModifierNodeNameInitialized )
			modifierNode = fDGModifier.MDGModifier::createNode( fModifierNodeName, &status );

		// Check to make sure that we have a modifier node of the appropriate type.
		// Requires an inMesh and outMesh attribute.
		MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn( modifierNode );
		MObject inMeshAttr;
		MObject outMeshAttr;
		inMeshAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh" );
		outMeshAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" );

		if( inMeshAttr.isNull() || outMeshAttr.isNull() )
			displayError( "Invalid Modifier Node: inMesh and outMesh attributes are required." );
			status = MS::kFailure;
	return status;
Example #6
MObject getConnectedFileTextureObject(MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn)
	MStatus stat;
	MString path = "";
	MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return MObject::kNullObj;
	if( plug.isConnected())
		MPlugArray parray;
		plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
		if( !stat )
			return MObject::kNullObj;

		if( parray.length() == 0 )
			return MObject::kNullObj;

		MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
		MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();	
		if( !fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture) )
			return MObject::kNullObj;
			return fileNode;

	return MObject::kNullObj;
MStatus particleSystemInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	// Parse the arguments.
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

	if( args.length() > 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( args.length() == 1 )
	        MString particleName = args.asString( 0, &stat );
		CHECKRESULT(stat, "Failed to parse particle node name argument." );

		nodeFromName( particleName, particleNode );
		if( !particleNode.isNull() && !particleNode.hasFn( MFn::kParticle ) )
		        MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a particle system." );
			return MS::kFailure;
	return MS::kSuccess;
void colorTransformDataTranslator::writeColorSpaceForNodes(fstream& f)
	MItDependencyNodes	nodeIter;

    f << "====================== Nodes with color space attribute =======================\n";

	for (; !nodeIter.isDone(); nodeIter.next())
		MObject				node = nodeIter.item();

        if(!node.isNull() && 
           ( (node.apiType()==MFn::kFileTexture) || (node.apiType()==MFn::kImagePlane) ) )
          MString inputColorSpace = getInputColorSpace(node);

          MString transformId;
          f << "Found node with colorspace " << inputColorSpace.asUTF8();
                 inputColorSpace, transformId))
              f << ", its corresponding transform id: " << transformId.asUTF8() << std::endl;
              f << ", no corresponding transform id found.\n";

//	This method allows the custom transform to apply its own locking
//	mechanism to rotation. Standard dependency graph attribute locking
//	happens automatically and cannot be modified by custom nodes.
//	If the plug should not be changed, then the value from the passed savedR
//	argument should be return to be used in the transformation matrix.
MEulerRotation rockingTransformCheckNode::applyRotationLocks(const MEulerRotation &toTest,
									const MEulerRotation &savedRotation,
									MStatus *ReturnStatus )
	// Allow the DG to handle locking.
	return toTest;
	// Implement a simple lock by checking for an existing attribute
	// Use the following MEL to add the attribute:
	//	addAttr -ln "rotateLockPlug"
	MStatus status;
	MObject object = thisMObject();
	MFnDependencyNode depNode( object );
	MObject rotateLockPlug = depNode.findPlug( "rotateLockPlug", &status );

	// If the lock does not exist that we return the updated value that has
	// been passed in
	if ( rotateLockPlug.isNull() )
		return toTest;
	// We have a lock.  Returned the original saved value of the
	// rotation.
	return savedRotation;

/* static */
        const TfToken& shadingMode,
        const UsdShadeMaterial& shadeMaterial,
        const UsdGeomGprim& boundPrim,
        UsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (shadingMode == UsdMayaShadingModeTokens->none) {
        return MObject();

    UsdMayaShadingModeImportContext c(shadeMaterial, boundPrim, context);

    MObject shadingEngine;

    if (c.GetCreatedObject(shadeMaterial.GetPrim(), &shadingEngine)) {
        return shadingEngine;

    if (UsdMayaShadingModeImporter importer =
            UsdMayaShadingModeRegistry::GetImporter(shadingMode)) {
        shadingEngine = importer(&c);

    if (!shadingEngine.isNull()) {
        c.AddCreatedObject(shadeMaterial.GetPrim(), shadingEngine);

    return shadingEngine;
    // Retrieve the bind pose for a controller/joint std::pair
    MMatrix DagHelper::getBindPoseInverse ( const MObject& controller, const MObject& influence )
        MStatus status;
        if ( controller.apiType() == MFn::kSkinClusterFilter )
            MFnSkinCluster controllerFn ( controller );

            // Find the correct index for the pre-bind matrix
            uint index = controllerFn.indexForInfluenceObject ( MDagPath::getAPathTo ( influence ), &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MMatrix::identity;

            MPlug preBindMatrixPlug = controllerFn.findPlug ( "bindPreMatrix", &status );
            preBindMatrixPlug = preBindMatrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex ( index, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MMatrix::identity;

            // Get the plug's matrix
            MMatrix ret;
            if ( !DagHelper::getPlugValue ( preBindMatrixPlug, ret ) ) return MMatrix::identity;

            return ret;

        else if ( controller.apiType() == MFn::kJointCluster )
            MMatrix ret;
            DagHelper::getPlugValue ( influence, "bindPose", ret );
            return ret.inverse();

        else return MMatrix::identity;
MStatus GetMetaNodeConnectionCmd::doIt ( const MArgList &args )
    MStatus status;

    MStatus paramStatus = parseArgs(args);

    MObject metaNodeObj;
    status = lrutils::getObjFromName(this->m_metaNodeName, metaNodeObj);
    MyCheckStatus(status, "lrutils::getObjFromName() failed");

    MObject connectedObj;
    status = lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(metaNodeObj, connectedObj, this->m_connectionName);
    MyCheckStatus(status, "lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection() failed");

    if( connectedObj.hasFn(MFn::kDagNode) ) {
        MFnDagNode connectedFn(connectedObj);
        MString dagPath = connectedFn.fullPathName();
    else {
        MFnDependencyNode connectedFn(connectedObj);
        MString name = connectedFn.name();

    return redoIt();
bool AbcWriteJob::checkCurveGrp()
    MItDag itDag(MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kNurbsCurve);
    itDag.reset(mCurDag, MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kNurbsCurve);

    bool init = false;
    int degree = 0;
    MFnNurbsCurve::Form form = MFnNurbsCurve::kInvalid;
    for (; !itDag.isDone(); itDag.next())
        MDagPath curvePath;
        if (itDag.getPath(curvePath) == MS::kSuccess)
            MObject curve = curvePath.node();
            if (!util::isIntermediate(curve) && curve.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve))
                MFnNurbsCurve fn(curvePath);
                if (!init)
                    degree = fn.degree();
                    form = fn.form();
                    init = true;
                    if (degree != fn.degree() || form != fn.form())
                        return false;
    return true;
Example #14
MStatus createClip::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
// No arguments to parse.
	MStatus     	stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MString     	arg;
	MSelectionList	list;
	bool			charNameUsed = 0;
	MString			charName;
	const MString	charFlag			("-c");
	const MString	charFlagLong		("-char");

	// Parse the arguments.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
		arg = args.asString( i, &stat );
		if (!stat)              
		if ( arg == charFlag || arg == charFlagLong ) {
			// get the char name
			if (i == args.length()-1) {
				arg += ": must specify a character name";
				return MS::kFailure;
			args.get(i, charName);
			charNameUsed = 1;
		else {
			arg += ": unknown argument";
			return MS::kFailure;

	if (charNameUsed) {
		// get the character corresponding to the node name
		MItSelectionList iter (list);
		for ( /* nothing */ ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) {
			MObject node;
			if (node.apiType() == MFn::kCharacter) {
				fCharacter = node;
		if (fCharacter.isNull()) {
			MString errMsg("Character flag must specify a character node.");
			return MS::kFailure;
	return stat;
Example #15
MMatrix GetGlobalMMatrix(const MObject & in_Ref)
   MMatrix result;

   MFnDagNode node(in_Ref);
   MDagPathArray paths;
   MDagPath path = paths[0];

   MString typeStr = in_Ref.apiTypeStr();
   if(typeStr == "kTransform")
      result = path.inclusiveMatrix();
      for(unsigned int i=0;i<node.parentCount();i++)
         MObject parent = node.parent(i);
         typeStr = parent.apiTypeStr();
         if(typeStr == "kTransform")
            result = GetGlobalMMatrix(parent);

   return result;
Example #16
ATTR_TYPE getPlugAttrType(const char *plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn)
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )

	MObject attObj = plug.attribute(&stat);
	MFnAttribute att(attObj);
	if( !stat )

	if( attObj.apiType() == MFn::kNumericAttribute)
		MFnNumericAttribute na(attObj, &stat);
		if( !stat )
		if( na.unitType() == MFnNumericData::Type::kFloat )
AlembicObject::AlembicObject(SceneNodePtr eNode, AlembicWriteJob* in_Job,
                             Abc::OObject oParent)
    : mExoSceneNode(eNode),
  MSelectionList sl;
  MDagPath dagPath;
  sl.getDagPath(0, dagPath);

  MObject in_Ref = dagPath.node();

  MFnDagNode dag(in_Ref);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dag.parentCount(); ++i) {
    MObject parentRef = dag.parent(i);
    if (!parentRef.isNull()) {
      mHasParent = in_Job->ObjectExists(parentRef);
      if (mHasParent) {
// Returns the vsSkinner node if the passed node is connected to a vsSkinner node
MStatus CVsSkinnerCmd::ConnectedToMesh(
	const MDagPath &iDagPath,
	MDagPath &oDagPath )
	MPlugArray pA;
	MPlugArray pA1;

	if ( MFnDagNode( iDagPath ).getConnections( pA ) && pA.length() )
		MObject mObj;

		const uint np( pA.length() );
		for ( uint i( 0U ); i != np; ++i )
			if ( pA[ i ].connectedTo( pA1, true, true ) && pA1.length() )
				const uint np1( pA1.length() );
				for ( uint j( 0U ); j != np1; ++j )
					mObj = pA1[ j ].node();

					if ( mObj.apiType() == MFn::kMesh )
						MDagPath::getAPathTo( mObj, oDagPath );
						return MS::kSuccess;

	return MS::kFailure;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    void EffectTextureExporter::add2DPlacement ( COLLADASW::Texture* colladaTexture, MObject texture )
        // Is there a texture placement applied to this texture?
        MObject placementNode = DagHelper::getSourceNodeConnectedTo ( texture, ATTR_UV_COORD );
        if ( placementNode.hasFn ( MFn::kPlace2dTexture ) )
            MFnDependencyNode placement2d ( placementNode );

            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_WRAPU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_WRAPV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_MIRRORU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_MIRRORV_PARAMETER, placement2d );

            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_COVERAGEU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_COVERAGEV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_TRANSFRAMEU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_TRANSFRAMEV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addAngleParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_ROTFRAME_PARAMETER, placement2d );

            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_STAGGER_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addBoolParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_FAST_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_REPEATU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_REPEATV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_OFFSETU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_OFFSETV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addAngleParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_ROTATEUV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_NOISEU_PARAMETER, placement2d );
            addFloatParameter ( colladaTexture, MAYA_TEXTURE_NOISEV_PARAMETER, placement2d );
Example #20
bool usdWriteJob::needToTraverse(const MDagPath& curDag)
    MObject ob = curDag.node();
    // NOTE: Already skipping all intermediate objects
    // skip all intermediate nodes (and their children)
    if (PxrUsdMayaUtil::isIntermediate(ob)) {
        return false;

    // skip nodes that aren't renderable (and their children)

    if (mJobCtx.mArgs.excludeInvisible && !PxrUsdMayaUtil::isRenderable(ob)) {
        return false;

    if (!mJobCtx.mArgs.exportDefaultCameras && ob.hasFn(MFn::kTransform)) {
        // Ignore transforms of default cameras 
        MString fullPathName = curDag.fullPathName();
        if (fullPathName == "|persp" ||
            fullPathName == "|top" ||
            fullPathName == "|front" ||
            fullPathName == "|side") {
            return false;

    return true;
Example #21
MString getConnectedFileTexturePath(const MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn)
    MStatus stat;
    MString path = "";
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (!stat)
        return path;
    if (plug.isConnected())
        MPlugArray parray;
        plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
        if (!stat)
            return path;

        if (parray.length() == 0)
            return path;

        MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
        MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();
        if (!fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture))
            return path;

        MFnDependencyNode fileDepFn(fileNode);
        MPlug ftn = fileDepFn.findPlug("fileTextureName", &stat);

        if (!stat)
            return path;
        path = ftn.asString();
    return path;
Example #22
MStatus HelloWorld::doIt(const MArgList& argList) {
	MGlobal::displayInfo("Hello World!");
	//Get list of selected items
	MSelectionList selectedItem;
	//Get list of selected items for realsies
	MStatus stat;
	//Iterate through them.
	MItSelectionList it(selectedItem);

	while (!it.isDone() ) {
		MDagPath dagPath;	//Will hold a path to the indexed object
		MObject component;	//List of selected components

		it.getDagPath(dagPath, component);

		MFnDependencyNode fn(dagPath.node());
		MString status = "OBJECT: ";
		status += fn.name().asChar();

		if (!component.isNull()) {
			MGlobal::displayInfo("Is not null!");
			MItMeshVertex itVert(dagPath, component, &stat);

			if (stat == MS::kSuccess)
				while (!itVert.isDone())
					MPoint point = itVert.position(MSpace::kWorld);
					MString pointStr;
					pointStr += itVert.index();
					pointStr += "\t";
					pointStr += point.x;
					point.x += 10;
					pointStr += "\t";
					pointStr += point.y;
					pointStr += "\t";
					pointStr += point.z;
					itVert.setPosition(point, MSpace::kWorld);

			MGlobal::displayInfo("Is null.. :(");


	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #23
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> Group::exporta(MDagPath &dp)
	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> osggroup;

	// Get the node of this path
	MObject node = dp.node();

	// 1. Create the adequate type of node
	if( node.hasFn(MFn::kEmitter) ) {
		// Emitters are subclasses of Transform
		// We build the transform and then add the emitter as a child
		osggroup = Transform::exporta(node);
		osggroup->addChild( PointEmitter::exporta(node).get() );
	else if( node.hasFn(MFn::kTransform) ){
		osggroup = Transform::exporta(node);
	else {
		// Generic group (kWorld)
		osggroup = new osg::Group();

	// 2. Process and add children
	for(int i=0; i<dp.childCount(); i++){
		// Add child to the path and recursively call the exportation function
		MDagPath dpc(dp);
		osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> child = DAGNode::exporta(dpc);
			// ** Check ** If any children is a LightSource, deactivate culling 
			// for this group in order to apply the light even though it is not
			// directly visible
			if( dynamic_cast<osg::LightSource *>(child.get()) != NULL )

	// 3. If there are no children, the node is ignored
	if( osggroup->getNumChildren() == 0 ){
		// Buuuuuuut, if there is an animation, it is saved to disk
		// because it can be a useful camera animation
		osg::AnimationPathCallback *cb = dynamic_cast< osg::AnimationPathCallback * >(osggroup->getUpdateCallback());
			MFnDependencyNode dn(node);
			std::cout << "EXPORTING CAMERA ANIMATION: " << dn.name().asChar() << std::endl;
            CameraAnimation::save(cb->getAnimationPath(), Config::instance()->getSceneFilePath().getDirectory() + "/" + Config::instance()->getSceneFilePath().getFileBaseName() + "_" + std::string(dn.name().asChar()) + ".path" );
		return NULL;

    // Name the node (mesh)
	MFnDependencyNode dnodefn(node);
	osggroup->setName( dnodefn.name().asChar() );

	return (osg::Node *)osggroup.get();
Example #24
MStatus particlePathsCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args);

	// Parse the time flags

	if (argData.isFlagSet(startFlag))
		argData.getFlagArgument(startFlag, 0, start);

	if (argData.isFlagSet(finishFlag))
		argData.getFlagArgument(finishFlag, 0, finish);

	if (argData.isFlagSet(incrementFlag))
		argData.getFlagArgument(incrementFlag, 0, increment);

	if (finish <= start || increment <= 0.0)
		MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid time arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Get the particle system object

	MSelectionList selectList;
	if( selectList.length() < 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Missing particle node name argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;
	else if( selectList.length() > 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Too many particle nodes given." );
		return MS::kFailure;


	if (particleNode.isNull() || !particleNode.hasFn(MFn::kParticle))
		MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid node argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #25
bool atomImport::replaceNameAndFindPlug(const MString& origName,
										atomNodeNameReplacer& replacer,
										MPlug& replacedPlug)
	bool rtn = false;
	// get the node name
	MStringArray nameParts;
	origName.split('.', nameParts);

	// Perform any necessary replacement
	MString tmpName(nameParts[0]);
	// TODO: type & hierarchy info -- does the replacer store enough info
	// to help us find that out since in the case of export edits we don't
	// have that info for sources
	if (replacer.findNode(atomNodeNameReplacer::eDag,tmpName,0,0)) {
		MString newName(tmpName);
		newName += (".");

		// add the attribute name(s) back on again
		unsigned int ii;
		MString attrName;
		for (ii = 1; ii < nameParts.length(); ++ii) {
			if (ii > 1) {
				attrName += (".");
			attrName += nameParts[ii];
		newName += attrName;

		MSelectionList tmpList;
		if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.add(newName)) {
			rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull();
			if (!rtn) {
				// test for the special case of the pivot component
				MDagPath path;
				MObject component;
				if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.getDagPath(0,path,component) &&
					component.apiType() == MFn::kPivotComponent)
					MObject node;
					MFnDependencyNode fnNode(node);
					replacedPlug = fnNode.findPlug(attrName,false);
					rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull();
	return rtn;
Example #26
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	// Parse the arguments.
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

	// some defaults for the number of voxels we might want to print
	requestedVoxels = -1;

	if( args.length() < 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Missing fluid node name argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;
	else if( args.length() > 2 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	fluidName = args.asString( 0, &stat );
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
		MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse fluid node name argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if(args.length() == 1) {
		// assume that the user wants to print all the voxels
		// they probably won't do this more than once
		requestedVoxels = -1;
	} else {
		requestedVoxels = args.asInt( 1, &stat );
		if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
			MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse num voxels to pribt argument." );
			return MS::kFailure;

	nodeFromName( fluidName, fluidNode );

	if( fluidNode.isNull() )
		MGlobal::displayError( "There is no fluid node with the given name." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( ! fluidNode.hasFn( MFn::kFluid ) )
		MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a fluid." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #27
void ComponentScaleContext::updateManipulators(void * data)
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	ComponentScaleContext * ctxPtr = (ComponentScaleContext *) data;

	MSelectionList list;
	stat = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(list);
	MItSelectionList iter(list, MFn::kInvalid, &stat);

	if (MS::kSuccess == stat) {
		for (; !iter.isDone(); iter.next()) {

			// Make sure the selection list item is a dag path with components
			// before attaching the manipulator to it.
			MDagPath dagPath;
			MObject components;
			iter.getDagPath(dagPath, components);

			if (components.isNull() || !components.hasFn(MFn::kComponent))
				MGlobal::displayWarning("Object in selection list is not "
					"a component.");

			// Add manipulator to the selected object
			MString manipName ("componentScaleManip");
			MObject manipObject;
			componentScaleManip* manipulator =
				(componentScaleManip *) componentScaleManip::newManipulator(manipName, manipObject);

			if (NULL != manipulator) {
				// Add the manipulator

				// Connect the manipulator to the object in the selection list.
				if (!manipulator->connectToDependNode(dagPath.node()))
					MGlobal::displayWarning("Error connecting manipulator to"
						" object");
Example #28
void liqRibData::parseVectorAttributes( MFnDependencyNode & nodeFn, MStringArray & strArray, ParameterType pType )
  int i;
  MStatus status;
  if ( strArray.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < strArray.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = strArray[i].substring(5, strArray[i].length());
      MPlug vPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( strArray[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = vPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kVectorArrayData ) {
        MFnVectorArrayData  fnVectorArrayData( plugObj );
        MVectorArray vectorArrayData = fnVectorArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set(   cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                vectorArrayData.length() );
        for ( int kk = 0; kk < vectorArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, vectorArrayData[kk].x, vectorArrayData[kk].y, vectorArrayData[kk].z );

        // should it be per vertex or face-varying
        if ( ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) && ( vectorArrayData.length() == faceVaryingCount ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying);
        } else {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );

        // store it all
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );

      } else {
        // Hmmmm float ? double ?
        float x, y, z;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                0 );
        vPlug.child(0).getValue( x );
        vPlug.child(1).getValue( y );
        vPlug.child(2).getValue( z );
        tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, x, y, z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
void tLocatorMgr::scanScene(const float lframe__, const int sample__,
						  boost::shared_ptr< liqRibHT > &htable__,
						  int &count__,
						  MStatus &returnStatus__)

	//[refactor 10] beg from scanScene()
	MItDag dagCoordSysIterator( MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kLocator, &returnStatus__);

	for (; !dagCoordSysIterator.isDone(); dagCoordSysIterator.next()) 
#if (Refactoring == 0)
		MDagPath path;
		MObject currentNode;
		currentNode = dagCoordSysIterator.item();
		MFnDagNode dagNode;
		dagCoordSysIterator.getPath( path );
		if(MS::kSuccess != returnStatus__) 
		returnStatus__ = dagNode.setObject( currentNode );
		if(MS::kSuccess != returnStatus__) 

		// scanScene: if it's a coordinate system then insert it into the hash table
		if( dagNode.typeName() == "liquidCoordSys" ) 
			int coordType = 0;
			MPlug typePlug = dagNode.findPlug( "type", &returnStatus__ );
			if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus__ ) 
				typePlug.getValue( coordType );

			bool useSamples( ( sample__ > 0 ) && isObjectMotionBlur( path ) );

			ObjectType mrttype = getMRTType(currentNode, coordType);
			ObjectType mrttype_shouldbe = ( coordType == 5 )? MRT_ClipPlane : MRT_Coord;
			if( mrttype != mrttype_shouldbe ){
				liquidMessage2(messageError, "mrttype[%d] should be %d", mrttype_shouldbe);
			htable__->insert( path, 
				( useSamples )? sample__ : 0, 
				mrttype, //( coordType == 5 )? MRT_ClipPlane : MRT_Coord, 
				count__++ );
	//[refactor 10] end from scanScene()
Example #30
bool ik2Bsolver::findFirstJointChild(const MDagPath & root, MDagPath & result)
    const unsigned count = root.childCount();
    unsigned i;
    for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
        MObject c = root.child(i);
        if(c.hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) {
            MDagPath::getAPathTo(c, result);
            return 1;
    return 0;