int main() { // create a peak map containing 4 dummy spectra and peaks MSExperiment exp; // The following examples creates a MSExperiment containing four MSSpectrum instances. for (Size i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { MSSpectrum spectrum; spectrum.setRT(i); spectrum.setMSLevel(1); for (float mz = 500.0; mz <= 900; mz += 100.0) { Peak1D peak; peak.setMZ(mz + i); spectrum.push_back(peak); } exp.addSpectrum(spectrum); } // Iteration over the RT range (2,3) and the m/z range (603,802) and print the peak positions. for (auto it = exp.areaBegin(2.0, 3.0, 603.0, 802.0); it != exp.areaEnd(); ++it) { cout << it.getRT() << " - " << it->getMZ() << endl; } // Iteration over all peaks in the experiment. // Output: RT, m/z, and intensity // Note that the retention time is stored in the spectrum (not in the peak object) for (auto s_it = exp.begin(); s_it != exp.end(); ++s_it) { for (auto p_it = s_it->begin(); p_it != s_it->end(); ++p_it) { cout << s_it->getRT() << " - " << p_it->getMZ() << " " << p_it->getIntensity() << endl; } } // We could store the spectra to a mzML file with: // MzMLFile mzml; //, exp); // And load it with // mzml.load(filename, exp); // If we wanted to load only the MS2 spectra we could speed up reading by setting: // mzml.getOptions().addMSLevel(2); // before executing: mzml.load(filename, exp); return 0; } //end of main
void ElutionPeakDetection::smoothData(MassTrace& mt, int win_size) const { // alternative smoothing using SavitzkyGolay // looking at the unit test, this method gives better fits than lowess smoothing // reference paper uses lowess smoothing MSSpectrum<PeakType> spectrum; spectrum.insert(spectrum.begin(), mt.begin(), mt.end()); SavitzkyGolayFilter sg; Param param; param.setValue("polynomial_order", 2); param.setValue("frame_length", std::max(3, win_size)); // frame length must be at least polynomial_order+1, otherwise SG will fail sg.setParameters(param); sg.filter(spectrum); MSSpectrum<PeakType>::iterator iter = spectrum.begin(); std::vector<double> smoothed_intensities; for (; iter != spectrum.end(); ++iter) { smoothed_intensities.push_back(iter->getIntensity()); } mt.setSmoothedIntensities(smoothed_intensities); //alternative end // std::cout << "win_size elution: " << scan_time << " " << win_size << std::endl; // if there is no previous FWHM estimation... do it now // if (win_size == 0) // { // mt.estimateFWHM(false); // estimate FWHM // win_size = mt.getFWHMScansNum(); // } // use one global window size for all mass traces to smooth // std::vector<double> rts, ints; // // for (MassTrace::const_iterator c_it = mt.begin(); c_it != mt.end(); ++c_it) // { // rts.push_back(c_it->getRT()); // ints.push_back(c_it->getIntensity()); // } // LowessSmoothing lowess_smooth; // Param lowess_params; // lowess_params.setValue("window_size", win_size); // lowess_smooth.setParameters(lowess_params); // std::vector<double> smoothed_data; // lowess_smooth.smoothData(rts, ints, smoothed_data); // mt.setSmoothedIntensities(smoothed_data); }
bool IDEvaluationBase::addSearchFile(const String& file_name) { MSSpectrum<> points; if (!loadCurve(file_name, points)) return false; data_.addSpectrum(points); MSExperiment<>* exp = new MSExperiment<>(); exp->addSpectrum(points); spec_1d_->canvas()->addLayer(SpectrumCanvas::ExperimentSharedPtrType(exp)); spec_1d_->canvas()->setLayerName(spec_1d_->canvas()->getLayerCount() - 1, points.getMetaValue("search_engine")); // set intensity mode (after spectrum has been added!) setIntensityMode((int) SpectrumCanvas::IM_SNAP); return true; }
bool IDEvaluationBase::getPoints(std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peptides /* cannot be const, to avoid copy */, const std::vector<double>& q_value_thresholds, MSSpectrum<>& points) { points.clear(true); FalseDiscoveryRate fdr; fdr.setParameters(param_.copy("fdr:", true)); try { fdr.apply(peptides); // computes a q-value (if its params are correct) } catch (Exception::MissingInformation) { LOG_FATAL_ERROR << "Tool failed due to missing information (see above)." << std::endl; return false; } // get list of q-values and sort them std::vector<double> q_values; q_values.reserve(peptides.size()); for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::iterator it = peptides.begin(); it != peptides.end(); ++it) { it->assignRanks(); if (it->getHits().size() > 0) q_values.push_back(it->getHits()[0].getScore()); } std::sort(q_values.begin(), q_values.end()); for (Size i = 0; i < q_value_thresholds.size(); ++i) { // get position in sorted q-values where cutoff is reached std::vector<double>::iterator pos = std::upper_bound(q_values.begin(), q_values.end(), q_value_thresholds[i]); Peak1D p; p.setMZ(q_value_thresholds[i] * 100); p.setIntensity(std::distance(q_values.begin(), pos)); points.push_back(p); } return true; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) return 1; // the path to the data should be given on the command line String tutorial_data_path(argv[1]); IndexedMzMLFileLoader imzml; // load data from an indexed MzML file OnDiscMSExperiment<> map; imzml.load(tutorial_data_path + "/data/Tutorial_FileIO_indexed.mzML", map); // Get the first spectrum in memory, do some constant (non-changing) data processing MSSpectrum<> s = map.getSpectrum(0); std::cout << "There are " << map.getNrSpectra() << " spectra in the input file." << std::endl; std::cout << "The first spectrum has " << s.size() << " peaks." << std::endl; // store the (unmodified) data in a different file"Tutorial_FileIO_output.mzML", map); return 0; } //end of main
Int main() { MSSpectrum<> spectrum; Peak1D peak; for (float mz = 1500.0; mz >= 500; mz -= 100.0) { peak.setMZ(mz); spectrum.push_back(peak); } spectrum.sortByPosition(); MSSpectrum<>::Iterator it; for (it = spectrum.MZBegin(800.0); it != spectrum.MZEnd(1000.0); ++it) { cout << it->getMZ() << endl; } return 0; } //end of main
MSChromatogram<> toChromatogram(const MSSpectrum<>& in) { MSChromatogram<> out; for (Size ic = 0; ic < in.size(); ++ic) { ChromatogramPeak peak; peak.setMZ(in[ic].getMZ()); peak.setIntensity(in[ic].getIntensity()); out.push_back(peak); } out.setChromatogramType(ChromatogramSettings::SELECTED_ION_CURRENT_CHROMATOGRAM); return out; }
bool IDEvaluationBase::loadCurve(const String& file_name, MSSpectrum<>& points) { if (FileHandler::getType(file_name) != FileTypes::IDXML) { LOG_ERROR << "The file '" << file_name << "' is not an .idXML file" << std::endl; return false; } std::vector<ProteinIdentification> prot_ids; std::vector<PeptideIdentification> pep_ids; IdXMLFile().load(file_name, prot_ids, pep_ids); String ln = pep_ids[0].getScoreType(); // grab name here, since FDR-calculation will overwrite it with "q-value" bool ret = getPoints(pep_ids, q_value_thresholds_, points); // FDR calculation failed? points.setMetaValue("search_engine", ln); return ret; }
void getSwathFile(PeakMap& exp, int nr_swathes=32, bool ms1=true) { if (ms1) { MSSpectrum s; s.setMSLevel(1); Peak1D p; p.setMZ(100); p.setIntensity(200); s.push_back(p); exp.addSpectrum(s); } for (int i = 0; i< nr_swathes; i++) { MSSpectrum s; s.setMSLevel(2); std::vector<Precursor> prec(1); prec[0].setIsolationWindowLowerOffset(12.5); prec[0].setIsolationWindowUpperOffset(12.5); prec[0].setMZ(400 + i*25 + 12.5); s.setPrecursors(prec); Peak1D p; p.setMZ(101 + i); p.setIntensity(201 + i); s.push_back(p); exp.addSpectrum(s); } }
START_TEST(SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian, "$Id$") ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian< >* ptr = nullptr; SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian< >* nullPointer = nullptr; START_SECTION((SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian())) ptr = new SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<>; TEST_NOT_EQUAL(ptr, nullPointer) SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<> sne; END_SECTION START_SECTION((SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian& operator=(const SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian &source))) MSSpectrum raw_data; SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<> sne; sne.init(raw_data); SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<> sne2 = sne; NOT_TESTABLE END_SECTION START_SECTION((SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian(const SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian &source))) MSSpectrum raw_data; SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<> sne; sne.init(raw_data); SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<> sne2(sne); NOT_TESTABLE END_SECTION START_SECTION((virtual ~SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian()))
// Wrong assignment of the mono-isotopic mass for precursors are assumed: // - if precursor_mz matches the mz of a non-monoisotopic feature mass trace // - and in the case that believe_charge is true: if feature_charge matches the precursor_charge // In the case of wrong mono-isotopic assignment several options for correction are available: // keep_original will create a copy of the precursor and tandem spectrum for the new mono-isotopic mass trace and retain the original one // all_matching_features does this not for only the closest feature but all features in a question set<Size> correctToNearestFeature(const FeatureMap& features, PeakMap & exp, double rt_tolerance_s = 0.0, double mz_tolerance = 0.0, bool ppm = true, bool believe_charge = false, bool keep_original = false, bool all_matching_features = false, int max_trace = 2) { set<Size> corrected_precursors; // for each precursor/MS2 find all features that are in the given tolerance window (bounding box + rt tolerances) // if believe_charge is set, only add features that match the precursor charge map<Size, set<Size> > scan_idx_to_feature_idx; for (Size scan = 0; scan != exp.size(); ++scan) { // skip non-tandem mass spectra if (exp[scan].getMSLevel() != 2 || exp[scan].getPrecursors().empty()) continue; // extract precusor / MS2 information const double pc_mz = exp[scan].getPrecursors()[0].getMZ(); const double rt = exp[scan].getRT(); const int pc_charge = exp[scan].getPrecursors()[0].getCharge(); for (Size f = 0; f != features.size(); ++f) { // feature is incompatible if believe_charge is set and charges don't match if (believe_charge && features[f].getCharge() != pc_charge) continue; // check if precursor/MS2 position overlap with feature if (overlaps_(features[f], rt, pc_mz, rt_tolerance_s)) { scan_idx_to_feature_idx[scan].insert(f); } } } // filter sets to retain compatible features: // if precursor_mz = feature_mz + n * feature_charge (+/- mz_tolerance) a feature is compatible, others are removed from the set for (map<Size, set<Size> >::iterator it = scan_idx_to_feature_idx.begin(); it != scan_idx_to_feature_idx.end(); ++it) { const Size scan = it->first; const double pc_mz = exp[scan].getPrecursors()[0].getMZ(); const double mz_tolerance_da = ppm ? pc_mz * mz_tolerance * 1e-6 : mz_tolerance; // Note: This is the "delete while iterating" pattern so mind the pre- and postincrement for (set<Size>::iterator sit = it->second.begin(); sit != it->second.end(); ) { if (!compatible_(features[*sit], pc_mz, mz_tolerance_da, max_trace)) { it->second.erase(sit++); } else { ++sit; } } } // remove entries with no compatible features (empty sets). // Note: This is the "delete while iterating" pattern so mind the pre- and postincrement for (map<Size, set<Size> >::iterator it = scan_idx_to_feature_idx.begin(); it != scan_idx_to_feature_idx.end(); ) { if (it->second.empty()) { scan_idx_to_feature_idx.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } if (debug_level_ > 0) { LOG_INFO << "Number of precursors with compatible features: " << scan_idx_to_feature_idx.size() << endl; } if (!all_matching_features) { // keep only nearest features in set for (map<Size, set<Size> >::iterator it = scan_idx_to_feature_idx.begin(); it != scan_idx_to_feature_idx.end(); ++it) { const Size scan = it->first; const double pc_rt = exp[scan].getRT(); double min_distance = 1e16; set<Size>::iterator best_feature = it->second.begin(); // determine nearest/best feature for (set<Size>::iterator sit = it->second.begin(); sit != it->second.end(); ++sit) { const double current_distance = fabs(pc_rt - features[*sit].getRT()); if (current_distance < min_distance) { min_distance = current_distance; best_feature = sit; } } // delete all except the nearest/best feature // Note: This is the "delete while iterating" pattern so mind the pre- and postincrement for (set<Size>::iterator sit = it->second.begin(); sit != it->second.end(); ) { if (sit != best_feature) { it->second.erase(sit++); } else { ++sit; } } } } // depending on all_matching_features option, only the nearest or all features are contained in the sets // depending on options: move/copy corrected precursor and tandem spectrum if (keep_original) { // duplicate spectra for each feature in set and adapt precursor_mz and precursor_charge to feature_mz and feature_charge for (map<Size, set<Size> >::iterator it = scan_idx_to_feature_idx.begin(); it != scan_idx_to_feature_idx.end(); ++it) { const Size scan = it->first; MSSpectrum<> spectrum = exp[scan]; corrected_precursors.insert(scan); for (set<Size>::iterator f_it = it->second.begin(); f_it != it->second.end(); ++f_it) { spectrum.getPrecursors()[0].setMZ(features[*f_it].getMZ()); spectrum.getPrecursors()[0].setCharge(features[*f_it].getCharge()); exp.addSpectrum(spectrum); } } } else { // set precursor_mz and _charge to the feature_mz and _charge for (map<Size, set<Size> >::iterator it = scan_idx_to_feature_idx.begin(); it != scan_idx_to_feature_idx.end(); ++it) { const Size scan = it->first; exp[scan].getPrecursors()[0].setMZ(features[*it->second.begin()].getMZ()); exp[scan].getPrecursors()[0].setCharge(features[*it->second.begin()].getCharge()); corrected_precursors.insert(scan); } } return corrected_precursors; }
void PeakPickerHiRes::pick(const MSSpectrum& input, MSSpectrum& output, std::vector<PeakBoundary>& boundaries, bool check_spacings) const { // copy meta data of the input spectrum output.clear(true); output.SpectrumSettings::operator=(input); output.MetaInfoInterface::operator=(input); output.setRT(input.getRT()); output.setMSLevel(input.getMSLevel()); output.setName(input.getName()); output.setType(SpectrumSettings::CENTROID); if (report_FWHM_) { output.getFloatDataArrays().resize(1); output.getFloatDataArrays()[0].setName( report_FWHM_as_ppm_ ? "FWHM_ppm" : "FWHM"); } // don't pick a spectrum with less than 5 data points if (input.size() < 5) return; // if both spacing constraints are disabled, don't check spacings at all: if ((spacing_difference_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) && (spacing_difference_gap_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())) { check_spacings = false; } // signal-to-noise estimation SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian<MSSpectrum > snt; snt.setParameters(param_.copy("SignalToNoise:", true)); if (signal_to_noise_ > 0.0) { snt.init(input); } // find local maxima in profile data for (Size i = 2; i < input.size() - 2; ++i) { double central_peak_mz = input[i].getMZ(), central_peak_int = input[i].getIntensity(); double left_neighbor_mz = input[i - 1].getMZ(), left_neighbor_int = input[i - 1].getIntensity(); double right_neighbor_mz = input[i + 1].getMZ(), right_neighbor_int = input[i + 1].getIntensity(); // do not interpolate when the left or right support is a zero-data-point if (std::fabs(left_neighbor_int) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) continue; if (std::fabs(right_neighbor_int) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) continue; // MZ spacing sanity checks double left_to_central = 0.0, central_to_right = 0.0, min_spacing = 0.0; if (check_spacings) { left_to_central = central_peak_mz - left_neighbor_mz; central_to_right = right_neighbor_mz - central_peak_mz; min_spacing = (left_to_central < central_to_right) ? left_to_central : central_to_right; } double act_snt = 0.0, act_snt_l1 = 0.0, act_snt_r1 = 0.0; if (signal_to_noise_ > 0.0) { act_snt = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i]); act_snt_l1 = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i - 1]); act_snt_r1 = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i + 1]); } // look for peak cores meeting MZ and intensity/SNT criteria if ((central_peak_int > left_neighbor_int) && (central_peak_int > right_neighbor_int) && (act_snt >= signal_to_noise_) && (act_snt_l1 >= signal_to_noise_) && (act_snt_r1 >= signal_to_noise_) && (!check_spacings || ((left_to_central < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing) && (central_to_right < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing)))) { // special case: if a peak core is surrounded by more intense // satellite peaks (indicates oscillation rather than // real peaks) -> remove double act_snt_l2 = 0.0, act_snt_r2 = 0.0; if (signal_to_noise_ > 0.0) { act_snt_l2 = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i - 2]); act_snt_r2 = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i + 2]); } // checking signal-to-noise? if ((i > 1) && (i + 2 < input.size()) && (left_neighbor_int < input[i - 2].getIntensity()) && (right_neighbor_int < input[i + 2].getIntensity()) && (act_snt_l2 >= signal_to_noise_) && (act_snt_r2 >= signal_to_noise_) && (!check_spacings || ((left_neighbor_mz - input[i - 2].getMZ() < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing) && (input[i + 2].getMZ() - right_neighbor_mz < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing)))) { ++i; continue; } std::map<double, double> peak_raw_data; peak_raw_data[central_peak_mz] = central_peak_int; peak_raw_data[left_neighbor_mz] = left_neighbor_int; peak_raw_data[right_neighbor_mz] = right_neighbor_int; // peak core found, now extend it // to the left Size k = 2; bool previous_zero_left(false); // no need to extend peak if previous intensity was zero Size missing_left(0); Size left_boundary(i - 1); // index of the left boundary for the spline interpolation while ((k <= i) && // prevent underflow (i - k + 1 > 0) && !previous_zero_left && (missing_left <= missing_) && (input[i - k].getIntensity() <= peak_raw_data.begin()->second) && (!check_spacings || (peak_raw_data.begin()->first - input[i - k].getMZ() < spacing_difference_gap_ * min_spacing))) { double act_snt_lk = 0.0; if (signal_to_noise_ > 0.0) { act_snt_lk = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i - k]); } if ((act_snt_lk >= signal_to_noise_) && (!check_spacings || (peak_raw_data.begin()->first - input[i - k].getMZ() < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing))) { peak_raw_data[input[i - k].getMZ()] = input[i - k].getIntensity(); } else { ++missing_left; if (missing_left <= missing_) { peak_raw_data[input[i - k].getMZ()] = input[i - k].getIntensity(); } } previous_zero_left = (input[i - k].getIntensity() == 0); left_boundary = i - k; ++k; } // to the right k = 2; bool previous_zero_right(false); // no need to extend peak if previous intensity was zero Size missing_right(0); Size right_boundary(i+1); // index of the right boundary for the spline interpolation while ((i + k < input.size()) && !previous_zero_right && (missing_right <= missing_) && (input[i + k].getIntensity() <= peak_raw_data.rbegin()->second) && (!check_spacings || (input[i + k].getMZ() - peak_raw_data.rbegin()->first < spacing_difference_gap_ * min_spacing))) { double act_snt_rk = 0.0; if (signal_to_noise_ > 0.0) { act_snt_rk = snt.getSignalToNoise(input[i + k]); } if ((act_snt_rk >= signal_to_noise_) && (!check_spacings || (input[i + k].getMZ() - peak_raw_data.rbegin()->first < spacing_difference_ * min_spacing))) { peak_raw_data[input[i + k].getMZ()] = input[i + k].getIntensity(); } else { ++missing_right; if (missing_right <= missing_) { peak_raw_data[input[i + k].getMZ()] = input[i + k].getIntensity(); } } previous_zero_right = (input[i + k].getIntensity() == 0); right_boundary = i + k; ++k; } // skip if the minimal number of 3 points for fitting is not reached if (peak_raw_data.size() < 3) continue; CubicSpline2d peak_spline (peak_raw_data); // calculate maximum by evaluating the spline's 1st derivative // (bisection method) double max_peak_mz = central_peak_mz; double max_peak_int = central_peak_int; double threshold = 1e-6; OpenMS::Math::spline_bisection(peak_spline, left_neighbor_mz, right_neighbor_mz, max_peak_mz, max_peak_int, threshold); // // compute FWHM // if (report_FWHM_) { double fwhm_int = max_peak_int / 2.0; threshold = 0.01 * fwhm_int; double mz_mid, int_mid; // left: double mz_left = peak_raw_data.begin()->first; double mz_center = max_peak_mz; if (peak_spline.eval(mz_left) > fwhm_int) { // the spline ends before half max is reached -- take the leftmost point (probably an underestimation) mz_mid = mz_left; } else { do { mz_mid = mz_left / 2 + mz_center / 2; int_mid = peak_spline.eval(mz_mid); if (int_mid < fwhm_int) { mz_left = mz_mid; } else { mz_center = mz_mid; } } while (fabs(int_mid - fwhm_int) > threshold); } const double fwhm_left_mz = mz_mid; // right ... double mz_right = peak_raw_data.rbegin()->first; mz_center = max_peak_mz; if (peak_spline.eval(mz_right) > fwhm_int) { // the spline ends before half max is reached -- take the rightmost point (probably an underestimation) mz_mid = mz_right; } else { do { mz_mid = mz_right / 2 + mz_center / 2; int_mid = peak_spline.eval(mz_mid); if (int_mid < fwhm_int) { mz_right = mz_mid; } else { mz_center = mz_mid; } } while (fabs(int_mid - fwhm_int) > threshold); } const double fwhm_right_mz = mz_mid; const double fwhm_absolute = fwhm_right_mz - fwhm_left_mz; output.getFloatDataArrays()[0].push_back( report_FWHM_as_ppm_ ? fwhm_absolute / max_peak_mz * 1e6 : fwhm_absolute); } // FWHM // save picked peak into output spectrum Peak1D peak; PeakBoundary peak_boundary; peak.setMZ(max_peak_mz); peak.setIntensity(max_peak_int); peak_boundary.mz_min = input[left_boundary].getMZ(); peak_boundary.mz_max = input[right_boundary].getMZ(); output.push_back(peak); boundaries.push_back(peak_boundary); // jump over profile data points that have been considered already i = i + k - 1; } } return; }
SavitzkyGolayFilter* dsg_nullPointer = 0; START_SECTION((SavitzkyGolayFilter())) dsg_ptr = new SavitzkyGolayFilter; TEST_NOT_EQUAL(dsg_ptr, dsg_nullPointer) END_SECTION START_SECTION((virtual ~SavitzkyGolayFilter())) delete dsg_ptr; END_SECTION Param param; param.setValue("polynomial_order",2); param.setValue("frame_length",3); START_SECTION((template < typename PeakType > void filter(MSSpectrum< PeakType > &spectrum))) MSSpectrum<Peak1D> spectrum; spectrum.resize(5); MSSpectrum<Peak1D>::Iterator it = spectrum.begin(); for (int i=0; i<5; ++i, ++it) { it->setIntensity(0.0f); if (i==2) { it->setIntensity(1.0f); } } SavitzkyGolayFilter sgolay; sgolay.setParameters(param); sgolay.filter(spectrum);
c_feature_1.setIntensity(1000.00f); c_feature_1.setCharge(4); c_feature_1.setQuality((QualityType) 31.3334); ConsensusFeature c_feature_2; c_feature_2.setIntensity(122.01f); c_feature_2.setCharge(3); c_feature_2.setQuality((QualityType) 0.002); ConsensusFeature c_feature_3; c_feature_3.setIntensity(55.0f); c_feature_3.setCharge(4); c_feature_3.setQuality((QualityType) 1.); ///construct some test peaks MSSpectrum spec; Peak1D peak; peak.setIntensity(201.334f); spec.push_back(peak); peak.setIntensity(2008.2f); spec.push_back(peak); peak.setIntensity(0.001f); spec.push_back(peak); MSSpectrum::FloatDataArrays& mdas = spec.getFloatDataArrays(); mdas.resize(3); mdas[0].setName("test_int"); mdas[0].resize(3); mdas[0][0] = 5; mdas[0][1] = 10;
/** @brief Applies the peak-picking algorithm to a map (MSExperiment). This method picks peaks for each scan in the map consecutively. The resulting picked peaks are written to the output map. Currently we have to give up const-correctness but we know that everything on disc is constant */ void PeakPickerHiRes::pickExperiment(/* const */ OnDiscMSExperiment& input, PeakMap& output, const bool check_spectrum_type) const { // make sure that output is clear output.clear(true); // copy experimental settings static_cast<ExperimentalSettings &>(output) = *input.getExperimentalSettings(); Size progress = 0; startProgress(0, input.size() + input.getNrChromatograms(), "picking peaks"); // resize output with respect to input output.resize(input.size()); if (input.getNrSpectra() > 0) { for (Size scan_idx = 0; scan_idx != input.size(); ++scan_idx) { if (ms_levels_.empty()) //auto mode { MSSpectrum s = input[scan_idx]; s.sortByPosition(); // determine type of spectral data (profile or centroided) SpectrumSettings::SpectrumType spectrumType = s.getType(); if (spectrumType == SpectrumSettings::CENTROID) { output[scan_idx] = input[scan_idx]; } else { pick(s, output[scan_idx]); } } else if (!ListUtils::contains(ms_levels_, input[scan_idx].getMSLevel())) // manual mode { output[scan_idx] = input[scan_idx]; } else { MSSpectrum s = input[scan_idx]; s.sortByPosition(); // determine type of spectral data (profile or centroided) SpectrumSettings::SpectrumType spectrum_type = s.getType(); if (spectrum_type == SpectrumSettings::CENTROID && check_spectrum_type) { throw OpenMS::Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, "Error: Centroided data provided but profile spectra expected."); } pick(s, output[scan_idx]); } setProgress(++progress); } } for (Size i = 0; i < input.getNrChromatograms(); ++i) { MSChromatogram chromatogram; pick(input.getChromatogram(i), chromatogram); output.addChromatogram(chromatogram); setProgress(++progress); } endProgress(); return; }
ExitCodes main_(int, const char**) { //---------------------------------------------------------------- // load data //---------------------------------------------------------------- StringList in_list = getStringList_("in"); String out = getStringOption_("out"); String out_csv = getStringOption_("out_csv"); String format = getStringOption_("out_type"); if (out.empty() && out_csv.empty()) { LOG_ERROR << "Neither 'out' nor 'out_csv' were provided. Please assign at least one of them." << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } if (!out.empty() && format == "") // get from filename { try { format = out.suffix('.'); } catch (Exception::ElementNotFound& /*e*/) { format = "nosuffix"; } // check if format is valid: if (!ListUtils::contains(out_formats_, format.toLower())) { LOG_ERROR << "No explicit image output format was provided via 'out_type', and the suffix ('" << format << "') does not resemble a valid type. Please fix one of them." << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } } double q_min = getDoubleOption_("q_min"); double q_max = getDoubleOption_("q_max"); if (q_min >= q_max) { LOG_ERROR << "The parameter 'q_min' must be smaller than 'q_max'. Quitting..." << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } IDEvaluationBase* mw = new IDEvaluationBase(); Param alg_param = mw->getParameters(); alg_param.insert("", getParam_().copy("algorithm:", true)); mw->setParameters(alg_param); if (!mw->loadFiles(in_list)) { LOG_ERROR << "Tool failed. See above." << std::endl; return INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT_DATA; } mw->setVisibleArea(q_min, q_max); if (!out.empty()) // save as image and exit { String error; bool r = mw->exportAsImage(out.toQString(), error, format.toQString()); if (r) return EXECUTION_OK; else { LOG_ERROR << error << std::endl; return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS; } } if (!out_csv.empty()) { TextFile tf; for (Size i = 0; i < mw->getPoints().size(); ++i) { MSSpectrum s = mw->getPoints()[i]; StringList sl1; StringList sl2; for (Size j = 0; j < s.size(); ++j) { sl1.push_back(s[j].getMZ()); sl2.push_back(s[j].getIntensity()); } tf.addLine(String("# ") + String(s.getMetaValue("search_engine"))); tf.addLine(ListUtils::concatenate(sl1, ",")); tf.addLine(ListUtils::concatenate(sl2, ",")); }; } delete(mw); return EXECUTION_OK; }
using namespace OpenMS; GaussFilter* dgauss_ptr = nullptr; GaussFilter* dgauss_nullPointer = nullptr; START_SECTION((GaussFilter())) dgauss_ptr = new GaussFilter; TEST_NOT_EQUAL(dgauss_ptr, dgauss_nullPointer) END_SECTION START_SECTION((virtual ~GaussFilter())) delete dgauss_ptr; END_SECTION START_SECTION((template <typename PeakType> void filter(MSSpectrum& spectrum))) MSSpectrum spectrum; spectrum.resize(5); MSSpectrum::Iterator it = spectrum.begin(); for (Size i=0; i<5; ++i, ++it) { it->setIntensity(1.0f); it->setMZ(500.0+0.2*i); } GaussFilter gauss; Param param; param.setValue( "gaussian_width", 1.0); gauss.setParameters(param); gauss.filter(spectrum); it=spectrum.begin();
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MSSpectrum* ptr = 0; MSSpectrum* nullPointer = 0; START_SECTION((MSSpectrum())) ptr = new MSSpectrum(); TEST_NOT_EQUAL(ptr, nullPointer) END_SECTION START_SECTION((~MSSpectrum())) delete ptr; END_SECTION START_SECTION(([EXTRA] MSSpectrum())) MSSpectrum tmp; Peak1D peak; peak.getPosition()[0] = 47.11; tmp.push_back(peak); TEST_EQUAL(tmp.size(),1); TEST_REAL_SIMILAR(tmp[0].getMZ(),47.11); END_SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Member accessors START_SECTION((UInt getMSLevel() const)) MSSpectrum spec; TEST_EQUAL(spec.getMSLevel(),1) END_SECTION
PeakTypeEstimator* ptr = nullptr; PeakTypeEstimator* nullPointer = nullptr; START_SECTION(([EXTRA]PeakTypeEstimator())) ptr = new PeakTypeEstimator(); TEST_NOT_EQUAL(ptr, nullPointer) END_SECTION START_SECTION(([EXTRA] ~PeakTypeEstimator())) delete ptr; END_SECTION START_SECTION((template<typename PeakConstIterator> SpectrumSettings::SpectrumType estimateType(const PeakConstIterator& begin, const PeakConstIterator& end) const)) DTAFile file; MSSpectrum spec; // raw data (with zeros) file.load(OPENMS_GET_TEST_DATA_PATH("PeakTypeEstimator_raw.dta"), spec); TEST_EQUAL(PeakTypeEstimator::estimateType(spec.begin(), spec.end()), SpectrumSettings::PROFILE); // TOF raw data (without zeros) file.load(OPENMS_GET_TEST_DATA_PATH("PeakTypeEstimator_rawTOF.dta"), spec); TEST_EQUAL(PeakTypeEstimator::estimateType(spec.begin(), spec.end()), SpectrumSettings::PROFILE); // peak data file.load(OPENMS_GET_TEST_DATA_PATH("PeakTypeEstimator_peak.dta"), spec); TEST_EQUAL(PeakTypeEstimator::estimateType(spec.begin(), spec.end()), SpectrumSettings::CENTROID); // too few data points spec.resize(4); TEST_EQUAL(PeakTypeEstimator::estimateType(spec.begin(), spec.end()), SpectrumSettings::UNKNOWN); END_SECTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool MSSpectrum::RTLess::operator()(const MSSpectrum &a, const MSSpectrum &b) const { return a.getRT() < b.getRT(); }