Example #1
void GetBarycentricCoordinates(const MPoint& P, const MPoint& A, const MPoint& B, const MPoint& C,
                               BaryCoords& coords) {
  // Compute the normal of the triangle
  MVector N = (B - A) ^ (C - A);
  MVector unitN = N.normal();

  // Compute twice area of triangle ABC
  double areaABC = unitN * N;

  if (areaABC == 0.0) {
    // If the triangle is degenerate, just use one of the points.
    coords[0] = 1.0f;
    coords[1] = 0.0f;
    coords[2] = 0.0f;

  // Compute a
  double areaPBC = unitN * ((B - P) ^ (C - P));
  coords[0] = (float)(areaPBC / areaABC);

  // Compute b
  double areaPCA = unitN * ((C - P) ^ (A - P));
  coords[1] = (float)(areaPCA / areaABC);

  // Compute c
  coords[2] = 1.0f - coords[0] - coords[1];
Example #2
void GetValidUp(const MDoubleArray& weights, const MPointArray& points,
                const MIntArray& sampleIds, const MPoint& origin, const MVector& normal,
                MVector& up) {
  MVector unitUp = up.normal();
  // Adjust up if it's parallel to normal or if it's zero length
  if (std::abs((unitUp * normal) - 1.0) < 0.001 || up.length() < 0.0001) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < weights.length()-1; ++j) {
      up -= (points[sampleIds[j]] - origin) * weights[j];
      unitUp = up.normal();
      if (std::abs((unitUp * normal) - 1.0) > 0.001 && up.length() > 0.0001) {
        // If the up and normal vectors are no longer parallel and the up vector has a length,
        // then we are good to go.
  } else {
    up = unitUp;
MStatus HairToolContext::doPress( MEvent& event )
	// if we have a left mouse click
	if(event.mouseButton() == MEvent::kLeftMouse)
		//Our Viewer
		m_View = M3dView::active3dView();

		//Get Screen click position
		event.getPosition( m_storage[0], m_storage[1] );
		screenPoints = vector<vec2>();
		screenPoints.push_back(vec2(m_storage[0], m_storage[1]));
		//char buffer[200];
		//sprintf(buffer, "print \"%i, %i\\n\"", m_storage[0], m_storage[1]);

		//Camera stuff
		MPoint origin = MPoint();
		MVector direction = MVector();
		m_View.viewToWorld(m_storage[0], m_storage[1], origin, direction);

		//Iterate through meshes in scene
		bool intersection = false;
		MPointArray points =  MPointArray();
		MIntArray polygonIds =  MIntArray();
		MItDag dagIter = MItDag(MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kInvalid);
		for( ; !dagIter.isDone(); dagIter.next() ){
			MDagPath dagPath;
			MFnDagNode dagNode( dagPath);

			//Object cannot be intermediate, it must be a mesh
			if( dagNode.isIntermediateObject() ) continue;
			if( !dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh) ) continue;
			if( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kTransform) ) continue;

			MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("print \"node is a mesh \\n\""));

			//MFnMesh mesh = MFnMesh(dagPath);
			MFnMesh mesh(dagPath);
			points =  MPointArray();
			polygonIds =  MIntArray();
			intersection = mesh.intersect(origin, direction, points, 1e-010, MSpace::kWorld, &polygonIds);
			intersectionFound = true;

			MDagPath dagPath;
			// MFnMesh mesh = MFnMesh(dagPath);
			MFnMesh mesh(dagPath);

			//Polygon Normal
			MVector polygonNormal;
			mesh.getPolygonNormal(polygonIds[0], polygonNormal, MSpace::kWorld);
			if(polygonNormal.normal().angle(direction.normal()) < 20.0f){
				//polygonNormal = mesh.get

			//Camera Right
			MFnCamera camera(dagPath);
			MVector cameraRight = camera.rightDirection(MSpace::kWorld);
			//Resulting Plane
			point = points[0];
			normal = cameraRight^polygonNormal;

			//pushback point
			splinePoints = vector<MPoint>();
			splinePoints.push_back(MPoint(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[0].z, points[0].w));

			/*//Calculate Tvalue
			tValue = (points[0].x - origin.x)/direction.x;*/
			intersectionFound = false;
			MGlobal::executeCommand("print \" No Intersection \\n\"");

		// yay!
		return MS::kSuccess;

	// just let the base class handle the event*/
	return MPxContext::doPress(event);
MStatus sgCurveEditBrush_context::editCurve( MDagPath dagPathCurve,
		int beforeX, int beforeY, int currentX, int currentY, float radius, 
		const MDoubleArray& dArrLength, MPointArray &points )
	MStatus status;

	if( radius < 0 ) return MS::kSuccess;

	MDagPath dagPathCam;
	M3dView view = M3dView::active3dView( &status );

	view.getCamera( dagPathCam );

	MPoint  camPos = dagPathCam.inclusiveMatrix()[3];
	MVector vCamUp  = dagPathCam.inclusiveMatrix()[1];

	radius *= .05;

	MPoint nearClipBefore;
	MPoint farClipBefore;
	view.viewToWorld( beforeX, beforeY, nearClipBefore, farClipBefore );

	MVector rayBefore  = nearClipBefore - camPos;
	rayBefore *= 20;
	MPoint  posBefore = rayBefore + camPos;

	MPoint nearClipCurrent;
	MPoint farClipCurrent;
	view.viewToWorld( currentX, currentY, nearClipCurrent, farClipCurrent );

	MVector rayCurrent = nearClipCurrent - camPos;
	rayCurrent *= 20;
	MPoint  posCurrent = rayCurrent + camPos;

	MVector vMove = posCurrent - posBefore;

	MMatrix mtxCurve = dagPathCurve.inclusiveMatrix();
	MFnNurbsCurve fnCurve( dagPathCurve );

	fnCurve.getCVs( points );

	for( int i=0; i< points.length(); i++ )
		points[i] *= mtxCurve;

	for( int i=1; i< points.length(); i++ )
		MPoint cuPoint = points[i];
		MVector vPoint = cuPoint - camPos;

		MVector projV = ( vPoint * rayBefore )/( pow( rayBefore.length(), 2 ) )* rayBefore;
		MVector vertical = vPoint - projV;
		float radiusForPoint = vertical.length() / projV.length();

		if( radius < radiusForPoint )
		MPoint parentPoint = points[i-1];

		MVector vCurveDirection = cuPoint - parentPoint;
		double vDirLength = vCurveDirection.length();

		MVector vEditDirection = vCurveDirection + vMove/rayBefore.length()*projV.length();

		double dotEdit = vCurveDirection.normal() * vEditDirection.normal();
		if( dotEdit < 0 ) continue;
		vEditDirection = vEditDirection * dotEdit + vCurveDirection*( 1-dotEdit );

		MVector vEditLength = vEditDirection / vEditDirection.length() * vCurveDirection.length();

		MVector vEdit = (vEditLength - vCurveDirection) * pow((double)(1-radiusForPoint/radius), 1 );
		points[i] += vEdit;

		for( int j=i+1; j< points.length(); j++ )
			MPoint beforePoint = points[j];
			MPoint pPoint = points[j-1];
			MPoint beforePPoint = pPoint - vEdit;

			MVector vBefore = points[j] - beforePPoint;
			MVector vAfter  = points[j] - pPoint;
			MVector vCurrent = vAfter.normal() * dArrLength[j];
			points[j] = vCurrent + pPoint;

			vEdit = points[j] - beforePoint;

	MMatrix invMtxCurve = mtxCurve.inverse();
	for( int i=0; i< points.length(); i++ )
		points[i] *= invMtxCurve;

	fnCurve.setCVs( points );

	return MS::kSuccess;