Example #1
/*! If frame or line mapping is used the parameter Count is used to
 *	determine how many items are read. In frame wrapping it is in
 *	units of EditRate, as specified in the call to Use(), which may
 *  not be the frame rate of this essence stream
 *	\note This is the only safe option for clip wrapping
 *	\return Count of bytes transferred
Length mxflib::WAVE_PCM_EssenceSubParser::Write(FileHandle InFile, UInt32 Stream, MXFFilePtr OutFile, UInt64 Count /*=1*/ /*, IndexTablePtr Index*/ /*=NULL*/)
	const unsigned int BUFFERSIZE = 32768;
	UInt8 *Buffer = new UInt8[BUFFERSIZE];

	// Move to the current position
	if(BytePosition == 0) BytePosition = DataStart;
	FileSeek(InFile, BytePosition);
	// Scan the stream and find out how many bytes to transfer
	// Either use the cached value, or scan the stream and find out how many bytes to read
	if((CachedDataSize == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) || (CachedCount != Count)) ReadInternal(InFile, Stream, Count);
	size_t Bytes = CachedDataSize;
	Length Ret = static_cast<Length>(Bytes);

	// Clear the cached size
	CachedDataSize = static_cast<size_t>(-1);

		size_t ChunkSize;
		// Number of bytes to transfer in this chunk
		if(Bytes < BUFFERSIZE) ChunkSize = Bytes; else ChunkSize = BUFFERSIZE;

		FileRead(InFile, Buffer, ChunkSize);
		OutFile->Write(Buffer, ChunkSize);

		Bytes -= ChunkSize;

	// Update the file pointer
	BytePosition = FileTell(InFile);

	// Free the buffer
	delete[] Buffer;

	return Ret; 