MagnatuneArtistInfoBox::displayAlbumInfo( MagnatuneAlbum *album )
    const MagnatuneArtist artist = MagnatuneDatabaseHandler::instance()->getArtistById( album->getArtistId() );
    const QString artistName = artist.getName();

    QString infoHtml = "<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" " 
                       "CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"></HEAD><BODY>";

    infoHtml += "<div align=\"center\"><strong>";
    infoHtml += artistName;
    infoHtml += "</strong><br><em>";
    infoHtml += album->getName();
    infoHtml += "</em><br><br>";
    infoHtml += "<img src=\"" + album->getCoverURL() +
                "\" align=\"middle\" border=\"1\">";

    infoHtml += "<br><br>Genre: " + album->getMp3Genre();
    infoHtml += "<br>Release Year: " + QString::number( album->getLaunchDate().year() );
    infoHtml += "<br><br>From</div>";
    infoHtml += "</BODY></HTML>";

    write( infoHtml );

    return true;
void MagnatuneAlbumDownloader::albumDownloadComplete( KIO::Job * downloadJob )

    debug() << "album download complete" << endl;

    if ( !downloadJob->error() == 0 )
        //TODO: error handling here
        return ;
    if ( downloadJob != m_albumDownloadJob )
        return ; //not the right job, so let's ignore it

    //ok, now we have the .zip file downloaded. All we need is to unpack it to the desired location and add it to the collection.

    QString unzipString = "unzip "+ KProcess::quote( + m_currentAlbumFileName) + " -d " +KProcess::quote( m_currentAlbumUnpackLocation ) + " &";

    debug() << "unpacking: " << unzipString << endl;

    system( unzipString.ascii() );

    if (m_currentAlbumId != -1 ) {

        //now I really want to add the album cover to the same folder where I just unzipped the album... The
        //only way of getting the actual location where the album was unpacked is using the artist and album names

        MagnatuneAlbum album = MagnatuneDatabaseHandler::instance()->getAlbumById( m_currentAlbumId );
        MagnatuneArtist artist = MagnatuneDatabaseHandler::instance()->getArtistById( album.getArtistId() );

        QString finalAlbumPath = m_currentAlbumUnpackLocation + "/" + artist.getName() + "/" + album.getName();
        QString coverUrlString = album.getCoverURL();

        KURL downloadUrl( coverUrlString );

        debug() << "Adding cover " << downloadUrl.url() << " to collection at " << finalAlbumPath << endl;

        m_albumDownloadJob = KIO::file_copy( downloadUrl, KURL( finalAlbumPath + "/cover.jpg" ), -1, true, false, false );

        connect( m_albumDownloadJob, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ), SLOT( coverAddComplete( KIO::Job* ) ) );

        Amarok::StatusBar::instance() ->newProgressOperation( m_albumDownloadJob )
        .setDescription( i18n( "Adding album cover to collection" ) )
        .setAbortSlot( this, SLOT( coverAddAborted() ) );

    } else {

        //we do not know exactly what album this is (we are most likely using the redownload manager)
        emit( downloadComplete( true ) );

Example #3
void MagnatunePurchaseDialog::setAlbum( const MagnatuneAlbum &album )

    albumEdit->setText( album.getName() );

    MagnatuneArtist artist = MagnatuneDatabaseHandler::instance()->getArtistById( album.getArtistId() );
    artistEdit->setText( artist.getName() );
    genresEdit->setText( album.getMp3Genre() );
    launchDateEdit->setText( QString::number( album.getLaunchDate().year() ) );

    m_albumCode = album.getAlbumCode();

Example #4
void MagnatuneInfoParser::getInfo(ArtistPtr artist)

    showLoading( i18n( "Loading artist info..." ) );

    MagnatuneArtist * magnatuneArtist = dynamic_cast<MagnatuneArtist *>( );
    if ( magnatuneArtist == 0) return;

    debug() << "MagnatuneInfoParser: getInfo about artist";

    // first get the entire artist html page
   /* QString tempFile;
    QString orgHtml;*/

    m_infoDownloadJob = KIO::storedGet( magnatuneArtist->magnatuneUrl(), KIO::Reload, KIO::HideProgressInfo );
    Amarok::Components::logger()->newProgressOperation( m_infoDownloadJob, i18n( "Fetching %1 Artist Info", magnatuneArtist->prettyName() ) );
    connect( m_infoDownloadJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob *)), SLOT( artistInfoDownloadComplete( KJob*) ) );
