Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	 * Read and parse a point set.

	/* Open a data stream for reading.
	 * We first open data.txt. There is also kote1.txt which contains height
	 * values in addition to x,y positions.

	ifstream data("data.txt");
	vector<Vec2d> pts;
				double x,y;
				data >> x >> y;

						Vec2d p(x,y);
						dmin = v_min(p,dmin);
						dmax = v_max(p,dmax);
	cout << "Loaded " << pts.size() << " points "  <<  endl;

	Vec2d trans((dmax[0]+dmin[0])/2,(dmax[1]+dmin[1])/2);
	double skal = 2/max(dmax[0]-dmin[0],dmax[1]-dmin[1]);

	/* Træk trans fra alle punkter og gang med 'skal'*/
	for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
		pts[i] -= trans;
		pts[i] *= skal;

	 * Build a triangle mesh with a single triangle consisting of the
	 * first three vertices.

	create_single_triangle_manifold(Vec3f(0, 3, 0),
																	Vec3f(4.5, -1.5, 0),
																	Vec3f(-4.5, -1.5, 0),
	// Initially just split the triangle by inserting the first point
	VertexID v = m.split_face_by_vertex(*m.faces_begin());
	m.pos(v) = Vec3d(pts[0][0], pts[0][1], 0);
	// Now insert all of the remaining points
	for (int i = 1; i < pts.size(); i++) {		
		Vec3d insertionPoint = Vec3d(pts[i][0], pts[i][1], 0);
		VertexID insertionVertex;

		// Loop over all the faces and find the face that contains the point
		for(FaceIDIterator f = m.faces_begin(); f != m.faces_end(); f++) {
			Walker w = m.walker(*f);
			bool isLeftOf = true;
			while (!w.full_circle()) {
				// If the point to be inserted is not to the left of the halfedge, then break the while loop and continue to the next face
				if (!leftOf(m.pos(w.circulate_face_ccw().vertex()), m.pos(w.vertex()), insertionPoint)) {
					isLeftOf = false;
				w = w.circulate_face_cw();

			// if we found the face the point belongs to then insert it and break the for loop
			if (isLeftOf == true) {
				insertionVertex = m.split_face_by_vertex(*f);
				m.pos(insertionVertex) = insertionPoint;

		// Now loop over all the edges affected by the inserted point. 
		// Note that we are assuming that the point was inserted, if not then this will crash spectacularly.
		Walker w = m.walker(insertionVertex);
		// Keep track of the next halfedge pointing TO the inserted vertex
		HalfEdgeID next_edge = w.circulate_vertex_ccw().opp().halfedge();
		HalfEdgeAttributeVector<int> touched;
		while (!w.full_circle()) {
			// Iterate over the face of the current halfedge until we reach the next edge pointing TO the inserted vertex
			if(w.halfedge() != next_edge) {
				// Check if the current halfedge is locally Delaunay using the inCircle function
				recursiveDelaunayFlip(m, w, false);
				// Update the walker to be the next halfedge in the current face.
				w = w.circulate_face_ccw();
			} else {
				// If we are the next edge pointing to the inserted vertex then go to opposite halfedge. This means we are now looking at the halfedge pointing AWAY from the inserted vertex.
				w = w.opp();
				// Remember to update the next_edge to be the next halfedge pointing to the inserted vertex.
				next_edge = w.circulate_vertex_ccw().opp().halfedge();

	 * Initialize GLUT, the system used to show OpenGL windows.
	glutInit(&argc, argv);

	glutDisplayFunc(display); // This function is called from glut to draw
	glutKeyboardFunc(keyfun); // Parse keyboard input
	// Pass control to glut
	return 0;