Example #1
        operator()( T_Field field, T_OpFunctor opFunctor, T_ValFunctor valFunctor, uint32_t currentStep, const bool enabled = true ) const
            if( !enabled )

            const SubGrid<simDim>& subGrid = Environment<simDim>::get().SubGrid();
            /** offset due to being the n-th GPU */
            DataSpace<simDim> totalCellOffset(subGrid.getLocalDomain().offset);
            const uint32_t numSlides = MovingWindow::getInstance().getSlideCounter( currentStep );

            /** Assumption: all GPUs have the same number of cells in
             *              y direction for sliding window */
            totalCellOffset.y() += numSlides * subGrid.getLocalDomain().size.y();
            /* the first block will start with less offset if started in the GUARD */
            if( T_Area & GUARD)
                totalCellOffset -= m_cellDescription.getSuperCellSize() * m_cellDescription.getGuardingSuperCells();
            /* if we run _only_ in the CORE we have to add the BORDER's offset */
            else if( T_Area == CORE )
                totalCellOffset += m_cellDescription.getSuperCellSize() * m_cellDescription.getBorderSuperCells();

            /* start kernel */
            __picKernelArea((kernelCellwiseOperation<T_OpFunctor>), m_cellDescription, T_Area)
                    (field->getDeviceDataBox(), opFunctor, valFunctor, totalCellOffset, currentStep);
    static void addOneParticle(ParticlesClass& parClass, MappingDesc cellDescription, DataSpace<simDim> globalCell)

        const SubGrid<simDim>& subGrid = Environment<simDim>::get().SubGrid();
        const DataSpace<simDim> globalTopLeft = subGrid.getLocalDomain().offset;
        const DataSpace<simDim> localSimulationArea = subGrid.getLocalDomain().size;
        DataSpace<simDim> localParCell = globalCell - globalTopLeft;

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) simDim; ++i)
            //chek if particle is in the simulation area
            if (localParCell[i] < 0 || localParCell[i] >= localSimulationArea[i])

        //calculate supercell
        DataSpace<simDim> localSuperCell = (localParCell / MappingDesc::SuperCellSize::toRT());
        DataSpace<simDim> cellInSuperCell = localParCell - (localSuperCell * MappingDesc::SuperCellSize::toRT());
        //add garding blocks to supercell
        localSuperCell = localSuperCell + cellDescription.getGuardingSuperCells();

            (1, 1)
             localSuperCell, cellInSuperCell);


        std::cout << "Wait for add particle" << std::endl;
    SglParticle<FloatPos> getPositionsParticles(uint32_t currentStep)

        typedef typename MappingDesc::SuperCellSize SuperCellSize;
        SglParticle<FloatPos> positionParticleTmp;

        dim3 block(SuperCellSize::getDataSpace());

        __picKernelArea(kernelPositionsParticles, *cellDescription, AREA)

        DataSpace<simDim> localSize(cellDescription->getGridLayout().getDataSpaceWithoutGuarding());
        VirtualWindow window(MovingWindow::getInstance().getVirtualWindow(currentStep));

        DataSpace<simDim> gpuPhyCellOffset(SubGrid<simDim>::getInstance().getSimulationBox().getGlobalOffset());
        gpuPhyCellOffset.y() += (localSize.y() * window.slides);

        gParticle->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[0].globalCellOffset += gpuPhyCellOffset;

        return gParticle->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[0];
    static void addOneParticle(ParticlesClass& parClass, MappingDesc cellDescription, DataSpace<DIM3> globalCell)

        PMACC_AUTO(simBox, SubGrid<simDim>::getInstance().getSimulationBox());
        const DataSpace<DIM3> globalTopLeft = simBox.getGlobalOffset();
        const DataSpace<DIM3> localSimulationArea = simBox.getLocalSize();
        DataSpace<DIM3> localParCell = globalCell - globalTopLeft;

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) DIM3; ++i)
            //chek if particle is in the simulation area
            if (localParCell[i] < 0 || localParCell[i] >= localSimulationArea[i])

        //calculate supercell 
        DataSpace<DIM3> localSuperCell = (localParCell / MappingDesc::SuperCellSize::getDataSpace());
        DataSpace<DIM3> cellInSuperCell = localParCell - (localSuperCell * MappingDesc::SuperCellSize::getDataSpace());
        //add garding blocks to supercell 
        localSuperCell = localSuperCell + cellDescription.getGuardingSuperCells();

            (1, 1)
             localSuperCell, cellInSuperCell);


        std::cout << "Wait for add particle" << std::endl;
Example #5
        void notify(uint32_t currentStep)
            typedef typename MappingDesc::SuperCellSize SuperCellSize;

            DataConnector& dc = Environment<>::get().DataConnector();

            fieldE = &(dc.getData<FieldE > (FieldE::getName(), true));
            fieldB = &(dc.getData<FieldB > (FieldB::getName(), true));

            const int rank = Environment<simDim>::get().GridController().getGlobalRank();
            getLineSliceFields < CORE + BORDER > ();

            const SubGrid<simDim>& subGrid = Environment<simDim>::get().SubGrid();

            // number of cells on the current CPU for each direction
            const DataSpace<simDim> nrOfGpuCells = cellDescription->getGridLayout().getDataSpaceWithoutGuarding();

            // global cell id offset (without guardings!)
            // returns the global id offset of the "first" border cell on a GPU
            const DataSpace<simDim> globalCellIdOffset(subGrid.getLocalDomain().offset);

            // global number of cells for whole simulation: local cells on GPU * GPUs
            // (assumed same size on each gpu :-/  -> todo: provide interface!)
            //! \todo create a function for: global number of cells for whole simulation
            const DataSpace<simDim> globalNrOfCells = subGrid.getGlobalDomain().size;

            /*FORMAT OUTPUT*/
            /** \todo add float3_X with position of the cell to output*/
            // check if the current GPU contains the "middle slice" along
            // X_global / 2; Y_global / 2 over Z
            if (globalCellIdOffset.x() <= globalNrOfCells.x() / 2 &&
                    globalCellIdOffset.x() + nrOfGpuCells.x() > globalNrOfCells.x() / 2)
                if( globalCellIdOffset.z() <= globalNrOfCells.z() / 2 &&
                    globalCellIdOffset.z() + nrOfGpuCells.z() > globalNrOfCells.z() / 2)
                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfGpuCells.y(); ++i)
                    const double xPos = double( i + globalCellIdOffset.y()) * SI::CELL_HEIGHT_SI;

                    outfile << currentStep << " " << rank << " ";
                    outfile << xPos << " "
                            /*<< sliceDataField->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[i] */
                            << double(sliceDataField->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[i].x()) * UNIT_EFIELD << " "
                            << double(sliceDataField->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[i].y()) * UNIT_EFIELD << " "
                            << double(sliceDataField->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[i].z()) * UNIT_EFIELD << " "
                            << "\n";

            /* outfile << "[ANALYSIS] [" << rank << "] [COUNTER] [LineSliceFields] [" << currentStep << "] " <<
                    sliceDataField << "\n"; */

            // free line to separate timesteps in gnuplot via the "index" option
            outfile << std::endl;