Example #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MastSendTool *tool = NULL;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;

    // Create the send tool object
    tool = new MastSendTool( MAST_TOOL_NAME );

    // Parse the command line arguments
    // and configure the session
    parse_cmd_line( argc, argv, tool );

    // Open the input file by filename
    memset( &sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo) );
    g_input_file = sf_open(g_filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
    if (g_input_file == NULL) MAST_FATAL("Failed to open input file:\n%s", sf_strerror(NULL));
    tool->set_input_channels( sfinfo.channels );
    tool->set_input_samplerate( sfinfo.samplerate );

    // Display some information about the input file
    print_file_info( g_input_file, &sfinfo );

    // Setup signal handlers

    // Run the main loop

    // Clean up
    delete tool;

    // Close input file
    if (sf_close( g_input_file )) {
        MAST_ERROR("Failed to close input file:\n%s", sf_strerror(g_input_file));

    // Success !
    return 0;
Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	MastSendTool *tool = NULL;
	jack_client_t* client = NULL;

	// Create the send tool object
	tool = new MastSendTool( MAST_TOOL_NAME );

	// Parse the command line arguments 
	// and configure the session
	parse_cmd_line( argc, argv, tool );

	// Initialise Jack
	client = init_jack( tool );
	if (client==NULL) MAST_FATAL( "Failed to initialise JACK client" );
	// Get the samplerate of the JACK Router
	tool->set_input_samplerate( jack_get_sample_rate( client ) );
	// Setup signal handlers

	// Run the main loop
	// Clean up
	delete tool;

	// Shut down JACK
	deinit_jack( client );

	// Success !
	return 0;