Example #1
// Variance Ratio
double getVR(Mat hist1,Mat hist2)
	Mat idx=Mat::zeros(hist1.rows,hist1.cols,CV_32FC1);
	for (int i=0;i<idx.rows;++i)
		float* r_ptr=idx.ptr<float>(i);
	double mean_idx=hist1.dot(idx);
	Mat temp=idx-mean_idx;
	double variance1=hist1.dot(temp);

	double variance2=hist2.dot(temp);

	Mat hist_mean=(hist1+hist2)*0.5;
	double variance_mean=hist_mean.dot(temp);

	return variance_mean/(variance1+variance2);
Example #2
Mat UpdateCompetition(Mat Transformed_Templates, Mat BackwardTransform, Mat g, int r, double k, Mat TranSc,double p){
    int count = Transformed_Templates.rows;
    Mat subtracted_g(g.rows, g.cols, CV_64FC1);
    Mat thresholded_g(g.rows, g.cols, CV_32FC1);
    double Thresh_VAL = 0.1;
    double MAX_VAL = 1;
    Mat q(g.rows, g.cols, CV_32F);
    double T_L2;
    double BackwardTransform_L2;
    double min, max;

	if (dispsc)
		cout << TranSc << endl;
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		if (g.at<float>(0, i) == 0) {
			q.at<float>(0, i) = 0;
        Mat T = Transformed_Templates.row(i).reshape(0,r);
        //T_L2 = norm(T, NORM_L2);
		T_L2 = sum(T)[0];
		//T_L2 = sum(T)[0];
        //BackwardTransform_L2 = norm(BackwardTransform, NORM_L2);
		BackwardTransform_L2 = sum(BackwardTransform)[0];
		if (test_comp) {
			imshow("T", T);
			imshow("BackwardTransform", BackwardTransform);

		//cout << TranSc << endl;
        if(BackwardTransform_L2 !=0 && T_L2 != 0){
			if (startscale)
				q.at<float>(0,i) = T.dot(BackwardTransform)*((TranSc.at<float>(0,i)));
			//q.at<double>(0, i) = T.dot(BackwardTransform) / T_L2;
				q.at<float>(0, i) = T.dot(BackwardTransform);
            q.at<float>(0,i) = 0;
		if (startscale)
			if (TranSc.at<float>(0,i) < 1)
				p = 1.5;


    //cout<<"q: "<<q<<endl;
    minMaxLoc(q, &min, &max);
   // cout<<"q_min:"<<min<<"  q_max: "<<max<<endl;
	Mat temp;
	pow(1- q / max, p, temp);
    subtract(g, k*(temp), subtracted_g) ;
	//cout << "g:" << g << "  subtracted_g: " << subtracted_g << endl;
    threshold(subtracted_g, thresholded_g, Thresh_VAL, MAX_VAL, THRESH_TOZERO);
    return thresholded_g;
Example #3
void MarkerLocator::ChangeSpace(Mat& r_point)
    double wz = r_point.dot(m_robotForward) / m_robotForward.dot(m_robotForward);
    double wx = r_point.dot(m_robotSide) / m_robotSide.dot(m_robotSide);

    r_point = (Mat_<double>(3, 1) << wx, 0.0, wz);
Mat cal_3d_point2line_intersect(Mat l_first_point, Mat l_second_point, Mat point) {
	Mat v = l_second_point - l_first_point;
	Mat w = point - l_first_point;

	double c1 = w.dot(v);
	double c2 = v.dot(v);
	double b = c1 / c2;

	return l_first_point + b * v;
float cal_3d_point2line_distance(Mat l_first_point, Mat l_second_point, Mat point) {
	Mat v = l_second_point - l_first_point;
	Mat w = point - l_first_point;

	double c1 = w.dot(v);
	double c2 = v.dot(v);
	double b = c1 / c2;

	Mat norm = point - (l_first_point + b * v);
	return norm.dot(norm);
float CalcDistanceToFeatureLine(Mat f1, Mat f2, Mat fx)
	Mat a = fx - f1;
	Mat b = f2 - f1;
	double numerator   = a.dot(b);
	double denominator = b.dot(b);
	float muy = (float)(numerator / denominator);
	Mat   px = f1 + muy*(f2 - f1);
	return CalcVectorMagnitude((fx - px));
double calculateArea(Mat img,int col,int row)

    Mat A = Mat::ones(row, col, CV_8U);
    return A.dot(img);
Example #8
float SVMSGDImpl::calcShift(InputArray _samples, InputArray _responses) const
    float margin[2] = { std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };

    Mat trainSamples = _samples.getMat();
    int trainSamplesCount = trainSamples.rows;

    Mat trainResponses = _responses.getMat();

    CV_Assert(trainResponses.type() ==  CV_32FC1);
    for (int samplesIndex = 0; samplesIndex < trainSamplesCount; samplesIndex++)
        Mat currentSample = trainSamples.row(samplesIndex);
        float dotProduct = static_cast<float>(currentSample.dot(weights_));

        bool positive = isPositive(trainResponses.at<float>(samplesIndex));
        int index = positive ? 0 : 1;
        float signToMul = positive ? 1.f : -1.f;
        float curMargin = dotProduct * signToMul;

        if (curMargin < margin[index])
            margin[index] = curMargin;

    return -(margin[0] - margin[1]) / 2.f;
Example #9
float SVMSGDImpl::predict( InputArray _samples, OutputArray _results, int ) const
    float result = 0;
    cv::Mat samples = _samples.getMat();
    int nSamples = samples.rows;
    cv::Mat results;

    CV_Assert( samples.cols == weights_.cols && samples.type() == CV_32FC1);

    if( _results.needed() )
        _results.create( nSamples, 1, samples.type() );
        results = _results.getMat();
        CV_Assert( nSamples == 1 );
        results = Mat(1, 1, CV_32FC1, &result);

    for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < nSamples; sampleIndex++)
        Mat currentSample = samples.row(sampleIndex);
        float criterion = static_cast<float>(currentSample.dot(weights_)) + shift_;
        results.at<float>(sampleIndex) = (criterion >= 0) ? 1.f : -1.f;

    return result;
Example #10
/* Convolutions */
Mat Image::convolution1D1C(Mat &input, Mat &mask, bool reflected)
  // Expand the matrix
  Mat expanded, copy_input;
  int borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT;
  int offset = (mask.cols - 1) / 2;

  if (reflected)
    borderType = BORDER_REFLECT;


  // Convolution!
  Mat ROI;
  Mat output = Mat::zeros(1, input.cols, CV_32FC1);

  for (int i = 0; i < input.cols; i++) // Index are OK
    ROI = Mat(expanded, Rect(i,0,mask.cols,1));
    output.at<float>(Point(i,0)) = ROI.dot(mask);

  return output;
void apply5Filter(Mat source, Mat filter, Mat result){
    //dims of source mat
    int h = source.rows;
    int w = source.cols;
    Mat temp;
    double dot;

    //allocate space for result mat
    //incase result and source are same vector, we don't overwrite result
    Mat tempResult(h, w, CV_64F);

    //add border to source image for filtering
    copyMakeBorder(source, temp, 2, 2, 2, 2, BORDER_REPLICATE);

    //filter source mat and store in result mat pixel by pixel
    for(int i = 0; i < h; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < w; j++){
            dot = filter.dot(temp.rowRange(i, i+5).colRange(j, j+5));
            tempResult.at<double>(i, j) = dot;

    //overwrite result
train(const vector<Mat> &images,
      const Size psize,
      const float var,
      const float lambda,
      const float mu_init,
      const int nsamples,
      const bool visi)
  int N = images.size(),n = psize.width*psize.height;

  //compute desired response map
  Size wsize = images[0].size();
  if((wsize.width < psize.width) || (wsize.height < psize.height)){
    cerr << "Invalid image size < patch size!" << endl; throw std::exception();
  int dx = wsize.width-psize.width,dy = wsize.height-psize.height;
  Mat F(dy,dx,CV_32F);
  for(int y = 0; y < dy; y++){   float vy = (dy-1)/2 - y;
    for(int x = 0; x < dx; x++){ float vx = (dx-1)/2 - x;
      F.fl(y,x) = exp(-0.5*(vx*vx+vy*vy)/var);

  //allocate memory
  Mat I(wsize.height,wsize.width,CV_32F);
  Mat dP(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F);
  Mat O = Mat::ones(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F)/n;
  P = Mat::zeros(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F);

  //optimise using stochastic gradient descent
  RNG rn(getTickCount()); double mu=mu_init,step=pow(1e-8/mu_init,1.0/nsamples);
  for(int sample = 0; sample < nsamples; sample++){ int i = rn.uniform(0,N);
    I = this->convert_image(images[i]); dP = 0.0;
    for(int y = 0; y < dy; y++){
      for(int x = 0; x < dx; x++){
    Mat Wi = I(Rect(x,y,psize.width,psize.height)).clone();
    Wi -= Wi.dot(O); normalize(Wi,Wi);
    dP += (F.fl(y,x) - P.dot(Wi))*Wi;
    P += mu*(dP - lambda*P); mu *= step;
      Mat R; matchTemplate(I,P,R,CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
      Mat PP; normalize(P,PP,0,1,NORM_MINMAX);
      imshow("P",PP); imshow("dP",dP); imshow("R",R); 
      if(waitKey(10) == 27)break;
Example #13
File: ecc.cpp Project: 4auka/opencv
static void project_onto_jacobian_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2, Mat& dst)
    /* this functions is used for two types of projections. If src1.cols ==src.cols
    it does a blockwise multiplication (like in the outer product of vectors)
    of the blocks in matrices src1 and src2 and dst
    has size (number_of_blcks x number_of_blocks), otherwise dst is a vector of size
    (number_of_blocks x 1) since src2 is "multiplied"(dot) with each block of src1.

    The number_of_blocks is equal to the number of parameters we are lloking for
    (i.e. rtanslation:2, euclidean: 3, affine: 6, homography: 8)

    CV_Assert(src1.rows == src2.rows);
    CV_Assert((src1.cols % src2.cols) == 0);
    int w;

    float* dstPtr = dst.ptr<float>(0);

    if (src1.cols !=src2.cols){//dst.cols==1
        w  = src2.cols;
        for (int i=0; i<dst.rows; i++){
            dstPtr[i] = (float) src2.dot(src1.colRange(i*w,(i+1)*w));

    else {
        CV_Assert(dst.cols == dst.rows); //dst is square (and symmetric)
        w = src2.cols/dst.cols;
        Mat mat;
        for (int i=0; i<dst.rows; i++){

            mat = Mat(src1.colRange(i*w, (i+1)*w));
            dstPtr[i*(dst.rows+1)] = (float) pow(norm(mat),2); //diagonal elements

            for (int j=i+1; j<dst.cols; j++){ //j starts from i+1
                dstPtr[i*dst.cols+j] = (float) mat.dot(src2.colRange(j*w, (j+1)*w));
                dstPtr[j*dst.cols+i] = dstPtr[i*dst.cols+j]; //due to symmetry
Example #14

	void point3d2Mat(const Point3d& src, Mat& dest)

	void setXYZ(Mat& in, double&x, double&y, double&z)

	//	cout<<format("set XYZ: %.04f %.04f %.04f\n",x,y,z);

	void lookatBF(const Point3d& from, const Point3d& to, Mat& destR)
	double x,y,z;

	Mat fromMat;
	Mat toMat;

	Mat fromtoMat;
	double ndiv = 1.0/norm(fromtoMat);

	destR = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64F);
	double yaw   =-z/abs(z)*asin(y/sqrt(y*y+z*z))/CV_PI*180.0;


	Mat RfromtoMat = destR*fromtoMat;

	double pitch =z/abs(z)*asin(x/sqrt(x*x+z*z))/CV_PI*180.0;

	void lookat(const Point3d& from, const Point3d& to, Mat& destR)
		Mat destMat = Mat(Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
		Mat srcMat = Mat(from + to);
		srcMat = srcMat / norm(srcMat);

		Mat rotaxis = srcMat.cross(destMat);
		double angle = acos(srcMat.dot(destMat));
		//normalize cross product and multiply rotation angle
		rotaxis = rotaxis / norm(rotaxis)*angle;
		Rodrigues(rotaxis, destR);
Example #15
void MarkerLocator::TVectToRangeBaring(Mat r_tVec, double& rr_range, double& rr_bearing)
    // Get the vector relative to the robot rather than the camera
    subtract(r_tVec, m_robotLoc, r_tVec);

    // Start by projecting our transform vector onto the robot's plane

    // Range is easy
    rr_range = sqrt(r_tVec.dot(r_tVec));
    rr_bearing = atan(r_tVec.at<double>(0, 0)/r_tVec.at<double>(2, 0));
 * Correlación del vector signal usando la máscara mask
void crossCorrelation1D(Mat &signal, Mat &mask) {

	int offset_mask = mask.cols / 2;
	Mat signal_copy;

	for (int i = offset_mask - 1; i < signal.cols - offset_mask - 1; i++) {
		Mat roi = Mat(signal_copy, Rect(i - offset_mask + 1, 0, mask.cols, 1));
		double dot_product = mask.dot(roi);		//Producto escalar entre la máscara y la sección de la imagen
		signal.at<float>(Point(i, 0)) = dot_product;

Example #17
File: Dip3.cpp Project: kziel1/dip
src:    input image
kernel:  filter kernel
return:  convolution result
Mat Dip3::spatialConvolution(Mat& src, Mat& kernel){

   auto forEachMat = [](Mat img, int xstep, int ystep, function<Mat (Mat orig, Mat copy, int x, int y)> func) -> Mat {
      Mat copy = img.clone();

      for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; x+=xstep) {
         for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y+=ystep) {
            func(img, copy, x, y);

      return copy;
  auto convolution = [kernel](Mat orig, Mat copy, int x, int y) -> Mat {

    Mat defaultMat = Mat::ones(kernel.rows, kernel.cols, CV_32FC1);

    int center = kernel.rows/2;

    // border handling using default values
    for (int i = 0; i < kernel.rows; i++) for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++) {
     if ((x + i) >= center && (x + i) < (orig.rows + center) &&
         (y + j) >= center && (y + j) < (orig.cols + center)) {
       defaultMat.at<float>(i, j) = orig.at<float>(x + i - center, y + j - center);

    Mat flippedKernel;
    flip(kernel, flippedKernel, -1);

    float result = sum(defaultMat.dot(flippedKernel)).val[0];

    copy.at<float>(x, y) = result;

    return copy;

  Mat copy = src.clone();

  Mat result = forEachMat(copy, 1, 1, convolution);

  return result;

* Correlación del vector signal usando la máscara mask
void crossCorrelation(Mat &input, Mat &mask) {

	int offset_mask = mask.cols / 2;
	Mat input_copy;

	for (int i = offset_mask - 1; i < input.rows - offset_mask - 1; i++) {
		for (int j = offset_mask - 1; j < input.cols - offset_mask - 1; j++) {
			Mat roi = Mat(input_copy, Rect(j - offset_mask + 1, i - offset_mask + 1, mask.cols, mask.rows));
			double dot_product = mask.dot(roi);		//Producto escalar entre la máscara y la sección de la imagen
			input.at<float>(Point(j,i)) = dot_product;

Example #19
void SVMSGDImpl::updateWeights(InputArray _sample, bool positive, float stepSize, Mat& weights)
    Mat sample = _sample.getMat();

    int response = positive ? 1 : -1; // ensure that trainResponses are -1 or 1

    if ( sample.dot(weights) * response > 1)
        // Not a support vector, only apply weight decay
        weights *= (1.f - stepSize * params.marginRegularization);
        // It's a support vector, add it to the weights
        weights -= (stepSize * params.marginRegularization) * weights - (stepSize * response) * sample;
double get_point_line_distance(cv::Vec4f line, cv::Point point)
	using namespace cv;
	Point2f linePoint(line[2], line[3]);
	Mat lineDirection(Point2f(line[0], line[1]));

	Mat normedLineDirection;
	normalize(lineDirection, normedLineDirection);
	Mat pointDifference(linePoint - (Point2f) point);
	pointDifference.at<float>(0, 0);
	double differenceLength = pow(pow(pointDifference.at<float>(0, 0), 2) + pow(pointDifference.at<float>(1, 0), 2), 0.5);

	Mat normedDifference;
	normalize(pointDifference, normedDifference);

	//std::cout << "Line " << normedLineDirection << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "normed" << normedDifference << std::endl;

	double dotProduct = normedLineDirection.dot(normedDifference);

	assert(abs(dotProduct) <= 1.001);

	if (dotProduct > 1)
		dotProduct = 1;
	else if (dotProduct < -1)
		dotProduct = -1;

	//std::cout << "Dot product: " << dotProduct << std::endl;

	double angle = acos(dotProduct);

	//std::cout << "Angle: " << angle << std::endl;

	double distance = differenceLength * sin(angle);

	//std::cout << "Adding distance " << distance << std::endl;
	return distance;
 * Método para contar el número de puntos con coordenadas negativas para un vector t y matriz R
int countNegativeDepth(vector<Point> &points_1_2,vector<Point> &points_2_1,Mat &t,Mat &R, float focal_distance_1, float focal_distance_2){
	int counter = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < points_1_2.size(); i++){
		Mat homogeneous = Mat(1,3, CV_64F);
		homogeneous.at<double>(0) = points_1_2.at(i).x;
		homogeneous.at<double>(1) = points_1_2.at(i).y;
		homogeneous.at<double>(2) = 1;

		double depth_i = focal_distance_2 * ( focal_distance_1 * t.dot(R.row(0) - points_2_1.at(i).x * R.row(2)) ) / ( focal_distance_2 * homogeneous.dot( R.row(0) - points_2_1.at(i).x * R.row(2)));
		double depth_d = R.row(2).dot(focal_distance_1/depth_i * homogeneous -t);
		if( depth_i < 0 or depth_d < 0){

	return counter;
Example #22
void	fconv_1( const Mat &A, const Mat &F, Mat &R )
	int		RowA = A.rows, ColA = A.cols, NumFeatures = A.channels();
	int		RowF = F.rows, ColF = F.cols, ChnF = F.channels();
	if( NumFeatures!=ChnF )
		throw runtime_error("");

	int    RowR = RowA - RowF + 1, ColR = ColA - ColF + 1;

	float *Rpt = (float*)R.data;
	int Rstep = R.step1();

	for( int r=0; r!=RowR; r++ ){
		float *pt = Rpt + r*Rstep;
		for( int c=0; c!=ColR; c++ ){
			Mat	Asub = A( Rect(c,r,ColF,RowF) );
			*(pt++) = (float)( F.dot( Asub ) );
Example #23
vector< Point_<T> > orderCornersImpl(const vector< Point_<T> >& corners){

	vector< Point_<T> > orderedCorners;

	Mat center = Mat::zeros( 1,3,CV_64F );
	for(size_t i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++){
		center.at<double>(0,0) += corners[i].x;
		center.at<double>(0,1) += corners[i].y;
	center /= corners.size();
	Mat p0 = (Mat_<double>(1,3) << corners[0].x, corners[0].y, 0 );
	Mat p1 = (Mat_<double>(1,3) << corners[1].x, corners[1].y, 0 );

	if((center - p0).cross(p1 - p0).at<double>(0,2) < 0){ //Double-check this math just in case
		orderedCorners = vector< Point_<T> >(corners.begin(), corners.end());
		orderedCorners = vector< Point_<T> >(corners.rbegin(), corners.rend());

	int shift = 0;
	double tlMax = 0;
	Mat B = (Mat_<double>(1,2) << -1, -1);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < orderedCorners.size(); i++ ){
		Mat A = (Mat_<double>(1,2) << orderedCorners[i].x - center.at<double>(0,0), orderedCorners[i].y - center.at<double>(0,1));
		double tlProj = A.dot(B);
		if(tlProj > tlMax){
			shift = i;
			tlMax = tlProj;

	vector< Point_<T> > temp = vector< Point_<T> >(orderedCorners.begin(), orderedCorners.end());
	for(size_t i = 0; i < orderedCorners.size(); i++ ){
		orderedCorners[i] = temp[(i + shift) % orderedCorners.size()];
	return orderedCorners;
Example #24
Tracker::Topographic Tracker::TopographicClassification( Mat grad, double eval1, double eval2, Mat evec1, Mat evec2 )
	double mag = norm(grad);
	if (mag < t_mag_ && eval1 < -1*t_ev_ && eval2 < -1*t_ev_)
		return PEAK;
	else if (mag < t_mag_ && eval1 > t_ev_ && eval2 > t_ev_)
		return PIT;
	else if (mag < t_mag_ && eval1 * eval2 < 0) {
		if (eval1 + eval2 < 0)
			return RIDGESADDLE;
		else return RAVINESADDLE;
	else if ((mag >= t_mag_ && eval1 < -1 * t_ev_ && fabs(grad.dot(evec1)) < t_ge_) ||
			 (mag >= t_mag_ && eval2 < -1 * t_ev_ && fabs(grad.dot(evec2)) < t_ge_) ||
			 (mag < t_mag_ && eval1 < -1 * t_ev_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_) ||
			 (mag < t_mag_ && fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_ && eval2 < -1 * t_ev_))
		return RIDGE;
	else if ((mag >= t_mag_ && eval1 > t_ev_ && fabs(grad.dot(evec1)) < t_ge_) ||
			 (mag >= t_mag_ && eval2 > t_ev_ && fabs(grad.dot(evec2)) < t_ge_) ||
			 (mag < t_mag_ && eval1 > t_ev_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_) ||
			 (mag < t_mag_ && fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_ && eval2 > t_ev_))
		return RAVINE;
	else if (mag < t_mag_ && fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_)
		return FLAT;
	else if ((fabs(grad.dot(evec1)) >= t_ge_ && fabs(grad.dot(evec2)) >= t_ge_) ||
			 (fabs(grad.dot(evec1)) >= t_ge_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_) ||
			 (fabs(grad.dot(evec2)) >= t_ge_ && fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_) ||
			 (mag >= t_mag_ && fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_)) {
		if (fabs(eval1) <= t_ev_ && fabs(eval2) <= t_ev_)
			return SLOPEHILL;
		else if ((eval1 > 0 && eval2 >= 0) || (eval1 >= 0 && eval2 > 0))
			return CONVEXHILL;
		else if ((eval1 < 0 && eval2 <= 0) || (eval1 <= 0 && eval2 < 0))
			return CONCAVEHILL;
		else if (eval1 * eval2 < 0) {
			if (eval1 + eval2 < 0)
	else return UNKNOWN;
Example #25
 //ncc cost function
 //返回(row,col)处像素点,视差为d时的cost value
 double ncc(int row,int col,int d)
     int col1 = col;
     int row1 = row;
     int col2 = col1 - d;
     int row2 = row1;
     if (col1 - r >= 0 && col1 + r < width && col2 - r >= 0 && col2 + r < width
         && row1 - r >= 0 && row1 + r < height && row2 - r >= 0 && row2 + r < height)
         Mat cl;
         Mat cr;
         return 1-cl.dot(cr)/(norm(cl)*norm(cr));
         return 2;
Example #26
Mat *Mat::pinv()
	Mat *Ans = new Mat(wid, len);
	Mat *TransJ = new Mat(wid, len);

	Mat *temp = new Mat(wid, wid);




	delete TransJ;
	delete temp;

	return Ans;

Example #27
Mat UpdateCompetition_Memory(Mat Transformed_Templates, Mat BackwardTransform, Mat g, int r, double k){
    int count = Transformed_Templates.rows;
    Mat subtracted_g(g.rows, g.cols, CV_64FC1);
    Mat thresholded_g(g.rows, g.cols, CV_32FC1);
    double Thresh_VAL = 0.3;
    Mat q(g.rows, g.cols, CV_64F);
    double min, max;
    double T_L2;
    double BackwardTransform_L2;
    //printf("About to call dot in MSC\n");
    //cout<<"g_memory: "<<g<<endl;
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
        Mat T = g.at<double>(0,i)*Transformed_Templates.row(i).reshape(0,r);
        BackwardTransform.convertTo(BackwardTransform, CV_32FC1);
        T_L2 = norm(T, NORM_L2);
        BackwardTransform_L2 = norm(BackwardTransform, NORM_L2);
        if(BackwardTransform_L2 !=0 && T_L2 != 0){
            q.at<double>(0,i) = T.dot(BackwardTransform)/(T_L2*BackwardTransform_L2);
            q.at<double>(0,i) = 0;
        //printf("Dot product done for iteration: %d\n", i);
    //printf("Dot product has been completed\n");
    minMaxLoc(q, &min, &max);
    //cout<<"in update MEMORY q_min:"<<min<<"  q_max: "<<max<<endl;
    subtract(g, k*(1-q/max), subtracted_g);
    //cout<<"q: "<<q<<endl;
    threshold(subtracted_g, thresholded_g, Thresh_VAL, MAX_VAL, THRESH_TOZERO);
    return thresholded_g;
Example #28
int main(){

    // Matrix initialization
    float a[] = {3,2,5,6,5,8,2,3,4};
    Mat A = Mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, a);
    cout << "A: " << endl << A << endl << endl;

    float b[] = {7,4,3,5,3,2,1,2,9};
    Mat B = Mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, b);
    cout << "B: " << endl << B << endl << endl;

    Mat C;

    // Vector initialization
    float d[] = {2,4,1};
    Mat D = Mat(3, 1, CV_32FC1, d);
    cout << "D: " << endl << D << endl << endl;
    float e[] = {5,2,9};
    Mat E = Mat(3, 1, CV_32FC1, e);
    cout << "E: " << endl << E << endl << endl;

    Mat F;

    // Matrix and vector multiplication
    cout << "Matrix-vector multiplication: " << A*D << endl << endl;

    // Matrix zeros
    C = Mat::zeros(3,3,CV_32FC1);
    cout << "Matrix Zeros: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix ones
    C = Mat::ones(3,3,CV_32FC1);
    cout << "Matrix Ones: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix identity
    C = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32FC1);
    cout << "Matrix Identity: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix addition
    C = A + B;
    cout << "Addition: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix multiplication
    C = A * B;
    cout << "Multiplication: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix multiplication per element
    C = A.mul(B);
    cout << "Multiplication 1 to 1: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Cross product
    F = D.cross(E);
    cout << "Cross product: " << endl << F << endl << endl;

    // Dot product
    F = D.dot(E);
    cout << "Dot product: " << endl << F << endl << endl;

    // Matrix inverse
    C = A.inv();
    cout << "Inverse: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix transpose
    C = A.t();
    cout << "Transpose: " << endl << C << endl << endl;

    // Matrix determinant
    cout << "Determinant: " << endl << determinant(A) << endl << endl;

    // Vector normalization
    normalize(D, F);
    cout << "Normalization: " << endl << F << endl << endl;

    return 0;
Example #29
int SL_MSC(Mat Input_Image, Mat Memory_Images, Size img_size, Mat *Fwd_Path, Mat *Bwd_Path, TransformationSet & finalTrans){
	t_total = clock();
	t_loop = 0;

	Mat affine_transformation;
	double MAX_VAL = 255;
	Mat transformations;
	vector < Mat > transformation_set;

    Mat G_layer; // Competition function values for each layer.
    vector< Mat > G; // The competition function
    int iteration_count = 100; // Number of iterations for which MSC will operate.
    int ret = -1;
    double verified_ret;
    FILE *fp;
    double dot_product_input_object = Input_Image.dot(Input_Image);

    int layer_count = 1+(int)(xTranslate_layer)+(int)(yTranslate_layer)+(int)(rotate_layer)+(int)(scale_layer);
    k_transformations = new double[layer_count-1];
   // k_transformations[layer_count-1] = k_memory;

		getTransform(img_size, transformation_set, G, finalTrans);



	/* get the mapping for transformation*/
	vector<Mat> MapForw, MapBack;
	MapForw.reserve(layer_count - 1);
	MapBack.reserve(layer_count - 1);
	getTransMap(img_size, FORWARD, MapForw);
	getTransMap(img_size, BACKWARD, MapBack);

	int* idxTrans = new int[layer_count - 1];

	FPV = new Fwd_Path_Values[layer_count];
	FPV[0].Fwd_Superposition = Input_Image.clone();
	for (int i = 1; i < layer_count; i++) {
		FPV[i].Fwd_Superposition = Mat::zeros(Input_Image.rows, Input_Image.cols, CV_32F);
		FPV[i].Transformed_Templates = Mat::zeros(Size(Input_Image.rows*Input_Image.cols, G[i-1].cols), CV_32F);

	int count = 0;
    while(iteration_count > 0){
        //printf("About to call MSC %d\n",count++);
        ret = MapSeekingCircuit(Input_Image, Memory_Images, img_size, Fwd_Path, Bwd_Path, layer_count, MapForw,MapBack, &G, k_transformations);
		bool flag = 1;		/* 1 for stopping the msc*/
        if(iteration_count %5 == 0){
			///* only inspect before the scaling layer*/

			for (int kk = 0; kk < G.size(); kk++) {
				//cout << "-------\n" << G[kk] << "-------\n";
				if (countNonZero(G[kk]) != 1) {
					flag = 0;
				else {
					vector<Point> idx;
					Mat current;
					G[kk].convertTo(current, CV_8UC1, 100);
					//cout << current << endl << G[kk] << endl;
					findNonZero(current, idx);
					idxTrans[kk] = (idx[0]).x;

			if (dispInMid) {
				imshow("FPV_Forward[1]", (*Fwd_Path) * 255);

				imshow("BPV[1]", (*Bwd_Path) * 255);
			/* stop iteration condition: only one transformation is left*/
			/* record the final transformation*/
			if (flag) {
				double xT = -xT_val[idxTrans[0]];
				double yT = -yT_val[idxTrans[1]];
				double ang = -rot_val[idxTrans[2]];
				double sc;
				if (scale_layer)
					sc = sc_val[idxTrans[3]];
					sc = 1;
				//double xT = 0;
				//double yT = 0;
				//double ang = 0;
				//double sc = 1;
				finalTrans = TransformationSet(xT, yT, ang, sc);
        //printf("MSC dot products are done\n");
        verified_ret = Verify_Object(Input_Image, *Bwd_Path, dot_product_input_object);
        if(verified_ret == 0){
            printf("Image not recognized\n");
            printf("Everything seems to be fine\n");
	ret = MapSeekingCircuit(Input_Image, Memory_Images, img_size, Fwd_Path, Bwd_Path, layer_count, MapForw, MapBack, &G, k_transformations);
	//printf("The value of verified_ret is %g\n", verified_ret);




	t_total = clock()-t_total;

	printf("it takes %d/%d for loop\n", t_loop, t_total);
    return ret;
Example #30
static inline
double normL2sq(const Mat &r)
    return r.dot(r);