void SpectClust::calcNormalizedCutValues(const Matrix &D, const std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > &indices, 
                                         std::vector<double> &cutVals) {
  std::fill(cutVals.begin(), cutVals.end(), DBL_MAX);
  double assocA = 0;
  double assocB = D.Sum();
  double currentNCut = 0;
  double lastNCut = 0;
  int nCol = D.Ncols();
  for(int cut = 0; cut < indices.size() -1; cut++) {
    double rowSum = 0;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < nCol; colIx++) {
      rowSum += D.element(indices[cut].second, colIx);
    assocA += rowSum;
    assocB -= rowSum;
    double cutChange = 0;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < cut; colIx++) {
      cutChange -= D.element(indices[colIx].second, indices[cut].second);
    for(int colIx = cut+1; colIx < nCol; colIx++) {
      cutChange += D.element(indices[cut].second, indices[colIx].second);
    currentNCut = lastNCut + cutChange;
    if(assocA == 0 || assocB == 0 || currentNCut == 0) {
      cutVals[cut] = DBL_MAX;
    else {
      double nVal = (currentNCut / assocA) + (currentNCut / assocB);
      cutVals[cut+1] = nVal; // +1 is to be compatible with existing calcNormalizedCut() conventions
    lastNCut = currentNCut;
double SpectClust::calcNormalizedCut(const Matrix &D, 
                                     const std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > &indices, 
                                     int cut) {
  double assocA = 0, assocB = 0, cutAB = 0;
  // count up weight of A nodes connected to B nodes. 
  for(int aIx = 0; aIx < cut; aIx++) {
    int Aindex = indices[aIx].second;
    for(int colIx = cut; colIx < indices.size(); colIx++) {
      int Bindex = indices[colIx].second;
      if(Aindex == Bindex) {
        Err::errAbort("How can " +ToStr(Aindex) + " be in both the a and b index?");
      cutAB += D.element(Aindex,Bindex);
  // Count up connectivity of A to entire graph.
  for(int aIx = 0; aIx < cut; aIx++) {
    int Aindex = indices[aIx].second;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < D.Ncols(); colIx++) {
      assocA += D.element(Aindex, colIx);
  // Count up connectivity of B to entire graph.
  for(int bIx = cut; bIx < D.Nrows(); bIx++) {
    int Bindex = indices[bIx].second;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < D.Ncols(); colIx++) {
      assocB += D.element(Bindex, colIx);
  double nCut = DBL_MAX;
  if(assocA != 0 && cutAB != 0 && assocB != 0)
    nCut = (cutAB/assocA + cutAB/assocB);
  return nCut;
 * Compute a distance metric between two columns of a
 * matrix. <b>Note that the indexes are *1* based (not 0) as that is
 * Newmat's convention</b>. Note that dist(M,i,j) must equal dist(M,j,i);
 * In this case the distnance metric is the exponated 1 - cosine of the angle between the
 * two vectors, this is also sometimes known as the uncentered correlation coefficient
 * and is similar to correlation except that it requires the length of the vectors to 
 * be the same for cos(x,y) to be 1.
 * If x and y are vectors then:
 * \f$ ExpAngleDist(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = e^{-1 * (1 - cos(\theta))/2\sigma^2} \f$
 * Where:
 * \f$ cos(\theta) = \frac{ \vec{x}^t \cdot \vec{y}}{\|\vec{x}\|\|\vec{y}\|} \f$
 * Where the numerator is the dot product of <b>x</b> and <b>y</b>.
 * @param M - Matrix whose columns represent individual items to be clustered.
 * @param col1Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
 * @param col2Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
 * @return - "Distance" or "dissimilarity" metric between two columns of matrix.
double ExpAngleMetric::dist(const Matrix &M, int col1Ix, int col2Ix) const {
  double dist = 0;
  int nRow = M.Nrows();
  for(int rowIx = 0; rowIx < nRow; rowIx++) {
    dist += M.element(rowIx,col1Ix-1) * M.element(rowIx, col2Ix -1);
  dist /= (m_Norms[col1Ix-1] * m_Norms[col2Ix-1]);
  dist = exp(-1 * ((1 - dist)/(2*m_Sigma*m_Sigma)));
  return dist;
/** Mutilply each element individually and return matrix. */
Matrix elementMultiplication(Matrix &x, Matrix &y) {
  assert(x.Nrows() == y.Nrows());
  assert(x.Ncols() == y.Ncols());
  Matrix m(x.Nrows(), x.Ncols());
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < x.Nrows(); i++) {
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < x.Ncols(); j++) {
      m.element(i,j) = x.element(i,j) * y.element(i,j);
  return m;
Example #5
void genetic::ReadIntegral_nevpt(ifstream& fdump, Matrix& K, int nact)
  // save file pointer
  ifstream::pos_type fp = fdump.tellg();
  // rewind
  fdump.seekg(0, ios::beg);

  char sbuf[256];
  fdump.getline(sbuf, 256);
  string entry(sbuf);

  vector<string> fields;
  split(fields, entry, is_any_of("=, \t"), token_compress_on);

  int nOrbs = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
    if(fields[i] == "NORB")
      nOrbs = atoi(fields[i+1].c_str());

  K.ReSize(nact, nact); K = 0.0;

  while(fdump >> entry) if((entry == "&END") || (entry == "/")) break;

  int i, j, k, l;
  double v;
  while(fdump >> v >> i >> j >> k >> l)
    if(i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0 && l == 0) break;
    if (i > nact) break;
    //* Read by Mulliken Notation
    if(i == k && j == l)
      i--; j--;
      K.element(i, j) += fabs(v);
      K.element(j, i) = K.element(i, j);

    if(k == 0 && l == 0)
      i--; j--;
      K.element(i, j) += 1.0e-7 * fabs(v);
      K.element(j, i)  = K.element(i, j);
  // set file pointer to original position
Example #6
void genetic::Permute(const Matrix& K, const vector<int>& sequence, Matrix& Kp)
  int nSize = sequence.size();
  Kp.ReSize(nSize, nSize); Kp = 0.0;
  for(int i = 0; i < nSize; ++i)
    int ip = sequence[i];
    for(int j = i + 1; j < nSize; ++j)
      int jp = sequence[j];
      Kp.element(i, j) = K.element(ip, jp);
 double RelateMatrices(const Matrix& m, const Matrix& m2)
   double val = 0.0;
   double sumM1 = m.element(0,3)*m.element(0,3) + m.element(1,3)*m.element(1,3) + m.element(2,3)*m.element(2,3);
   double sumM2 = m2.element(0,3)*m2.element(0,3) + m2.element(1,3)*m2.element(1,3) + m2.element(2,3)*m2.element(2,3);
   val =  (sumM2 - sumM1)  / sumM2;
   return val < 0 ? 0.0 : val;
void SpectClust::colToVector(const Matrix &M, int colIx , std::vector<double> &v) {
  for(int i =0; i < M.Nrows(); i++) {
Example #9
void SpinAdapted::xsolve_AxeqB(const Matrix& a, const ColumnVector& b, ColumnVector& x)
  FORTINT ar = a.Nrows();
  int bc = 1;
  int info=0;
  FORTINT* ipiv = new FORTINT[ar];
  double* bwork = new double[ar];
  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    bwork[i] = b.element(i);
  double* workmat = new double[ar*ar];
  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    for(int j = 0;j<ar;++j)
      workmat[i*ar+j] = a.element(j,i);

  GESV(ar, bc, workmat, ar, ipiv, bwork, ar, info);
  delete[] ipiv;
  delete[] workmat;

  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    x.element(i) = bwork[i];

  delete[] bwork;

  if(info != 0)
     pout << "Xsolve failed with info error " << info << endl;
Example #10
irr::core::matrix4 sqrt(irr::core::matrix4 A) {

//1- [E D] = eig(A); sqrtm(A) = E * sqrt(D) * E' where D is a diagonal matrix.
//> sqrt(D) is formed by taking the square root of the diagonal entries in D.

	SymmetricMatrix M(3);
	DiagonalMatrix D(3);
	Matrix E(3,3);

	for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
		for(int i=j;i<3;i++) { 
			M.element(j,i) = A(i,j);


	for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
		D.element(i,i) = sqrt(D.element(i,i));

	Matrix S = E * D * E.t() ; 

	for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
		for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
			A(i,j) = S.element(j,i);
			//std::cout << "i:" << i << ",j:" << j << " > " << A(j,i) ;
		//std::cout << std::endl;
	return A;
void SpectClustTest::testNCutDynamicProgram() {
  Matrix Dist;
  RFileToMatrix(Dist, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.b12.txt");
  bool converged;
  vector<double> eVals;
  Matrix EVec;
  converged = SpectClust::findNLargestEvals(Dist, 2, eVals, EVec, 200);
  vector<double> cutVals;
  std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > indices;
  for(int i = 0; i < Dist.Ncols(); i++) {
    std::pair<double,int> p;
    p.first = EVec.element(i,1);// / E.element(i,0) ;
    p.second = i;
  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), SpectClust::PairLess());
  SpectClust::calcNormalizedCutValues(Dist, indices, cutVals);
  for(int i = 0; i < cutVals.size(); i++) {
    double nCut = SpectClust::calcNormalizedCut(Dist, indices, i);
    double diff = nCut - cutVals[i];
    //    cout << "\t" << nCut << "\t" << cutVals[i] << "\t" << diff << endl;
    if(fabs(diff) > .000001) {
double SpectClust::rowMedian(const Matrix &M, int rowIx) {
  std::vector<double> r(M.Ncols(),0);
  for(int i = 0; i < M.Ncols(); i++) {
    r[i] = M.element(rowIx,i);
  double med = median_in_place(r.begin(), r.end());
  return med;
Example #13
double SpinAdapted::CheckSum (Matrix& a)
  double val = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i < a.Nrows (); ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < a.Ncols (); ++j)
      val += a.element (i, j);
  return val;
void SpectClust::rowMedianDivide(Matrix &M) {
  for(int rowIx = 0; rowIx < M.Nrows(); rowIx++) {
    double med = rowMedian(M, rowIx);
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < M.Ncols(); colIx++) {
      M.element(rowIx,colIx) /= med;
Example #15
Matrix argpermute(const Matrix& m, const int* indices)
  Matrix newm(m.Nrows(),m.Ncols());
  for (int i=0;i<m.Nrows();++i)
    for (int j=0;j<m.Ncols();++j)
  return newm;
   * Compute a distance metric between two columns of a
   * matrix. <b>Note that the indexes are *1* based (not 0) as that is
   * Newmat's convention</b>. Note that dist(M,i,j) must equal dist(M,j,i);
   * @param M - Matrix whose columns represent individual items to be clustered.
   * @param col1Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
   * @param col2Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
   * @return - "Distance" or "dissimilarity" metric between two columns of matrix.
double CorrelationMetric::dist(const Matrix &M, int col1Ix, int col2Ix) const {
    std::vector<double> c1(M.Nrows()), c2(M.Nrows());
    for(int i = 0; i < M.Nrows(); i++) {
      c1[i] = M.element(i,col1Ix-1);
      c2[i] = M.element(i,col2Ix-1);
    double dist = 1 + correlation_coeff(c1.begin(), c1.end(), c2.begin());
    return dist;
// Convert target position from the robot coordinate system to the image coordinate system
void MrsvrTransform::invTransform(MrsvrVector x, MrsvrVector y) 
  Matrix vx;
  Matrix vy;

  vx.element(0, 0) = x[0];
  vx.element(1, 0) = x[1];
  vx.element(2, 0) = x[2];
  vx.element(3, 0) = 1.0;

  vy = Trp*vx;

  y[0] = vy.element(0, 0);
  y[1] = vy.element(1, 0);
  y[2] = vy.element(2, 0);

/** Utility printing function. */
void printMatrix(Matrix &m, std::ostream *out, const std::string& delim) {
  int nRow = m.Nrows();
  int nCol = m.Ncols();
  int i = 0;
  int j = 0;
  if(out == NULL) 
    out = &cout;

  for(i = 0; i < nRow-1; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < nCol - 1; j++) {
      (*out) << m.element(i,j) << delim;
    (*out) << m.element(i,j) << delim;
  for(j = 0; j < nCol - 1; j++) {
    (*out) << m.element(i,j) << delim;
  (*out) << m.element(i,j);
Example #19
bool  Camera::CanSee (RelPose &pose) const
  if(m_relPose == NULL)
     return false;
  if(pose.m_uniqueID == m_relPose->m_uniqueID) /*lazy people just search in front of the camera, allow it*/
    return true;

  RelPose* pose_rel = RelPoseFactory::GetRelPose(pose.m_uniqueID, m_relPose->m_uniqueID);
  if(pose_rel != NULL)
    Matrix m = pose_rel->GetMatrix(0);
    double x = m.element(0,3);
    double y = m.element(1,3);
    double z = m.element(2,3);
    if(z > 0.0)

        Halcon::HTuple R, C;
        Halcon::project_3d_point(x,y,z, m_calibration.CamParam(), &R , &C);
        if(R >= 0 && R < m_calibration.m_height
          && C >= 0 && C < m_calibration.m_width)
          return true;
      catch(Halcon::HException ex)
        printf("Error: %s\n", ex.message);
    printf("Queried position does not exist (or position of the camera), so better assume the camera can see this position\n");
    return true;
  return false;
 void PrincipalComponentsAnalysis::_sortEigens(Matrix& eigenVectors, 
   DiagonalMatrix& eigenValues)
   // simple bubble sort, slow, but I don't expect very large matrices. Lots of room for 
   // improvement.
   bool change = true;
   while (change)
     change = false;
     for (int c = 0; c < eigenVectors.Ncols() - 1; c++)
       if (eigenValues.element(c) < eigenValues.element(c + 1))
         std::swap(eigenValues.element(c), eigenValues.element(c + 1));
         for (int r = 0; r < eigenVectors.Nrows(); r++)
           std::swap(eigenVectors.element(r, c), eigenVectors.element(r, c + 1));
void SpectClust::partitionClusters(const Matrix &D, const Matrix &E, std::vector<Numeric> &eVals, int numClusters,
                                   std::vector<int> &clusters, int hardMin, double cutVal, double margin) {
  clusters.resize(D.Ncols(), -1);
  std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > indices;
  /* Load up all the values and their indexes. */
  for(int i = 0; i < D.Ncols(); i++) {
    std::pair<double,int> p;
    p.first = E.element(i,1);
    p.second = i;
  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), PairLess());
  vector<double> indexNVals;
  calcNormalizedCutValues(D, indices, indexNVals);
  double minNormCut = DBL_MAX;
  int minNCutIx = 0;
  if(cutVal == DBL_MAX) {
    for(int i = 0; i < indexNVals.size(); i++) {
      double nCutI = indexNVals[i];
      if(nCutI < minNormCut) {
        minNCutIx = i;
        minNormCut = nCutI;
    cutVal = minNormCut;
  else {
    for(int i = 0; i < indices.size() - 1; i++) {
      if(indices[i].first <= cutVal && indices[i+1].first >= cutVal) {
        minNCutIx = i;
  fill(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), -1);
  int maxNCutIx = minNCutIx;
  int diff = indices.size() - minNCutIx;
  diff = (int) (margin*diff);
  maxNCutIx = Max((int)indices.size() - diff, maxNCutIx); 
  if(minNCutIx >= hardMin)
    minNCutIx = Max((int)(margin*minNCutIx), hardMin);
  for(int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
    if(i <= minNCutIx) {
      clusters[indices[i].second] = 0;
    else if(i > maxNCutIx) {
      clusters[indices[i].second] = 1;
bool SpectClust::MaxEigen(const Matrix &M, double &maxValue, ColumnVector &MaxVec, int maxIterations) {
  double maxDelta = 1e-6;
  bool converged = false;
  int i = 0;
  int nRows = M.Ncols();
  if(M.Ncols() != M.Nrows()) 
    Err::errAbort("MaxEigen() - Can't get eigen values of non square matrices.");
  if(M.Ncols() <= 0) 
    Err::errAbort("MaxEigen() - Must have positive number of rows and columns.");
  ColumnVector V(M.Ncols());
  V = 1.0 / M.Nrows(); // any vector really...
  V = V / Norm1(V);
  for(i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i) {
    //    MaxVec = M * V;
    multByMatrix(MaxVec, V, M);
    double delta = 0;
    double norm = sqrt(SumSquare(MaxVec));
    for(int vIx = 0; vIx < nRows; vIx++) {
      MaxVec.element(vIx) = MaxVec.element(vIx) / norm; // scale so we don't get too big.
    for(int rowIx = 0; rowIx < nRows; rowIx++) {
      delta += fabs((double)MaxVec.element(rowIx) - V.element(rowIx));
    if(delta < maxDelta)  
      break; // we've already converged to eigen vector.
    V = MaxVec;
  if(i < maxIterations) {
    converged = true;
  // calculate approximate max eigen value using Rayleigh quotient (x'*M*x/x'*x).
  Matrix num = (MaxVec.t() * M * MaxVec);
  Matrix denom =  (MaxVec.t() * MaxVec);
  maxValue = num.element(0,0) / denom.element(0,0);
  return converged;
// Convert target position from the patient coordinate system to the robot coordinate system
void MrsvrTransform::transform(MrsvrVector x, MrsvrVector y)
  Matrix vx;
  Matrix vy;

  vx.element(0, 0) = x[0];
  vx.element(1, 0) = x[1];
  vx.element(2, 0) = x[2];
  vx.element(3, 0) = 1.0;

  vy = Tpr*vx;

  //std::cout << vy << std::endl;
  //std::cout << Tpr << std::endl;
  //std::cout << vx << std::endl;  

  y[0] = vy.element(0, 0);
  y[1] = vy.element(1, 0);
  y[2] = vy.element(2, 0);

Example #24
double genetic::Evaluate(const double& scale, const double& np, const Gene& gene, const Matrix& K)
  Matrix Kp;
  Permute(K, gene.Sequence(), Kp);

  double weight = 0.0;
  for(int i = 0; i < Kp.Nrows(); ++i)
    for(int j = i + 1; j < Kp.Ncols(); ++j)
      double d = j - i;
//    weight += Kp.element(i, j) * pow(d, np);
      weight += Kp.element(i, j) * d * d;

  return scale * weight;
Example #25
void genetic::ReadKmatrix(ifstream& fdump, Matrix& K) {
  ifstream::pos_type fp = fdump.tellg();
  fdump.seekg(0, ios::beg);

  int nOrbs = 0;
  fdump >> nOrbs;
  K.ReSize(nOrbs, nOrbs); K = 0.0;

  for (int i = 0; i < nOrbs; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < nOrbs; ++j) {
      fdump >> K.element(i,j);
  // set file pointer to original position
Example #26
void QRZT(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
   Tracer et("QRZT(2)");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); int t = Y.Nrows();
   if (Y.Ncols() != n)
      { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal row lengths",X,Y)); }
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi0 = xi;
      for (int j=0; j<t; j++)
         Real sum=0.0;
         xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
         xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
         M.element(j,i) = sum;
Example #27
void SpinAdapted::Wavefunction::FlattenInto (Matrix& C)
  int flatIndex = 0;
  for (int lQ = 0; lQ < nrows (); ++lQ)
    for (int rQ = 0; rQ < ncols (); ++rQ)
      if (allowed(lQ, rQ))
	flatIndex += operator_element(lQ,rQ).Nrows()*operator_element(lQ,rQ).Ncols();

  flatIndex = 0;
  for (int lQ = 0; lQ < nrows (); ++lQ)
    for (int rQ = 0; rQ < ncols (); ++rQ)
      if (allowed(lQ, rQ))
        for (int lQState = 0; lQState < operator_element(lQ, rQ).Nrows (); ++lQState)
          for (int rQState = 0; rQState < operator_element(lQ, rQ).Ncols (); ++rQState)
	      C.element (flatIndex,0) = operator_element(lQ, rQ).element (lQState, rQState);
Halcon::HTuple RelPoseHTuple::m2HT(Matrix m)
  Halcon::HTuple hommat(12);
  (hommat)[0] = m.element(0,0);
  (hommat)[1] = m.element(0,1);
  (hommat)[2] = m.element(0,2);
  (hommat)[3] = m.element(0,3);
  (hommat)[4] = m.element(1,0);
  (hommat)[5] = m.element(1,1);
  (hommat)[6] = m.element(1,2);
  (hommat)[7] = m.element(1,3);
  (hommat)[8] = m.element(2,0);
  (hommat)[9] = m.element(2,1);
  (hommat)[10] = m.element(2,2);
  (hommat)[11] = m.element(2,3);
  return hommat;
void IsolatedWordRecogDialog::recognize(MotionClip* pmc, int nStartFn, int nEndFn)
	MotionEditor editor;
	MotionClip* pmctmp = editor.CreateSubMotion(pmc, nStartFn, nEndFn);
	if (pmctmp)
		// The first layer
		RuleNode* prn = SwiftModel::instance().m_prm->findCandidateNode(pmctmp, SwiftModel::instance().m_prm->m_pRootRuleNode);
		if (prn)
			std::map<std::string, FStrongClassifier*>::iterator itfsc;
			std::vector<std::string> vFResult;
			// The second layer
			int result=0;
			for (int i=0; i<prn->m_vSigns.size(); i++)
				itfsc = SwiftModel::instance().m_mFStrongClassifier.find(prn->m_vSigns.at(i));
				result = itfsc->second->recognize(pmctmp);
				if (result == 1)
			// The third layer
			MotionJoint *pmjlw, *pmjle, *pmjrw, *pmjre, *pmjlw1, *pmjle1, *pmjrw1, *pmjre1;
			pmjlw = pmctmp->findJoint("l_wrist");
			pmjle = pmctmp->findJoint("l_elbow");
			pmjrw = pmctmp->findJoint("r_wrist");
			pmjre = pmctmp->findJoint("r_elbow");

			Matrix test;
			long nSamples = pmctmp->getFrameCount();
			int nDimention = 20;

			std::vector<double> vFlex;
			std::vector<double> vDist;
			std::vector<double> vOriX, vOriY, vOriZ;
			MotionJoint *pmj0, *pmj1, *pmj2, *pmj3, *pmj4;
			InfoCalcualtor calculator;
			// Right thumb finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_thumb0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_thumb1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_thumb2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_thumb3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 190);
			int k=0;
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Right index finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_index0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_index1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_index2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_index3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Right middle finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_middle0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_middle1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_middle2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_middle3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Right ring finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_ring0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_ring1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_ring2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_ring3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Right little finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_pinky0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_pinky1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_pinky2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_pinky3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Left thumb finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_thumb0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_thumb1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_thumb2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_thumb3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 190);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Left index finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_index0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_index1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_index2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_index3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Left middle finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_middle0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_middle1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_middle2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_middle3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Left ring finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_ring0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_ring1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_ring2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_ring3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			// Left little finger
			pmj0 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_pinky0");	
			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_pinky1");	
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_pinky2");	
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_pinky3");	
			pmj4 = pmctmp->getChild(pmj3, 0);
			calculator.calFingerFlex(pmj0, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, pmj4, 0, nSamples-1, vFlex, 250);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_wrist");
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("root");
			calculator.calDist(pmj1, pmj2, 0, nSamples-1, vDist);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("skullbase");
			calculator.calDist(pmj1, pmj2, 0, nSamples-1, vDist);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_wrist");
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("root");
			calculator.calDist(pmj1, pmj2, 0, nSamples-1, vDist);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("skullbase");
			calculator.calDist(pmj1, pmj2, 0, nSamples-1, vDist);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_wrist");
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_index1");
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("r_ring1");
			calculator.calPalmOri(pmctmp, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, 0, nSamples-1, vOriX, vOriY, vOriZ);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			pmj1 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_wrist");
			pmj2 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_index1");
			pmj3 = pmctmp->findJoint("l_ring1");
			calculator.calPalmOri(pmc, pmj1, pmj2, pmj3, 0, nSamples-1, vOriX, vOriY, vOriZ);
			for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++)

			double dmax = -1.0e100, d;
			std::string str;
			RecogResult rr;
			std::vector<RecogResult> vResult;
			QString strBestN = ui.lineEdit_BestN->text();
			int nBestN = strBestN.toInt();

			std::map<std::string, HMM*>::iterator it;
			for (int i=0; i<vFResult.size(); i++)
				it = HMMModel::instance().m_mHMM.find(vFResult.at(i));
				if (it != HMMModel::instance().m_mHMM.end())
					d = it->second->viterbi_p(test);
					//if (d > dmax)
					//	dmax = d;
					//	str = it->first;
					rr.strSign = it->first;
					rr.dScore = d;				
					if(vResult.size() == nBestN)
						if (vResult.back().dScore < d)

			ui.textBrowser_Result->setText("The best "+QString::number(vResult.size())+" candidates and their scores:");
			for (int i=0; i<vResult.size(); i++)
				ui.textBrowser_Result->append(QString::fromStdString(vResult.at(i).strSign)+": "+QString::number(vResult.at(i).dScore));
Example #30
void SpinAdapted::Linear::Lanczos(vector<Wavefunction>& b, DiagonalMatrix& e, double normtol, Davidson_functor& h_multiply, int nroots)
    int iter = 0;

    if(mpigetrank() == 0) {

    double beta_minus = 1.0;
    std::vector<double> diagonal(dmrginp.max_lanczos_dimension(), 0);
    std::vector<double> offdiagonal(dmrginp.max_lanczos_dimension(), 0);

    Wavefunction b0;
    Wavefunction* bptr = &b0;
    if (mpigetrank() == 0)
        bptr = &b[0];
        bptr = &b0;

#ifndef SERIAL
    mpi::communicator world;
    mpi::broadcast(world, *bptr, 0);
    Wavefunction r(*bptr);

    bool notconverged = true;
    while (notconverged && iter < dmrginp.max_lanczos_dimension()) {
        pout << "\t\t\t Lanczos Iteration :: "<<iter<<endl;
        iter ++;

#ifndef SERIAL
        mpi::broadcast(world, *bptr, 0);

        h_multiply(*bptr, r);

        if(mpigetrank() == 0) {
            if (iter > 1)
                ScaleAdd(-beta_minus, b[iter-2], r);

            diagonal[iter-1] = DotProduct(*bptr, r);

            double alphai = diagonal[iter-1];

            Matrix alpha;
            std::vector<double> diagonal_temporary(iter,0);
            std::vector<double> offdiagonal_temporary(iter,0);
            for (int i=0; i<iter; i++) {
                diagonal_temporary[i] = diagonal[i];
                offdiagonal_temporary[i] = offdiagonal[i];

            diagonalise_tridiagonal(diagonal_temporary, offdiagonal_temporary, iter, alpha);

            ScaleAdd(-alphai, *bptr, r);
            for (int i=iter-1; i>=0; i--) {
                double overlap = DotProduct(b[i], r);
                ScaleAdd(-overlap, b[i], r);
            offdiagonal[iter-1]  = sqrt(DotProduct(r, r));

            if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) {
                if (iter > 1)
                    notconverged = false;
                for (int i = 1; i <= min(iter-1, nroots); ++i) {
                    pout << "\t\t\t " << i << " ::  " << diagonal_temporary[i-1]+dmrginp.get_coreenergy() <<"  "<<pow(offdiagonal[iter-1]*alpha(iter,i),2)<<endl;
                    if (pow(offdiagonal[iter-1]*alpha(iter,i),2) >= normtol) {
                        notconverged = true;

            if (iter == dmrginp.max_lanczos_dimension()) {
                pout << "Reached the maximum number of allowed iterations!!"<<endl;

            //cout << offdiagonal[iter-1]<<"  "<<iter<<endl;
            if(!notconverged) {
                for (int i=0; i<nroots; i++)
                    e(i+1) = diagonal_temporary[i];

                vector<Wavefunction> btmp = b;
                for (int i=0; i<nroots; i++)
                    Scale(alpha.element(i,i), b[i]);
                for (int i=0; i<nroots; i++)
                    for (int j=0; j<iter; j++)
                        if (i != j)
                            ScaleAdd(alpha.element(j,i), btmp[j], b[i]);


            b[iter] = r;
            if(mpigetrank() == 0)
                bptr = &b[iter];
#ifndef SERIAL
        mpi::broadcast(world, notconverged, 0);