/// \brief Copy constructor.
 /// We need an explicit copy constructor, because otherwise the
 /// default copy constructor would override the generic matrix
 /// view "copy constructor" below.
 Matrix (const Matrix& in) :
     nrows_ (in.nrows()),
     ncols_ (in.ncols()),
     A_ (verified_alloc_size (in.nrows(), in.ncols()))
     if (! in.empty())
         copy_matrix (nrows(), ncols(), get(), lda(), in.get(), in.lda());
Example #2
void WPCA(const Matrix<double>& data,
	  const Vector<double>& A,
	  Vector<double>& mu,
	  Matrix<double>& trans,
	  double var/*=0.0*/)
  int d_out = 0;
  bool use_variance = (var>0);
  int d_in = data.nrows();
  int N = data.ncols();

  if(mu.size() != d_in)

  if(use_variance and var>1)
    throw MatVecError("WPCA : var must be between 0 and 1\n");
    d_out = trans.nrows();
  //compute weighted mean
  for(int i=0;i<d_in;i++)
      for(int j=0;j<N;j++) 
	mu(i) += A(j) * data(i,j);
  mu /= A.SumElements();
  //M is a centered and weighted version of data
  Matrix<double> M(d_in,N);
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
    M.col(i) = sqrt(A(i))*(data.col(i)-mu);
  //Find trans with an SVD
  SVD M_SVD(M,true,true); //overwrite M

    //compute d_out from SVD
    double total=0;
    double Sum = M_SVD.S.SumElements();
    d_out = 0;

  if(trans.ncols() != d_in || trans.nrows() != d_out)
  for(size_t i=0;i<d_out;i++){
    trans.row(i) = M_SVD.U.col(i);
bool CFeasibilityMap::SolveLP(Matrix &A, ColumnVector &b) {
  lprec *lp ;
  int n_row = A.nrows(); int n_col = A.ncols();
  lp = make_lp(0,n_col) ; 

  double *input_row = new double[1+n_col];
  for (int i_row=1; i_row<=n_row; i_row++){
      input_row[0] = 0 ;
      for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
          input_row[j] = A(i_row,j) ;
      add_constraint(lp, input_row, LE, b(i_row)) ;
  delete [] input_row;
  double *input_obj = new double[1+n_col];    // The first zero is for matrix form
  input_obj[0] = 0 ;
  for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
      input_obj[j] = 1 ;
  set_obj_fn(lp, input_obj) ;
  delete [] input_obj;
  set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT); // NEUTRAL (0), IMPORTANT (3), NORMAL (4), FULL (6)
  bool is_feasible = (solve(lp)==0); // 0: feasible solution found,  2: not found
		                                 // solution for minimizing objective function

  return is_feasible;
Example #4
// Matrix A's first n columns are orthonormal
// so A.Columns(1,n).t() * A.Columns(1,n) is the identity matrix.
// Fill out the remaining columns of A to make them orthonormal
// so A.t() * A is the identity matrix 
void extend_orthonormal(Matrix& A, int n)
   Tracer et("extend_orthonormal");
   int nr = A.nrows(); int nc = A.ncols();
   if (nc > nr) Throw(IncompatibleDimensionsException(A));
   if (n > nc) Throw(IncompatibleDimensionsException(A));
   ColumnVector SSR;
   { Matrix A1 = A.Columns(1,n); SSR = A1.sum_square_rows(); }
   for (int i = n; i < nc; ++i)
      // pick row with smallest SSQ
      int k; SSR.minimum1(k);
      // orthogonalise column with 1 at element k, 0 elsewhere
      // next line is rather inefficient
      ColumnVector X = - A.Columns(1, i) * A.SubMatrix(k, k, 1, i).t();
      X(k) += 1.0;
      // normalise
      X /= sqrt(X.SumSquare());
      // update row sums of squares
      for (k = 1; k <= nr; ++k) SSR(k) += square(X(k));
      // load new column into matrix
      A.Column(i+1) = X;
Example #5
void PCA(const Matrix<double>& data,
	 Vector<double>& mu,
	 Matrix<double>& trans,
	 double var/*=0.0*/)
  Vector<double> A(data.ncols(),1.0);
bool q_rigidaffine_compute_affinematrix_3D(const vector<Point3D64f> &vec_A,const vector<Point3D64f> &vec_B,Matrix &x4x4_affinematrix)
	if(vec_A.size()<4 || vec_A.size()!=vec_B.size())
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Invalid input parameters! \n");
		return false;
	if(x4x4_affinematrix.nrows()!=4 || x4x4_affinematrix.ncols()!=4)

	vector<Point3D64f> vec_A_norm,vec_B_norm;
	Matrix x4x4_normalize_A(4,4),x4x4_normalize_B(4,4);
	vec_A_norm=vec_A;	vec_B_norm=vec_B;

	int n_point=vec_A.size();
	Matrix A(3*n_point,13);
	int row=1;
	for(int i=0;i<n_point;i++)
		A(row,1)=vec_A_norm[i].x;	A(row,2)=vec_A_norm[i].y;	A(row,3)=vec_A_norm[i].z;	A(row,4)=1.0;
		A(row,5)=0.0;				A(row,6)=0.0;				A(row,7)=0.0;				A(row,8)=0.0;
		A(row,9)=0.0;				A(row,10)=0.0;				A(row,11)=0.0;				A(row,12)=0.0;

		A(row+1,1)=0.0;				A(row+1,2)=0.0;				A(row+1,3)=0.0;				A(row+1,4)=0.0;
		A(row+1,5)=vec_A_norm[i].x;	A(row+1,6)=vec_A_norm[i].y;	A(row+1,7)=vec_A_norm[i].z;	A(row+1,8)=1.0;
		A(row+1,9)=0.0;				A(row+1,10)=0.0;			A(row+1,11)=0.0;			A(row+1,12)=0.0;

		A(row+2,1)=0.0;				A(row+2,2)=0.0;				A(row+2,3)=0.0;				A(row+2,4)=0.0;
		A(row+2,5)=0.0;				A(row+2,6)=0.0;				A(row+2,7)=0.0;				A(row+2,8)=0.0;
		A(row+2,9)=vec_A_norm[i].x;	A(row+2,10)=vec_A_norm[i].y;A(row+2,11)=vec_A_norm[i].z;A(row+2,12)=1.0;


	DiagonalMatrix D(13);
	Matrix U(3*n_point,13),V(13,13);

	Matrix h=V.column(13);
	for(int i=1;i<=13;i++)
		h(i,1) /= h(13,1);

	x4x4_affinematrix(1,1)=h(1,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(1,2)=h(2,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(1,3)=h(3,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(1,4)=h(4,1);
	x4x4_affinematrix(2,1)=h(5,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(2,2)=h(6,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(2,3)=h(7,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(2,4)=h(8,1);
	x4x4_affinematrix(3,1)=h(9,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(3,2)=h(10,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(3,3)=h(11,1);	x4x4_affinematrix(3,4)=h(12,1);
	x4x4_affinematrix(4,1)=0.0;		x4x4_affinematrix(4,2)=0.0;		x4x4_affinematrix(4,3)=0.0;		x4x4_affinematrix(4,4)=1.0;

	return true;
Example #7
// Print out a matrix, row by row, to a given precision
void Logger::print(const Matrix& m, int digits) const
  // Print out row by row
  Vector temp(m.ncols());
  for (int i = 0; i < m.nrows(); i++){
    temp = m.rowAsVector(i);
    print (temp, digits, false);
Example #8
double SMACOF::calculateSigma( const Matrix<double>& Weights, const Matrix<double>& Distances, const Matrix<double>& InitialZ, Matrix<double>& dists ) {
  unsigned M = Distances.nrows(); double sigma=0;
  for(unsigned i=1; i<M; ++i) {
    for(unsigned j=0; j<i; ++j) {
      double dlow=0; for(unsigned k=0; k<InitialZ.ncols(); ++k) { double tmp=InitialZ(i,k) - InitialZ(j,k); dlow+=tmp*tmp; }
      dists(i,j)=dists(j,i)=sqrt(dlow); double tmp3 = Distances(i,j) - dists(i,j);
      sigma += Weights(i,j)*tmp3*tmp3;
  return sigma;
Example #9
void SMACOF::run( const Matrix<double>& Weights, const Matrix<double>& Distances, const double& tol, const unsigned& maxloops, Matrix<double>& InitialZ ) {
  unsigned M = Distances.nrows();

  // Calculate V
  Matrix<double> V(M,M); double totalWeight=0.;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<M; ++i) {
    for(unsigned j=0; j<M; ++j) {
      if(i==j) continue;
      if( j<i ) totalWeight+=Weights(i,j);
    for(unsigned j=0; j<M; ++j) {

  // And pseudo invert V
  Matrix<double> mypseudo(M, M); pseudoInvert(V, mypseudo);
  Matrix<double> dists( M, M ); double myfirstsig = calculateSigma( Weights, Distances, InitialZ, dists ) / totalWeight;

  // initial sigma is made up of the original distances minus the distances between the projections all squared.
  Matrix<double> temp( M, M ), BZ( M, M ), newZ( M, InitialZ.ncols() );
  for(unsigned n=0; n<maxloops; ++n) {
    if(n==maxloops-1) plumed_merror("ran out of steps in SMACOF algorithm");

    // Recompute BZ matrix
    for(unsigned i=0; i<M; ++i) {
      for(unsigned j=0; j<M; ++j) {
        if(i==j) continue;  //skips over the diagonal elements

        if( dists(i,j)>0 ) BZ(i,j) = -Weights(i,j)*Distances(i,j) / dists(i,j);
        else BZ(i,j)=0.;
      //the diagonal elements are -off diagonal elements BZ(i,i)-=BZ(i,j)   (Equation 8.25)
      BZ(i,i)=0; //create the space memory for the diagonal elements which are scalars
      for(unsigned j=0; j<M; ++j) {
        if(i==j) continue;

    mult( mypseudo, BZ, temp); mult(temp, InitialZ, newZ);
    //Compute new sigma
    double newsig = calculateSigma( Weights, Distances, newZ, dists ) / totalWeight;
    //Computing whether the algorithm has converged (has the mass of the potato changed
    //when we put it back in the oven!)
    if( fabs( newsig - myfirstsig )<tol ) break;
    InitialZ = newZ;
Example #10
ReturnMatrix Helmert_transpose(const Matrix& Y, bool full)
   Tracer et("Helmert_transpose * Matrix ");
   int m = Y.nrows(); int n = Y.ncols(); if (!full) ++m;
   Matrix X(m, n);
   for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
      ColumnVector CV = Y.Column(j);
      X.Column(j) = Helmert_transpose(CV, full);
   X.release(); return X.for_return();
Example #11
BSpline::BSpline(const Matrix mat)
	int N, j, i;
	RowVector first(2), last(2);

	// specify default parameters in case the matrix
	// passed as argument is incorrect
	_d = 3;
	_k = 0;
	_done = false;

	// check that the matrix has two rows
	if (mat.ncols() != 2) {
		cerr << "BSpline::BSpline(): Error: Knot matrix must have two columns" << endl
		 	 << "BSpline::BSpline(): Creating empty B-spline" << endl;

	// check that the number of interior knot intervals is a power of two
	N = mat.nrows();
	j = (int) ceil(log((double)N-2*_d-1)/log(2.0));
	if ((N-2*_d-1) != (1<<j)) {
		cerr << "BSpline::BSpline(): Error: Incorrect number of interior knots" << endl
		 	 << "BSpline::BSpline(): Creating empty B-spline" << endl;

	// check that the first and last d+1 columns are identical
	first = mat.Row(1);
	last = mat.Row(N);
	for (i=1; i<_d; i++) {
		if ((first(1) != mat(i+1,1)) ||
			(first(2) != mat(i+1,2)) ||
			(last(1) != mat(N-i,1)) ||
			(last(2) != mat(N-i,2))) {
			cerr << "BSpline::BSpline(): Error: Matrix is not an endpoint-interpolating bspline" 
			     << endl << "BSpline::BSpline(): Creating empty B-spline" << endl;
	// matrix is in correct format, so create the knots
	for (i=1; i<=N; i++)
	     add_knot((int)rint(mat(i,1)), (int)rint(mat(i,2)));
	// update the internal bspline parameters
	_j = j;
	_done = true;
Example #12
File: main.cpp Project: krtx/agent
double cross_validation(Matrix<double> x, Vector<double> y, Kernel *k, double c, int cross = -1)
    // 交差検定
    int group = cross;
    if (group <= 0) group = 1 + log2(x.nrows());
    int size = x.nrows() / group;
    double accuracy = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < group; i++) {
        size_t si = i * size, sz = size + (i == group - 1 ? (x.nrows() % size) : 0);
        Matrix<double> samplex(x.nrows() - sz, x.ncols()), testx(sz, x.ncols());
        Vector<double> sampley(y.size() - sz), testy(sz);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < x.nrows(); j++) {
            if (j < si) {
                samplex.setRow(j, x.extractRow(j));
                sampley[j] = y[j];
            else if (j < si + sz) {
                testx.setRow(j - si, x.extractRow(j));
                testy[j - si] = y[j];
            else {
                samplex.setRow(j - sz, x.extractRow(j));
                sampley[j - sz] = y[j];
        SVM svm(samplex, sampley, k, c);
        int pass = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; j++)
            if (svm.discriminant(testx.extractRow(j)) * testy[j] > 0.0) pass++;
        double acc = pass / (double)sz * 100.0;
        printf("loop #%d :: %f\n", i, acc);
        accuracy += acc / group;
    printf("total accuracy :: %f\n", accuracy);
    return accuracy;
Example #13
ReturnMatrix Helmert(const Matrix& X, bool full)
   Tracer et("Helmert * Matrix");
   int m = X.nrows(); int n = X.ncols();
   if (m == 0) Throw(ProgramException("Matrix has 0 rows ", X));
   Matrix Y;
   if (full) Y.resize(m,n); else Y.resize(m-1, n);
   for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
      ColumnVector CV = X.Column(j);
      Y.Column(j) = Helmert(CV, full);
   Y.release(); return Y.for_return();
bool CFeasibilityMap::SolveLP(Matrix &A, ColumnVector &b, ColumnVector &x) {
  lprec *lp ;
  int n_row = A.nrows(); int n_col = A.ncols();
  x = ColumnVector(n_col); x = 0;
  lp = make_lp(0,n_col) ; 
  double *input_row = new double[1+n_col];
  for (int i_row=1; i_row<=n_row; i_row++){
      input_row[0] = 0 ; // The first zero is for matrix form
      for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
          input_row[j] = A(i_row,j) ;
      add_constraint(lp, input_row, LE, b(i_row)) ;
  delete [] input_row;
  double *input_obj = new double[1+n_col];    // The first zero is for matrix form
  input_obj[0] = 0 ;
  for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
      input_obj[j] = 1 ;
  set_obj_fn(lp, input_obj) ;
  delete [] input_obj;
  set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT); // NEUTRAL (0), IMPORTANT (3), NORMAL (4), FULL (6)
  bool is_feasible = (solve(lp)==0); // 0: feasible solution found,  2: not found
                                     // solution for minimizing objective function                               
  double* x_min = new double[n_col];
  double* x_max = new double[n_col];                      
  if (is_feasible) {
    get_variables(lp, x_min);
    is_feasible = (solve(lp)==0); // 0: feasible solution found,  2: not found
    if (is_feasible) {
      get_variables(lp, x_max);
      for (int i = 0; i < n_col; i++) {
        x(i+1) = (x_min[i] + x_max[i]) / 2.0;
  delete [] x_min;
  delete [] x_max;
  return is_feasible;
bool q_rigidaffine_compute_rigidmatrix_3D(const vector<Point3D64f> &vec_A,const vector<Point3D64f> &vec_B,Matrix &x4x4_rigidmatrix)
	if(vec_A.size()<4 || vec_A.size()!=vec_B.size())
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Invalid input parameters! \n");
		return false;
	if(x4x4_rigidmatrix.nrows()!=4 || x4x4_rigidmatrix.ncols()!=4)

	int n_point=vec_A.size();

	vector<Point3D64f> vec_A_norm,vec_B_norm;
	Matrix x4x4_normalize_A(4,4),x4x4_normalize_B(4,4);
	vec_A_norm=vec_A;	vec_B_norm=vec_B;

	Matrix x3xn_A(3,n_point),x3xn_B(3,n_point);
	for(long i=0;i<n_point;i++)
		x3xn_A(1,i+1)=vec_A_norm[i].x;	x3xn_A(2,i+1)=vec_A_norm[i].y;	x3xn_A(3,i+1)=vec_A_norm[i].z;
		x3xn_B(1,i+1)=vec_B_norm[i].x;	x3xn_B(2,i+1)=vec_B_norm[i].y;	x3xn_B(3,i+1)=vec_B_norm[i].z;

	DiagonalMatrix D;
	Matrix U,V;
	Matrix R=V*U.t();

	x4x4_rigidmatrix(1,1)=R(1,1);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(1,2)=R(1,2);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(1,3)=R(1,3);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(1,4)=0.0;
	x4x4_rigidmatrix(2,1)=R(2,1);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(2,2)=R(2,2);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(2,3)=R(2,3);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(2,4)=0.0;
	x4x4_rigidmatrix(3,1)=R(3,1);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(3,2)=R(3,2);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(3,3)=R(3,3);	x4x4_rigidmatrix(3,4)=0.0;
	x4x4_rigidmatrix(4,1)=0.0;		x4x4_rigidmatrix(4,2)=0.0;		x4x4_rigidmatrix(4,3)=0.0;		x4x4_rigidmatrix(4,4)=1.0;

	return true;
Example #16
void print_matrix(const char* name, const Matrix<double>& A, int n, int m)
  std::ostringstream s;
  std::string t;
  if (n == -1)
    n = A.nrows();
  if (m == -1)
    m = A.ncols();
  s << name << ": " << std::endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    s << " ";
    for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
      s << A[i][j] << ", ";
    s << std::endl;
  t = s.str();
  t = t.substr(0, t.size() - 3); // To remove the trailing space, comma and newline
  std::cout << t << std::endl;
Example #17
	int SparseEigenSolver(	
		CSR3_sym_matrix<double, std::int32_t>& A,
		CSR3_sym_matrix<double, std::int32_t>& B,
		Matrix<double, M_PROP::GE, M_SHAPE::RE, M_ORD::COL>& Z,
		Vector<double>& L,
		Vector<double>& eigen_error,
		double eigenv_max,
		int    toll_exp,
		int    max_iter,
		std::ostream& log)

		typedef MML3_INT_TYPE  int_t;
		int len=100;
		char buf[100];
		//MKLGetVersionString(buf, len);
		 mkl_get_version_string(buf, len);

		log	<< "\tSolutore modale per matrici sparse basato su:\n"
			<< "\tMKL-FEAST: " << std::string(buf,len);

		log << "\n\tCaratteristiche del sistema:"
			<< "\n\t\tN      : " << A.nrows()
			<< "\n\t\tNNZ(A) : " << A.nonzeros()
			<< "\n\t\tNNZ(B) : " << B.nonzeros() << std::endl;

		if (A.nrows() != B.nrows())
			log << "LinearEigenSolver: dimensioni di A e B incompatibili \n";
			return -1;


		Vector<int_t> fpm(128);

		fpm(1) = 1; // manda in output messAGGI a runtime 
		fpm(2) = 8; // numero di punti di quadratura (default=)8
		if (toll_exp)
			fpm(3) =toll_exp; // tolleranza 10^-fpm(3)
		if (max_iter)
			fpm(4) = max_iter;
		fpm(64) = 0; // use PARDISO

		int_t	n				= A.nrows();
		double	epsout			= 0.;
		int_t	loop			= 0;
		double	emin			= 0.;
		int_t	subspace_dim	= std::min(Z.ncols(),n); // m0 in feast routine
		int_t					founded_eig = 0; // feast m
		int_t					info = 0;
		const char uplo = 'U';

		log << "\n\tParmetri algoritmici:"
			<< "\n\t\tintervallo autovalori     : [" << emin << "," << eigenv_max << "]"
			<< "\n\t\tdimensione sottospazio    : "		<< subspace_dim 
			<< "\n\t\ttolleranza                : 10E-" << fpm(3) 
			<< "\n\t\titerazioni massime        : "		<< fpm(4)
			<< std::endl;
		log << "\n ................ Inizio messaggi solutore .................\n\n";
		dfeast_scsrgv(&uplo, &n, 
			A.column_value(), A.row_pos(), A.column_index(), 
			B.column_value(), B.row_pos(), B.column_index(), 
			fpm.data(), &epsout, &loop, &emin, &eigenv_max,
			&subspace_dim, L.data(), Z.data(), &founded_eig, eigen_error.data(), 
		log << "\n ................ Fine messaggi solutore ...................\n\n";

		if (info != 0)
			return info;

		Vector<double> tmp_L(L.data(), founded_eig);

	return info;
Example #18
	int LinearSparseSolver( static_sparse_CSR_Matrix<double, std::int32_t, M_PROP::SYM>& A,
							Matrix<double, M_PROP::GE, M_SHAPE::RE, M_ORD::COL>& B,
							Matrix<double, M_PROP::GE, M_SHAPE::RE, M_ORD::COL>& X,
							std::ostream& log,
							int threads)

		typedef MML3_INT_TYPE  int_t;
		int len=100;
		char buf[100];
		//MKLGetVersionString(buf, len);
		 mkl_get_version_string(buf, len);

		log	<< "Solutore lineare per matrici sparse basato su:\n"
			<< "\tMKL-PARDISO: " << std::string(buf,len);

		log << "\nCaratteristiche del sistema:"
			<< "\n\t    N   =" << A.nrows()
			<< "\n\t    NNZ =" << A.nonzeros()
			<< "\n\t    NRHS=" << B.ncols() << std::endl;
	// pardiso parameters
	MML3::Vector<int_t>	pardiso_pt(64);
	int_t				pardiso_maxfct = 1;	// una sola matrice da fattorizzare
	int_t				pardiso_mnum = 1;	// la matrice numero 1
	int_t				pardiso_mtype = 2;	// matrici simmetriche definite positive
	int_t				pardiso_phase = 0;
	int_t				pardiso_n = A.nrows();
	double*				pardiso_a=A.column_value();
	int_t*				pardiso_ia = A.row_pos();
	int_t*				pardiso_ja = A.column_index();
	MML3::Vector<int_t>	pardiso_perm(pardiso_n);
	int_t				pardiso_nrhs = 0;
	MML3::Vector<int_t>	pardiso_iparam(64); 
	pardiso_iparam = 0;
	int_t				pardiso_msglvl = 0;	// 1=messaggi a run time, 0=no messaggi
	double*				pardiso_b=0;
	double*				pardiso_x=0;
	int_t				pardiso_error=0;

	pardiso_iparam(1)  = 1; /* No solver default*/
	pardiso_iparam(2)  = 2; /* Fill-in reordering from METIS, 1 for AMD */
	pardiso_iparam(3)  = threads; /* Numbers of thread processors */
	pardiso_iparam(4)  = 0; /* No iterative-direct algorithm */
	pardiso_iparam(5)  = 0; /* No user fill-in reducing permutation */
	pardiso_iparam(6)  = 0; /* Write solution into x */
	pardiso_iparam(7)  = 16; /* Default logical fortran unit number for output */
	pardiso_iparam(8)  = 0; /* Max numbers of iterative refinement steps */
	pardiso_iparam(9)  = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(10) = 13; /* Perturb the pivot elements with 1E-13 */
	pardiso_iparam(11) = 0; /* Use nonsymmetric permutation and scaling MPS */
	pardiso_iparam(12) = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(13) = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(14) = 0; /* Output: Number of perturbed pivots */
	pardiso_iparam(15) = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(16) = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(17) = 0; /* Not in use*/
	pardiso_iparam(18) = -1; /* Output: Number of nonzeros in the factor LU */
	pardiso_iparam(19) = -1; /* Output: Mflops for LU factorization */
	pardiso_iparam(20) = 0;  /* Output: Numbers of CG Iterations */

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Reordering and Symbolic Factorization. This step also allocates 
	// all memory that is necessary for the factorization. 
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	pardiso_phase = 11;
	PARDISO(	pardiso_pt.begin(), &pardiso_maxfct, &pardiso_mnum, &pardiso_mtype, &pardiso_phase, 
				&pardiso_n, pardiso_a, pardiso_ia, pardiso_ja, pardiso_perm.begin(), &pardiso_nrhs, 
				pardiso_iparam.begin(), &pardiso_msglvl, 0, 0, &pardiso_error);

	if (pardiso_error != 0) 
		log << "riordino e fattorizzazione simbolica falliti, codice: " << pardiso_error << "\n";
		return -1;
	log <<	"\tRiordino e fattorizzazione simbolica completata" 
		<<	"\n\t\tFactor NNZ=" <<  pardiso_iparam(18) 
		<<	"\n\t\tMFLOPS    ="	<<  pardiso_iparam(19);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Numerical factorization.
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	pardiso_phase = 22;
	PARDISO(	pardiso_pt.begin(), &pardiso_maxfct, &pardiso_mnum, &pardiso_mtype, &pardiso_phase, 
				&pardiso_n, pardiso_a, pardiso_ia, pardiso_ja, pardiso_perm.begin(), &pardiso_nrhs, 
				pardiso_iparam.begin(), &pardiso_msglvl, 0, 0, &pardiso_error);

	if (pardiso_error != 0) 
		log << " fattorizzazione numerica fallita, codice pardiso=" << pardiso_error << "\n";
		return -1;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	//  Back substitution and iterative refinement. */
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
	pardiso_phase = 33;
	pardiso_iparam(6)  = 0;  // Write solution into x. Attenzione, anche se lo pongo ad 1 in modo che la soluzione sovrascriva F, X viene comunque usato
	PARDISO(	pardiso_pt.begin(), &pardiso_maxfct, &pardiso_mnum, &pardiso_mtype, &pardiso_phase, 
				&pardiso_n, pardiso_a, pardiso_ia, pardiso_ja, pardiso_perm.begin(), &pardiso_nrhs, 
				pardiso_iparam.begin(), &pardiso_msglvl, B.begin(), X.begin(), &pardiso_error);

	if (pardiso_error != 0) 
		log << "Errore nella fase  di sostituzione all'indietro e rifinitura iteritava, codice: " << pardiso_error << "\n";
		return -1;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Termination and release of memory. 
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	pardiso_phase = -1; /* Release internal memory. */
	PARDISO(	pardiso_pt.begin(), &pardiso_maxfct, &pardiso_mnum, &pardiso_mtype, &pardiso_phase, 
				&pardiso_n, pardiso_a, pardiso_ia, pardiso_ja, pardiso_perm.begin(), &pardiso_nrhs, 
				pardiso_iparam.begin(), &pardiso_msglvl, 0, 0, &pardiso_error);

	return 1;
//centrilize and scale the point set
//	xn = T*x;
//	x: every column represent a point [3*N]
bool q_normalize_points(const vector<Coord3D_PCM> vec_input,vector<Coord3D_PCM> &vec_output,Matrix &x4x4_normalize)
	//check parameters
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Input array is null! \n");
		return false;
	if(x4x4_normalize.nrows()!=4 || x4x4_normalize.ncols()!=4)

	//compute the centriod of input point set
	Coord3D_PCM cord_centroid;
	int n_point=vec_input.size();
	for(int i=0;i<n_point;i++)
	//center the point set
	for(int i=0;i<n_point;i++)

	//compute the average distance of every point to the origin
	double d_point2o=0,d_point2o_avg=0;
	for(int i=0;i<n_point;i++)
	//compute the scale factor
	double d_scale_factor=1.0/d_point2o_avg;
	//scale the point set
	for(int i=0;i<n_point;i++)

	//compute the transformation matrix
	// 1 row
	// 2 row
	// 3 row
	// 4 row

	return true;
bool q_gridnodes_dT_3D(const double *p_img64f_tar,const double *p_img64f_sub,const long sz_img[4],
		const long sz_gridwnd,const Matrix &x_bsplinebasis,
		vector< vector< vector< vector<double> > > > &vec4D_grid_dT)
	if(p_img64f_tar==0 || p_img64f_sub==0)
		printf("ERROR: Invalid input image pointer!\n");
		return false;
	if(sz_img[0]<=0 || sz_img[1]<=0 || sz_img[2]<=0 || sz_img[3]!=1)
		printf("ERROR: Invalid input image size!\n");
		return false;
		printf("ERROR: Invalid sz_gridwnd, it should >1!\n");
		return false;
	if(x_bsplinebasis.nrows()!=pow(sz_gridwnd,3) || x_bsplinebasis.ncols()!=pow(4,3))
		printf("ERROR: Invalid input x_bsplinebasis size!\n");
		return false;
		printf("WARNNING: Output vec4D_grid_gradient is not empty, original data will be cleared!\n");

	clock_t start;

	double ****p_img64f_tar_4d=0,****p_img64f_sub_4d=0;
	if(!new4dpointer(p_img64f_tar_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3],p_img64f_tar) ||
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for the 4d pointer of image.\n");
		if(p_img64f_tar_4d)		{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_tar_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}
		if(p_img64f_sub_4d) 	{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_sub_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}
		return false;

	vector< vector< vector< vector<double> > > > vec4D_img_gradient;//4D: row,col,z,dxdydz
	vec4D_img_gradient.assign(sz_img[1],vector< vector< vector<double> > >(sz_img[0],vector< vector<double> >(sz_img[2],vector<double>(3,0))));

	if(SHOWTIME) start=clock();
	for(long z=0;z<sz_img[2];z++)
		for(long y=0;y<sz_img[1];y++)
			for(long x=0;x<sz_img[0];x++)
				long x_s,x_b,y_s,y_b,z_s,z_b;
				x_s=x-1;	x_b=x+1;
				y_s=y-1;	y_b=y+1;
				z_s=z-1;	z_b=z+1;
				x_s = x_s<0 ? 0:x_s;		x_b = x_b>=sz_img[0] ? sz_img[0]-1:x_b;
				y_s = y_s<0 ? 0:y_s;		y_b = y_b>=sz_img[1] ? sz_img[1]-1:y_b;
				z_s = z_s<0 ? 0:z_s;		z_b = z_b>=sz_img[2] ? sz_img[2]-1:z_b;

				double Ix,Iy,Iz;
				if(p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y][x_b]<0 || p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y][x_s]<0 ||
				   p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y_b][x]<0 || p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y_s][x]<0 ||
				   p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z_b][y][x]<0 || p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z_s][y][x]<0 ||
				   p_img64f_tar_4d[0][z][y][x]<0   || p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y][x]<0)

					double I_Itar=p_img64f_sub_4d[0][z][y][x]-p_img64f_tar_4d[0][z][y][x];
	if(SHOWTIME) printf("\t\t\t\t>>compute dT time consume: %.2f s\n",(clock()-start)/100.0);

	if(SHOWTIME) start=clock();
		printf("ERROR: q_bspline_field2grid_3D() return false!\n");
		if(p_img64f_tar_4d)		{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_tar_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}
		if(p_img64f_sub_4d) 	{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_sub_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}
		return false;
	if(SHOWTIME) printf("\t\t\t\t>>compute dT-dM time consume: %.2f s\n",(clock()-start)/100.0);

	if(p_img64f_tar_4d)		{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_tar_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}
	if(p_img64f_sub_4d) 	{delete4dpointer(p_img64f_sub_4d,sz_img[0],sz_img[1],sz_img[2],sz_img[3]);}

	return true;
Example #21
double QuadProg::solve_quadprog(Matrix<double>& G, Vector<double>& g0, 
                      const Matrix<double>& CE, const Vector<double>& ce0,  
                      const Matrix<double>& CI, const Vector<double>& ci0, 
                      Vector<double>& x)
  std::ostringstream msg;
    //Ensure that the dimensions of the matrices and vectors can be
    //safely converted from unsigned int into to int without overflow.
    unsigned mx = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    if(G.ncols() >= mx || G.nrows() >= mx || 
       CE.nrows() >= mx || CE.ncols() >= mx ||
       CI.nrows() >= mx || CI.ncols() >= mx || 
       ci0.size() >= mx || ce0.size() >= mx || g0.size() >= mx){
      msg << "The dimensions of one of the input matrices or vectors were "
	  << "too large." << std::endl
	  << "The maximum allowable size for inputs to solve_quadprog is:"
	  << mx << std::endl;
      throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  int n = G.ncols(), p = CE.ncols(), m = CI.ncols();
  if ((int)G.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix G is not a square matrix (" << G.nrows() << " x " 
	<< G.ncols() << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)CE.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix CE is incompatible (incorrect number of rows " 
	<< CE.nrows() << " , expecting " << n << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)ce0.size() != p)
    msg << "The vector ce0 is incompatible (incorrect dimension " 
	<< ce0.size() << ", expecting " << p << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)CI.nrows() != n)
    msg << "The matrix CI is incompatible (incorrect number of rows " 
	<< CI.nrows() << " , expecting " << n << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  if ((int)ci0.size() != m)
    msg << "The vector ci0 is incompatible (incorrect dimension " 
	<< ci0.size() << ", expecting " << m << ")";
    throw std::logic_error(msg.str());
  register int i, j, k, l; /* indices */
  int ip; // this is the index of the constraint to be added to the active set
  Matrix<double> R(n, n), J(n, n);
  Vector<double> s(m + p), z(n), r(m + p), d(n), np(n), u(m + p), x_old(n), u_old(m + p);
  double f_value, psi, c1, c2, sum, ss, R_norm;
  double inf;
  if (std::numeric_limits<double>::has_infinity)
    inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    inf = 1.0E300;
  double t, t1, t2; /* t is the step lenght, which is the minimum of the partial step length t1 
    * and the full step length t2 */
  Vector<int> A(m + p), A_old(m + p), iai(m + p);
  int q, iq, iter = 0;
  Vector<bool> iaexcl(m + p);
  /* p is the number of equality constraints */
  /* m is the number of inequality constraints */
  q = 0;  /* size of the active set A (containing the indices of the active constraints) */
  std::cout << std::endl << "Starting solve_quadprog" << std::endl;
  print_matrix("G", G);
  print_vector("g0", g0);
  print_matrix("CE", CE);
  print_vector("ce0", ce0);
  print_matrix("CI", CI);
  print_vector("ci0", ci0);
   * Preprocessing phase
  /* compute the trace of the original matrix G */
  c1 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    c1 += G[i][i];
  /* decompose the matrix G in the form L^T L */
  print_matrix("G", G);
  /* initialize the matrix R */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    d[i] = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      R[i][j] = 0.0;
  R_norm = 1.0; /* this variable will hold the norm of the matrix R */
  /* compute the inverse of the factorized matrix G^-1, this is the initial value for H */
  c2 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    d[i] = 1.0;
    forward_elimination(G, z, d);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      J[i][j] = z[j];
    c2 += z[i];
    d[i] = 0.0;
  print_matrix("J", J);
  /* c1 * c2 is an estimate for cond(G) */
    * Find the unconstrained minimizer of the quadratic form 0.5 * x G x + g0 x 
   * this is a feasible point in the dual space
   * x = G^-1 * g0
  cholesky_solve(G, x, g0);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = -x[i];
  /* and compute the current solution value */ 
  f_value = 0.5 * scalar_product(g0, x);
  std::cout << "Unconstrained solution: " << f_value << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* Add equality constraints to the working set A */
  iq = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      np[j] = CE[j][i];
    compute_d(d, J, np);
    update_z(z, J, d, iq);
    update_r(R, r, d, iq);
    print_matrix("R", R, n, iq);
    print_vector("z", z);
    print_vector("r", r, iq);
    print_vector("d", d);
    /* compute full step length t2: i.e., the minimum step in primal space s.t. the contraint 
      becomes feasible */
    t2 = 0.0;
    if (fabs(scalar_product(z, z)) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
      t2 = (-scalar_product(np, x) - ce0[i]) / scalar_product(z, np);
    /* set x = x + t2 * z */
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
      x[k] += t2 * z[k];
    /* set u = u+ */
    u[iq] = t2;
    for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
      u[k] -= t2 * r[k];
    /* compute the new solution value */
    f_value += 0.5 * (t2 * t2) * scalar_product(z, np);
    A[i] = -i - 1;
    if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
      // Equality constraints are linearly dependent
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraints are linearly dependent");
      return f_value;
  /* set iai = K \ A */
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
    iai[i] = i;
l1:	iter++;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* step 1: choose a violated constraint */
  for (i = p; i < iq; i++)
    ip = A[i];
    iai[ip] = -1;
  /* compute s[x] = ci^T * x + ci0 for all elements of K \ A */
  ss = 0.0;
  psi = 0.0; /* this value will contain the sum of all infeasibilities */
  ip = 0; /* ip will be the index of the chosen violated constraint */
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
    iaexcl[i] = true;
    sum = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      sum += CI[j][i] * x[j];
    sum += ci0[i];
    s[i] = sum;
    psi += std::min(0.0, sum);
  print_vector("s", s, m);
  if (fabs(psi) <= m * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * c1 * c2* 100.0)
    /* numerically there are not infeasibilities anymore */
    q = iq;
    return f_value;
  /* save old values for u and A */
  for (i = 0; i < iq; i++)
    u_old[i] = u[i];
    A_old[i] = A[i];
  /* and for x */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x_old[i] = x[i];
l2: /* Step 2: check for feasibility and determine a new S-pair */
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
      if (s[i] < ss && iai[i] != -1 && iaexcl[i])
        ss = s[i];
        ip = i;
  if (ss >= 0.0)
    q = iq;
    return f_value;
  /* set np = n[ip] */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    np[i] = CI[i][ip];
  /* set u = [u 0]^T */
  u[iq] = 0.0;
  /* add ip to the active set A */
  A[iq] = ip;
  std::cout << "Trying with constraint " << ip << std::endl;
  print_vector("np", np);
l2a:/* Step 2a: determine step direction */
    /* compute z = H np: the step direction in the primal space (through J, see the paper) */
    compute_d(d, J, np);
  update_z(z, J, d, iq);
  /* compute N* np (if q > 0): the negative of the step direction in the dual space */
  update_r(R, r, d, iq);
  std::cout << "Step direction z" << std::endl;
  print_vector("z", z);
  print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
  print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
  print_vector("d", d);
  print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
  /* Step 2b: compute step length */
  l = 0;
  /* Compute t1: partial step length (maximum step in dual space without violating dual feasibility */
  t1 = inf; /* +inf */
  /* find the index l s.t. it reaches the minimum of u+[x] / r */
  for (k = p; k < iq; k++)
    if (r[k] > 0.0)
      if (u[k] / r[k] < t1)
	      t1 = u[k] / r[k];
	      l = A[k];
  /* Compute t2: full step length (minimum step in primal space such that the constraint ip becomes feasible */
  if (fabs(scalar_product(z, z))  > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // i.e. z != 0
    t2 = -s[ip] / scalar_product(z, np);
    t2 = inf; /* +inf */
  /* the step is chosen as the minimum of t1 and t2 */
  t = std::min(t1, t2);
  std::cout << "Step sizes: " << t << " (t1 = " << t1 << ", t2 = " << t2 << ") ";
  /* Step 2c: determine new S-pair and take step: */
  /* case (i): no step in primal or dual space */
  if (t >= inf)
    /* QPP is infeasible */
    // FIXME: unbounded to raise
    q = iq;
    return inf;
  /* case (ii): step in dual space */
  if (t2 >= inf)
    /* set u = u +  t * [-r 1] and drop constraint l from the active set A */
    for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
      u[k] -= t * r[k];
    u[iq] += t;
    iai[l] = l;
    delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, l);
    std::cout << " in dual space: " 
      << f_value << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x);
    print_vector("z", z);
    print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
    goto l2a;
  /* case (iii): step in primal and dual space */
  /* set x = x + t * z */
  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
    x[k] += t * z[k];
  /* update the solution value */
  f_value += t * scalar_product(z, np) * (0.5 * t + u[iq]);
  /* u = u + t * [-r 1] */
  for (k = 0; k < iq; k++)
    u[k] -= t * r[k];
  u[iq] += t;
  std::cout << " in both spaces: " 
    << f_value << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  print_vector("u", u, iq + 1);
  print_vector("r", r, iq + 1);
  print_vector("A", A, iq + 1);
  if (fabs(t - t2) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
    std::cout << "Full step has taken " << t << std::endl;
    print_vector("x", x);
    /* full step has taken */
    /* add constraint ip to the active set*/
    if (!add_constraint(R, J, d, iq, R_norm))
      iaexcl[ip] = false;
      delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, ip);
      print_matrix("R", R);
      print_vector("A", A, iq);
			print_vector("iai", iai);
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        iai[i] = i;
      for (i = p; i < iq; i++)
	      A[i] = A_old[i];
	      u[i] = u_old[i];
				iai[A[i]] = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        x[i] = x_old[i];
      goto l2; /* go to step 2 */
      iai[ip] = -1;
    print_matrix("R", R);
    print_vector("A", A, iq);
		print_vector("iai", iai);
    goto l1;
  /* a patial step has taken */
  std::cout << "Partial step has taken " << t << std::endl;
  print_vector("x", x);
  /* drop constraint l */
  iai[l] = l;
  delete_constraint(R, J, A, u, n, p, iq, l);
  print_matrix("R", R);
  print_vector("A", A, iq);
  /* update s[ip] = CI * x + ci0 */
  sum = 0.0;
  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
    sum += CI[k][ip] * x[k];
  s[ip] = sum + ci0[ip];
  print_vector("s", s, m);
  goto l2a;
bool q_bspline_field2grid_3D(const vector< vector< vector< vector<double> > > > &vec4D_grid_int,
		const long sz_gridwnd,const Matrix &x_bsplinebasis,
		vector< vector< vector< vector<double> > > > &vec4D_grid)
	if(vec4D_grid_int.size()==0 || vec4D_grid_int[0].size()==0 || vec4D_grid_int[0][0].size()==0 || vec4D_grid_int[0][0][0].size()!=3)
		printf("ERROR: Invalid input grid size!\n");
		return false;
		printf("ERROR: Invalid sz_gridwnd, it should >1!\n");
		return false;
	if(x_bsplinebasis.nrows()!=pow(sz_gridwnd,3) || x_bsplinebasis.ncols()!=pow(4,3))
		printf("ERROR: Invalid input x_bsplinebasis size!\n");
		return false;
		printf("WARNNING: Output vec4D_grid is not empty, original data will be cleared!\n");

	long sz_grid_int[3];

	long sz_grid[3];
	for(long i=0;i<3;i++)

	vec4D_grid.assign(sz_grid[1],vector< vector< vector<double> > >(sz_grid[0],vector< vector<double> >(sz_grid[2],vector<double>(3,0))));

	for(long x=0;x<sz_grid[0]-3;x++)
		for(long y=0;y<sz_grid[1]-3;y++)
			for(long z=0;z<sz_grid[2]-3;z++)
				for(long xyz=0;xyz<3;xyz++)
					Matrix x1D_transblock(sz_gridwnd*sz_gridwnd*sz_gridwnd,1);
					long ind=1;
					for(long zz=0;zz<sz_gridwnd;zz++)
						for(long xx=0;xx<sz_gridwnd;xx++)
							for(long yy=0;yy<sz_gridwnd;yy++)

					Matrix x1D_grid=x_bsplinebasis.t()*x1D_transblock;

					for(long dep=z;dep<z+4;dep++)
						for(long col=x;col<x+4;col++)
							for(long row=y;row<y+4;row++)

	return true;
Example #23
void IRWPCA(const Matrix<double>& data,
	    Vector<double>& weights,
	    Vector<double>& mu,
	    Matrix<double>& trans,
	    const double tol/*=1E-8*/,
	    const int max_iter/*=1000*/,
	    const bool quiet/* = true*/)
  int d_in = data.nrows();
  int d_out = trans.nrows();
  int N = data.ncols();
  //check on input data
  if (mu.size() != d_in)

  if (trans.ncols() != d_in)
  if (weights.size() != N)

  if (max_iter<1)
    throw MatVecError("max_iter must be positive");
  //data needed for procedure
  Matrix<double,SYM> transcov(d_in,d_in);
  Vector<double> V;
  Vector<double> weights_old;
  Vector<double> V_minus_mu;
  Matrix<double> trans_old;


  //Now we iterate and find the optimal weights,
  // mean, and transformation
  for(int count=1;count<max_iter;count++)

      transcov = trans.Transpose() * trans;
      //find errors and new weights
      for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
	  V.deep_copy( data.col(i) );
	  V -= mu;
	  V -= transcov * V_minus_mu;
	  weights(i) = pow( blas_NRM2(V), 2 );
      //check for convergence using residuals between
      //  new weights and old weights
      weights_old -= weights;
      double Wres = blas_NRM2(weights_old);
      //  and new trans and old trans
      //trans_old -= trans;
      //double Tres = blas_NRM2(trans_old);
      if ( ( Wres/sqrt(N) <tol) )
	  if (!quiet)
	    std::cout << "IRWPCA: converged to tol = " << tol 
		      << " in " << count << " iterations\n";
    }//end for

  //if tolerance was not reached, return an error message
  throw IterException(max_iter,tol);