Example #1
/// Called every frame to render
void VCNRenderNode::Render() const
	if (!mActive || !mRender)

	// Let the base class do its stuff

	// Check if we are in the view frustum
	if ( IsInFrustum() )
		// Trace the object being rendered
		//GPU_PROFILE_OBJECT_BLOCK( GetTag().c_str() );

		// Tell the transform manager what the new current transform is
		VCNXformCore::GetInstance()->SetWorldTransform( mWorld );
        VCNMaterialCore* materialCore = VCNMaterialCore::GetInstance();

		// Set the current material
		materialCore->SelectMaterial( mMaterialID );

		VCNMesh* mesh = VCNResourceCore::GetInstance()->GetResource<VCNMesh>( mMeshID );
		if ( const VCND3DAnimator* anim = GetComponent<VCND3DAnimator>() )
			mesh->SetBoneTransforms( anim->GetTransformPtr() );
        VCNNode* parent = VCNNodeCore::GetInstance()->GetNode(GetParent());

        VCNMaterial* material = materialCore->GetCurrentMaterial();

        VCNEffectParamSet& params = material->GetEffectParamSet();
        params.AddFloat(VCNTXT("Selected"), (IsSelected() || parent->IsSelected()) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
        // Render the mesh
		VCNEffectCore::GetInstance()->RenderMesh( mMeshID, mBoundingSphere );
		mesh->SetBoneTransforms( nullptr );

#if !defined( FINAL )
		// Render the frame of the node
		if ( InputManager::GetInstance().IsKeyPressed( KEY_F ) )
			const Matrix4 nodeFrame = GetWorldTransformation();
			const Vector3 center = nodeFrame.GetTranslation();
			VCNRenderCore::GetInstance()->DrawLine( center, center + nodeFrame.GetXAxis().Normalized(), VCNColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );
			VCNRenderCore::GetInstance()->DrawLine( center, center + nodeFrame.GetYAxis().Normalized(), VCNColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) );
			VCNRenderCore::GetInstance()->DrawLine( center, center + nodeFrame.GetZAxis().Normalized(), VCNColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) );
Example #2
void BatchRenderer::DrawArrow( const Matrix4& arrowTransform, const FColor& color, FLOAT arrowLength, FLOAT headSize )
	mxSWIPED("Unreal Engine 3");

	const Vec3D	origin = arrowTransform.GetTranslation();
	const Vec3D endPoint = arrowTransform.TransformVector(Vec3D( arrowLength, 0.0f, 0.0f ));
	const FLOAT headScale = 0.5f;

	const FColor& startColor = FColor::WHITE;
	const FColor& endColor = color;

	this->DrawLine3D( origin, endPoint, startColor, endColor );
	this->DrawLine3D( endPoint, arrowTransform.TransformVector(Vec3D( arrowLength-headSize, +headSize*headScale, +headSize*headScale )), startColor, endColor );
	this->DrawLine3D( endPoint, arrowTransform.TransformVector(Vec3D( arrowLength-headSize, +headSize*headScale, -headSize*headScale )), startColor, endColor );
	this->DrawLine3D( endPoint, arrowTransform.TransformVector(Vec3D( arrowLength-headSize, -headSize*headScale, +headSize*headScale )), startColor, endColor );
	this->DrawLine3D( endPoint, arrowTransform.TransformVector(Vec3D( arrowLength-headSize, -headSize*headScale, -headSize*headScale )), startColor, endColor );
Example #3
	void Draw( BatchRenderer & batchRenderer, const Matrix4& transform, const FColor& color )
		const Vec3D apex = transform.TransformVector( arrowHeadVertex );

		// draw the 'stem'
		batchRenderer.DrawLine3D( transform.GetTranslation(), apex, FColor::WHITE, color );

		// draw the arrow head
		for( UINT iSegment = 0 ; iSegment < AXIS_ARROW_SEGMENTS ; iSegment++ )
			const Vec3D& p0 = transform.TransformVector( arrowVertices[ iSegment ] );
			const Vec3D& p1 = transform.TransformVector( arrowVertices[ iSegment + 1 ] );

			// Draw the base triangle of the cone.
			// NOTE: no need because we disabled backface culling
			//batchRenderer.DrawSolidTriangle3D( p0,p1,arrowBaseVertex,color );

			// Draw the top triangle of the cone.

			batchRenderer.DrawSolidTriangle3D( p0, p1, apex, color );