Example #1
void SaveNISTDAT::exec()
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  std::string filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");

  // prepare to save to file
  std::ofstream out_File(filename.c_str());
  if (!out_File)
    g_log.error("Failed to open file:" + filename);
    throw Exception::FileError("Failed to open file:" , filename);
  out_File << "Data columns Qx - Qy - I(Qx,Qy) - err(I)\r\n";
  out_File << "ASCII data\r\n";

  // Set up the progress reporting object
  Progress progress(this,0.0,1.0,2);
  progress.report("Save I(Qx,Qy)");

  if ( inputWS->axes() > 1 && inputWS->getAxis(1)->isNumeric() )
    const Axis& axis = *inputWS->getAxis(1);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.length()-1; i++)
      const double qy = (axis(i)+axis(i+1))/2.0;
      const MantidVec& XIn = inputWS->readX(i);
      const MantidVec& YIn = inputWS->readY(i);
      const MantidVec& EIn = inputWS->readE(i);

      for ( size_t j = 0; j < XIn.size()-1; j++)
        // Exclude NaNs
        if (YIn[j]==YIn[j])
          out_File << (XIn[j]+XIn[j+1])/2.0;
          out_File << "  " << qy;
          out_File << "  " << YIn[j];
          out_File << "  " << EIn[j] << "\r\n";
  progress.report("Save I(Qx,Qy)");
Example #2
/** Executes the algorithm
 *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
void Max::exec()
  // Try and retrieve the optional properties
  m_MinRange = getProperty("RangeLower");
  m_MaxRange = getProperty("RangeUpper");
  m_MinSpec = getProperty("StartWorkspaceIndex");
  m_MaxSpec = getProperty("EndWorkspaceIndex");

  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  const int numberOfSpectra = static_cast<int>(localworkspace->getNumberHistograms());

  // Check 'StartSpectrum' is in range 0-numberOfSpectra
  if ( m_MinSpec > numberOfSpectra )
    g_log.warning("StartSpectrum out of range! Set to 0.");
    m_MinSpec = 0;
  if ( isEmpty(m_MaxSpec) ) m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra-1;
  if ( m_MaxSpec > numberOfSpectra-1 || m_MaxSpec < m_MinSpec )
    g_log.warning("EndSpectrum out of range! Set to max detector number");
    m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra;
  if ( m_MinRange > m_MaxRange )
    g_log.warning("Range_upper is less than Range_lower. Will integrate up to frame maximum.");
    m_MaxRange = 0.0;

  // Create the 1D workspace for the output
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(localworkspace,m_MaxSpec-m_MinSpec+1,2,1);

  Progress progress(this,0,1,(m_MaxSpec-m_MinSpec+1));
  // Loop over spectra
  for (int i = m_MinSpec; i <= m_MaxSpec; ++i)
    int newindex=i-m_MinSpec;
    if (localworkspace->axes() > 1)
      outputWorkspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(newindex) = localworkspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(i);

    // Retrieve the spectrum into a vector
    const MantidVec& X = localworkspace->readX(i);
    const MantidVec& Y = localworkspace->readY(i);

    // Find the range [min,max]
    MantidVec::const_iterator lowit, highit;
    if (m_MinRange == EMPTY_DBL()) lowit=X.begin();
    else lowit=std::lower_bound(X.begin(),X.end(),m_MinRange);

    if (m_MaxRange == EMPTY_DBL()) highit=X.end();
    else highit=std::find_if(lowit,X.end(),std::bind2nd(std::greater<double>(),m_MaxRange));

    // If range specified doesn't overlap with this spectrum then bail out
    if ( lowit == X.end() || highit == X.begin() ) continue;

    highit--; // Upper limit is the bin before, i.e. the last value smaller than MaxRange

    MantidVec::difference_type distmin=std::distance(X.begin(),lowit);
    MantidVec::difference_type distmax=std::distance(X.begin(),highit);

    // Find the max element
    MantidVec::const_iterator maxY=std::max_element(Y.begin()+distmin,Y.begin()+distmax);
    MantidVec::difference_type d=std::distance(Y.begin(),maxY);
    // X boundaries for the max element
    outputWorkspace->dataX(newindex)[1]=*(X.begin()+d+1); //This is safe since X is of dimension Y+1

  // Assign it to the output workspace property

Example #3
    /** Executes the rebin algorithm
    *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if the bin range does not intersect the range of the input workspace
    void Rebin::exec()
      // Get the input workspace
      MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

      // Are we preserving event workspace-iness?
      bool PreserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

      // Rebinning in-place
      bool inPlace = (inputWS == outputWS);

      // retrieve the properties
      const std::vector<double> rb_params=getProperty("Params");

      const bool dist = inputWS->isDistribution();

      const bool isHist = inputWS->isHistogramData();

      // workspace independent determination of length
      const int histnumber = static_cast<int>(inputWS->getNumberHistograms());
      MantidVecPtr XValues_new;
      // create new output X axis
      const int ntcnew = VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams(rb_params, XValues_new.access());

      //Now, determine if the input workspace is actually an EventWorkspace
      EventWorkspace_const_sptr eventInputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS);

      if (eventInputWS != NULL)
        //------- EventWorkspace as input -------------------------------------
        EventWorkspace_sptr eventOutputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(outputWS);

        if (inPlace && PreserveEvents)
          // -------------Rebin in-place, preserving events ----------------------------------------------
          // This only sets the X axis. Actual rebinning will be done upon data access.
          this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(eventOutputWS));
        else if (!inPlace && PreserveEvents)
          // -------- NOT in-place, but you want to keep events for some reason. ----------------------
          // Must copy the event workspace to a new EventWorkspace (and bin that).

          //Make a brand new EventWorkspace
          eventOutputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(
              API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("EventWorkspace", inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1));
          //Copy geometry over.
          API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, eventOutputWS, false);
          //You need to copy over the data as well.
          eventOutputWS->copyDataFrom( (*eventInputWS) );

          // This only sets the X axis. Actual rebinning will be done upon data access.

          //Cast to the matrixOutputWS and save it
          this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(eventOutputWS));
          //--------- Different output, OR you're inplace but not preserving Events --- create a Workspace2D -------
          g_log.information() << "Creating a Workspace2D from the EventWorkspace " << eventInputWS->getName() << ".\n";

          //Create a Workspace2D
          // This creates a new Workspace2D through a torturous route using the WorkspaceFactory.
          // The Workspace2D is created with an EMPTY CONSTRUCTOR
          outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D",histnumber,ntcnew,ntcnew-1);
          WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, outputWS, true);

          //Initialize progress reporting.
          Progress prog(this,0.0,1.0, histnumber);

          //Go through all the histograms and set the data
          PARALLEL_FOR3(inputWS, eventInputWS, outputWS)
          for (int i=0; i < histnumber; ++i)

            //Set the X axis for each output histogram
            outputWS->setX(i, XValues_new);

            //Get a const event list reference. eventInputWS->dataY() doesn't work.
            const EventList& el = eventInputWS->getEventList(i);
            MantidVec y_data, e_data;
            // The EventList takes care of histogramming.
            el.generateHistogram(*XValues_new, y_data, e_data);

            //Copy the data over.
            outputWS->dataY(i).assign(y_data.begin(), y_data.end());
            outputWS->dataE(i).assign(e_data.begin(), e_data.end());

            //Report progress

          //Copy all the axes
          for (int i=1; i<inputWS->axes(); i++)
            outputWS->replaceAxis( i, inputWS->getAxis(i)->clone(outputWS.get()) );
            outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

          //Copy the units over too.
          for (int i=0; i < outputWS->axes(); ++i)
            outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

          // Assign it to the output workspace property
          setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);

      } // END ---- EventWorkspace