Network ConnectivityMeasures::pearsonsCorrelationCoeff(const MatrixXd& matData, const MatrixX3f& matVert)
    Network finalNetwork("Pearson's Correlation Coefficient");

    //Create nodes
    for(int i = 0; i < matData.rows(); ++i) {
        RowVectorXf rowVert = RowVectorXf::Zero(3);

        if(matVert.rows() != 0 && i < matVert.rows()) {
            rowVert(0) = matVert.row(i)(0);
            rowVert(1) = matVert.row(i)(1);
            rowVert(2) = matVert.row(i)(2);

        finalNetwork << NetworkNode::SPtr(new NetworkNode(i, rowVert));

    //Create edges
    for(int i = 0; i < matData.rows(); ++i) {
        for(int j = i; j < matData.rows(); ++j) {
            double pearsonsCoeff = calcPearsonsCorrelationCoeff(matData.row(i), matData.row(j));

            QSharedPointer<NetworkEdge> pEdge = QSharedPointer<NetworkEdge>(new NetworkEdge(finalNetwork.getNodes()[i], finalNetwork.getNodes()[j], pearsonsCoeff));

            *finalNetwork.getNodeAt(i) << pEdge;
            finalNetwork << pEdge;

    return finalNetwork;
Network ConnectivityMeasures::crossCorrelation(const MatrixXd& matData, const MatrixX3f& matVert)
    Network finalNetwork("Cross Correlation");

    //Create nodes
    for(int i = 0; i < matData.rows(); ++i) {
        RowVectorXf rowVert = RowVectorXf::Zero(3);

        if(matVert.rows() != 0 && i < matVert.rows()) {
            rowVert(0) = matVert.row(i)(0);
            rowVert(1) = matVert.row(i)(1);
            rowVert(2) = matVert.row(i)(2);

        finalNetwork << NetworkNode::SPtr(new NetworkNode(i, rowVert));

    //Create edges
    for(int i = 0; i < matData.rows(); ++i) {
        for(int j = i; j < matData.rows(); ++j) {
            QPair<int,double> crossCorrPair = calcCrossCorrelation(matData.row(i), matData.row(j));

            QSharedPointer<NetworkEdge> pEdge = QSharedPointer<NetworkEdge>(new NetworkEdge(finalNetwork.getNodes()[i], finalNetwork.getNodes()[j], crossCorrPair.second));

            *finalNetwork.getNodeAt(i) << pEdge;
            finalNetwork << pEdge;

//    finalNetwork.scale();
//    matDist /= matDist.maxCoeff();

    return finalNetwork;
Example #3
MatrixX3f Surface::compute_normals(const MatrixX3f& rr, const MatrixX3i& tris)
    printf("\tcomputing normals\n");
    // first, compute triangle normals
    MatrixX3f r1(tris.rows(),3); MatrixX3f r2(tris.rows(),3); MatrixX3f r3(tris.rows(),3);

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < tris.rows(); ++i)
        r1.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 0));
        r2.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 1));
        r3.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 2));

    MatrixX3f x = r2 - r1;
    MatrixX3f y = r3 - r1;
    MatrixX3f tri_nn(x.rows(),y.cols());
    tri_nn.col(0) = x.col(1).cwiseProduct(y.col(2)) - x.col(2).cwiseProduct(y.col(1));
    tri_nn.col(1) = x.col(2).cwiseProduct(y.col(0)) - x.col(0).cwiseProduct(y.col(2));
    tri_nn.col(2) = x.col(0).cwiseProduct(y.col(1)) - x.col(1).cwiseProduct(y.col(0));

    //   Triangle normals and areas
    MatrixX3f tmp = tri_nn.cwiseProduct(tri_nn);
    VectorXf normSize = tmp.rowwise().sum();
    normSize = normSize.cwiseSqrt();

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < normSize.size(); ++i)
        if(normSize(i) != 0)
            tri_nn.row(i) /= normSize(i);

    MatrixX3f nn = MatrixX3f::Zero(rr.rows(), 3);

    for(qint32 p = 0; p < tris.rows(); ++p)
        Vector3i verts = tris.row(p);
        for(qint32 j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j)
            nn.row(verts(j)) = tri_nn.row(p);

    tmp = nn.cwiseProduct(nn);
    normSize = tmp.rowwise().sum();
    normSize = normSize.cwiseSqrt();

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < normSize.size(); ++i)
        if(normSize(i) != 0)
            nn.row(i) /= normSize(i);

    return nn;
Example #4
void LabelView::initializeGL(QGLPainter *painter)
    // in the constructor construct a builder on the stack
    QGLBuilder builder;

    float fac = 10.0f;

    builder << QGL::Faceted;
    m_pSceneNodeBrain = builder.currentNode();


    // Collor palette
    qint32 index;
    QSharedPointer<QGLMaterialCollection> palette = builder.sceneNode()->palette(); // register color palette within the root node

    // Build each hemisphere in its separate node
    for(qint32 h = 0; h < 2; ++h)
        builder.newNode();//create new hemisphere node
            MatrixX3i tris;
            MatrixX3f rr = m_surfSet[h].rr();

            // Create each ROI in its own node
            for(qint32 k = 0; k < m_qListLabels.size(); ++k)
                //check if label hemi fits current hemi
                if(m_qListLabels[k].hemi != h)

                //Ggenerate label tri information
                tris = m_qListLabels[k].selectTris(m_surfSet[h]);

                // add new ROI node when current ROI node is not empty
                if(builder.currentNode()->count() > 0)

                QGeometryData t_GeometryDataTri;

                MatrixXf t_TriCoords(3,3*tris.rows());

                for(qint32 i = 0; i < tris.rows(); ++i)
                    t_TriCoords.col(i*3) = rr.row( tris(i,0) ).transpose();
                    t_TriCoords.col(i*3+1) = rr.row( tris(i,1) ).transpose();
                    t_TriCoords.col(i*3+2) = rr.row( tris(i,2) ).transpose();

                t_TriCoords *= fac;
                t_GeometryDataTri.appendVertexArray(QArray<QVector3D>::fromRawData( reinterpret_cast<const QVector3D*>(, t_TriCoords.cols() ));

                // If triangles are available.
                if (t_GeometryDataTri.count() > 0)

                    //  Add triangles to current node

                    // Colorize ROI
                    QGLMaterial *t_pMaterialROI = new QGLMaterial();
                    int r, g, b;
                    r = m_qListRGBAs[k][0];
                    g = m_qListRGBAs[k][1];
                    b = m_qListRGBAs[k][2];

//                        t_pMaterialROI->setEmittedLight(QColor(100,100,100,255));
//                        t_pMaterialROI->setSpecularColor(QColor(10,10,10,20));

                    index = palette->addMaterial(t_pMaterialROI);
        // Go one level up
    // Go one level up

    // Optimze current scene for display and calculate lightning normals
    m_pSceneNode = builder.finalizedSceneNode();

    // Create light models
    m_pLightModel = new QGLLightModel(this);

    m_pLightModel = new QGLLightModel(this);

    m_pLightParametersScene = new QGLLightParameters(this);
    m_pLightParametersScene->setPosition(QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f));

    simCount = 0;

    // Set stereo type
    if (m_bStereo) {
