void dbInterface::deleteGymnast(QString& p_strFirstName, QString& p_strLastName) { if (m_bInitialized) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("ConnMG"); QSqlQuery query(db); QString strQuery = "DELETE FROM athlete WHERE first_name='" + p_strFirstName + "' AND last_name='" + p_strLastName.trimmed() + "'"; bool bRet = query.exec(strQuery); if (bRet) { qInfo() << "Athlete removed: " << p_strFirstName << " " << p_strLastName; } else { QString strErr = "Athlete NOT removed: " + p_strFirstName + " " + p_strLastName + "\n" + query.lastError().text(); qCritical() << strErr; MessageBox cMsgBox; cMsgBox.SetTitle("Warning"); cMsgBox.SetText(strErr); cMsgBox.Show(); } } else { qInfo() << "dbInterface::deleteGymnast(): Db not initialized"; } }
void GUISystem::ShowMessageBox(const CEGUI::String& text, MessageBox::eMessageBoxType type, MessageBox::Callback callback, int32 tag) { MessageBox* messageBox = new MessageBox(type, tag); messageBox->SetText(text); messageBox->RegisterCallback(callback); messageBox->Show(); }
void SaveScore::onSaveScore(QString p_strGymnastFullTxt, QString p_strApparatus, QString p_strStartScore, QString p_strFinalScore, bool p_bFinalApparatus) { QString strFinalApparatus = p_bFinalApparatus ? "FinalApparatus" : ""; qDebug() << "onSaveScore(): " << p_strGymnastFullTxt << ", " << p_strApparatus << ", " << p_strStartScore << ", " << p_strFinalScore << ", " << strFinalApparatus; QString strErr = ""; bool bConvStartScoreOk = false; float fStartScore = CheckStartScore(p_strStartScore, &bConvStartScoreOk); if (!bConvStartScoreOk) { strErr = "Nota di partenza non é tra 0 e 10"; } bool bConvFinalScoreOk = false; float fFinalScore = CheckFinalScore(p_strFinalScore, &bConvFinalScoreOk); if (!bConvFinalScoreOk) { if (!strErr.isEmpty()) strErr += "\n"; strErr += "Nota finale non é tra 0 e 20"; } // save it to DB SendToDb(p_strGymnastFullTxt, p_strApparatus, fStartScore, fFinalScore, p_bFinalApparatus); // Show it to the user if ((!bConvStartScoreOk) || (!bConvFinalScoreOk)) { MessageBox cMsgBox; cMsgBox.SetTitle("Warning"); cMsgBox.SetText(strErr); cMsgBox.Show(); } }
void MainForm::OnParsingFailure(String &error) { String title; String text; String emptyText; AppResource *pAppResource = Application::GetInstance()->GetAppResource(); pAppResource->GetString("IDS_APPNAME", title); pAppResource->GetString("IDS_FAILURE", text); pAppResource->GetString("IDS_ERROR", emptyText); __pListFood->SetTextOfEmptyList(emptyText); __pListFood->RequestRedraw(); MessageBox *pMessageBox = new MessageBox(); pMessageBox->Construct(title, text, MSGBOX_STYLE_OK ); pMessageBox->Show(); delete pMessageBox; StopLoadingAnimation(); }