Example #1
void * Queue1Thread( void * v )
	int result = pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "FileQueue1" );
	if ( result != 0 )
		LOG( "InitFileQueue: pthread_setname_np failed %s", strerror( result ) );

	// Process incoming messages until queue is empty
	for ( ; ; )

		// If Queue3 hasn't finished our last output, sleep until it has.
		pthread_mutex_lock( &QueueMutex );
		while ( !QueueHasCleared )
			// Atomically unlock the mutex and block until we get a message.
			pthread_cond_wait( &QueueWake, &QueueMutex );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &QueueMutex );

		const char * msg = Queue1.GetNextMessage();

		char commandName[1024] = {};
		sscanf( msg, "%s", commandName );
		const char * filename = msg + strlen( commandName ) + 1;

		MessageQueue * queue = &Queue3;
		char const * suffix = strstr( filename, "_nz.jpg" ); 
		if ( suffix != NULL )	
			// cube map
			const char * const cubeSuffix[6] = { "_px.jpg", "_nx.jpg", "_py.jpg", "_ny.jpg", "_pz.jpg", "_nz.jpg" };
			MemBufferFile mbfs[6] = 
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ), 
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ),
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ),
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ),
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ),
				MemBufferFile( MemBufferFile::NoInit ) 

			char filenameWithoutSuffix[1024];
			int suffixStart = suffix - filename;
			strcpy( filenameWithoutSuffix, filename );
			filenameWithoutSuffix[suffixStart] = '\0';
			int side = 0;
			for ( ; side < 6; side++ )
				char sideFilename[1024];
				strcpy( sideFilename, filenameWithoutSuffix );
				strcat( sideFilename, cubeSuffix[side] );
				if ( !mbfs[side].LoadFile( sideFilename ) )
					if ( !mbfs[ side ].LoadFileFromPackage( sideFilename ) )
				LOG( "Queue1 loaded '%s'", sideFilename );
			if ( side >= 6 )
				// if no error occured, post to next thread
				LOG( "%s.PostPrintf( \"%s %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i\" )", "Queue3", commandName, 
						mbfs[0].Buffer, mbfs[0].Length,
						mbfs[1].Buffer, mbfs[1].Length,
						mbfs[2].Buffer, mbfs[2].Length,
						mbfs[3].Buffer, mbfs[3].Length,
						mbfs[4].Buffer, mbfs[4].Length,
						mbfs[5].Buffer, mbfs[5].Length );
				queue->PostPrintf( "%s %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i", commandName,
						mbfs[0].Buffer, mbfs[0].Length,
						mbfs[1].Buffer, mbfs[1].Length,
						mbfs[2].Buffer, mbfs[2].Length,
						mbfs[3].Buffer, mbfs[3].Length,
						mbfs[4].Buffer, mbfs[4].Length,
						mbfs[5].Buffer, mbfs[5].Length );
				for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
					// make sure we do not free the actual buffers because they're used in the next thread
					mbfs[i].Buffer = NULL;
					mbfs[i].Length = 0;
				// otherwise free the buffers we did manage to allocate
				for ( int i = 0; i < side; ++i )
			// non-cube map
			MemBufferFile mbf( filename );
			if ( mbf.Length <= 0 || mbf.Buffer == NULL )
				if ( !mbf.LoadFileFromPackage( filename ) )
			LOG( "%s.PostPrintf( \"%s %p %i\" )", "Queue3", commandName, mbf.Buffer, mbf.Length );
			queue->PostPrintf( "%s %p %i", commandName, mbf.Buffer, mbf.Length );
			mbf.Buffer = NULL;
			mbf.Length = 0;

		free( (void *)msg );
	return NULL;
Example #2
void * Queue3Thread( void * v )
	int result = pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "FileQueue3" );
	if ( result != 0 )
		LOG( "InitFileQueue: pthread_setname_np failed %s", strerror( result ) );

	// Process incoming messages until queue is empty
	for ( ; ; )
		const char * msg = Queue3.GetNextMessage();

		LOG( "Queue3 msg = '%s'", msg );

		// Note that Queue3 has cleared the message
		pthread_mutex_lock( &QueueMutex );
		QueueHasCleared = true;
		pthread_cond_signal( &QueueWake );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &QueueMutex );

		char commandName[1024] = {};
		sscanf( msg, "%s", commandName );
		int numBuffers = strcmp( commandName, "cube" ) == 0 ? 6 : 1;
		unsigned * b[6] = {};
		int blen[6];
		if ( numBuffers == 1 )
			sscanf( msg, "%s %p %i", commandName, &b[0], &blen[0] );
			OVR_ASSERT( numBuffers == 6 );		
			sscanf( msg, "%s %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i %p %i ", commandName,
					&b[0], &blen[0],
					&b[1], &blen[1],
					&b[2], &blen[2],
					&b[3], &blen[3],
					&b[4], &blen[4],
					&b[5], &blen[5] );

#if !defined( USE_TURBO_JPEG )
		stbi_uc * data[6];
		unsigned char * data[6];

		int resolutionX = 0;
		int resolutionY = 0;
		int buffCount = 0;
		for ( ; buffCount < numBuffers; buffCount++ )
			int	x, y;
			unsigned * b1 = b[buffCount];
			int b1len = blen[buffCount];

#if !defined( USE_TURBO_JPEG )
			int comp;
			data[buffCount] = stbi_load_from_memory( (const stbi_uc*)b1, b1len, &x, &y, &comp, 4 );
			data[buffCount] = TurboJpegLoadFromMemory( (unsigned char*)b1, b1len, &x, &y );
			if ( buffCount == 0 )
				resolutionX = x;
				resolutionY = y;

			// done with the loading buffer now
			free( b1 );

			if ( data[buffCount] == NULL )
				LOG( "LoadingThread: failed to load from buffer" );

		if ( buffCount != numBuffers )	// an image load failed, free everything and abort this load
			for ( int i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i )
				free( data[i] );
				data[i] = NULL;
			if ( numBuffers == 1 )
				OVR_ASSERT( data[0] != NULL );
				LOG( "Queue3.PostPrintf( \"%s %p %i %i\" )", commandName, data[0], resolutionX, resolutionY );
				( ( Oculus360Photos * )v )->GetBGMessageQueue( ).PostPrintf( "%s %p %i %i", commandName, data[ 0 ], resolutionX, resolutionY );
				OVR_ASSERT( numBuffers == 6 );
				LOG( "Queue3.PostPrintf( \"%s %i %p %p %p %p %p %p\" )", commandName, resolutionX, 
						data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5] );
				( ( Oculus360Photos * )v )->GetBGMessageQueue( ).PostPrintf( "%s %i %p %p %p %p %p %p", commandName, resolutionX,
						data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5] );

		free( (void *)msg );
	return NULL;