void MXPImporter::loadIngredients( QTextStream &stream, Recipe &recipe )
	( void ) stream.readLine();
	QString current = stream.readLine();
	if ( !current.contains( "NONE" ) && !current.isEmpty() ) {
		while ( !current.isEmpty() && !stream.atEnd() ) {
			Ingredient new_ingredient;

			QString amount_str = current.mid( 0, 9 ).simplified();
			if ( !amount_str.isEmpty() )  // case of amount_str.isEmpty() correctly handled by class default
				MixedNumber amount;
				QValidator::State state;
				state = MixedNumber::fromString( amount_str, amount, false );
				if ( state != QValidator::Acceptable )
					addWarningMsg( i18n( "While loading recipe \"%1\" Invalid amount \"%2\" in the line \"%3\"" , recipe.title, amount_str , current.trimmed() ) );
					current = stream.readLine();
				new_ingredient.amount = amount.toDouble();

			QString units( current.mid( 9, 13 ) );
			new_ingredient.units = Unit( units.simplified(), new_ingredient.amount );

			int dash_index = current.indexOf( "--" );

			int length;
			if ( dash_index == -1 || dash_index == 24 )  //ignore a dash in the first position (index 24)
				length = current.length();
				length = dash_index - 22;

			QString ingredient_name( current.mid( 22, length ) );
			new_ingredient.name = ingredient_name.trimmed();

			//prep method
			if ( dash_index != -1 && dash_index != 24 )  //ignore a dash in the first position (index 24)
				new_ingredient.prepMethodList.append( Element(current.mid( dash_index + 2, current.length() ).trimmed()) );

			recipe.ingList.append( new_ingredient );
			//kDebug()<<"Found ingredient: amount="<<new_ingredient.amount
			//  <<", unit:"<<new_ingredient.units
			//  <<", name:"<<new_ingredient.name
			//  <<", prep_method:"<<prep_method;

			current = stream.readLine();
	//	kDebug()<<"No ingredients found.";
Example #2
void RecipeMLImporter::readRecipemlQty( const QDomElement &qty, Ingredient &ing )
    QDomNodeList qtyChilds = qty.childNodes();

    for ( int i = 0; i < qtyChilds.count(); i++ ) {
        QDomElement qtyChild = qtyChilds.item( i ).toElement();
        QString tagName = qtyChild.tagName();
        if ( tagName == "range" )
            readRecipemlRange( qtyChild, ing.amount, ing.amount_offset );
        else if ( tagName.isEmpty() ) {
            MixedNumber number;
            MixedNumber::fromString( qty.text(), number );
            ing.amount = number.toDouble();
        } else
            kDebug() << "Unknown tag within <qty>: " << tagName ;
Example #3
void AmountUnitInput::setAmount( const MixedNumber &amount )
	amountInput->disconnect( this );
	if ( amount.toDouble() < 0 )
		amountInput->setValue( amount, 0 );
	connect( amountInput, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const MixedNumber &)), SLOT(emitValueChanged()) );
Example #4
void RecipeMLImporter::readRecipemlRange( const QDomElement& range, double &amount, double &amount_offset )
    QDomNodeList rangeChilds = range.childNodes();
    double q1 = 1, q2 = 0; // default quantity assumed by RecipeML DTD
    MixedNumber number;
    for ( int j = 0; j < rangeChilds.count(); j++ ) {
        QDomElement rangeChild = rangeChilds.item( j ).toElement();
        QString subTagName = rangeChild.tagName();
        if ( subTagName == "q1" ) {
            MixedNumber::fromString( rangeChild.text(), number );
            q1 = number.toDouble();
        } else if ( subTagName == "q2" ) {
            MixedNumber::fromString( rangeChild.text(), number );
            q2 = number.toDouble();
        } else
            kDebug() << "Unknown tag within <range>: " << subTagName ;

    amount = q1;
    amount_offset = q2-q1;
Example #5
void IngredientMatcherDialog::itemRenamed( Q3ListViewItem* item, const QPoint &, int col )
	if ( col == 1 ) {
		QPointer<KDialog> amountEditDialog = new KDialog(this);
		amountEditDialog->setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Enter amount"));
		amountEditDialog->setButtons(KDialog::Cancel | KDialog::Ok);
		amountEditDialog->setModal( false );	
		Q3GroupBox *box = new Q3GroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18nc("@title:group", "Amount"), amountEditDialog );
		AmountUnitInput *amountEdit = new AmountUnitInput( box, database );
		// Set the values from the item
		if ( !item->text(1).isEmpty() ) {
			MixedNumber number;
			MixedNumber::fromString( item->text(2), number );
			amountEdit->setAmount( number );
			Unit u;
			amountEdit->setUnit( u );
		} else {
			amountEdit->setAmount( MixedNumber(-1) );
			Unit u;
			amountEdit->setUnit( u );

		amountEditDialog->resize( 400, amountEditDialog->size().height() );
		amountEditDialog->setFixedHeight( amountEditDialog->size().height() );

		if ( amountEditDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
			MixedNumber amount = amountEdit->amount();
			Unit unit = amountEdit->unit();

			if ( amount.toDouble() <= 1e-5 ) {
				amount = MixedNumber(-1);

			} else {
				item->setText(1,amount.toString()+' '+unit.determineName(amount.toDouble(), /*useAbbrev=*/false));


			IngredientList::iterator ing_it = m_item_ing_map[item];
			(*ing_it).amount = amount.toDouble();
			(*ing_it).units = unit;

		delete amountEditDialog;
void MX2Importer::readRecipe( const QDomNodeList& l, Recipe *recipe )
	for ( int i = 0; i < l.count(); i++ ) {
		QDomElement el = l.item( i ).toElement();

		QString tagName = el.tagName();
		if ( tagName == "Serv" ) {
			recipe->yield.setAmount(el.attribute( "qty" ).toInt());
		else if ( tagName == "PrpT" )
			recipe->prepTime = QTime::fromString( el.attribute( "elapsed" ), "h:mm" );
		else if ( tagName == "CatS" ) {
			QDomNodeList categories = el.childNodes();
			for ( int j = 0; j < categories.count(); j++ ) {
				QDomElement c = categories.item( j ).toElement();
				if ( c.tagName() == "CatT" ) {
					if ( c.text().length() > 0 ) {
						Element cat( c.text().trimmed() );
						recipe->categoryList.append( cat );
		else if ( tagName == "IngR" ) {
			double quantity1=0, quantity2=0, offset=0;
			QStringList qtyStrList = el.attribute( "qty" ).split( ' ' );
			if ( !qtyStrList.isEmpty() ) {
				QValidator::State state;
				MixedNumber number;
				state = MixedNumber::fromString( qtyStrList.first(), number, false );
				if ( state != QValidator::Acceptable )
					quantity1 = 0;
					quantity1 = number.toDouble();
				state = MixedNumber::fromString( qtyStrList.last(), number, false );
				if ( state != QValidator::Acceptable )
					quantity2 = 0;
					quantity2 = number.toDouble();
			offset = quantity2 - quantity1;
			Ingredient new_ing( el.attribute( "name" ),
			                    Unit( el.attribute( "unit" ), quantity1 ) );
			new_ing.amount_offset = offset;
			if ( el.hasChildNodes() ) {
				QDomNodeList iChilds = el.childNodes();
				for ( int j = 0; j < iChilds.count(); j++ ) {
					QDomElement iChild = iChilds.item( j ).toElement();
					if ( iChild.tagName() == "IPrp" ) {
						QString prepMethodStr = iChild.text().trimmed();
						if ( !prepMethodStr.isEmpty() )
							new_ing.prepMethodList.append( Element( prepMethodStr ) );
					else if ( iChild.tagName() == "INtI" ) {
						; // TODO: What does it mean?... ingredient nutrient info?
			recipe->ingList.append( new_ing );
		else if ( tagName == "DirS" ) {
			QStringList directions;
			QDomNodeList dirs = el.childNodes();
			for ( int j = 0; j < dirs.count(); j++ ) {
				QDomElement dir = dirs.item( j ).toElement();
				if ( dir.tagName() == "DirT" )
					directions.append( dir.text().trimmed() );
			QString directionsText;

			// TODO This is copied from RecipeML, maybe a QStringList
			//	for directions in Recipe instead?
			if ( directions.count() > 1 ) {
				for ( int i = 1; i <= directions.count(); i++ ) {
					if ( i != 1 ) {
						directionsText += "\n\n";

					QString sWith = QString( "%1. " ).arg( i );
					QString text = directions[ i - 1 ];
					if ( !text.trimmed().startsWith( sWith ) )
						directionsText += sWith;
					directionsText += text;
				directionsText = directions[ 0 ];

			recipe->instructions = directionsText;
		else if ( tagName == "SrvI" ) {
			// Don't know what to do with it, for now add it to directions
			// btw lets hope this is read after the directions
			recipe->instructions += "\n\n" + el.text().trimmed();
		else if ( tagName == "Note" ) {
			// Don't know what to do with it, for now add it to directions
			// btw lets hope this is read after the directions
			recipe->instructions += "\n\n" + el.text().trimmed();
		else if ( tagName == "Nutr" ) {
			//example: <Nutr>Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 51 Calories; 6g Fat (99.5% calories from fat); trace Protein; trace Carbohydrate; 0g Dietary Fiber; 16mg Cholesterol; 137mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1 Fat.</Nutr>
			// Don't know what to do with it, for now add it to directions
			// btw lets hope this is read after the directions
			recipe->instructions += "\n\n" + el.text().trimmed();
		/* tags to check for (example follows:
		<Srce>SARA&apos;S SECRETS with Sara Moulton - (Show # SS-1B43) - from the TV FOOD NETWORK</Srce>
		<AltS label="Formatted for MC7" source="07-11-2003  by Joe Comiskey - Mad&apos;s Recipe Emporium"/>
		// TODO Have i missed some tag?