void NavigationMesh::GetTileGeometry(NavBuildData* build, Vector<NavigationGeometryInfo>& geometryList, BoundingBox& box)
    Matrix3x4 inverse = node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < geometryList.Size(); ++i)
        if (box.IsInsideFast(geometryList[i].boundingBox_) != OUTSIDE)
            const Matrix3x4& transform = geometryList[i].transform_;

            if (geometryList[i].component_->GetType() == OffMeshConnection::GetTypeStatic())
                OffMeshConnection* connection = static_cast<OffMeshConnection*>(geometryList[i].component_);
                Vector3 start = inverse * connection->GetNode()->GetWorldPosition();
                Vector3 end = inverse * connection->GetEndPoint()->GetWorldPosition();

                build->offMeshFlags_.Push((unsigned short)connection->GetMask());
                build->offMeshAreas_.Push((unsigned char)connection->GetAreaID());
                build->offMeshDir_.Push((unsigned char)(connection->IsBidirectional() ? DT_OFFMESH_CON_BIDIR : 0));
            else if (geometryList[i].component_->GetType() == NavArea::GetTypeStatic())
                NavArea* area = static_cast<NavArea*>(geometryList[i].component_);
                NavAreaStub stub;
                stub.areaID_ = (unsigned char)area->GetAreaID();
                stub.bounds_ = area->GetWorldBoundingBox();

            CollisionShape* shape = dynamic_cast<CollisionShape*>(geometryList[i].component_);
            if (shape)
                switch (shape->GetShapeType())
                case SHAPE_TRIANGLEMESH:
                        Model* model = shape->GetModel();
                        if (!model)

                        unsigned lodLevel = shape->GetLodLevel();
                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < model->GetNumGeometries(); ++j)
                            AddTriMeshGeometry(build, model->GetGeometry(j, lodLevel), transform);

                case SHAPE_CONVEXHULL:
                        ConvexData* data = static_cast<ConvexData*>(shape->GetGeometryData());
                        if (!data)

                        unsigned numVertices = data->vertexCount_;
                        unsigned numIndices = data->indexCount_;
                        unsigned destVertexStart = build->vertices_.Size();

                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < numVertices; ++j)
                            build->vertices_.Push(transform * data->vertexData_[j]);

                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < numIndices; ++j)
                            build->indices_.Push(data->indexData_[j] + destVertexStart);

                case SHAPE_BOX:
                        unsigned destVertexStart = build->vertices_.Size();

                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f));
                        build->vertices_.Push(transform * Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f));

                        const unsigned indices[] = {
                            0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 1, 4, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7, 5, 7, 6,
                            4, 0, 3, 4, 3, 7, 1, 0, 4, 1, 4, 5

                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < 36; ++j)
                            build->indices_.Push(indices[j] + destVertexStart);


            Drawable* drawable = dynamic_cast<Drawable*>(geometryList[i].component_);
            if (drawable)
                const Vector<SourceBatch>& batches = drawable->GetBatches();

                for (unsigned j = 0; j < batches.Size(); ++j)
                    AddTriMeshGeometry(build, drawable->GetLodGeometry(j, geometryList[i].lodLevel_), transform);
void StaticModelPoolMgr::AddStaticModelData(Node *pNode, StaticModel *pStaticModel)
    NvMeshData nvMeshData;
    StaticModelData staticModelData;
    Model *pModel = pStaticModel->GetModel();

    // only one geom currently supprted
    assert( pModel && pModel->GetNumGeometries() == 1 && "multiple gemoetries currently NOT supported" );

    Matrix3x4 objMatrix = pNode->GetTransform();
    Quaternion objRotation = pNode->GetRotation();
    Geometry *pGeometry = pModel->GetGeometry(0, 0);
    VertexBuffer *pVbuffer = pGeometry->GetVertexBuffer(0);

    unsigned uElementMask = pVbuffer->GetElementMask();
    unsigned vertexSize = pVbuffer->GetVertexSize();
    const unsigned char *pVertexData = (const unsigned char*)pVbuffer->Lock(0, pVbuffer->GetVertexCount());

    // get verts, normals, uv, etc.
    if ( pVertexData )
        unsigned numVertices = pVbuffer->GetVertexCount();

        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i )
            unsigned char *pDataAlign = (unsigned char *)(pVertexData + i * vertexSize);

            if ( uElementMask & MASK_POSITION )
                const Vector3 vPos = *reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>( pDataAlign );
                pDataAlign += sizeof( Vector3 );

                Vector3 vxformPos = objMatrix * vPos; // xform

                // verts list
                staticModelData.listVerts.Push( vxformPos );
                nvMeshData.listVerts.push_back( Vec3f( vxformPos.x_, vxformPos.y_, vxformPos.z_ ) );
            if ( uElementMask & MASK_NORMAL )
                const Vector3 vNorm = *reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>( pDataAlign );
                pDataAlign += sizeof( Vector3 );

                // normal list
                Vector3 vxformNorm = objRotation * vNorm; // xform

                staticModelData.listNormals.Push( vxformNorm );
                nvMeshData.listNormals.push_back( Vec3f( vxformNorm.x_, vxformNorm.y_, vxformNorm.z_ ) );
            if ( uElementMask & MASK_COLOR )
                const unsigned uColor = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>( pDataAlign );
                pDataAlign += sizeof( unsigned );
            if ( uElementMask & MASK_TEXCOORD1 )
                const Vector2 vUV = *reinterpret_cast<Vector2*>( pDataAlign );
                pDataAlign += sizeof( Vector2 );

                // uv list
                staticModelData.listUVs.Push( vUV );

            // skip other mask elements - we got what we wanted

        // error
        assert( false && "failed to unlock vertex buffer" );

    // get indeces
    IndexBuffer *pIbuffer = pGeometry->GetIndexBuffer();
    const unsigned *pIndexData = (const unsigned *)pIbuffer->Lock( 0, pIbuffer->GetIndexCount() );
    const unsigned short *pUShortData = (const unsigned short *)pIndexData;

    if ( pUShortData )
        unsigned numIndeces = pIbuffer->GetIndexCount();
        unsigned indexSize = pIbuffer->GetIndexSize();
        assert( indexSize == sizeof(unsigned short) );

        for( unsigned i = 0; i < numIndeces; i += 3 )
            int idx0 = (int)pUShortData[i  ];
            int idx1 = (int)pUShortData[i+1];
            int idx2 = (int)pUShortData[i+2];

            staticModelData.listTris.Push( IntVector3( idx0, idx1, idx2 ) );
            nvMeshData.listTris.push_back( Vec3i( idx0, idx1, idx2 ) );

        // error
        assert( false && "failed to unlock index buffer" );

    // rest of the static model data
    staticModelData.node       = pNode;
    staticModelData.drawable   = pStaticModel;
    staticModelData.begVertex  = m_pNvScene->getNumVertices();
    staticModelData.begTriList = m_pNvScene->getNumTriangles();

    // resize coeff lists
    staticModelData.listVertexUnshadoweCoeff.Resize( staticModelData.listVerts.Size() );
    staticModelData.listVertexShadowCoeff.Resize( staticModelData.listVerts.Size() );
    staticModelData.listVertexDiffuseColor.Resize( staticModelData.listVerts.Size() );
    staticModelData.listVertexSampleOcclude.resize( staticModelData.listVerts.Size() );

    // find material matcolor
    VertexUtil *pVertexUtil = GetScene()->GetComponent<VertexUtil>();
    staticModelData.materialColor = pVertexUtil->GetModelMaterialColor( pStaticModel );

    // save model
    m_vStaticModelPool.Push( staticModelData );

    // push it to nv Scene
    m_pNvScene->AddTriangleMesh( nvMeshData );