Example #1
Quaternion Quaternion::operator* (const Quaternion& other) const // quaternion multiplication
	return Quaternion(	w * other.x + x * other.w + y * other.z - z * other.y,
						w * other.y - x * other.z + y * other.w + z * other.x,
						w * other.z + x * other.y - y * other.x + z * other.w,
						w * other.w - x * other.x - y * other.y - z * other.z);
Example #2
Quaternion Quaternion::unitpow(float exponent) const // power of unit quaternion, use with caution
	assert(std::abs(x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w-1)<0.01);
	float thetadiv2 = acos(w);
	float vec_factor = sin(exponent*thetadiv2)/sin(thetadiv2);
	return Quaternion(	vec_factor * x,
						vec_factor * y,
						vec_factor * z,
Example #3
Quaternion Quaternion::quatpow(float exponent) const // power
	float vmagnitude_squared = x*x + y*y + z*z;
	float magnitudepow = pow(sqrt(w*w + vmagnitude_squared),exponent);
	float vmagnitude = sqrt(vmagnitude_squared);
	float thetadiv2 = atan2(w, vmagnitude);
	float vec_factor = magnitudepow * sin(exponent*thetadiv2)/vmagnitude;
	return Quaternion(	vec_factor * x,
						vec_factor * y,
						vec_factor * z,
						magnitudepow * cos(exponent*thetadiv2));
Example #4
Quaternion Quaternion::unit() const // unit quaternion
	float magnitude = sqrt(w*w + x*x + y*y + z*z);
	return Quaternion(x/magnitude, y/magnitude, z/magnitude, w/magnitude);
Example #5
Quaternion Quaternion::inverse() const // inverse/conjugate quaternion
	return Quaternion(-x,-y,-z,w);