Example #1
const bool AlphaBeta::pruneMove(GameState & state, const IDType & playerToMove, const MoveArray & moves, const MoveTuple & tuple) const

	IDType enemy(getEnemy(playerToMove));

	// damage assigned to each enemy unit so far
	int hpRemaining[Search::Constants::Max_Units];
	for (IDType u(0); u<state.numUnits(enemy); ++u)
		hpRemaining[u] = state.getUnit(enemy,u).currentHP();

	// for each unit in the tuple
	for (size_t u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); u++)
		// get its move
		const Move & m(moves.getTupleMove(tuple, u));

		if (m.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
			// if the target unit has already been killed then return prune
			if (hpRemaining[m.index()] <= 0)
				return true;

			hpRemaining[m.index()] -= state.getUnit(playerToMove, u).damage();

	return false;
Example #2
void AlphaBeta::doTupleMoves(GameState & state, MoveArray & moves, const MoveTuple & tuple)
	// for each simultaneous move in this tuple
	for (size_t u(0); u<moves.numUnitsInTuple(); ++u)
		Move m = moves.getTupleMove(tuple, u);
		state.makeMove(m, state);
// causes playerToMove() to make the moves in the tuple
void LargeGame::makeMoves(const MoveTuple & tuple, MoveArray & arr)
	// for each simultaneous move in this tuple
	for (size_t u(0); u<arr.numUnitsInTuple(); ++u)
		Move m = arr.getTupleMove(tuple, u);
		//printf("  Move (%d, %d) (%s, %s)\n", (int)tuple, (int)u, state.getUnit(m.player(), m.unit()).name().c_str(), m.moveString().c_str());
		state.makeMove(m, state);
Example #4
void GameState::printMoveTuple(const IDType & player, const MoveTuple & t) const
	MoveArray moves;
	generateMoves(moves, player);
	for (size_t u(0); u<moves.numUnitsInTuple(); ++u)
		Move m = moves.getTupleMove(t, u);
		std::cout << "Player " << (int)m.player() << " " << getUnit(m.player(), m.unit()).name() << " (id=" << (int)m.unit() << ")" << " " << m.moveString() ;
		if (m.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
			std::cout << " target " << getUnit(getEnemy(m.player()), m.index()).name() << " (id=" << (int)m.index() << ")";

		std::cout << "\n";