bool Images::downloadImage ( ) {
	// error?
	if ( m_latestIp == 0 || m_latestIp == -1 ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"images: ip of %s is %li (%s)",
		// ignore errors
		g_errno = 0;
		return true;
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
	if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
	// assume success
	m_httpStatus = 200;
	// set the request
	Msg13Request *r = &m_msg13Request;
	r->m_maxTextDocLen  = 200000;
	r->m_maxOtherDocLen = 500000;
	r->m_urlIp = m_latestIp;
	if ( ! strcmp(cr->m_coll,"qatest123")) {
		r->m_useTestCache   = 1;
		r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
	// url is the most important
	// . try to download it
	// . i guess we are ignoring hammers at this point
	if ( ! m_msg13.getDoc(r,false,this,downloadImageWrapper)) 
		return false;

	return true;
bool Images::downloadImage ( ) {
	// error?
	if ( m_latestIp == 0 || m_latestIp == -1 ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"images: ip of %s is %" PRId32" (%s)",
		// ignore errors
		g_errno = 0;
		return true;
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
	if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
	// assume success
	m_httpStatus = 200;
	// set the request
	Msg13Request *r = &m_msg13Request;
	r->m_maxTextDocLen  = 200000;
	r->m_maxOtherDocLen = 500000;
	r->m_urlIp = m_latestIp;
	// no, this slows down image stuff too much for now!! so take out
	// MDW 9/10/14
	// if ( ! strcmp(cr->m_coll,"qatest123")) {
	// 	r->m_useTestCache   = 1;
	// 	//if ( g_conf.m_qaBuildMode ) r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
	// 	r->m_addToTestCache = 1;
	// }
	// url is the most important
	r-> ptr_url = m_imageUrl.getUrl();
	r->size_url = m_imageUrl.getUrlLen()+1; // include \0
	// . try to download it
	// . i guess we are ignoring hammers at this point
	if ( ! m_msg13.getDoc(r,false,this,downloadImageWrapper)) 
		return false;

	return true;