Example #1
void DelInstance(const int iGroupIdx, MultiDatabase & oLogStorage, uint64_t llInstanceID)
    string sValue;
    int ret = oLogStorage.Get(iGroupIdx, llInstanceID, sValue);
    if (ret != 0)
        printf("get this instance %lu fail, do you want to delete it? (y/n)\n", llInstanceID);
        printf("this instance %lu value size is %zu, do you want to delete it? (y/n)\n", 
                llInstanceID, sValue.size());

    string c = "n";
    cin >> c;

    if (c == "y")
        WriteOptions oWriteOptions;
        oWriteOptions.bSync = true;
        ret = oLogStorage.ForceDel(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, llInstanceID);
        if (ret != 0)
            printf("delete instance %lu fail\n", llInstanceID);
            printf("delete instance %lu ok\n", llInstanceID);
Example #2
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    if (argc < 5)
        printf("%s <paxos log dir> <group idx> <del> <instanceid>\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;

    string sPaxosLogPath = argv[1];
    int iGroupIdx = atoi(argv[2]);

    if (sPaxosLogPath.size() == 0)
        printf("paxos log path not valid, path %s\n", sPaxosLogPath.c_str());
        return -1;

    MultiDatabase oDefaultLogStorage;
    int ret = oDefaultLogStorage.Init(sPaxosLogPath, iGroupIdx + 1);
    if (ret != 0)
        printf("init log storage fail, ret %d\n", ret);
        return ret;

    string sOP = string(argv[3]);
    uint64_t llInstanceID = strtoull(argv[4], NULL, 10);
    if (sOP == "del")
        DelInstance(iGroupIdx, oDefaultLogStorage, llInstanceID);

    return 0;
Example #3
TEST(MultiDatabase, ClearAllLog)
	int iGroupCount = 2;
	MultiDatabase oDB;
	ASSERT_TRUE(InitDB(iGroupCount, oDB) == 0);

	const uint64_t llInstanceID = 3;
	std::string sValue = "hello paxos";

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		WriteOptions oWriteOptions;
		oWriteOptions.bSync = true;

		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.Put(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, llInstanceID, sValue) == 0);

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.ClearAllLog(iGroupIdx) == 0);

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		const uint64_t llInstanceID = 3;
		std::string sGetValue;

		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.Get(iGroupIdx, llInstanceID, sGetValue) == 1);
Example #4
int InitDB(const int iGroupCount, MultiDatabase & oDB)
	string sDBPath;
    int ret = MakeLogStoragePath(sDBPath);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

	ret = oDB.Init(sDBPath, iGroupCount);
	if (ret != 0)
		return ret;
	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		ret = oDB.ClearAllLog(iGroupIdx);
		if (ret != 0)
			return ret;
	return 0;
Example #5
TEST(MultiDatabase, Set_Get_MasterVariables)
	int iGroupCount = 2;
	MultiDatabase oDB;
	ASSERT_TRUE(InitDB(iGroupCount, oDB) == 0);

	string sBuffer = "234fj238j423j4l2k3j4lasklfjaslkfj28934j2l3j4lajflsjdlf";
	WriteOptions oWriteOptions;
	oWriteOptions.bSync = true;

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.SetMasterVariables(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, sBuffer) == 0);
		string sGetBuffer;
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.GetMasterVariables(iGroupIdx, sGetBuffer) == 0);

		EXPECT_TRUE(sBuffer == sGetBuffer);
Example #6
TEST(MultiDatabase, Set_Get_MinChosenInstanceID)
	int iGroupCount = 2;
	MultiDatabase oDB;
	ASSERT_TRUE(InitDB(iGroupCount, oDB) == 0);

	const uint64_t llMinChosenInstanceID = 102342342342lu;
	WriteOptions oWriteOptions;
	oWriteOptions.bSync = true;

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.SetMinChosenInstanceID(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, llMinChosenInstanceID) == 0);
		uint64_t llGetMinChosenInstanceID = 0;
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.GetMinChosenInstanceID(iGroupIdx, llGetMinChosenInstanceID) == 0);

		EXPECT_TRUE(llMinChosenInstanceID == llGetMinChosenInstanceID);
Example #7
TEST(MultiDatabase, GetMaxInstanceID)
	int iGroupCount = 2;
	MultiDatabase oDB;
	ASSERT_TRUE(InitDB(iGroupCount, oDB) == 0);

	const uint64_t llInstanceID = 3;
	std::string sValue = "hello paxos";
	WriteOptions oWriteOptions;
	oWriteOptions.bSync = true;

	for (int iGroupIdx = 0; iGroupIdx < iGroupCount; iGroupIdx++)
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.Put(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, llInstanceID + 1, sValue) == 0);
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.Put(oWriteOptions, iGroupIdx, llInstanceID + 3, sValue) == 0);

		uint64_t llMaxInstanceID = 0;
		ASSERT_TRUE(oDB.GetMaxInstanceID(iGroupIdx, llMaxInstanceID) == 0);
		EXPECT_TRUE(llMaxInstanceID == llInstanceID + 3);