MutableMatrix *MutableMatrix::identity(const Ring *R, size_t nrows, bool dense) { MutableMatrix *result = MutableMatrix::zero_matrix(R,nrows,nrows,dense); for (size_t i=0; i<nrows; i++) result->set_entry(i,i,R->from_long(1)); return result; }
MutableMatrix* ResF4toM2Interface::to_M2_MutableMatrix( const Ring* K, SchreyerFrame& C, int lev, int degree) { // Now we loop through the elements of degree 'degree' at level 'lev' auto& thislevel = C.level(lev); int n = 0; for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p) { if (p->mDegree == degree) n++; } auto& prevlevel = C.level(lev-1); int* newcomps = new int[prevlevel.size()]; int nextcomp = 0; for (int i=0; i<prevlevel.size(); i++) if (prevlevel[i].mDegree == degree) newcomps[i] = nextcomp++; else newcomps[i] = -1; // create the mutable matrix MutableMatrix* result = MutableMatrix::zero_matrix(K, nextcomp, n, true); // Now loop through the elements at thislevel, // and for each, loop through the terms of mSyzygy. // if the component x satisfies newcomps[x] >= 0, then place // this coeff into the mutable matrix. int col = 0; for (auto p=thislevel.begin(); p != thislevel.end(); ++p) { if (p->mDegree != degree) continue; auto& f = p->mSyzygy; auto end = poly_iter(C.ring(), f, 1); auto i = poly_iter(C.ring(), f); for ( ; i != end; ++i) { long comp = C.monoid().get_component(i.monomial()); if (newcomps[comp] >= 0) { ring_elem a; a = K->from_long(C.ring().resGausser().coeff_to_int(i.coefficient())); result->set_entry(newcomps[comp], col, a); } } ++col; } delete [] newcomps; return result; }
MutableMatrix *MutableMatrix::from_matrix(const Matrix *m, bool prefer_dense) { MutableMatrix *result = zero_matrix(m->get_ring(), m->n_rows(), m->n_cols(), prefer_dense); Matrix::iterator i(m); for (unsigned int c=0; c<m->n_cols(); c++) { for (i.set(c); i.valid(); result->set_entry(i.row(), c, i.entry()); } return result; }
void F4GB::show_new_rows_matrix() { int ncols = INTSIZE(mat->columns); int nrows = 0; for (int nr=0; nr<mat->rows.size(); nr++) if (is_new_GB_row(nr)) nrows++; MutableMatrix *gbM = IM2_MutableMatrix_make(KK->get_ring(), nrows, ncols, false); int r = -1; for (int nr=0; nr<mat->rows.size(); nr++) if (is_new_GB_row(nr)) { r++; row_elem &row = mat->rows[nr]; ring_elem *rowelems = newarray(ring_elem, row.len); if (row.coeffs == 0) { if (row.monom == 0) KK->to_ringelem_array(row.len, gens[row.elem]->f.coeffs, rowelems); else KK->to_ringelem_array(row.len, gb[row.elem]->f.coeffs, rowelems); } else { KK->to_ringelem_array(row.len, row.coeffs, rowelems); } for (int i=0; i<row.len; i++) { int c = row.comps[i]; gbM->set_entry(r,c,rowelems[i]); } deletearray(rowelems); } buffer o; gbM->text_out(o); emit(o.str()); }