void MyMoneyInstitutionTest::testAccountIDList () {
	MyMoneyInstitution institution;
	QStringList list;
	QString id;

	// list must be empty
	list = institution.accountList();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.count() == 0);

	// add one account
	list = institution.accountList();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.count() == 1);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.contains("A000002") == 1);

	// adding same account shouldn't make a difference
	list = institution.accountList();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.count() == 1);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.contains("A000002") == 1);

	// now add another account
	list = institution.accountList();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.count() == 2);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.contains("A000002") == 1);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.contains("A000001") == 1);

	id = institution.removeAccountId("A000001");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id == "A000001");
	list = institution.accountList();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.count() == 1);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list.contains("A000002") == 1);

void MyMoneyInstitutionTest::testMyMoneyFileConstructor() {
	MyMoneyInstitution *t = new MyMoneyInstitution("GUID", *n);

	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->id() == "GUID");

	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->street() == "street");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->town() == "town");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->postcode() == "postcode");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->telephone() == "telephone");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->manager() == "manager");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->name() == "name");
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT(t->sortcode() == "sortcode");

	delete t;
Example #3
void KNewAccountDlg::slotNewClicked()
  MyMoneyInstitution institution;

  KNewBankDlg dlg(institution, this);
  if (dlg.exec())
    MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
      MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

      institution = dlg.institution();
    catch (MyMoneyException *e)
      delete e;
      KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Cannot add institution"));
void MyMoneyInstitutionTest::testReadXML() {
	MyMoneyInstitution i;
	QString ref_ok = QString(
		" <INSTITUTION sortcode=\"sortcode\" id=\"I00001\" manager=\"manager\" name=\"name\" >\n"
		"  <ADDRESS street=\"street\" zip=\"postcode\" city=\"town\" telephone=\"telephone\" />\n"
		"  <ACCOUNTIDS>\n"
		"   <ACCOUNTID id=\"A000001\" />\n"
		"   <ACCOUNTID id=\"A000003\" />\n"
		"  </ACCOUNTIDS>\n"
                "  <KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"
                "   <PAIR key=\"key\" value=\"value\" />\n"
                "  </KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"

	QString ref_false = QString(
		" <KINSTITUTION sortcode=\"sortcode\" id=\"I00001\" manager=\"manager\" name=\"name\" >\n"
		"  <ADDRESS street=\"street\" zip=\"postcode\" city=\"town\" telephone=\"telephone\" />\n"
		"  <ACCOUNTIDS>\n"
		"   <ACCOUNTID id=\"A000001\" />\n"
		"   <ACCOUNTID id=\"A000003\" />\n"
		"  </ACCOUNTIDS>\n"

	QDomDocument doc;
	QDomElement node;

	node = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();
	try {
		i = MyMoneyInstitution(node);
		CPPUNIT_FAIL("Missing expected exception");
	} catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
		delete e;


	node = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();
	try {
		QStringList alist;
		alist << "A000001" << "A000003";
		i = MyMoneyInstitution(node);

		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.sortcode() == "sortcode");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.id() == "I00001");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.manager() == "manager");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.name() == "name");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.street() == "street");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.postcode() == "postcode");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.city() == "town");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.telephone() == "telephone");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.accountList() == alist);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i.value(QString("key")) == "value");

	} catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
		delete e;
		CPPUNIT_FAIL("Unexpected exception");
Example #5
void MyMoneyStorageDump::writeStream(QDataStream& _s, IMyMoneySerialize* _storage)
  QTextStream s(_s.device());
  IMyMoneyStorage* storage = dynamic_cast<IMyMoneyStorage *>(_storage);
  MyMoneyPayee user = storage->user();

  s << "File-Info\n";
  s << "---------\n";
  s << "user name = " << user.name() << "\n";
  s << "user street = " << user.address() << "\n";
  s << "user city = " << user.city() << "\n";
  s << "user city = " << user.state() << "\n";
  s << "user zip = " << user.postcode() << "\n";
  s << "user telephone = " << user.telephone() << "\n";
  s << "user e-mail = " << user.email() << "\n";
  s << "creation date = " << storage->creationDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
  s << "last modification date = " << storage->lastModificationDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
  s << "base currency = " << storage->value("kmm-baseCurrency") << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Internal-Info\n";
  s << "-------------\n";
  QList<MyMoneyAccount> list_a;
  s << "accounts = " << list_a.count() << ", next id = " << _storage->accountId() << "\n";
  MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter;
  QList<MyMoneyTransaction> list_t;
  storage->transactionList(list_t, filter);
  QList<MyMoneyTransaction>::ConstIterator it_t;
  s << "transactions = " << list_t.count() << ", next id = " << _storage->transactionId() << "\n";
  QMap<int, int> xferCount;
  for (it_t = list_t.constBegin(); it_t != list_t.constEnd(); ++it_t) {
    QList<MyMoneySplit>::ConstIterator it_s;
    int accountCount = 0;
    for (it_s = (*it_t).splits().constBegin(); it_s != (*it_t).splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) {
      MyMoneyAccount acc = storage->account((*it_s).accountId());
      if (acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Expense
          && acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Income)
    if (accountCount > 1)
      xferCount[accountCount] = xferCount[accountCount] + 1;
  QMap<int, int>::ConstIterator it_cnt;
  for (it_cnt = xferCount.constBegin(); it_cnt != xferCount.constEnd(); ++it_cnt) {
    s << "               " << *it_cnt << " of them references " << it_cnt.key() << " accounts\n";

  s << "payees = " << _storage->payeeList().count() << ", next id = " << _storage->payeeId() << "\n";
  s << "tags = " << _storage->tagList().count() << ", next id = " << _storage->tagId() << "\n";
  s << "institutions = " << _storage->institutionList().count() << ", next id = " << _storage->institutionId() << "\n";
  s << "schedules = " << _storage->scheduleList().count() << ", next id = " << _storage->scheduleId() << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Institutions\n";
  s << "------------\n";

  QList<MyMoneyInstitution> list_i = storage->institutionList();
  QList<MyMoneyInstitution>::ConstIterator it_i;
  for (it_i = list_i.constBegin(); it_i != list_i.constEnd(); ++it_i) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_i).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_i).name() << "\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Payees" << "\n";
  s << "------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyPayee> list_p = storage->payeeList();
  QList<MyMoneyPayee>::ConstIterator it_p;
  for (it_p = list_p.constBegin(); it_p != list_p.constEnd(); ++it_p) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_p).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_p).name() << "\n";
    s << "  Address = " << (*it_p).address() << "\n";
    s << "  City = " << (*it_p).city() << "\n";
    s << "  State = " << (*it_p).state() << "\n";
    s << "  Zip = " << (*it_p).postcode() << "\n";
    s << "  E-Mail = " << (*it_p).email() << "\n";
    s << "  Telephone = " << (*it_p).telephone() << "\n";
    s << "  Reference = " << (*it_p).reference() << "\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Tags" << "\n";
  s << "------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyTag> list_ta = storage->tagList();
  QList<MyMoneyTag>::ConstIterator it_ta;
  for (it_ta = list_ta.constBegin(); it_ta != list_ta.constEnd(); ++it_ta) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_ta).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_ta).name() << "\n";
    s << "  Closed = " << (*it_ta).isClosed() << "\n";
    s << "  TagColor = " << (*it_ta).tagColor().name() << "\n";
    s << "  Notes = " << (*it_ta).notes() << "\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Accounts" << "\n";
  s << "--------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyAccount>::ConstIterator it_a;
  for (it_a = list_a.constBegin(); it_a != list_a.constEnd(); ++it_a) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_a).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_a).name() << "\n";
    s << "  Number = " << (*it_a).number() << "\n";
    s << "  Description = " << (*it_a).description() << "\n";
    s << "  Type = " << (*it_a).accountType() << "\n";
    if ((*it_a).currencyId().isEmpty()) {
      s << "  Currency = unknown\n";
    } else {
      if ((*it_a).isInvest()) {
        s << "  Equity = " << storage->security((*it_a).currencyId()).name() << "\n";
      } else {
        s << "  Currency = " << storage->currency((*it_a).currencyId()).name() << "\n";
    s << "  Parent = " << (*it_a).parentAccountId();
    if (!(*it_a).parentAccountId().isEmpty()) {
      MyMoneyAccount parent = storage->account((*it_a).parentAccountId());
      s << " (" << parent.name() << ")";
    } else {
      s << "n/a";
    s << "\n";

    s << "  Institution = " << (*it_a).institutionId();
    if (!(*it_a).institutionId().isEmpty()) {
      MyMoneyInstitution inst = storage->institution((*it_a).institutionId());
      s << " (" << inst.name() << ")";
    } else {
      s << "n/a";
    s << "\n";

    s << "  Opening date = " << (*it_a).openingDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
    s << "  Last modified = " << (*it_a).lastModified().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
    s << "  Last reconciled = " << (*it_a).lastReconciliationDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
    s << "  Balance = " << (*it_a).balance().formatMoney("", 2) << "\n";

    dumpKVP("  KVP: ", s, *it_a);
    dumpKVP("  OnlineBankingSettings: ", s, (*it_a).onlineBankingSettings());

    QStringList list_s = (*it_a).accountList();
    QStringList::ConstIterator it_s;
    if (list_s.count() > 0) {
      s << "  Children =" << "\n";
    for (it_s = list_s.constBegin(); it_s != list_s.constEnd(); ++it_s) {
      MyMoneyAccount child = storage->account(*it_s);
      s << "    " << *it_s << " (" << child.name() << ")\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

#if 0
  s << "Currencies" << "\n";
  s << "----------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyCurrency> list_c = storage->currencyList();
  QList<MyMoneyCurrency>::ConstIterator it_c;
  for (it_c = list_c.begin(); it_c != list_c.end(); ++it_c) {
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_c).name() << "\n";
    s << "    ID = " << (*it_c).id() << "\n";
    s << "    Symbol = " << (*it_c).tradingSymbol() << "\n";
    s << "    Parts/Unit = " << (*it_c).partsPerUnit() << "\n";
    s << "    smallest cash fraction = " << (*it_c).smallestCashFraction() << "\n";
    s << "    smallest account fraction = " << (*it_c).smallestAccountFraction() << "\n";
    dumpPriceHistory(s, (*it_c).priceHistory());
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Securities" << "\n";
  s << "----------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneySecurity> list_e = storage->securityList();
  QList<MyMoneySecurity>::ConstIterator it_e;
  for (it_e = list_e.constBegin(); it_e != list_e.constEnd(); ++it_e) {
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_e).name() << "\n";
    s << "    ID = " << (*it_e).id() << "\n";
    s << "    Market   = " << (*it_e).tradingMarket() << "\n";
    s << "    Symbol   = " << (*it_e).tradingSymbol() << "\n";
    s << "    Currency = " << (*it_e).tradingCurrency() << " (";
    if ((*it_e).tradingCurrency().isEmpty()) {
      s << "unknown";
    } else {
      MyMoneySecurity tradingCurrency = storage->currency((*it_e).tradingCurrency());
      if (!tradingCurrency.isCurrency()) {
        s << "invalid currency: ";
      s << tradingCurrency.name();
    s << ")\n";

    s << "    Type = " << MyMoneySecurity::securityTypeToString((*it_e).securityType()) << "\n";
    s << "    smallest account fraction = " << (*it_e).smallestAccountFraction() << "\n";

    s << "    KVP: " << "\n";
    QMap<QString, QString>kvp = (*it_e).pairs();
    QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
    for (it = kvp.begin(); it != kvp.end(); ++it) {
      s << "      '" << it.key() << "' = '" << it.value() << "'\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Prices" << "\n";
  s << "--------" << "\n";

  MyMoneyPriceList list_pr = _storage->priceList();
  MyMoneyPriceList::ConstIterator it_pr;
  for (it_pr = list_pr.constBegin(); it_pr != list_pr.constEnd(); ++it_pr) {
    s << "  From = " << it_pr.key().first << "\n";
    s << "    To = " << it_pr.key().second << "\n";
    MyMoneyPriceEntries::ConstIterator it_pre;
    for (it_pre = (*it_pr).constBegin(); it_pre != (*it_pr).constEnd(); ++it_pre) {
      s << "      Date = " << (*it_pre).date().toString() << "\n";
      s << "        Price = " << (*it_pre).rate(QString()).formatMoney("", 8) << "\n";
      s << "        Source = " << (*it_pre).source() << "\n";
      s << "        From = " << (*it_pre).from() << "\n";
      s << "        To   = " << (*it_pre).to() << "\n";
    s << "\n";
  s << "\n";

  s << "Transactions" << "\n";
  s << "------------" << "\n";

  for (it_t = list_t.constBegin(); it_t != list_t.constEnd(); ++it_t) {
    dumpTransaction(s, storage, *it_t);
  s << "\n";

  s << "Schedules" << "\n";
  s << "---------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneySchedule> list_s = storage->scheduleList();
  QList<MyMoneySchedule>::ConstIterator it_s;
  for (it_s = list_s.constBegin(); it_s != list_s.constEnd(); ++it_s) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_s).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_s).name() << "\n";
    s << "  Startdate = " << (*it_s).startDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
    if ((*it_s).willEnd())
      s << "  Enddate   = " << (*it_s).endDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
      s << "  Enddate   = not specified\n";
    s << "  Occurence = " << (*it_s).occurrenceToString() << "\n"; // krazy:exclude=spelling
    s << "  OccurenceMultiplier = " << (*it_s).occurrenceMultiplier() << "\n";
    s << "  Type = " << MyMoneySchedule::scheduleTypeToString((*it_s).type()) << "\n";
    s << "  Paymenttype = " << MyMoneySchedule::paymentMethodToString((*it_s).paymentType()) << "\n";
    s << "  Fixed = " << (*it_s).isFixed() << "\n";
    s << "  AutoEnter = " << (*it_s).autoEnter() << "\n";

    if ((*it_s).lastPayment().isValid())
      s << "  Last payment = " << (*it_s).lastPayment().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
      s << "  Last payment = not defined" << "\n";
    if ((*it_s).isFinished())
      s << "  Next payment = payment finished" << "\n";
    else {
      s << "  Next payment = " << (*it_s).nextDueDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
      if ((*it_s).isOverdue())
        s << "               = overdue!" << "\n";

    QList<QDate> list_d;
    QList<QDate>::ConstIterator it_d;

    list_d = (*it_s).recordedPayments();
    if (list_d.count() > 0) {
      s << "  Recorded payments" << "\n";
      for (it_d = list_d.constBegin(); it_d != list_d.constEnd(); ++it_d) {
        s << "    " << (*it_d).toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
    s << "  TRANSACTION\n";
    dumpTransaction(s, storage, (*it_s).transaction());
  s << "\n";

  s << "Reports" << "\n";
  s << "-------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyReport> list_r = storage->reportList();
  QList<MyMoneyReport>::ConstIterator it_r;
  for (it_r = list_r.constBegin(); it_r != list_r.constEnd(); ++it_r) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_r).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_r).name() << "\n";

  s << "Budgets" << "\n";
  s << "-------" << "\n";

  QList<MyMoneyBudget> list_b = storage->budgetList();
  QList<MyMoneyBudget>::ConstIterator it_b;
  for (it_b = list_b.constBegin(); it_b != list_b.constEnd(); ++it_b) {
    s << "  ID = " << (*it_b).id() << "\n";
    s << "  Name = " << (*it_b).name() << "\n";
Example #6
void MyMoneyStorageXML::writeInstitution(QDomElement& institution, const MyMoneyInstitution& i)
  i.writeXML(*m_doc, institution);
Example #7
KEndingBalanceDlg::KEndingBalanceDlg(const MyMoneyAccount& account, QWidget *parent) :
    d(new Private(Page_InterestChargeCheckings + 1))
  QString value;
  MyMoneyMoney endBalance, startBalance;

  d->m_account = account;

  MyMoneySecurity currency = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(account.currencyId());
  //FIXME: port
  m_statementInfoPageCheckings->m_enterInformationLabel->setText(QString("<qt>") + i18n("Please enter the following fields with the information as you find them on your statement. Make sure to enter all values in <b>%1</b>.", currency.name()) + QString("</qt>"));

  // If the previous reconciliation was postponed,
  // we show a different first page
  value = account.value("lastReconciledBalance");
  if (value.isEmpty()) {
    // if the last statement has been entered long enough ago (more than one month),
    // then take the last statement date and add one month and use that as statement
    // date.
    QDate lastStatementDate = account.lastReconciliationDate();
    if (lastStatementDate.addMonths(1) < QDate::currentDate()) {
      setField("statementDate", lastStatementDate.addMonths(1));


  } else {
    // make sure, we show the correct start page

    MyMoneyMoney factor(1, 1);
    if (d->m_account.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability)
      factor = -factor;

    startBalance = MyMoneyMoney(value) * factor;
    value = account.value("statementBalance");
    endBalance = MyMoneyMoney(value) * factor;

    //FIXME: port

  // We don't need to add the default into the list (see ::help() why)
  // m_helpAnchor[m_startPageCheckings] = QString("");
  d->m_helpAnchor[m_interestChargeCheckings] = QString("details.reconcile.wizard.interest");
  d->m_helpAnchor[m_statementInfoPageCheckings] = QString("details.reconcile.wizard.statement");

  value = account.value("statementDate");
  if (!value.isEmpty())
    setField("statementDate", QDate::fromString(value, Qt::ISODate));

  //FIXME: port
  if (account.lastReconciliationDate().isValid()) {
    m_statementInfoPageCheckings->m_lastStatementDate->setText(i18n("Last reconciled statement: %1", QLocale().toString(account.lastReconciliationDate())));

  // connect the signals with the slots
  connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotReloadEditWidgets()));
  connect(m_statementInfoPageCheckings->m_statementDate, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateBalances()));
  connect(m_interestChargeCheckings->m_interestCategoryEdit, SIGNAL(createItem(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotCreateInterestCategory(QString,QString&)));
  connect(m_interestChargeCheckings->m_chargesCategoryEdit, SIGNAL(createItem(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotCreateChargesCategory(QString,QString&)));
  connect(m_interestChargeCheckings->m_payeeEdit, SIGNAL(createItem(QString,QString&)), this, SIGNAL(createPayee(QString,QString&)));

  KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(m_interestChargeCheckings, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart());


  // preset payee if possible
  try {
    // if we find a payee with the same name as the institution,
    // than this is what we use as payee.
    if (!d->m_account.institutionId().isEmpty()) {
      MyMoneyInstitution inst = MyMoneyFile::instance()->institution(d->m_account.institutionId());
      MyMoneyPayee payee = MyMoneyFile::instance()->payeeByName(inst.name());
      setField("payeeEdit", payee.id());
  } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {


  // setup different text and icon on finish button
  setButtonText(QWizard::FinishButton, KStandardGuiItem::cont().text());
void KInstitutionsView::loadAccounts(void)
  QMap<QString, bool> isOpen;

  ::timetrace("start load institutions view");
  // remember the id of the current selected item
  KMyMoneyAccountTreeBaseItem *item = m_accountTree->selectedItem();
  QString selectedItemId = (item) ? item->id() : QString();

  // keep a map of all 'expanded' accounts
  QListViewItemIterator it_lvi(m_accountTree);
  while(it_lvi.current()) {
    item = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem*>(it_lvi.current());
    if(item && item->isOpen()) {
      isOpen[item->id()] = true;

  // remember the upper left corner of the viewport
  QPoint startPoint = m_accountTree->viewportToContents(QPoint(0, 0));

  // turn off updates to avoid flickering during reload

  // clear the current contents and recreate it

  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> alist;
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
  for(it_a = alist.begin(); it_a != alist.end(); ++it_a) {
    m_accountMap[(*it_a).id()] = *it_a;

  // we need to make sure we show stock accounts
  // under the right institution (the one of the parent account)
  QMap<QString, MyMoneyAccount>::iterator it_am;
  for(it_am = m_accountMap.begin(); it_am != m_accountMap.end(); ++it_am) {
    if((*it_am).isInvest()) {

  QValueList<MyMoneySecurity> slist = file->currencyList();
  slist += file->securityList();
  QValueList<MyMoneySecurity>::const_iterator it_s;
  for(it_s = slist.begin(); it_s != slist.end(); ++it_s) {
    m_securityMap[(*it_s).id()] = *it_s;

  m_transactionCountMap = file->transactionCountMap();


  // create the items
  try {
    const MyMoneySecurity& security = file->baseCurrency();

    MyMoneyInstitution none;
    none.setName(i18n("Accounts with no institution assigned"));
    KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* noInstitutionItem = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(m_accountTree, none);
    loadSubAccounts(noInstitutionItem, QString());

    // hide it, if unused
    noInstitutionItem->setVisible(noInstitutionItem->childCount() != 0);
    bool showClosedAccounts = kmymoney2->toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->isChecked()
      || !KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts();

    QValueList<MyMoneyInstitution> list = file->institutionList();
    QValueList<MyMoneyInstitution>::const_iterator it_i;
    for(it_i = list.begin(); it_i != list.end(); ++it_i) {
      KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* item = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(m_accountTree, *it_i);
      item->setPixmap(0, none.pixmap());
      loadSubAccounts(item, (*it_i).id());
        item->setVisible(item->childCount() != 0);

  } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
    kdDebug(2) << "Problem in institutions view: " << e->what();
    delete e;

  // scan through the list of accounts and re-expand those that were
  // expanded and re-select the one that was probably selected before
  it_lvi = QListViewItemIterator(m_accountTree);
  while(it_lvi.current()) {
    item = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem*>(it_lvi.current());
    if(item) {
      if(item->id() == selectedItemId)
        m_accountTree->setSelected(item, true);
      if(isOpen.find(item->id()) != isOpen.end())

  // reposition viewport
  m_accountTree->setContentsPos(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y());

  // turn updates back on

  ::timetrace("done load institutions view");