MyTcpSocket* MyTcpSocket::acceptClient(string& clientHostName)
	int newSocket;   // the new socket file descriptor returned by the accept systme call

    // the length of the client's address
    struct sockaddr_in clientAddress;    // Address of the client that sent data
    int clientAddressLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

    // Accepts a new client connection and stores its socket file descriptor
		if ((newSocket = accept(m_nSocketId, (struct sockaddr *)&clientAddress,&clientAddressLen)) == -1)
			#ifdef WINDOWS_XP
				int errorCode = 0;
				string errorMsg = "error calling accept(): \n";
				MyException socketAcceptException(errorCode,errorMsg);
				throw socketAcceptException;

			#ifdef UNIX
				MyException unixSocketAcceptException(0,"unix: error calling accept()");
				throw unixSocketAcceptException;
    catch(MyException& excp)
		return NULL;
	// Get the host name given the address
    char *sAddress = inet_ntoa((struct in_addr)clientAddress.sin_addr);

	/*******MyHostInfo from ADDRESS**********/
	MyHostInfo clientInfo(string(sAddress),ADDRESS);
	char* hostName = clientInfo.getHostName();
    clientHostName+= string(hostName);
    // Create and return the new MyTcpSocket object
    MyTcpSocket* retSocket = new MyTcpSocket();
    return retSocket;