NABoolean TableDesc::isIdentityColumnGeneratedAlways(NAString * value) const
    // Determine if an IDENTITY column exists and
    // has the default class of GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY.
    // Do not return TRUE, if the table type is an INDEX_TABLE.

    NABoolean result = FALSE;

    for (CollIndex j = 0; j < colList_.entries(); j++)
        ValueId valId = colList_[j];
        NAColumn *column = valId.getNAColumn();

            if (getNATable()->getObjectType() != COM_INDEX_OBJECT)
                if (value != NULL)
                    *value = column->getColName();
                result = TRUE;

    return result;
Example #2
// is this BaseColumn a primary or partitioning key and is val a single 
// value or a constant that can be safely coerced to BaseColumn's type?
NABoolean BaseColumn::isKeyColumnValue(ItemExpr& val) const
  NAColumn *baseCol = getNAColumn();
    (baseCol != NULL &&
     (baseCol->isPrimaryKey() || baseCol->isPartitioningKey()) &&
//gets the NAColumn that has the same position
NAColumn * NAColumnArray::getColumnByPos(Lng32 position) const
  for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
      NAColumn *column = (*this)[i];
      if (column->getPosition() == position) return column;
  return NULL;
NAColumn *NAColumnArray::getColumn(const char *colName) const
  for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
      NAColumn *column = (*this)[i];
      if (column->getColName() == colName) return column;
  return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TableDesc::getSystemColumnList()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableDesc::getSystemColumnList(ValueIdList &columnList) const
    for (CollIndex i = 0; i < colList_.entries(); i++) {
        ValueId valId = colList_[i];
        NAColumn *column = valId.getNAColumn();
        if (column->isSystemColumn())
// removes the column that has the same position
void NAColumnArray::removeByPosition(Lng32 position)
  for(CollIndex i=0;i < entries();i++)
    NAColumn * column = (*this)[i];
    if(column->getPosition() == position)
NABoolean TableDesc::hasIdentityColumnInClusteringKey() const
    ValueIdSet pKeyColumns = clusteringIndex_->getIndexKey();
    NAColumn * column = NULL;
    for(ValueId id = pKeyColumns.init();;
        column = id.getNAColumn();
        if (column && column->isIdentityColumn())
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TableDesc::getIdentityColumn()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableDesc::getIdentityColumn(ValueIdList &columnList) const
    for (CollIndex i = 0; i < colList_.entries(); i++)
        ValueId valId = colList_[i];
        NAColumn *column = valId.getNAColumn();
        if (column->isIdentityColumn())
            break; // Break when you find the first,
            // as there can only be one Identity column per table.
Example #9
// is val a constant that can be safely coerced to BaseColumn's type?
NABoolean BaseColumn::canSafelyCoerce(ItemExpr& val) const
  NAColumn *baseCol = getNAColumn();
  OperatorTypeEnum valTyp = val.getOperatorType();
    (baseCol != NULL &&
    ((valTyp == ITM_CONSTANT &&
     // we don't need to check the types of param & hostvar here because we
     // are called after ItemExpr::bindNode has successfully type-checked
     // the current search predicate that is being tested for cacheability
     || valTyp == ITM_HOSTVAR
     || valTyp == ITM_DYN_PARAM 
     || valTyp == ITM_CACHE_PARAM
ULng32 NAColumnArray::getMaxTrafHbaseColQualifier() const
  NAColumn *column;
  char * colQualPtr;
  Lng32 colQualLen;
  Int64 colQVal;
  ULng32 maxVal = 0;

  for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
      column = (*this)[i];
      colQualPtr = (char*)column->getHbaseColQual().data();
      colQualLen = column->getHbaseColQual().length();
      colQVal = str_atoi(colQualPtr, colQualLen);
      if (colQVal > maxVal)
	maxVal = colQVal ;
  return maxVal;
// this method sets the primary key columns. It goes through all the columns
// of the table, and collects the columns which are marked as primary keys
void TableDesc::setPrimaryKeyColumns()
    ValueIdSet primaryColumns;

    for ( CollIndex j = 0 ; j < colList_.entries() ; j++ )

        ValueId valId = colList_[j];

        NAColumn *column = valId.getNAColumn();

        if ( column->isPrimaryKey() )
            primaryColumns.insert(valId) ;
            // mark column as referenced for histogram, as we may need its histogram
            // during plan generation
            if ((column->isUserColumn() || column->isSaltColumn() ) &&
                    (column->getNATable()->getSpecialType() == ExtendedQualName::NORMAL_TABLE) )

    primaryKeyColumns_ = primaryColumns;
NABoolean NAColumn::operator==(const NAColumn& other) const
  return ((getColName() == other.getColName()) &&
	  (*getType() == *other.getType()));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility Routine: pickOutputs
// From the given ColStatDescList, populate columnStats_ with column
// descriptors that are useful based on the characteristic outputs for
// the group.
// Always include in the output the current histograms of the input data,
// and, if the histogram is contained in the required output list, then
// this is a useful histogram and will also be output.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void EstLogProp::pickOutputs( ColStatDescList & columnStats,
			      const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
			      const ValueIdSet specifiedOutputs,
			      const ValueIdSet predSet)

  const ColStatDescList & outerColStatsList = inputEstLogProp->getColStats();

  ValueIdSet colsRequiringHistograms = specifiedOutputs;
  // (i) see if the selection predicates contain any constant value or a 
  // constant expression

  // (ii) check if there are any columns of this table being joined to some other
  // columns, which do not appear as characteristics outputs. There should be
  // histograms available for these columns, as these might be needed later.
  // This problem was seen for temporary tables created as normal_tables by the
  // triggers.

  colStats().setMCSkewedValueLists(columnStats.getMCSkewedValueLists()) ;

  NABoolean colStatDescAdded = FALSE;

  for (CollIndex i=0; i < columnStats.entries(); i++)
      // we probably don't need 'em all, but this is the easiest way to
      // grab all of the multi-column uec information we'll need later
      colStats().insertIntoUecList (columnStats.getUecList()) ;
      NABoolean found = FALSE;

      // Note: The following inserts into a ColStatDescList should not
      // have to be deep copies.  From this point on, ColStatDescs that
      // describe the output of the calling operator are read-only.

      ColStatDescSharedPtr colStatDesc = columnStats[i];

      // the value-id we're looking for
      const ValueId columnId = colStatDesc->getVEGColumn() ;

      for (CollIndex j=0 ; j < outerColStatsList.entries() ; j++)
	  if (columnId == outerColStatsList[j]->getVEGColumn() OR
              colStats().insert(colStatDesc) ;
              found = TRUE;
                colStatDescAdded = TRUE;
              break ; // jump to next ColStatDesc

    // OK, the valueid doesn't match directly -- but there are still a
    // couple of things to check in order to verify whether or not we're
    // interested in keeping the i'th ColStatDesc ...

	ValueId throwaway ; // used by the second clause below

    if ( NOT found  AND
	 (columnId != NULL_VALUE_ID) AND
         (colsRequiringHistograms.contains (columnId) OR
          colsRequiringHistograms.referencesTheGivenValue (columnId, throwaway) OR
	  columnId.isInvolvedInJoinAndConst() OR
          CmpCommon::context()->showQueryStats() )
	  found = TRUE;
	    colStatDescAdded = TRUE;
	if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->incorporateSkewInCosting())
	  // if the column is referenced for histogram, but is 
	  // not needed beyond this time , then we shall save its  
	  // max freq, which might be used later in costing if this
	  // column is a part of the partitioning key

	  ColStatsSharedPtr stat = colStatDesc->getColStats();
	  if (!(stat->isVirtualColForHist() ) && NOT found &&
                    !(stat->isOrigFakeHist() ) )
            const ValueId col = colStatDesc->getColumn();
            ColAnalysis * colAnalysis = col.colAnalysis();
            if (colAnalysis)
              NAColumn * column = stat->getStatColumns()[0];

              if (column->isReferencedForHistogram())
                CostScalar maxFreq = columnStats.getMaxFreq(columnId);
      } // for columnStats.entries()
      if(!colStatDescAdded && columnStats.entries() > 0)
        colStats().insert(columnStats[0]) ;
} // pickOutputs