Example #1
// Cleanup NARoutine cache after the statement completes.  Remove entries 
// using LRU policy, if the cache has grown too large.  The approach here is 
// somewhat different from NATableDB caching, which deletes entries from the 
// NATable cache if the statement was DDL that may have affected the table 
// definition.   NATable caching also deletes tables from the cache at this 
// time for performance reasons.
void NARoutineDB::resetAfterStatement()
  // Delete 'dirty' NARoutine objects that were not deleted earlier 
  // to save compile-time performance.
  if (routinesToDeleteAfterStatement_.entries())
    // Clear the list of tables to delete after statement

  if (entries())
    // Reduce size of cache if it has grown too large.
    if (!enforceMemorySpaceConstraints())
      cacheMetaData_ = FALSE; // Disable cache if there is a problem.

    // Reset statement level flags

    // Clear 'accessed in current statement' flag for all cached NARoutines.
    NAHashDictionaryIterator<NARoutineDBKey,NARoutine> iter (*this); 
    NARoutineDBKey *key;
    NARoutine      *routine;
    while(key) {
      routine->getAccessedInCurStmt() = FALSE; 
Example #2
// Find the NARoutine entry in the cache for 'key' or create it if not found.
// 1. Check for entry in cache.  
// 2. If it doesn't exist, return.
// 3. If it does exist, check to see if this is first time entry accessed.
// 4. If so, check to see if entry is dirty (obsolete).
// 5. If dirty, remove key and add to list to remove entry after statement 
//    completes.
// Note that BindWA is needed to be passed to this function so that we can
// use it with getRedefTime() is necessary.
NARoutine *NARoutineDB::get(BindWA *bindWA, const NARoutineDBKey *key)
  // Check cache to see if a cached NARoutine object exists
  NARoutine *cachedNARoutine =
    NAKeyLookup<NARoutineDBKey,NARoutine>::get(key);                    /* 1 */

  totalLookupsCount_++; // Statistics counter: number of lookups

  if (!cachedNARoutine || !cacheMetaData_) return NULL;                 /* 2 */

  totalCacheHits_++;    // Statistics counter: number of cache hits.

  // Record time that this NARoutine was obtained from cache for LRU.

  cachedNARoutine->getAccessedInCurStmt() = TRUE; 

  return cachedNARoutine;