Example #1
	// now let's build a test object
	NURBSSet nset;
	Matrix3 mat;

	// build an independent point
	int indPnt = MakeTestPoint(nset);

	// now a constrained point
	int ptPnt = MakeTestPointCPoint(nset, indPnt);

	// build a cv curve
	int cvCrv = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, mat);

	// and a constrained point on that curve
	int crvPnt = MakeTestCurveCPoint(nset, cvCrv);

	// now a point curve
	int ptCrv = MakeTestPointCurve(nset, mat);

	// Blend the two curves
	int blendCrv = MakeTestBlendCurve(nset, cvCrv, ptCrv);

	// make an offset of the CV curve
	int offCrv = MakeTestOffsetCurve(nset, cvCrv);

	// make a Transform curve of the point curve
	int xformCrv = MakeTestXFormCurve(nset, ptCrv);

	// make a mirror of the blend
	int mirCrv = MakeTestMirrorCurve(nset, blendCrv);

	// make a fillet curve (It makes it's own point curves to fillet)
	int fltCrv = MakeTestFilletCurve(nset);

	// make a chamfer curve (It makes it's own point curves to fillet)
	int chmCrv = MakeTestChamferCurve(nset);

	// build a cv surface
	int cvSurf = MakeTestCVSurface(nset, mat);

	// and a constrained point on that surface
	int srfPnt = MakeTestSurfCPoint(nset, cvSurf);

	// Curve Surface intersection point.
	int cvCrv2 = MakeTestCVCurve(nset, RotateXMatrix(PI/2.0f) * TransMatrix(Point3(0, 0, -175)));
	int srfIntPoint = MakeTestCurveSurface(nset, cvSurf, cvCrv2);

	// Now an Iso Curve on the CV surface
	int isoCrv1 = MakeTestIsoCurveU(nset, cvSurf);

	// Now an Iso Curve on the CV surface
	int isoCrv2 = MakeTestIsoCurveV(nset, cvSurf);

	// Now a Surface Edge Curve on the CV surface
	int surfEdgeCrv = MakeTestSurfaceEdgeCurve(nset, cvSurf);

	// build a CV Curve on Surface
	int cvCOS = MakeTestCurveOnSurface(nset, cvSurf);

	// build a Point Curve on Surface
	int pntCOS = MakeTestPointCurveOnSurface(nset, cvSurf);

	// build a Surface Normal Offset Curve
	int cnoCrf = MakeTestSurfaceNormalCurve(nset, cvCOS);

    // Make a curve-curve intersection point
    int curveCurve = MakeTestCurveCurve(nset, isoCrv1, isoCrv2, TRUE);

	// build a point surface
	int ptSurf = MakeTestPointSurface(nset, mat);

	// Blend the two surfaces
	int blendSurf = MakeTestBlendSurface(nset, cvSurf, ptSurf);

	// Offset of the blend
	int offSurf = MakeTestOffsetSurface(nset, blendSurf);

	// Transform of the Offset
	int xformSurf = MakeTestXFormSurface(nset, offSurf);

	// Mirror of the transform surface
	int mirSurf = MakeTestMirrorSurface(nset, xformSurf);

	// Make a Ruled surface between two curves
	int rulSurf = MakeTestRuledSurface(nset, cvCrv, ptCrv);

	// Make a ULoft surface
	int uLoftSurf = MakeTestULoftSurface(nset, ptCrv, offCrv, xformCrv);

	// Make a Extrude surface
	int extSurf = MakeTestExtrudeSurface(nset, xformCrv);

	// Make a lathe
	int lthSurf = MakeTestLatheSurface(nset);

	// these will build their own curves to work with
	// UV Loft
	int uvLoftSurf = MakeTestUVLoftSurface(nset);

	// 1 Rail Sweep
	int oneRailSurf = MakeTest1RailSweepSurface(nset);

	// 2 Rail Sweep
	int twoRailSurf = MakeTest2RailSweepSurface(nset);

	// MultiCurveTrim Surface
	int multiTrimSurf = MakeTestMultiCurveTrimSurface(nset);

	// Now make the curves and surfaces that we'll use later for the join tests
	int jc1, jc2, js1, js2;
	AddObjectsForJoinTests(nset, jc1, jc2, js1, js2);

	int bc, bs;
	AddObjectsForBreakTests(nset, bc, bs);

	Object *obj = CreateNURBSObject(mpIp, &nset, mat);
	INode *node = mpIp->CreateObjectNode(obj);

	NURBSSet addNset;
	// build a point surface
	int addptSurf = AddTestPointSurface(addNset);

	// add an iso curve to the previously created CV Surface
	NURBSId id = nset.GetNURBSObject(cvSurf)->GetId();
	int addIsoCrv = AddTestIsoCurve(addNset, id);

	AddNURBSObjects(obj, mpIp, &addNset);

	// now test some changing functionality
	// Let's change the name of the CVSurface
	NURBSObject* nObj = nset.GetNURBSObject(cvSurf);
	nObj->SetName(_T("New CVSurf Name"));  // testing only, no need to localize

	// now let's change the position of one of the points in the point curve
	NURBSPointCurve* ptCrvObj = (NURBSPointCurve*)nset.GetNURBSObject(ptCrv);
	ptCrvObj->GetPoint(0)->SetPosition(0, Point3(10, 160, 0)); // moved from 0,150,0

	// now let's change the position and weight of one of the CVs
	// in the CV Surface
	NURBSCVSurface* cvSurfObj = (NURBSCVSurface*)nset.GetNURBSObject(cvSurf);
	cvSurfObj->GetCV(0, 0)->SetPosition(0, Point3(-150.0, -100.0, 20.0)); // moved from 0,0,0
	cvSurfObj->GetCV(0, 0)->SetWeight(0, 2.0); // from 1.0

	// now let's do a transform of a curve.
	NURBSIdTab xfmTab;
	NURBSId nid = nset.GetNURBSObject(jc1)->GetId();
	xfmTab.Append(1, &nid);
	Matrix3 xfmMat;
	xfmMat = TransMatrix(Point3(10, 10, -10));
	SetXFormPacket xPack(xfmMat);
	NURBSResult res = Transform(obj, xfmTab, xPack, xfmMat, 0);

	// Now let's Join two curves
	NURBSId jc1id = nset.GetNURBSObject(jc1)->GetId(),
			jc2id = nset.GetNURBSObject(jc2)->GetId();
	JoinCurves(obj, jc1id, jc2id, FALSE, TRUE, 20.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0);

	// Now let's Join two surfaces
	NURBSId js1id = nset.GetNURBSObject(js1)->GetId(),
			js2id = nset.GetNURBSObject(js2)->GetId();
	JoinSurfaces(obj, js1id, js2id, 1, 0, 20.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0);

	// Break a Curve
	NURBSId bcid = nset.GetNURBSObject(bc)->GetId();
	BreakCurve(obj, bcid, .5, 0);

	// Break a Surface
	NURBSId bsid = nset.GetNURBSObject(bs)->GetId();
	BreakSurface(obj, bsid, TRUE, .5, 0);


	// now do a detach
	NURBSSet detset;
	Matrix3 detmat;
	// build a cv curve
	int detcvCrv = MakeTestCVCurve(detset, detmat);

	// now a point curve
	int detptCrv = MakeTestPointCurve(detset, detmat);

	// Blend the two curves
	int detblendCrv = MakeTestBlendCurve(detset, detcvCrv, detptCrv);

	Object *detobj = CreateNURBSObject(mpIp, &detset, detmat);
	INode *detnode = mpIp->CreateObjectNode(detobj);
	detnode->SetName("Detach From");

	BOOL copy = TRUE;
	BOOL relational = TRUE;
	NURBSIdList detlist;
	NURBSId oid = detset.GetNURBSObject(detblendCrv)->GetId();
	detlist.Append(1, &oid);
	DetachObjects(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime(), detnode, detobj,
					detlist, "Detach Test", copy, relational);

Example #2
bool AlembicCurves::Save(double time, bool bLastFrame)

    //TimeValue ticks = GET_MAX_INTERFACE()->GetTime();
    TimeValue ticks = GetTimeValueFromFrame(time);
	Object *obj = mMaxNode->EvalWorldState(ticks).obj;
	if(mNumSamples == 0){
		bForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks);
		bool bNewForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks);
		if(bForever && bNewForever != bForever){
			ESS_LOG_INFO( "bForever has changed" );

	SaveMetaData(mMaxNode, this);

    // check if the spline is animated
    if(mNumSamples > 0) 
            return true;

    AbcG::OCurvesSchema::Sample curvesSample;

	std::vector<AbcA::int32_t> nbVertices;
    std::vector<Point3> vertices;
    std::vector<float> knotVector;
    std::vector<Abc::uint16_t> orders;

    if(obj->ClassID() == EDITABLE_SURF_CLASS_ID){

       NURBSSet nurbsSet;   
       BOOL success = GetNURBSSet(obj, ticks, nurbsSet, TRUE);   

       AbcG::CurvePeriodicity cPeriod = AbcG::kNonPeriodic;
       AbcG::CurveType cType = AbcG::kCubic;
       AbcG::BasisType cBasis = AbcG::kNoBasis;

       int n = nurbsSet.GetNumObjects();
       for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
          NURBSObject* pObject = nurbsSet.GetNURBSObject((int)i);

          //NURBSType type = pObject->GetType();

          if( pObject->GetKind() == kNURBSCurve ){
             NURBSCurve* pNurbsCurve = (NURBSCurve*)pObject;

             int degree;
             int numCVs;
             NURBSCVTab cvs;
			 int numKnots;
		     NURBSKnotTab knots;
             pNurbsCurve->GetNURBSData(ticks, degree, numCVs, cvs, numKnots, knots);


             const int cvsCount = cvs.Count();
             const int knotCount = knots.Count();

             for(int j=0; j<cvs.Count(); j++){
                NURBSControlVertex cv = cvs[j];
                double x, y, z;
                cv.GetPosition(ticks, x, y, z);
                vertices.push_back( Point3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z) );


             //skip the first and last entry because Maya and XSI use this format
             for(int j=1; j<knots.Count()-1; j++){

             if(i == 0){
                   cPeriod = AbcG::kPeriodic;
                   if(cPeriod != AbcG::kPeriodic){
                      ESS_LOG_WARNING("Mixed curve wrap types not supported.");
                   if(cPeriod != AbcG::kNonPeriodic){
                      ESS_LOG_WARNING("Mixed curve wrap types not supported.");


          BezierShape beziershape;
          PolyShape polyShape;
          bool bBezier = false;

          // Get a pointer to the spline shpae
          ShapeObject *pShapeObject = NULL;
          if (obj->IsShapeObject())
              pShapeObject = reinterpret_cast<ShapeObject *>(obj);
              return false;

          // Determine if we are a bezier shape
          if (pShapeObject->CanMakeBezier())
              pShapeObject->MakeBezier(ticks, beziershape);
              bBezier = true;
              pShapeObject->MakePolyShape(ticks, polyShape);
              bBezier = false;

          // Get the control points

          //std::vector<Point3> inTangents;
	      //std::vector<Point3> outTangents;
          if (bBezier)
              int oldVerticesCount = (int)vertices.size();
              for (int i = 0; i < beziershape.SplineCount(); i += 1)
                  Spline3D *pSpline = beziershape.GetSpline(i);
                  int knots = pSpline->KnotCount();
                  for(int ix = 0; ix < knots; ++ix) 
                      Point3 in = pSpline->GetInVec(ix);
                      Point3 p = pSpline->GetKnotPoint(ix);
                      Point3 out = pSpline->GetOutVec(ix);

                      vertices.push_back( p );
				      //inTangents.push_back( in );
				      //outTangents.push_back( out );

                  int nNumVerticesAdded = (int)vertices.size() - oldVerticesCount;
                  nbVertices.push_back( nNumVerticesAdded );
                  oldVerticesCount = (int)vertices.size();
              for (int i = 0; i < polyShape.numLines; i += 1)
                  PolyLine &refLine = polyShape.lines[i];
                  for (int j = 0; j < refLine.numPts; j += 1)
                      Point3 p = refLine.pts[j].p;

          // set the type + wrapping
	      curvesSample.setType(bBezier ? AbcG::kCubic : AbcG::kLinear);
          curvesSample.setWrap(pShapeObject->CurveClosed(ticks, 0) ? AbcG::kPeriodic : AbcG::kNonPeriodic);

    if(nbVertices.size() == 0 || vertices.size() == 0){
       ESS_LOG_WARNING("No curve data to export.");
       return false;

    const int vertCount = (int)vertices.size();

    // prepare the bounding box
    Abc::Box3d bbox;

    // allocate the points and normals
    std::vector<Abc::V3f> posVec(vertCount);
    Matrix3 wm = mMaxNode->GetObjTMAfterWSM(ticks);

    for(int i=0;i<vertCount;i++)
        posVec[i] = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(vertices[i] );

        // Set the archive bounding box
        if (mJob)
            Point3 worldMaxPoint = wm * vertices[i];
            Abc::V3f alembicWorldPoint = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(worldMaxPoint);

    if(knotVector.size() > 0 && orders.size() > 0){
          mKnotVectorProperty = Abc::OFloatArrayProperty(mCurvesSchema.getArbGeomParams(), ".knot_vector", mCurvesSchema.getMetaData(), mJob->GetAnimatedTs() );

          mOrdersProperty = Abc::OUInt16ArrayProperty(mCurvesSchema.getArbGeomParams(), ".orders", mCurvesSchema.getMetaData(), mJob->GetAnimatedTs() );

    // store the bbox

    Abc::Int32ArraySample nbVerticesSample(&nbVertices.front(),nbVertices.size());

    // allocate for the points and normals
    Abc::P3fArraySample posSample(&posVec.front(),posVec.size());



   return true;