Example #1
int HugoOperations::setValueForAttr(NdbOperation* pOp,
				      int attrId, 
				      int rowId,
				      int updateId){
  const NdbDictionary::Column* attr = tab.getColumn(attrId);     
  if (! (attr->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Blob))
    int len = attr->getSizeInBytes();
    char buf[NDB_MAX_TUPLE_SIZE];
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    Uint32 real_len;
    const char * value = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId,
                                        updateId, buf, len, &real_len);
    return pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), value, real_len);
    char buf[32000];
    int len = (int)sizeof(buf);
    Uint32 real_len;
    const char * value = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId,
                                        updateId, buf, len, &real_len);
    NdbBlob * b = pOp->getBlobHandle(attrId);
    if (b == 0)
      return -1;

    if (real_len == 0)
      return b->setNull();
      return b->setValue(value, real_len);
Example #2
/* set all the unique attrs of this objectclass into the table
extern "C" int
	NdbTransaction *txn,
	const NdbDictionary::Table *myTable,
	Entry *e,
	NdbOcInfo *no,
	NdbAttrInfo **attrs,
	int nattrs,
	Attribute *old
	char buf[65538], *ptr;
	Attribute **an, **ao, *a;
	NdbOperation *myop;
	int i, j, max = 0;
	int changed, rc;
	Uint64 eid = e->e_id;

	if ( !nattrs )
		return 0;

	an = (Attribute **)ch_malloc( 2 * nattrs * sizeof(Attribute *));
	ao = an + nattrs;

	/* Turn lists of attrs into arrays for easier access */
	for ( i=0; i<nattrs; i++ ) {
		if ( attrs[i]->na_oi != no ) {
			an[i] = NULL;
			ao[i] = NULL;
		for ( a=e->e_attrs; a; a=a->a_next ) {
			if ( a->a_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass )
			if ( a->a_desc->ad_type == attrs[i]->na_attr ) {
				/* Don't process same attr twice */
				if ( a->a_flags & SLAP_ATTR_IXADD )
					a = NULL;
					a->a_flags |= SLAP_ATTR_IXADD;
		an[i] = a;
		if ( a && a->a_numvals > max )
			max = a->a_numvals;
		for ( a=old; a; a=a->a_next ) {
			if ( a->a_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass )
			if ( a->a_desc->ad_type == attrs[i]->na_attr )
		ao[i] = a;
		if ( a && a->a_numvals > max )
			max = a->a_numvals;

	for ( i=0; i<max; i++ ) {
		myop = NULL;
		for ( j=0; j<nattrs; j++ ) {
			if ( !an[j] && !ao[j] )
			changed = 0;
			if ( an[j] && an[j]->a_numvals > i ) {
				/* both old and new are present, compare for changes */
				if ( ao[j] && ao[j]->a_numvals > i ) {
					if ( ber_bvcmp( &ao[j]->a_nvals[i], &an[j]->a_nvals[i] ))
						changed = V_REP;
				} else {
					changed = V_INS;
			} else {
				if ( ao[j] && ao[j]->a_numvals > i )
					changed = V_DEL;
			if ( changed ) {
				if ( !myop ) {
					rc = LDAP_OTHER;
					myop = txn->getNdbOperation( myTable );
					if ( !myop ) {
						goto done;
					if ( old ) {
						if ( myop->writeTuple()) {
							goto done;
					} else {
						if ( myop->insertTuple()) {
							goto done;
					if ( myop->equal( EID_COLUMN, eid )) {
						goto done;
					if ( myop->equal( VID_COLUMN, i )) {
						goto done;
				if ( attrs[j]->na_flag & NDB_INFO_ATBLOB ) {
					NdbBlob *myBlob = myop->getBlobHandle( attrs[j]->na_column );
					rc = LDAP_OTHER;
					if ( !myBlob ) {
						Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ndb_oc_attrs: getBlobHandle failed %s (%d)\n",
							myop->getNdbError().message, myop->getNdbError().code, 0 );
						goto done;
					if ( slapMode & SLAP_TOOL_MODE )
						ndb_flush_blobs = 1;
					if ( changed & V_INS ) {
						if ( myBlob->setValue( an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_val, an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_len )) {
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ndb_oc_attrs: blob->setValue failed %s (%d)\n",
								myBlob->getNdbError().message, myBlob->getNdbError().code, 0 );
							goto done;
					} else {
						if ( myBlob->setValue( NULL, 0 )) {
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ndb_oc_attrs: blob->setValue failed %s (%d)\n",
								myBlob->getNdbError().message, myBlob->getNdbError().code, 0 );
							goto done;
				} else {
					if ( changed & V_INS ) {
						if ( an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_len > attrs[j]->na_len ) {
							Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ndb_oc_attrs: attribute %s too long for column\n",
								attrs[j]->na_name.bv_val, 0, 0 );
							goto done;
						ptr = buf;
						*ptr++ = an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_len & 0xff;
						if ( attrs[j]->na_len > 255 ) {
							/* MedVar */
							*ptr++ = an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_len >> 8;
						memcpy( ptr, an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_val, an[j]->a_vals[i].bv_len );
						ptr = buf;
					} else {
						ptr = NULL;
					if ( myop->setValue( attrs[j]->na_column, ptr )) {
						rc = LDAP_OTHER;
						goto done;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("No connection string specified.\n");
    return -1;
  if (argc < 3) {
    printf("No database specified.\n");
    return -1;
  if (argc < 4) {
    printf("No filepath specified.\n");
    return -1;
  if (argc < 5) {
    printf("No table format file specified.\n");
    return -1;
  if (argc >= 6) {
    tNoOfParallelTrans = atoi(argv[5]);
  if (argc >= 7) {
    sleepTimeMilli = atoi(argv[6]);

  strcpy(connstring, argv[1]);
  strcpy(database, argv[2]);
  strcpy(filepath, argv[3]);
  strcpy(tablefilepath, argv[4]);

  ifstream fin(tablefilepath);
  // first line is table name.
  string tmpTableName;
  getline(fin, tmpTableName);
  strcpy(tablename, tmpTableName.c_str());

  // find a "nokey" in table name
  istringstream lineReader(tmpTableName);
  string firstpart;
  if( getline(lineReader, firstpart, ' ') )
    // printf("first part: %s", firstpart.c_str());
    string secondpart;
    if( getline(lineReader, secondpart) ) {
      // "firstpart secondpart"
      if (secondpart != NOKEY_IDENTIFIER) {
        cerr << "ERROR: could not recognize identifier: " << secondpart << endl;
        cerr << "Do you mean: '" << NOKEY_IDENTIFIER << "'?"<< endl;
      } else {
        noKey = true;
      // printf("Attr: %s %s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str());
    strcpy(tablename, firstpart.c_str());

  // Initialize transaction array
  for(int i = 0 ; i < MAXTRANS ; i++) 
    transaction[i].used = 0;
    transaction[i].conn = 0;

  // each line is a column
  for (string row; getline(fin, row); ) {
    istringstream lineReader(row);
    string key;
    if( getline(lineReader, key, ' ') )
      string value;
      if( getline(lineReader, value) ) {
        // "key value"
        // printf("Attr: %s %s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str());

  Ndb_cluster_connection *conn = connect_to_cluster(connstring);

  Ndb* ndb = new Ndb(conn, database);
  if (ndb->init(1024) == -1)
     // pass
  printf("Connected: database [%s], connstr [%s], #parallelTrans=[%d]. Load table [%s] from file [%s]...\n", database, connstring, tNoOfParallelTrans, tablename, filepath);

  // do_insert(*ndb);

  const NdbDictionary::Dictionary* myDict= ndb->getDictionary();
  // printf("table name: %s\n", tablename);
  const NdbDictionary::Table *myTable= myDict->getTable(tablename);

  if (myTable == NULL) 

  // Load the data
  bool dataleft = false;

  typedef vector<vector<string> > Rows;

  // Rows rows;
  ifstream input(filepath);
  char const row_delim = '\n';
  char const field_delim = '\t';
  int rowCounter = 0;
  for (string row; getline(input, row, row_delim); ) {

    // Find a slot in the transaction array
    async_callback_t * cb;
    // int retries = 0;
    int current = -1;

    int cursor = transTail + 1;
    if (cursor >= MAXTRANS) {
      cursor = 0;

    for(int retries = 0; retries < MAX_TRANSALLOC_RETRY; retries++) {
      // for(int cursor=0; cursor < MAXTRANS; cursor++) 
        if(transaction[cursor].used == 0)
          current = cursor;
          cb = new async_callback_t;
           * Set data used by the callback
          cb->ndb = ndb;  //handle to Ndb object so that we can close transaction
                            // in the callback (alt. make myNdb global).

          cb->transaction = current; //This is the number (id)  of this transaction
          transaction[current].used = 1 ; //Mark the transaction as used
          transTail = current; // optimizing scan

        else { // used
          cursor += 1; 
          if (cursor >= MAXTRANS) {
            cursor = 0;

      if(current == -1) {
        cerr << "WARNING: Number of transactions in parallel exceeds the maximum. retrying..." << endl;
      } else {

    transaction[current].conn = ndb->startTransaction();

    istringstream ss(row);
    // NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->getNdbOperation(myTable);
    NdbOperation *myOperation= transaction[current].conn->getNdbOperation(myTable);

    // If no primary key is assigned, have to set the tupleId explicitly
    if (noKey) {
      unsigned long long tupleId = 0;
      // int
      // Ndb::getAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName,
      //                      Uint64 & autoValue, Uint32 cacheSize,
      //                      Uint64 step, Uint64 start)
      if (ndb->getAutoIncrementValue(myTable, tupleId, TUPLEID_FETCH_SIZE, 1, 1) != 0) {
        cerr << "Error occurs while getting tupleID to insert.\n";

      myOperation->equal("$PK", tupleId);
      //if (tupleId % 10000 == 0) {
      //  cerr <<"DEBUG: set tupleID to " << tupleId << endl;
    // Iterate for each field
    int i = 0;
    for (string field; getline(ss, field, field_delim); i++) {

      // For NULL value, do not set value for this field
      if (strcmp(field.c_str(), "\\N") == 0) {

      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "int") == 0) {
        // using a int64 to prevent problems..
        long long value = atoll(field.c_str());
        myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), value);

      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "real") == 0) {
        double value = atof(field.c_str());
        myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), value);    
      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "varchar") == 0) {
        char buffer[65535] = {};
        make_ndb_varchar(buffer, field.c_str());
        myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), buffer);
      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "char") == 0) {
        char buffer[65535] = {};
        make_ndb_char(buffer, field.c_str());
        myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), buffer);
        // myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), field.c_str());

      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "boolean") == 0) {
        int value = atoi(field.c_str());
        myOperation->setValue(fieldName[i].c_str(), value);

      if (strcmp(fieldType[i].c_str(), "text") == 0) {
        NdbBlob *myBlobHandle = myOperation->getBlobHandle(fieldName[i].c_str());
        if (myBlobHandle == NULL) {
          cerr << "Hint: in the TSV file any TEXT/BLOB attribute must come after the primary key column.\n";
        myBlobHandle->setValue(field.c_str(), field.length());
        // myBlobHandle->setNull();


    transaction[current].conn->executeAsynchPrepare( NdbTransaction::Commit, 
    dataleft = true;
     * When we have prepared parallelism number of transactions ->
     * send the transaction to ndb. 
     * Next time we will deal with the transactions are in the 
     * callback. There we will see which ones that were successful
     * and which ones to retry.
    if (nPreparedTransactions >= tNoOfParallelTrans)
      // send-poll all transactions
      // close transaction is done in callback
      ndb->sendPollNdb(3000, tNoOfParallelTrans );
      dataleft = false;


    // The SYNC way that can set multiple operations in one commit:
    // if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::NoCommit ) == -1)
    //   APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError());

    // if (rowCounter % TRANACTION_SIZE == 0) {
    //   // commit
    //   if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit ) == -1)
    //     APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError());
    //   ndb->closeTransaction(myTransaction);
    //   myTransaction = ndb->startTransaction();
    //   dataleft = false;
    // }


  if (dataleft) {
    ndb->sendPollNdb(3000, nPreparedTransactions );
    // SYNC way
    // if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit ) == -1)
    //   APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError());
    // ndb->closeTransaction(myTransaction);    


  delete ndb;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;