#includeNetBitStreamInterface nbs; uint8_t bit; nbs.ReadBit(bit);
#includeIn this example, we create an instance of the NetBitStreamInterface class called nbs and an array called bits to hold the values of the 8 bits read from the network stream. We then loop through the array, calling the ReadBit function on nbs and passing in the current element of bits as a reference. This will read 8 bits from the network stream and store their values in the bits array. Based on these examples, it appears that NetBitStreamInterface is a C++ library for working with network streams. It is likely part of a larger package or framework for networking in C++.NetBitStreamInterface nbs; uint8_t bits[8]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { nbs.ReadBit(bits[i]); }