Example #1
VTorque::SoundSourceType *VTorque::playSound( SoundEffectType *pSoundProfile, SceneObjectType *pObject, const U32 &pPosition, const F32 &pPitch )
    if ( !pSoundProfile )
        // Sanity!
        return NULL;

#ifdef VT_EDITOR

    // Fetch Reference Transform.
    const MatrixF &transform = pObject->getTransform();

    // Play Sound.
    SFXSound *source = ( SFXSound* )SFX->playOnce( pSoundProfile, &transform );

    if ( source )
        // Set Position.
        source->setPosition( pPosition );

        // Set Pitch.
        source->setPitch( pPitch );

    // Return Source.
    return source;


    // Fetch Client Group.
    SimGroup* clientGroup = Sim::getClientGroup();

    for ( SimGroup::iterator itr = clientGroup->begin(); itr != clientGroup->end(); itr++ )
        NetConnection *connection = static_cast<NetConnection*>( *itr );
        if ( connection )
            // Create Event.
            VSoundEffectNetEvent *event = new VSoundEffectNetEvent();

            // Setup Event.
            event->mProfile   = pSoundProfile;
            event->mPosition  = pPosition;
            event->mPitch     = pPitch;
            event->mIs3D      = true;
            event->mTransform = pObject->getTransform();

            // Post Event.
            connection->postNetEvent( event );

    return NULL;

Example #2
void VTorque::setPostEffectOn( PostEffectType *pPostEffect, const bool &pStatus )
    if ( !pPostEffect )
        // Sanity!

#ifdef VT_EDITOR

    if ( pStatus )
        // Enable Effect.
        // Disable Effect.


    // Fetch Name.
    StringTableEntry name = pPostEffect->getName();
    if ( !name || name == StringTable->insert( "" ) )
        Con::warnf( "VTorque::setPostEffectOn() - Invalid Object Name." );

    // Fetch Client Group.
    SimGroup* clientGroup = Sim::getClientGroup();

    for ( SimGroup::iterator itr = clientGroup->begin(); itr != clientGroup->end(); itr++ )
        NetConnection *connection = static_cast<NetConnection*>( *itr );
        if ( connection )
            // Create Event.
            VPostEffectNetEvent *event = new VPostEffectNetEvent();

            // Setup Event.
            event->mPostEffect = name;
            event->mEnabled    = pStatus;

            // Post Event.
            connection->postNetEvent( event );

Example #3
void Lightning::warningFlashes()
   AssertFatal(isServerObject(), "Error, client objects may not initiate lightning!");

   SimGroup* pClientGroup = Sim::getClientGroup();
   for (SimGroup::iterator itr = pClientGroup->begin(); itr != pClientGroup->end(); itr++) {
      NetConnection* nc = static_cast<NetConnection*>(*itr);
      if (nc != NULL)
         LightningStrikeEvent* pEvent = new LightningStrikeEvent;
         pEvent->mLightning = this;

Example #4
void Lightning::strikeRandomPoint()
   AssertFatal(isServerObject(), "Error, client objects may not initiate lightning!");

   Point3F strikePoint( gRandGen.randF( 0.0f, 1.0f ), gRandGen.randF( 0.0f, 1.0f ), 0.0f );

   // check if an object is within target range

   strikePoint *= mObjScale;
   strikePoint += getPosition();
   strikePoint += Point3F( -mObjScale.x * 0.5f, -mObjScale.y * 0.5f, 0.0f );

   Box3F queryBox;
   F32 boxWidth = strikeRadius * 2.0f;

   queryBox.minExtents.set( -boxWidth * 0.5f, -boxWidth * 0.5f, -mObjScale.z * 0.5f );
   queryBox.maxExtents.set(  boxWidth * 0.5f,  boxWidth * 0.5f,  mObjScale.z * 0.5f );
   queryBox.minExtents += strikePoint;
   queryBox.maxExtents += strikePoint;

   SimpleQueryList sql;
   getContainer()->findObjects(queryBox, DAMAGEABLE_TYPEMASK,
                               SimpleQueryList::insertionCallback, &sql);

   SceneObject *highestObj = NULL;
   F32 highestPnt = 0.0f;

   for( U32 i = 0; i < sql.mList.size(); i++ )
      Point3F objectCenter;

      // check if object can be struck

      RayInfo rayInfo;
      Point3F start = objectCenter;
      start.z = mObjScale.z * 0.5f + getPosition().z;
      Point3F end = objectCenter;
      end.z = -mObjScale.z * 0.5f + getPosition().z;
      bool rayHit = gServerContainer.castRay( start, end,

      if( rayHit && rayInfo.object == sql.mList[i] )
         if( !highestObj )
            highestObj = sql.mList[i];
            highestPnt = objectCenter.z;

         if( objectCenter.z > highestPnt )
            highestObj = sql.mList[i];
            highestPnt = objectCenter.z;


   // hah haaaaa, we have a target!
   SceneObject *targetObj = NULL;
   if( highestObj )
      F32 chance = gRandGen.randF();
      if( chance <= chanceToHitTarget )
         Point3F objectCenter;

         bool playerInWarmup = false;
         Player *playerObj = dynamic_cast< Player * >(highestObj);
         if( playerObj )
            if( !playerObj->getControllingClient() )
               playerInWarmup = true;

         if( !playerInWarmup )
            applyDamage_callback( objectCenter, VectorF( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), highestObj );
            targetObj = highestObj;

   SimGroup* pClientGroup = Sim::getClientGroup();
   for (SimGroup::iterator itr = pClientGroup->begin(); itr != pClientGroup->end(); itr++)
      NetConnection* nc = static_cast<NetConnection*>(*itr);

      LightningStrikeEvent* pEvent = new LightningStrikeEvent;
      pEvent->mLightning = this;

      pEvent->mStart.x = strikePoint.x;
      pEvent->mStart.y = strikePoint.y;
      pEvent->mTarget = targetObj;

