bool NIF_Files::CreateScene()
    // Because our scene will have some billboards with alpha, we use 
    // a NiAlphaAccumulator in order that our alpha gets sorted and drawn
    // correctly.
    NiAlphaAccumulator* pkAccum = NiNew NiAlphaAccumulator;
    // NiStreams are used to load a NIF file from disk. Once a stream is 
    // loaded, it will contain one or more "top-level" objects. These objects
    // could be NiNodes, NiTextures, or any other Gamebryo class. The Max and 
    // Maya exporters both place the scene graph as the first element in the
    // NIF file.

    NiStream kStream;

    // Load in the scenegraph for our world...
    bool bSuccess = kStream.Load(

    if (!bSuccess)
        NiMessageBox("WORLD.NIF file could not be loaded!", "NIF Error");
        return false;

    m_spScene = (NiNode*) kStream.GetObjectAt(0);
    NIASSERT(NiIsKindOf(NiNode, m_spScene));

    // We expect the world to have been exported with a camera, so we 
    // look for it here.
    // In order to render the scene graph, we need a camera. We're now going
    // to recurse the scene graph looking for a camera.
    if (!FindSceneCamera())
        NiMessageBox("The NIF file has no camera!", "Camera Error");
        return false;

	NiTObjectArray<NiCameraPtr> kCameras;
	NiTObjectArray<NiLightPtr> kLights;
	NiTObjectArray<NiNodePtr> kScenes;
	//NiStream kStream;
	//bool bSuccess = kStream.Load(
 //       NiApplication::ConvertMediaFilename("GameScene.nif"));

 //   if (!bSuccess)
 //   {
 //       NiMessageBox("WORLD.NIF file could not be loaded!", "NIF Error");
 //       return false;
 //   }

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kStream.GetObjectCount(); i++)
		NiObject* pkObject = kStream.GetObjectAt(i);
		if (NiIsKindOf(NiCamera, pkObject))
			kCameras.Add((NiCamera*) pkObject);
		else if (NiIsKindOf(NiLight, pkObject))
			kLights.Add((NiLight*) pkObject);
		else if (NiIsKindOf(NiNode, pkObject))
			kScenes.Add((NiNode*) pkObject);
			// unknown object, handle it somehow

	//m_spScene = (NiNode*) kStream.GetObjectAt(0);
 //   NIASSERT(NiIsKindOf(NiNode, m_spScene));

    return bSuccess;