Example #1
void HTMLPropertiesCollection::findPropetiesOfAnItem(Node* root) const
    // 5.2.5 Associating names with items.
    Vector<Node*> memory;


    Vector<Node*> pending;
    // Add the child elements of root, if any, to pending.
    for (Node* child = root->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        if (child->isHTMLElement())

    // If root has an itemref attribute, split the value of that itemref attribute on spaces.
    // For each resulting token ID, if there is an element in the home subtree of root with the ID ID,
    // then add the first such element to pending.
    if (toHTMLElement(root)->fastHasAttribute(itemrefAttr)) {
        DOMSettableTokenList* itemRef = root->itemRef();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < itemRef->length(); ++i) {
            AtomicString id = itemRef->item(i);

            Element* element = root->document()->getElementById(id);
            if (element && element->isHTMLElement())

    // Loop till we have processed all pending elements
    while (!pending.isEmpty()) {

        // Remove first element from pending and let current be that element.
        Node* current = pending[0];

        // If current is already in memory, there is a microdata error;
        if (memory.contains(current)) {
            // microdata error;


        // If current does not have an itemscope attribute, then: add all the child elements of current to pending.
        HTMLElement* element = toHTMLElement(current);
        if (!element->fastHasAttribute(itemscopeAttr)) {
            for (Node* child = current->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
                if (child->isHTMLElement())

        // If current has an itemprop attribute specified, add it to results.
        if (element->fastHasAttribute(itempropAttr))
Example #2
bool MathMLElement::childShouldCreateRenderer(const Node& child) const
    if (hasTagName(annotation_xmlTag)) {
        const AtomicString& value = fastGetAttribute(MathMLNames::encodingAttr);

        // See annotation-xml.model.mathml, annotation-xml.model.svg and annotation-xml.model.xhtml in the HTML5 RelaxNG schema.

        if (child.isMathMLElement() && (MathMLSelectElement::isMathMLEncoding(value) || MathMLSelectElement::isHTMLEncoding(value))) {
            auto& mathmlElement = toMathMLElement(child);
            return mathmlElement.hasTagName(MathMLNames::mathTag);

        if (child.isSVGElement() && (MathMLSelectElement::isSVGEncoding(value) || MathMLSelectElement::isHTMLEncoding(value))) {
            auto& svgElement = toSVGElement(child);
            return svgElement.hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag);

        if (child.isHTMLElement() && MathMLSelectElement::isHTMLEncoding(value)) {
            auto& htmlElement = toHTMLElement(child);
            return htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag) || (isFlowContent(htmlElement) && StyledElement::childShouldCreateRenderer(child));

        return false;

    // In general, only MathML children are allowed. Text nodes are only visible in token MathML elements.
    return child.isMathMLElement();
static const gchar* webkitAccessibleGetDescription(AtkObject* object)
    g_return_val_if_fail(WEBKIT_IS_ACCESSIBLE(object), 0);
    returnValIfWebKitAccessibleIsInvalid(WEBKIT_ACCESSIBLE(object), 0);

    AccessibilityObject* coreObject = core(object);
    Node* node = 0;
    if (coreObject->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
        node = coreObject->node();
    if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement() || coreObject->ariaRoleAttribute() != UnknownRole || coreObject->isImage())
        return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleDescription, accessibilityDescription(coreObject));

    // atk_table_get_summary returns an AtkObject. We have no summary object, so expose summary here.
    if (coreObject->roleValue() == TableRole) {
        String summary = toHTMLTableElement(node)->summary();
        if (!summary.isEmpty())
            return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleDescription, summary);

    // The title attribute should be reliably available as the object's descripton.
    // We do not want to fall back on other attributes in its absence. See bug 25524.
    String title = toHTMLElement(node)->title();
    if (!title.isEmpty())
        return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleDescription, title);

    return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleDescription, accessibilityDescription(coreObject));
Example #4
void AXObjectCache::textMarkerDataForVisiblePosition(TextMarkerData& textMarkerData, const VisiblePosition& visiblePos)
    // This memory must be bzero'd so instances of TextMarkerData can be tested for byte-equivalence.
    // This also allows callers to check for failure by looking at textMarkerData upon return.
    memset(&textMarkerData, 0, sizeof(TextMarkerData));
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
    Position deepPos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent();
    Node* domNode = deepPos.deprecatedNode();
    if (!domNode)
    if (domNode->isHTMLElement()) {
        HTMLInputElement* inputElement = domNode->toInputElement();
        if (inputElement && inputElement->isPasswordField())
    // find or create an accessibility object for this node
    AXObjectCache* cache = domNode->document()->axObjectCache();
    RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> obj = cache->getOrCreate(domNode);
    textMarkerData.axID = obj.get()->axObjectID();
    textMarkerData.node = domNode;
    textMarkerData.offset = deepPos.deprecatedEditingOffset();
    textMarkerData.affinity = visiblePos.affinity();   
void WebPageSerializerImpl::collectTargetFrames()
    m_framesCollected = true;

    // First, process main frame.
    // Return now if user only needs to serialize specified frame, not including
    // all sub-frames.
    if (!m_recursiveSerialization)
    // Collect all frames inside the specified frame.
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(m_frames.size()); ++i) {
        WebFrameImpl* currentFrame = m_frames[i];
        // Get current using document.
        Document* currentDoc = currentFrame->frame()->document();
        // Go through sub-frames.
        RefPtr<HTMLAllCollection> all = currentDoc->all();
        for (Node* node = all->firstItem(); node; node = all->nextItem()) {
            if (!node->isHTMLElement())
            Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
            WebFrameImpl* webFrame =
            if (webFrame)
Example #6
unsigned HTMLFormElement::formElementIndex(FormAssociatedElement* associatedElement)
    HTMLElement* element = toHTMLElement(associatedElement);
    // Treats separately the case where this element has the form attribute
    // for performance consideration.
    if (element->fastHasAttribute(formAttr))
        return formElementIndexWithFormAttribute(element);

    // Check for the special case where this element is the very last thing in
    // the form's tree of children; we don't want to walk the entire tree in that
    // common case that occurs during parsing; instead we'll just return a value
    // that says "add this form element to the end of the array".
    if (element->traverseNextNode(this)) {
        unsigned i = m_associatedElementsBeforeIndex;
        for (Node* node = this; node; node = node->traverseNextNode(this)) {
            if (node == element) {
                return i;
            if (node->isHTMLElement()
                    && (static_cast<Element*>(node)->isFormControlElement()
                        || node->hasTagName(objectTag))
                    && static_cast<HTMLElement*>(node)->form() == this)
    return m_associatedElementsAfterIndex++;
HTMLInputElement* RenderFileUploadControl::uploadButton() const
    // FIXME: This should be on HTMLInputElement as an API like innerButtonElement().
    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node());
    Node* buttonNode = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->firstChild();
    return buttonNode && buttonNode->isHTMLElement() && buttonNode->hasTagName(inputTag) ? toHTMLInputElement(buttonNode) : 0;
static HTMLElement* enclosingDeletableElement(const VisibleSelection& selection)
    if (!selection.isContentEditable())
        return 0;

    RefPtr<Range> range = selection.toNormalizedRange();
    if (!range)
        return 0;

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    Node* container = range->commonAncestorContainer(ec);
    ASSERT(ec == 0);

    // The enclosingNodeOfType function only works on nodes that are editable
    // (which is strange, given its name).
    if (!container->isContentEditable())
        return 0;

    Node* element = enclosingNodeOfType(Position(container, 0), &isDeletableElement);
    if (!element)
        return 0;

    return static_cast<HTMLElement*>(element);
Example #9
// This method filters what element will get tap-highlight'ed or not. To start with,
// we are going to highlight links (anchors with a valid href element), and elements
// whose tap highlight color value is different than the default value.
static Element* elementForTapHighlight(Element* elementUnderFatFinger)
    // Do not bail out right way here if there element does not have a renderer.
    // It is the casefor <map> (descendent of <area>) elements. The associated <image>
    // element actually has the renderer.
    if (elementUnderFatFinger->renderer()) {
        Color tapHighlightColor = elementUnderFatFinger->renderStyle()->tapHighlightColor();
        if (tapHighlightColor != RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->platformTapHighlightColor())
            return elementUnderFatFinger;

    bool isArea = elementUnderFatFinger->hasTagName(HTMLNames::areaTag);
    Node* linkNode = elementUnderFatFinger->enclosingLinkEventParentOrSelf();
    if (!linkNode || !linkNode->isHTMLElement() || (!linkNode->renderer() && !isArea))
        return 0;


    // FatFingers class selector ensure only anchor with valid href attr value get here.
    // It includes empty hrefs.
    Element* highlightCandidateElement = static_cast<Element*>(linkNode);

    if (!isArea)
        return highlightCandidateElement;

    HTMLAreaElement* area = static_cast<HTMLAreaElement*>(highlightCandidateElement);
    HTMLImageElement* image = area->imageElement();
    if (image && image->renderer())
        return image;

    return 0;
static const gchar* webkitAccessibleGetName(AtkObject* object)
    g_return_val_if_fail(WEBKIT_IS_ACCESSIBLE(object), 0);
    returnValIfWebKitAccessibleIsInvalid(WEBKIT_ACCESSIBLE(object), 0);

    AccessibilityObject* coreObject = core(object);

    if (!coreObject->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
        return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, coreObject->stringValue());

    if (coreObject->isFieldset()) {
        AccessibilityObject* label = coreObject->titleUIElement();
        if (label) {
            AtkObject* atkObject = label->wrapper();
            if (ATK_IS_TEXT(atkObject))
                return atk_text_get_text(ATK_TEXT(atkObject), 0, -1);

    if (coreObject->isControl()) {
        AccessibilityObject* label = coreObject->correspondingLabelForControlElement();
        if (label) {
            AtkObject* atkObject = label->wrapper();
            if (ATK_IS_TEXT(atkObject))
                return atk_text_get_text(ATK_TEXT(atkObject), 0, -1);

        // Try text under the node.
        String textUnder = coreObject->textUnderElement();
        if (textUnder.length())
            return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, textUnder);

    if (coreObject->isImage() || coreObject->isInputImage()) {
        Node* node = coreObject->node();
        if (node && node->isHTMLElement()) {
            // Get the attribute rather than altText String so as not to fall back on title.
            String alt = toHTMLElement(node)->getAttribute(HTMLNames::altAttr);
            if (!alt.isEmpty())
                return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, alt);

    // Fallback for the webArea object: just return the document's title.
    if (coreObject->isWebArea()) {
        Document* document = coreObject->document();
        if (document)
            return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, document->title());

    // Nothing worked so far, try with the AccessibilityObject's
    // title() before going ahead with stringValue().
    String axTitle = accessibilityTitle(coreObject);
    if (!axTitle.isEmpty())
        return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, axTitle);

    return cacheAndReturnAtkProperty(object, AtkCachedAccessibleName, coreObject->stringValue());
Example #11
HTMLInputElement* RenderFileUploadControl::uploadButton() const
    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());


    Node* buttonNode = input->shadowRoot()->firstChild();
    return buttonNode && buttonNode->isHTMLElement() && buttonNode->hasTagName(inputTag) ? static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(buttonNode) : 0;
// Rules of self-closure
// 1. No elements in HTML documents use the self-closing syntax.
// 2. Elements w/ children never self-close because they use a separate end tag.
// 3. HTML elements which do not have a "forbidden" end tag will close with a separate end tag.
// 4. Other elements self-close.
bool MarkupAccumulator::shouldSelfClose(const Node& node)
    if (!inXMLFragmentSerialization() && node.document().isHTMLDocument())
        return false;
    if (node.hasChildNodes())
        return false;
    if (node.isHTMLElement() && !elementCannotHaveEndTag(node))
        return false;
    return true;
Example #13
// Rules of self-closure
// 1. No elements in HTML documents use the self-closing syntax.
// 2. Elements w/ children never self-close because they use a separate end tag.
// 3. HTML elements which do not have a "forbidden" end tag will close with a separate end tag.
// 4. Other elements self-close.
bool MarkupAccumulator::shouldSelfClose(const Node& node)
    if (serializeAsHTMLDocument(node))
        return false;
    if (node.hasChildren())
        return false;
    if (node.isHTMLElement() && !elementCannotHaveEndTag(node))
        return false;
    return true;
Example #14
bool MarkupAccumulator::elementCannotHaveEndTag(const Node& node)
    if (!node.isHTMLElement())
        return false;

    // FIXME: ieForbidsInsertHTML may not be the right function to call here
    // ieForbidsInsertHTML is used to disallow setting innerHTML/outerHTML
    // or createContextualFragment.  It does not necessarily align with
    // which elements should be serialized w/o end tags.
    return toHTMLElement(node).ieForbidsInsertHTML();
void BaseChooserOnlyDateAndTimeInputType::updateAppearance()
    Node* node = element().userAgentShadowRoot()->firstChild();
    if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement())
    String displayValue = visibleValue();
    if (displayValue.isEmpty()) {
        // Need to put something to keep text baseline.
        displayValue = " ";
    toHTMLElement(node)->setInnerText(displayValue, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Example #16
void WebDocument::images(WebVector<WebElement>& results)
    RefPtr<HTMLCollection> images = unwrap<Document>()->images();
    size_t sourceLength = images->length();
    Vector<WebElement> temp;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceLength; ++i) {
        Node* node = images->item(i);
        if (node && node->isHTMLElement())
Example #17
void WebDocument::forms(WebVector<WebFormElement>& results) const
    RefPtr<HTMLCollection> forms = const_cast<Document*>(constUnwrap<Document>())->forms();
    size_t sourceLength = forms->length();
    Vector<WebFormElement> temp;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceLength; ++i) {
        Node* node = forms->item(i);
        // Strange but true, sometimes node can be 0.
        if (node && node->isHTMLElement())
void ChildFrameDisconnector::collectFrameOwners(Node& root)
    if (!root.connectedSubframeCount())

    if (root.isHTMLElement() && root.isFrameOwnerElement())

    for (Node* child = root.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())

    ElementShadow* shadow = root.isElementNode() ? toElement(root).shadow() : 0;
    if (shadow)
static const gchar* webkit_accessible_get_description(AtkObject* object)
    AccessibilityObject* coreObject = core(object);

    // atk_table_get_summary returns an AtkObject. We have no summary object, so expose summary here.
    if (coreObject->roleValue() == TableRole && coreObject->ariaRoleAttribute() == UnknownRole) {
        Node* node = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(coreObject)->renderer()->node();
        if (node && node->isHTMLElement()) {
            String summary = static_cast<HTMLTableElement*>(node)->summary();
            if (!summary.isEmpty())
                return returnString(summary);

    return returnString(coreObject->accessibilityDescription());
void BaseChooserOnlyDateAndTimeInputType::updateView()
    Node* node = element().userAgentShadowRoot()->firstChild();
    if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement())
    String displayValue;
    if (!element().suggestedValue().isNull())
        displayValue = element().suggestedValue();
        displayValue = visibleValue();
    if (displayValue.isEmpty()) {
        // Need to put something to keep text baseline.
        displayValue = " ";
void ShadowTreeStyleSheetCollection::collectStyleSheets(StyleEngine* collections, Vector<RefPtr<StyleSheet> >& styleSheets, Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> >& activeSheets)
    if (document()->settings() && !document()->settings()->authorAndUserStylesEnabled())

    DocumentOrderedList::iterator begin = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.begin();
    DocumentOrderedList::iterator end = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.end();
    for (DocumentOrderedList::iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
        Node* node = *it;
        StyleSheet* sheet = 0;
        CSSStyleSheet* activeSheet = 0;

        if (!node->isHTMLElement() || !node->hasTagName(styleTag))

        Element* element = toElement(node);
        AtomicString title = element->getAttribute(titleAttr);
        bool enabledViaScript = false;

        sheet = toHTMLStyleElement(node)->sheet();
        if (sheet && !sheet->disabled() && sheet->isCSSStyleSheet())
            activeSheet = static_cast<CSSStyleSheet*>(sheet);

        // FIXME: clarify how PREFERRED or ALTERNATE works in shadow trees.
        // Should we set preferred/selected stylesheets name in shadow trees and
        // use the name in document?
        AtomicString rel = element->getAttribute(relAttr);
        if (!enabledViaScript && sheet && !title.isEmpty()) {
            if (collections->preferredStylesheetSetName().isEmpty()) {
                if (element->hasLocalName(styleTag) || !rel.contains("alternate")) {
            if (title != collections->preferredStylesheetSetName())
                activeSheet = 0;

        if (rel.contains("alternate") && title.isEmpty())
            activeSheet = 0;

        if (sheet)
        if (activeSheet)
Example #22
HTMLElement* HTMLPropertiesCollection::virtualItemAfter(HTMLElement* rootNode, Element* previous) const
    Node* current;
    Node* ownerNode = this->ownerNode();
    current = previous ? nextNodeWithProperty(rootNode, previous, ownerNode) : rootNode;

    for (; current; current = nextNodeWithProperty(rootNode, current, ownerNode)) {
        if (current == ownerNode || !current->isHTMLElement())
        HTMLElement* element = toHTMLElement(current);
        if (element->fastHasAttribute(itempropAttr) && element->itemProp()->length()) {
            return element;

    return 0;
Example #23
static bool isCharsetSpecifyingNode(const Node& node)
    if (!node.isHTMLElement())
        return false;

    const HTMLElement& element = toHTMLElement(node);
    if (!element.hasTagName(HTMLNames::metaTag))
        return false;
    HTMLMetaCharsetParser::AttributeList attributes;
    if (element.hasAttributes()) {
        for (const Attribute& attribute : element.attributesIterator()) {
            // FIXME: We should deal appropriately with the attribute if they have a namespace.
            attributes.append(std::make_pair(attribute.name().toString(), attribute.value().string()));
    TextEncoding textEncoding = HTMLMetaCharsetParser::encodingFromMetaAttributes(attributes);
    return textEncoding.isValid();
Example #24
unsigned HTMLFormElement::formElementIndex(HTMLFormControlElement* e)
    // Check for the special case where this element is the very last thing in
    // the form's tree of children; we don't want to walk the entire tree in that
    // common case that occurs during parsing; instead we'll just return a value
    // that says "add this form element to the end of the array".
    if (e->traverseNextNode(this)) {
        unsigned i = 0;
        for (Node* node = this; node; node = node->traverseNextNode(this)) {
            if (node == e)
                return i;
            if (node->isHTMLElement()
                    && static_cast<Element*>(node)->isFormControlElement()
                    && static_cast<HTMLFormControlElement*>(node)->form() == this)
    return m_associatedElements.size();
Example #25
void HTMLElement::setOuterHTML(const String& html, ExceptionCode& ec)
    Node* p = parent();
    if (!p || !p->isHTMLElement()) {

    HTMLElement* parent = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(p);
    RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = parent->createContextualFragment(html);
    if (!fragment) {

    // FIXME: Why doesn't this have code to merge neighboring text nodes the way setOuterText does?

    parent->replaceChild(fragment.release(), this, ec);
Example #26
bool MathMLElement::isFlowContent(const Node& node) const
    // Flow content is described in the HTML 5 specification:
    // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#flow-content

    if (isPhrasingContent(node))
        return true;

    if (!node.isHTMLElement())
        return false;

    auto& htmlElement = toHTMLElement(node);
    // FIXME add the <dialog> tag when it is implemented.
    return htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::addressTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::articleTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::asideTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::blockquoteTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::detailsTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::divTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::dlTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::fieldsetTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::figureTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::footerTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::formTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h1Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h2Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h3Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h4Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h5Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::h6Tag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::headerTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::hrTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::mainTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::navTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::olTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::pTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::preTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::sectionTag)
        || (htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::styleTag) && htmlElement.hasAttribute("scoped"))
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::tableTag)
        || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::ulTag);
Example #27
void HTMLCollection::updateNameCache() const
    if (hasNameCache())

    unsigned arrayOffset = 0;
    for (Node* node = itemAfter(arrayOffset, 0); node; node = itemAfter(arrayOffset, node)) {
        if (!node->isHTMLElement())
        HTMLElement* e = toHTMLElement(node);
        const AtomicString& idAttrVal = e->getIdAttribute();
        const AtomicString& nameAttrVal = e->getNameAttribute();
        if (!idAttrVal.isEmpty())
            appendIdCache(idAttrVal, e);
        if (!nameAttrVal.isEmpty() && idAttrVal != nameAttrVal && (type() != DocAll || nameShouldBeVisibleInDocumentAll(e)))
            appendNameCache(nameAttrVal, e);

static HTMLElement* enclosingDeletableElement(const VisibleSelection& selection)
    if (!selection.isContentEditable())
        return 0;

    RefPtr<Range> range = selection.toNormalizedRange();
    if (!range)
        return 0;

    Node* container = range->commonAncestorContainer(ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);

    // The enclosingNodeOfType function only works on nodes that are editable
    // (which is strange, given its name).
    if (!container->rendererIsEditable())
        return 0;

    Node* element = enclosingNodeOfType(firstPositionInNode(container), &isDeletableElement);
    return element && element->isHTMLElement() ? toHTMLElement(element) : 0;
Example #29
const ContainerNode* ScopedStyleResolver::scopingNodeFor(const CSSStyleSheet* sheet)

    Document* document = sheet->ownerDocument();
    if (!document)
        return 0;
    Node* ownerNode = sheet->ownerNode();
    if (!ownerNode || !ownerNode->isHTMLElement() || !ownerNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::styleTag))
        return 0;

    HTMLStyleElement* styleElement = static_cast<HTMLStyleElement*>(ownerNode);
    if (!styleElement->scoped())
        return styleElement->isInShadowTree() ? styleElement->containingShadowRoot() : 0;

    ContainerNode* parent = styleElement->parentNode();
    if (!parent)
        return 0;

    return (parent->isElementNode() || parent->isShadowRoot()) ? parent : 0;
void ContextMenuController::populateCustomContextMenu(const Event& event)
    if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::contextMenuEnabled())

    Node* node = event.target()->toNode();
    if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement())

    HTMLElement& element = toHTMLElement(*node);
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLMenuElement> menuElement = element.assignedContextMenu();
    if (!menuElement || !equalIgnoringCase(menuElement->fastGetAttribute(typeAttr), "context"))
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<RelatedEvent> relatedEvent = RelatedEvent::create(EventTypeNames::show, true, true, node);
    if (!menuElement->dispatchEvent(relatedEvent.release()))
    if (menuElement != element.assignedContextMenu())
    m_menuProvider = CustomContextMenuProvider::create(*menuElement, element);