MainWindow::MainWindow(NodeHandle& nh, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); startTimer(1000); // Create model guides_model_ = new GuidesModel(nh,this); ui->listView->setModel(guides_model_); // Add additional feature so that // we can manually modify the data in ListView // It may be triggered by hitting any key or double-click etc. ui->listView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::AnyKeyPressed | QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked ); sub_ = new Subscriber(nh.subscribe("rosout", 1000, &MainWindow::loggerCallback, this)); spinner_ptr_ = new AsyncSpinner(1); // Use one thread to keep the ros magic alive spinner_ptr_->start(); // TextBox is read only ui->consoleText->setReadOnly(true); ui->consoleText->setTextInteractionFlags(0); //0 == Qt::TextInteractionFlag::NoTextInteraction //QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::white,this); // in here your color pallete will open.. QPalette p = ui->consoleText->palette(); // define pallete for textEdit.. p.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black); // set color "Red" for textedit base //p.setColor(QPalette::Text, Qt::white); // set text color which is selected from color pallete ui->consoleText->setPalette(p); // change textedit palette // Explanation of this hack: // Qt and Ros don't like each other, or better, their respective thread workers don't like each other. // You should not handle qt objects with ROS threads. // So we use the ros callback to trigger the qt callback :) QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(requestUpdateConsole(const QString&,int)), this, SLOT(updateConsole(const QString&,int))); // SlideBar slidebar_res_ = 100; ui->mergeSlider->setMinimum(0); ui->mergeSlider->setMaximum(slidebar_res_); //Refresh on start on_refreshButton_clicked(); // click a virtual button! :D }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ROS_INFO("Starting %s ...", NODE_NAME.c_str()); init(argc, argv, NODE_NAME); NodeHandle n; Subscriber dataSub = n.subscribe(SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC, MSG_QUEUE_SIZE, irCallBack); dataPub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(PUBLISH_TOPIC, MSG_QUEUE_SIZE); if(argc != 4){ std::cout << "Usage: Nodename <FieldView> <MaxDistance> <maxSteering>" << std::endl; return -1; } FIELD = atoi(argv[1]); MAX_DISTANCE = atoi(argv[2]); MAX_STEERING = atoi(argv[3]); while (ok()) spin(); ROS_INFO("Shutting down %s!", NODE_NAME.c_str()); delete lidar_ptr; }
void Dbtux::nodePushUpScans(NodeHandle& node, unsigned pos) { const unsigned occup = node.getOccup(); ScanOpPtr scanPtr; scanPtr.i = node.getNodeScan(); do { jam(); c_scanOpPool.getPtr(scanPtr); TreePos& scanPos = scanPtr.p->m_scanPos; ndbrequire(scanPos.m_loc == node.m_loc && scanPos.m_pos < occup); if (scanPos.m_pos >= pos) { jam(); #ifdef VM_TRACE if (debugFlags & DebugScan) { debugOut << "Fix scan " << scanPtr.i << " " << *scanPtr.p << endl; debugOut << "At pushUp pos=" << pos << " " << node << endl; } #endif scanPos.m_pos++; } scanPtr.i = scanPtr.p->m_nodeScan; } while (scanPtr.i != RNIL); }
/* * Set handle to point to new node. Uses a pre-allocated node. */ void Dbtux::insertNode(NodeHandle& node) { Frag& frag = node.m_frag; // use up pre-allocated node selectNode(node, frag.m_freeLoc); frag.m_freeLoc = NullTupLoc; new (node.m_node) TreeNode(); #ifdef VM_TRACE TreeHead& tree = frag.m_tree; memset(node.getPref(), DataFillByte, tree.m_prefSize << 2); TreeEnt* entList = tree.getEntList(node.m_node); memset(entList, NodeFillByte, tree.m_maxOccup * (TreeEntSize << 2)); #endif }
/* * Check if a scan is linked to this node. Only for ndbrequire. */ bool Dbtux::islinkScan(NodeHandle& node, ScanOpPtr scanPtr) { ScanOpPtr currPtr; currPtr.i = node.getNodeScan(); while (currPtr.i != RNIL) { jam(); c_scanOpPool.getPtr(currPtr); if (currPtr.i == scanPtr.i) { jam(); return true; } currPtr.i = currPtr.p->m_nodeScan; } return false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { setFreqs(0,0); init(argc,argv,"motors"); NodeHandle n; std::string onoff; if(argc > 1) onoff = argv[1]; setPower(onoff == "on"); signal(SIGINT, onSigint); last_cmdvel = Time::now(); cur_time = Time::now(); send_time = Time::now(); ServiceServer srv_on = n.advertiseService("motor_on", callbackOn); ServiceServer srv_off = n.advertiseService("motor_off", callbackOff); ServiceServer srv_tm = n.advertiseService("timed_motion", callbackTimedMotion); Subscriber sub_raw = n.subscribe("motor_raw", 10, callbackRaw); Subscriber sub_cmdvel = n.subscribe("cmd_vel", 10, callbackCmdvel); Subscriber sub_9axis = n.subscribe("/imu/data_raw", 10, callback9Axis); Publisher pub_odom = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom", 10); odom_x = 0.0; odom_y = 0.0; odom_theta = 0.0; send_time = Time::now(); Rate loop_rate(10); while(ok()){ if(in_cmdvel and Time::now().toSec() - last_cmdvel.toSec() >= 1.0) setFreqs(0,0); pub_odom.publish(send_odom()); spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } exit(0); }
/* * Delete existing node. Make it the pre-allocated free node if there * is none. Otherwise return it to fragment's free list. */ void Dbtux::deleteNode(NodeHandle& node) { Frag& frag = node.m_frag; ndbrequire(node.getOccup() == 0); if (frag.m_freeLoc == NullTupLoc) { jam(); frag.m_freeLoc = node.m_loc; // invalidate the handle node.m_loc = NullTupLoc; node.m_node = 0; } else { jam(); freeNode(node); } }
void getAllPointsRecursiveAsync(MegaTree &tree, NodeHandle& node, double resolution, std::vector<double> &results, std::vector<double> &colors, megatree::List<NodeHandle*>& nodes_to_load) { //printf("Get all points recursive for node %s with frame offset %f %f %f\n", // node.getId().toString().c_str(), frame_offset[0], frame_offset[1], frame_offset[2]); assert(!node.isEmpty()); // we hit a leaf if (node.isLeaf() || node.getNodeGeometry().getSize() <= resolution) { double point[3]; node.getPoint(point); results.push_back(point[0]); results.push_back(point[1]); results.push_back(point[2]); double color[3]; node.getColor(color); colors.push_back(color[0]); colors.push_back(color[1]); colors.push_back(color[2]); } // need to descend further else { for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if(node.hasChild(i)) { megatree::NodeHandle* child = new megatree::NodeHandle; tree.getChildNode(node, i, *child); //if the child isn't valid, we'll push it onto our nodes to load list if(!child->isValid()) { nodes_to_load.push_back(child); process_queue_size++; } else { getAllPointsRecursiveAsync(tree, *child, resolution, results, colors, nodes_to_load); tree.releaseNode(*child); delete child; } } } } }
MechanismManagerServer::MechanismManagerServer(MechanismManagerInterface* mm_interface, NodeHandle& nh) : spinner_ptr_(NULL) { assert(mm_interface!=NULL); mm_interface_ = mm_interface; if(master::check()) { ss_ = nh.advertiseService("mechanism_manager_interaction", &MechanismManagerServer::CallBack, this); spinner_ptr_ = new AsyncSpinner(1); // Use one thread to keep the ros magic alive spinner_ptr_->start(); } else { std::string err("Can not start the action server, did you start roscore?"); throw std::runtime_error(err); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { init(argc, argv, "JointUpdateNode"); NodeHandle nh; // get the filenames nh.param(string("joint_offsets_filename_suffix"), jointOffsetsFilename, string("calibration_joint_offsets.xacro")); nh.param(string("camera_transform_filename_suffix"), cameraTransformFilename, string("calibration_camera_transform.xacro")); nh.param(string("urdf_filename_suffix"), urdfFilename, string("robot_model_calibrated.xml")); nh.param(string("marker_transforms_filename_suffix"), markerTransformsFilename, string("calibration_marker_transformations.xacro")); nh.param(string("camera_intrnsics_filename"), cameraIntrnsicsFilename, string("nao_bottom_640x480.yaml")); ModelLoader modelLoader; modelLoader.initializeFromRos(); urdf::Model model; modelLoader.getUrdfModel(model); // get the robot name and prepend to the filenames string filePrefix = model.getName(); jointOffsetsFilename = filePrefix + "_" + jointOffsetsFilename; cameraTransformFilename = filePrefix + "_" + cameraTransformFilename; urdfFilename = filePrefix + "_" + urdfFilename; markerTransformsFilename = filePrefix + "_" + markerTransformsFilename; Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/onlineCalibration/calibration_result", 1, resultCb); spin(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { gengetopt_args_info args; cmdline_parser(argc,argv,&args); float coeffs[6]; coeffs[0] = args.a1_arg; coeffs[1] = args.a2_arg; coeffs[2] = args.a3_arg; coeffs[3] = args.a4_arg; coeffs[4] = args.a5_arg; coeffs[5] = args.a6_arg; sigmaHit = args.sigma_arg; angleMin = args.angleMin_arg; angleMax = args.angleMax_arg; angleMin *= (M_PI/180.0); angleMax *= (M_PI/180.0); angleIncrement = (angleMax-angleMin)/args.numBeams_arg; numBeams = args.numBeams_arg; float trueDistances[numBeams]; float noisyDistances[numBeams]; float commandReal[2]; init(argc, argv, "Odom"); nav_msgs::Odometry msg; sensor_msgs::LaserScan msg2; NodeHandle n; Publisher pub = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom", 1); Publisher las = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("/scan", 1); Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("navi", 1000, cmmdUpdate); // update the command velocities Subscriber rst = n.subscribe("/mobile_base/commands/reset_odometry", 1000, reset); ros::Duration(1.3).sleep(); ros::Rate loop_rate(10); while (ros::ok()) { sampleMotionModel(command, commandReal, pose, coeffs, 0.1); yawToQuaternion(pose[2], quaternion); msg.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0]; msg.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1]; msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[0]; msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[1]; msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[2]; msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[3]; msg.twist.twist.linear.x = commandReal[0]; msg.twist.twist.angular.z = commandReal[1]; // Laser scanning section calcTrueDistance(trueDistances, numBeams, angleIncrement); calcNoisyDistance(noisyDistances, trueDistances, sigmaHit, numBeams); msg2.angle_max = angleMax; msg2.angle_min = angleMin; msg2.time_increment = 0; msg2.angle_increment = angleIncrement; msg2.scan_time = 0.1; msg2.range_min = 0; msg2.range_max = maxRange; msg2.ranges.resize(numBeams); for (int i = 0; i < numBeams; i++) { msg2.ranges[i] = noisyDistances[i]; } ros::spinOnce(); pub.publish(msg); las.publish(msg2); loop_rate.sleep(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(0)); ros::init(argc ,argv, "ROS_Publisher"); NodeHandle node; image_transport::ImageTransport it(node); std::cout << "Starting image load" << endl; loadImages(); cout << "Done Loading Images" << endl; getchar(); mcl_data_subscriber = node.subscribe(mcl_data_publisher_name, 4, MyDataCallback); time_t temptime = time(0); std::cout << "Waiting for Handshake from Program .." << std::endl; while(!handshake_recieved && (time(0) - temptime) < 20) { ros::spinOnce(); } if(handshake_recieved) std::cout << "Handshake recieved" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "No handshake recieved"; return -1; } movement_publisher = node.advertise<std_msgs::String>("ROBOT_MOVEMENT_PUBLISHER", 4); data_publisher = it.advertise(publish_image_data_under, 4, true); char key = 'k'; // namedWindow("Robot Image"); // namedWindow("Top Match"); while(ros::ok() && key != 'q') { ros::spinOnce(); int i = rand()%image_names.size(); cv_bridge::CvImage out_msg; ros::Time scan_time = ros::Time::now(); out_msg.header.stamp = scan_time; out_msg.header.frame_id = "robot_image"; out_msg.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8; out_msg.image = image_list[current_image]; if(!out_msg.image.empty()) data_publisher.publish(out_msg.toImageMsg()); ros::spinOnce(); std::cout << "hererer" << std::endl; // imshow("Robot Image", image_list[current_image]); // imshow("Top Match", BestGuessImage); // key = cv::waitKsey(2); if(key == ' ') current_image++; if(current_image == image_list.size()) current_image = 0; //ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); } std_msgs::String msg; stringstream ss; ss << killflag << "_"; = ss.str(); movement_publisher.publish(msg); ros::spinOnce(); ros::spinOnce(); ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); ros::shutdown(); }
FeatherNodesFixture::~FeatherNodesFixture() { FeatherNodeFactory::instance().reset(); } void FeatherNodesFixture::clearAuxNodes() { FeatherNodeFactory::instance().clearAuxNodes(); } void FeatherNodesFixture::setContextForAuxNodes() { FeatherNodeFactory::instance().setContextForAuxNodes(globalContext_); } TEST_CASE_METHOD(FeatherNodesFixture, "Testing Feather expressions generation") { rc::prop("Test expected type", [=](Nest::TypeWithStorage expectedType) { clearAuxNodes(); NodeHandle node = *FeatherNodeFactory::instance().arbExp(expectedType); setContextForAuxNodes(); node.setContext(globalContext_); auto t = node.computeType(); REQUIRE(t); if (expectedType.kind() != Feather_getFunctionTypeKind()) REQUIRE(sameTypeIgnoreMode(t, expectedType)); }); } TEST_CASE_METHOD(FeatherNodesFixture, "Testing Feather::Nop node") { SECTION("Has type Void") { clearAuxNodes(); auto nop = Nop::create(createLocation()); setContextForAuxNodes(); nop.setContext(globalContext_);
NodeHandle FileEntry::create_hidden_node( NodeHandle n ) { NodeHandle r = StringEntry::create_hidden_node(n); r->add_attribute( default_extension ); return r; }
void getParameters(NodeHandle &nh) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get robot description //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string description; if(!nh.getParam("/robot_description", description)) { ROS_ERROR("Parameter not set: /robot_description"); exit(-1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create robot model //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// urdf::Model model; if(!model.initString(description)) { ROS_ERROR("Could not initialize robot model"); exit(-1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get tip link name and verify it exists in the model //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string tip_link_name; if(!nh.getParam("tip_link_name", tip_link_name)) { ROS_ERROR("Parameter not set: %s/tip_link_name", nh.getNamespace().c_str()); exit(-1); } if(model.links_.find(tip_link_name) == model.links_.end()) { ROS_ERROR("The link specified in %s/tip_link_name does not exist", nh.getNamespace().c_str()); exit(-1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get revolute joints //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vector<boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> > model_joints; for(boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Link> current_link = model.getLink(tip_link_name); current_link->parent_joint != NULL; current_link = current_link->getParent()) { if(current_link->parent_joint->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE) { model_joints.insert(model_joints.begin(), current_link->parent_joint); } } if(model_joints.size() != NUM_SERVOS) { ROS_ERROR("The robot model must have %d revolute joints, found %d", NUM_SERVOS, (int)model_joints.size()); exit(-1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure servo limits //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int joint_i = 0; joint_i < NUM_SERVOS; joint_i++) { float lowerLimit = model_joints[joint_i]->limits->lower; float upperLimit = model_joints[joint_i]->limits->upper; RSSerialController::setServoLimits(joint_i, lowerLimit, upperLimit); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Store joint names //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int joint_i = 0; joint_i < NUM_SERVOS; joint_i++) { joint_names.push_back(model_joints[joint_i]->name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create KDL tree //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!kdl_parser::treeFromString(description, tree)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to construct kdl tree"); exit(-1); } if(!tree.getChain(model.getRoot()->name, tip_link_name, chain)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to make chain from tree"); exit(-1); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //initialize ros init(argc, argv, ROS_NODE_NAME); NodeHandle n; Rate loop_rate(ROS_LOOP_RATE); //initialize serial communication SerialCommunication link; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { stringstream ss; ss << i; if (link.connect(BAUD_RATE,(PORT_NAME + ss.str()))) { cout << "connected on port " << i << endl; break; } else if (link.connect(BAUD_RATE,(UNO_PORT_NAME + ss.str()))) { cout << "connected on port " << i << endl; break; } else if (link.connect(BAUD_RATE,(BLUETOOTH_PORT_NAME + ss.str()))) { cout << "connected on bluetooth port " << i << endl; break; } else if (i > 15) { cout << "unable to find a device" << endl; return 0; } } usleep(1*SECOND); //subscribers and publishers Subscriber car_command = n.subscribe(CAR_COMMAND_TOPIC, 1, car_command_callback); Subscriber turret_command = n.subscribe(TURRET_COMMAND_TOPIC, 1, turret_command_callback); Subscriber eStop_topic = n.subscribe(ESTOP_TOPIC, 1, eStop_callback); Subscriber gps_timeread = n.subscribe(GPS_TIMEREAD_TOPIC, 1, gps_timeread_callback); // gps Publisher gps_position = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::NavSatFix>(GPS_POSITION_TOPIC, 1); // gps Publisher gps_timestamp = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::TimeReference>(GPS_TIMESTAMP_TOPIC, 1); // gps Publisher robot_state = n.advertise<sb_msgs::RobotState>(ROBOT_STATE_TOPIC,1); /* //handshake with arduino and initialize robot for(;;) { link.writeData(INIT_STRING,2); usleep(20000); string handshake = link.readData(); if(handshake.length() == 2) { if(handshake[0] == INIT_STRING[0] && handshake[1] == INIT_STRING[1]) { break; } } } */ sb_msgs::IMU imu; sensor_msgs::NavSatFix fix; // gps position message sensor_msgs::TimeReference time; // gps timestamp message sb_msgs::RobotState state; ROS_INFO("arduino_driver ready"); servo.throttle = 90; servo.steering = 90; servo.pan = 90; servo.tilt = 90; //while ros is good ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now(); int counter = 0; link.clearBuffer(); while(ok()) { if (int((ros::Time::now() - begin).toSec()) >= 1) { cout << counter << endl; counter = 0; begin = ros::Time::now(); } counter++; //write to arduino stringstream ss; if (eStop) { cout << "eStop on" << endl; ss << (char)IDENTIFIER_BYTE << (char)90 << (char)90 << (char)255 << (char)255; } else { //use carCommand and turretCommand ss << (char)IDENTIFIER_BYTE << (char)servo.throttle << (char)servo.steering << (char)servo.pan << (char)servo.tilt; } link.writeData(ss.str(), 5); //delay for sync usleep(20000); //read from arduino //processData(link.readData(), state); //populate GUI data //TODO //publish data robot_state.publish(state); gps_position.publish(fix); // gps gps_timestamp.publish(time); // gps //clear buffer (MAY NOT WORK) link.clearBuffer(); //log and loop ROS_INFO("%i,%i,%i,%i",servo.throttle, servo.steering, servo.pan, servo.tilt); spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } //killing driver ROS_INFO("shutting down arduino_driver"); string s = "ED" ; link.writeData(s, 2); return 0; }
/** * The main method that starts MAESTOR! This is where the ros node is made and all of the * services are advertised. There are also wrappers in here for all of the service methods that * link up to the ones that are in RobotControl. * @param argc Number of arguments * @param argv Argument array * @return 0 when it shuts down */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "Maestor"); setRealtime(); //Check for the run type if(argc == 2) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "sim") == 0) { //If simulation set the runtime to sim robot.setSimType(); } } //Init the node NodeHandle n; //Fully initializes the node Scheduler timer(FREQ_200HZ); robot.setPeriod(1.0/timer.getFrequency()); ServiceServer srv = n.advertiseService("fib", &fib); ServiceServer Initsrv = n.advertiseService("initRobot", &initRobot); ServiceServer SPsrv = n.advertiseService("setProperties", &setProperties); ServiceServer Comsrv = n.advertiseService("command", &command); ServiceServer RMsrv = n.advertiseService("requiresMotion", &requiresMotion); ServiceServer GPsrv = n.advertiseService("getProperties", &getProperties); ServiceServer LTsrv = n.advertiseService("loadTrajectory", &loadTrajectory); ServiceServer IFsrv = n.advertiseService("ignoreFrom", &ignoreFrom); ServiceServer IAFsrv = n.advertiseService("ignoreAllFrom", &ignoreAllFrom); ServiceServer UFsrv = n.advertiseService("unignoreFrom", &unignoreFrom); ServiceServer UAFsrv = n.advertiseService("unignoreAllFrom", &unignoreAllFrom); ServiceServer STsrv = n.advertiseService("setTrigger", &setTrigger); ServiceServer ETsrv = n.advertiseService("extendTrajectory", &extendTrajectory); ServiceServer StTsrv = n.advertiseService("startTrajectory", &startTrajectory); ServiceServer SpTsrv = n.advertiseService("stopTrajectory", &stopTrajectory); ServiceServer SetPropsrv = n.advertiseService("setProperty", &setProperty); while (ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); robot.updateHook(); timer.sleep(); timer.update(); } return 0; }
void TreeFastCache::addPointRecursive(const double pt[3], const double color[3], double point_accuracy) { NodeHandle* nh = top().nh; assert(nh); double node_cell_size = nh->getNodeGeometry().getSize(); // adds point to empty node if (nh->isEmpty() && point_accuracy >= node_cell_size / BITS_D) { nh->setPoint(pt, color); return; } // reached maximum resultion of the tree if (node_cell_size < tree.getMinCellSize()) { nh->addPoint(pt, color); return; } // this node is a leaf, and we need to copy the original point one level down if (!nh->isEmpty() && nh->isLeaf()) { // Determines which child the point should be added to. uint8_t original_child = nh->getChildForNodePoint(); NodeHandle new_leaf; tree.createChildNode(*nh, original_child, new_leaf); nh->getNode()->copyToChildNode(original_child, new_leaf.getNode()); tree.releaseNode(new_leaf); } // Gets the child node to recurse on. uint8_t new_child = nh->getNodeGeometry().whichChild(pt); NodeHandle* new_child_nh = NULL; if (nh->hasChild(new_child)) { new_child_nh = tree.getChildNode(*nh, new_child); new_child_nh->waitUntilLoaded(); } else { new_child_nh = tree.createChildNode(*nh, new_child); } // recursion to add point to child push(NodeCache(new_child_nh)); addPointRecursive(pt, color, point_accuracy); }
RobotNavigator::RobotNavigator() { NodeHandle robotNode; std::string serviceName; robotNode.param("map_service", serviceName, std::string("get_map")); mGetMapClient = robotNode.serviceClient<nav_msgs::GetMap>(serviceName); mCommandPublisher = robotNode.advertise<nav2d_operator::cmd>("cmd", 1); mStopServer = robotNode.advertiseService(NAV_STOP_SERVICE, &RobotNavigator::receiveStop, this); mPauseServer = robotNode.advertiseService(NAV_PAUSE_SERVICE, &RobotNavigator::receivePause, this); mCurrentPlan = NULL; NodeHandle navigatorNode("~/"); mPlanPublisher = navigatorNode.advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>("plan", 1); mMarkerPublisher = navigatorNode.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("markers", 1, true); // Get parameters navigatorNode.param("map_inflation_radius", mInflationRadius, 1.0); navigatorNode.param("robot_radius", mRobotRadius, 0.3); navigatorNode.param("exploration_strategy", mExplorationStrategy, std::string("NearestFrontierPlanner")); navigatorNode.param("navigation_goal_distance", mNavigationGoalDistance, 1.0); navigatorNode.param("navigation_goal_angle", mNavigationGoalAngle, 1.0); navigatorNode.param("exploration_goal_distance", mExplorationGoalDistance, 3.0); navigatorNode.param("navigation_homing_distance", mNavigationHomingDistance, 3.0); navigatorNode.param("min_replanning_period", mMinReplanningPeriod, 3.0); navigatorNode.param("max_replanning_period", mMaxReplanningPeriod, 1.0); mCostObstacle = 100; mCostLethal = (1.0 - (mRobotRadius / mInflationRadius)) * (double)mCostObstacle; robotNode.param("map_frame", mMapFrame, std::string("map")); robotNode.param("robot_frame", mRobotFrame, std::string("robot")); robotNode.param("robot_id", mRobotID, 1); robotNode.param("move_action_topic", mMoveActionTopic, std::string(NAV_MOVE_ACTION)); robotNode.param("explore_action_topic", mExploreActionTopic, std::string(NAV_EXPLORE_ACTION)); robotNode.param("getmap_action_topic", mGetMapActionTopic, std::string(NAV_GETMAP_ACTION)); robotNode.param("localize_action_topic", mLocalizeActionTopic, std::string(NAV_LOCALIZE_ACTION)); // Apply tf_prefix to all used frame-id's mRobotFrame = mTfListener.resolve(mRobotFrame); mMapFrame = mTfListener.resolve(mMapFrame); try { mPlanLoader = new PlanLoader("nav2d_navigator", "ExplorationPlanner"); mExplorationPlanner = mPlanLoader->createInstance(mExplorationStrategy); ROS_INFO("Successfully loaded exploration strategy [%s].", mExplorationStrategy.c_str()); mExploreActionServer = new ExploreActionServer(mExploreActionTopic, boost::bind(&RobotNavigator::receiveExploreGoal, this, _1), false); mExploreActionServer->start(); } catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to load exploration plugin! Error: %s", ex.what()); mExploreActionServer = NULL; mPlanLoader = NULL; } // Create action servers mMoveActionServer = new MoveActionServer(mMoveActionTopic, boost::bind(&RobotNavigator::receiveMoveGoal, this, _1), false); mMoveActionServer->start(); mLocalizeActionServer = new LocalizeActionServer(mLocalizeActionTopic, boost::bind(&RobotNavigator::receiveLocalizeGoal, this, _1), false); mLocalizeActionServer->start(); if(mRobotID == 1) { mGetMapActionServer = new GetMapActionServer(mGetMapActionTopic, boost::bind(&RobotNavigator::receiveGetMapGoal, this, _1), false); mGetMapActionServer->start(); }else { mGetMapActionServer = NULL; } mHasNewMap = false; mIsStopped = false; mIsPaused = false; mStatus = NAV_ST_IDLE; mCellInflationRadius = 0; }
void addPointRecursive(MegaTree& tree, NodeHandle& node, const double* pt, const double* color, double point_accuracy) { //printf("Adding point %f %f %f to node %s\n", pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], node.toString().c_str()); double node_cell_size = node.getNodeGeometry().getSize(); // adds point to empty node if (node.isEmpty() && point_accuracy >= node_cell_size / BITS_D) { node.setPoint(pt, color); return; } // reached maximum resultion of the tree if (node_cell_size < tree.getMinCellSize()) { node.addPoint(pt, color); return; } // this node is a leaf, and we need to copy the original point one level down if (!node.isEmpty() && node.isLeaf()) { // Determines which child the point should be added to. uint8_t original_child = node.getChildForNodePoint(); //create_leaf_timer.start(); NodeHandle new_leaf; tree.createChildNode(node, original_child, new_leaf); //create_leaf_timer.pause(); node.getNode()->copyToChildNode(original_child, new_leaf.getNode()); tree.releaseNode(new_leaf); } // Gets the child node to recurse on. uint8_t new_child = node.getNodeGeometry().whichChild(pt); NodeHandle new_child_node; if (node.hasChild(new_child)) { //getnode_timer.start(); tree.getChildNode(node, new_child, new_child_node); new_child_node.waitUntilLoaded(); //getnode_timer.pause(); } else { //create_node_timer.start(); tree.createChildNode(node, new_child, new_child_node); //create_node_timer.pause(); } // recursion to add point to child addPointRecursive(tree, new_child_node, pt, color, point_accuracy); tree.releaseNode(new_child_node); // Re-computes the summary point. MegaTree::ChildIterator it(tree, node, new_child_node.getNodeFile()); node.copyFromChildNodes(it.getAllChildren()); }