void NodeHandshakeExtension::processHandshake(const dtn::data::Bundle &bundle)
			// read the ecm
			const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = bundle.find<dtn::data::PayloadBlock>();
			ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();
			NodeHandshake handshake;

			// locked within this region
				ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream s = ref.iostream();
				(*s) >> handshake;

			IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake received from " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << handshake.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

			// if this is a request answer with an summary vector
			if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_REQUEST)
				// create a new request for the summary vector of the neighbor
				NodeHandshake response(NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE);

				// lock the extension list during the processing
				(**this).responseHandshake(bundle.source, handshake, response);

				IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake reply to " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << response.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

				// create a new bundle
				dtn::data::Bundle answer;

				// set the source of the bundle
				answer.source = _endpoint.getWorkerURI();

				// set the destination of the bundle
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::DESTINATION_IS_SINGLETON, true);
				answer.destination = bundle.source;

				// limit the lifetime to 60 seconds
				answer.lifetime = 60;

				// set high priority
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT1, false);
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT2, true);

				dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = answer.push_back<PayloadBlock>();
				ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();

				// serialize the request into the payload
					ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream ios = ref.iostream();
					(*ios) << response;

				// add a schl block
				dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock &schl = answer.push_front<dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock>();

				// add an age block (to prevent expiring due to wrong clocks)

				// transfer the bundle to the neighbor

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_REPLIED, bundle.source.getNode() );
			else if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE)
				// walk through all extensions to process the contents of the response
				(**this).processHandshake(bundle.source, handshake);

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED, bundle.source.getNode() );
		void NodeHandshakeExtension::processHandshake(const dtn::data::Bundle &bundle)
			// read the ecm
			const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = bundle.find<dtn::data::PayloadBlock>();
			ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();
			NodeHandshake handshake;

			// locked within this region
				ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream s = ref.iostream();
				(*s) >> handshake;

			IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake received from " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << handshake.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

			// if this is a request answer with an summary vector
			if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_REQUEST)
				// create a new request for the summary vector of the neighbor
				NodeHandshake response(NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE);

				// lock the extension list during the processing
				(**this).responseHandshake(bundle.source, handshake, response);

				IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake reply to " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << response.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

				// create a new bundle with a zero timestamp (+age block)
				dtn::data::Bundle answer(true);

				// set the source of the bundle
				answer.source = _endpoint.getWorkerURI();

				// set the destination of the bundle
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::DESTINATION_IS_SINGLETON, true);
				answer.destination = bundle.source;

				// limit the lifetime to 60 seconds
				answer.lifetime = 60;

				// set high priority
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT1, false);
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT2, true);

				dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = answer.push_back<PayloadBlock>();
				ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();

				// serialize the request into the payload
					ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream ios = ref.iostream();
					(*ios) << response;

				// add a schl block
				dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock &schl = answer.push_front<dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock>();

				// compress bundle if requested
				if (handshake.hasRequest(NodeHandshakeItem::REQUEST_COMPRESSED_ANSWER))
					try {
						dtn::data::CompressedPayloadBlock::compress(answer, dtn::data::CompressedPayloadBlock::COMPRESSION_ZLIB);
					} catch (const ibrcommon::Exception &ex) {
						IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG(TAG, warning) << "compression of bundle failed: " << ex.what() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

				// transfer the bundle to the neighbor

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_REPLIED, bundle.source.getNode() );
			else if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE)
				// walk through all extensions to process the contents of the response
				(**this).processHandshake(bundle.source, handshake);

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED, bundle.source.getNode() );
Example #3
		void NodeHandshakeExtension::processHandshake(const dtn::data::Bundle &bundle)
			// read the ecm
			const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = bundle.find<dtn::data::PayloadBlock>();
			ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();
			NodeHandshake handshake;

			// locked within this region
				ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream s = ref.iostream();
				(*s) >> handshake;

			IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake received from " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << handshake.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

			// if this is a request answer with an summary vector
			if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_REQUEST)
				// create a new request for the summary vector of the neighbor
				NodeHandshake response(NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE);

				// lock the extension list during the processing
				(**this).responseHandshake(bundle.source, handshake, response);

				IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NodeHandshakeExtension::TAG, 15) << "handshake reply to " << bundle.source.getString() << ": " << response.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

				// create a new bundle with a zero timestamp (+age block)
				dtn::data::Bundle answer(true);

				// set the source of the bundle
				answer.source = _endpoint.getWorkerURI();

				// set the destination of the bundle
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::DESTINATION_IS_SINGLETON, true);
				answer.destination = bundle.source;

				// limit the lifetime to 60 seconds
				answer.lifetime = 60;

				// set high priority
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT1, false);
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT2, true);

				dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = answer.push_back<PayloadBlock>();
				ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();

				// serialize the request into the payload
					ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream ios = ref.iostream();
					(*ios) << response;

				// add a schl block
				dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock &schl = answer.push_front<dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock>();

				// request compression
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::IBRDTN_REQUEST_COMPRESSION, true);

				// transfer the bundle to the neighbor

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_REPLIED, bundle.source.getNode() );
			else if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE)
				// walk through all extensions to process the contents of the response
				(**this).processHandshake(bundle.source, handshake);

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED, bundle.source.getNode() );
			else if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_NOTIFICATION)
				// create a new request
				NodeHandshake request(NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_REQUEST);

				// walk through all extensions to find out which requests are of interest
				(**this).requestHandshake(BROADCAST_ENDPOINT, request);

				const NodeHandshake::request_set &rs = handshake.getRequests();
				for (NodeHandshake::request_set::const_iterator it = rs.begin(); it != rs.end(); ++it)
					if (request.hasRequest(*it)) {
						// get node endpoint
						const dtn::data::EID node = bundle.source.getNode();

						// clear 60 second blockage

						// execute handshake
		void NodeHandshakeExtension::processHandshake(const dtn::data::Bundle &bundle)
			// read the ecm
			const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = bundle.getBlock<dtn::data::PayloadBlock>();
			ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();
			NodeHandshake handshake;

			// locked within this region
				ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream s = ref.iostream();
				(*s) >> handshake;

			// if this is a request answer with an summary vector
			if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_REQUEST)
				// create a new request for the summary vector of the neighbor
				NodeHandshake response(NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE);

				// walk through all extensions to process the contents of the response
				const std::list<BaseRouter::Extension*>& extensions = (**this).getExtensions();

				for (std::list<BaseRouter::Extension*>::const_iterator iter = extensions.begin(); iter != extensions.end(); iter++)
					BaseRouter::Extension &extension = (**iter);
					extension.responseHandshake(bundle._source, handshake, response);

				// create a new bundle
				dtn::data::Bundle answer;

				// set the source of the bundle
				answer._source = dtn::core::BundleCore::local + "/routing";

				// set the destination of the bundle
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::DESTINATION_IS_SINGLETON, true);
				answer._destination = bundle._source;

				// limit the lifetime to 60 seconds
				answer._lifetime = 60;

				// set high priority
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT1, false);
				answer.set(dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::PRIORITY_BIT2, true);

				dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = answer.push_back<PayloadBlock>();
				ibrcommon::BLOB::Reference ref = p.getBLOB();

				// serialize the request into the payload
					ibrcommon::BLOB::iostream ios = ref.iostream();
					(*ios) << response;

				// add a schl block
				dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock &schl = answer.push_front<dtn::data::ScopeControlHopLimitBlock>();

				// add an age block (to prevent expiring due to wrong clocks)

				// transfer the bundle to the neighbor

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_REPLIED, bundle._source );
			else if (handshake.getType() == NodeHandshake::HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE)
				// walk through all extensions to process the contents of the response
				const std::list<BaseRouter::Extension*>& extensions = (**this).getExtensions();

				for (std::list<BaseRouter::Extension*>::const_iterator iter = extensions.begin(); iter != extensions.end(); iter++)
					BaseRouter::Extension &extension = (**iter);
					extension.processHandshake(bundle._source, handshake);

				// call handshake completed event
				NodeHandshakeEvent::raiseEvent( NodeHandshakeEvent::HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED, bundle._source );