Example #1
 * Save a patch of nodes that are close to each of the slave nodes to speed the search algorithm
 * TODO: This needs to be updated at some point in time.  If the hits into this data structure approach "the end"
 * then it may be time to update
NearestNodeThread::operator() (const NodeIdRange & range)
  for (NodeIdRange::const_iterator nd = range.begin() ; nd != range.end(); ++nd)
    dof_id_type node_id = *nd;

    const Node & node = _mesh.node(node_id);

    const Node * closest_node = NULL;
    Real closest_distance = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();

    const std::vector<dof_id_type> & neighbor_nodes = _neighbor_nodes[node_id];

    unsigned int n_neighbor_nodes = neighbor_nodes.size();

    for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_neighbor_nodes; k++)
      const Node * cur_node = &_mesh.node(neighbor_nodes[k]);
      Real distance = ((*cur_node) - node).size();

      if (distance < closest_distance)
        Real patch_percentage = static_cast<Real>(k) / static_cast<Real>(n_neighbor_nodes);

        // Save off the maximum we had to go through the patch to find the closes node
        if (patch_percentage > _max_patch_percentage)
          _max_patch_percentage = patch_percentage;

        closest_distance = distance;
        closest_node = cur_node;

    if (closest_distance == std::numeric_limits<Real>::max())
      mooseError("Unable to find nearest node!");

    NearestNodeLocator::NearestNodeInfo & info = _nearest_node_info[node.id()];

    info._nearest_node = closest_node;
    info._distance = closest_distance;
 * Save a patch of nodes that are close to each of the slave nodes to speed the search algorithm
 * TODO: This needs to be updated at some point in time.  If the hits into this data structure approach "the end"
 * then it may be time to update
SlaveNeighborhoodThread::operator() (const NodeIdRange & range)
  processor_id_type processor_id = _mesh.processor_id();

  for (NodeIdRange::const_iterator nd = range.begin() ; nd != range.end(); ++nd)
    unsigned int node_id = *nd;

    const Node & node = *_mesh.nodePtr(node_id);

    std::priority_queue<std::pair<unsigned int, Real>, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, Real> >, ComparePair> neighbors;

    unsigned int n_master_nodes = _trial_master_nodes.size();

    // Get a list, in descending order of distance, of master nodes in relation to this node
    for (unsigned int k=0; k<n_master_nodes; k++)
      unsigned int master_id = _trial_master_nodes[k];
      const Node * cur_node = &_mesh.node(master_id);
      Real distance = ((*cur_node) - node).size();

      neighbors.push(std::make_pair(master_id, distance));

    std::vector<unsigned int> neighbor_nodes;

    unsigned int patch_size = std::min(_patch_size, static_cast<unsigned int>(neighbors.size()));

    // Grab the closest "patch_size" worth of nodes to save off
    for (unsigned int t=0; t<patch_size; t++)
      std::pair<unsigned int, Real> neighbor_info = neighbors.top();

      neighbor_nodes[t] = neighbor_info.first;

     * Now see if _this_ processor needs to keep track of this slave and it's neighbors
     * We're going to see if this processor owns the slave, any of the neighborhood nodes
     * or any of the elements connected to either set.  If it does then we're going to ghost
     * all of the elements connected to the slave node and the neighborhood nodes to this processor.
     * This is a very conservative approach that we might revisit later.

    bool need_to_track = false;

    if (_mesh.node(node_id).processor_id() == processor_id)
      need_to_track = true;
      { // See if we own any of the elements connected to the slave node
        const std::vector<unsigned int> & elems_connected_to_node = _node_to_elem_map[node_id];

        for (unsigned int elem_id_it=0; elem_id_it < elems_connected_to_node.size(); elem_id_it++)
          if (_mesh.elem(elems_connected_to_node[elem_id_it])->processor_id() == processor_id)
            need_to_track = true;
            break; // Break out of element loop

      if (!need_to_track)
      { // Now check the neighbor nodes to see if we own any of them
        for (unsigned int neighbor_it=0; neighbor_it < neighbor_nodes.size(); neighbor_it++)
          unsigned int neighbor_node_id = neighbor_nodes[neighbor_it];

          if (_mesh.node(neighbor_node_id).processor_id() == processor_id)
            need_to_track = true;
          else // Now see if we own any of the elements connected to the neighbor nodes
            const std::vector<unsigned int> & elems_connected_to_node = _node_to_elem_map[neighbor_node_id];

            for (unsigned int elem_id_it=0; elem_id_it < elems_connected_to_node.size(); elem_id_it++)
              if (_mesh.elem(elems_connected_to_node[elem_id_it])->processor_id() == processor_id)
                need_to_track = true;
                break; // Break out of element loop

          if (need_to_track)
            break; // Breaking out of neighbor loop

    if (need_to_track)
      // Add this node as a slave node to search in the future

      // Set it's neighbors
      _neighbor_nodes[node_id] = neighbor_nodes;

      { // Add the elements connected to the slave node to the ghosted list
        const std::vector<unsigned int> & elems_connected_to_node = _node_to_elem_map[node_id];

        for (unsigned int elem_id_it=0; elem_id_it < elems_connected_to_node.size(); elem_id_it++)

      // Now add elements connected to the neighbor nodes to the ghosted list
      for (unsigned int neighbor_it=0; neighbor_it < neighbor_nodes.size(); neighbor_it++)
        const std::vector<unsigned int> & elems_connected_to_node = _node_to_elem_map[neighbor_nodes[neighbor_it]];

        for (unsigned int elem_id_it=0; elem_id_it < elems_connected_to_node.size(); elem_id_it++)