Example #1
/// printAllValuesForNode -- prints all values for a given node, without a newline
/// (meant to be a helper)
static void printAllValuesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
  // We only consider other values that are in the graph
  // containing the specified node (by design)

  // Look for values that have an equivalent NH
  DSNodeHandle &NH = NV.getNodeH();
  const DSGraph::ScalarMapTy &SM = NV.getGraph()->getScalarMap();
  bool first = true;

  for (DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = SM.begin(), E = SM.end();
      I != E; ++I )
    if (NH == I->second) {
      //Found one!
      const Value *V = I->first;

      //Print them out, separated by commas
      if (!first) O << ",";
      first = false;

      // Print out name, if it has one.
      // FIXME: Get "%0, "%1", naming like the .ll has?
      if (V->hasName())
        O << V->getName();
        O << "<tmp>";

  //FIXME: Search globals in this graph too (not just scalarMap)?
Example #2
void NodeUse::setOperand(NodeValue &other) {
  if (other && site_->getNode()) {
    assert(site_->getType() == other.getType() &&
           "Setting operand to a node with a different type");
  site_->setOperand(other.getNode(), other.getResNo());
void GraphScene::NewNode()
    if(m_pChoosePlanStepDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
        unsigned planStepId = m_pChoosePlanStepDlg->SelectedPlanStepId();
        NodeValue pNodeModel = NULL;

        if(BELONG(GoalType, planStepId))
            pNodeModel = g_GoalFactory.GetGoal((GoalType)planStepId, false);
        else if(BELONG(ActionType, planStepId))
            pNodeModel = g_ActionFactory.GetAction((ActionType)planStepId, false);
            throw NotImplementedException(XcptHere);

        _ASSERTE(planStepId != NULL);

        NodeID nodeId = m_pGraph->AddNode(pNodeModel, pNodeModel->Id());

        GraphNodeView *pNodeView = new GraphNodeView(pNodeModel, nodeId, m_pPlanContext, m_pNodeMenu, nullptr);

        pNodeView->setPos(m_lastCtxtMenuScreenPos.x(), m_lastCtxtMenuScreenPos.y());

        m_nodeIdToNodeViewMap[nodeId] = pNodeView;

Example #4
/// printNodes -- print the node specified by NV
/// Format:
/// "flags:{value(s)}:{type(s)}"
/// Additionally, the user can specify to print just one piece
static void printNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
      ((!OnlyPrintFlags && !OnlyPrintValues)||
      (!OnlyPrintFlags && !OnlyPrintTypes) ||
      (!OnlyPrintValues && !OnlyPrintTypes)) &&
      "Only one \"Only\" option allowed!");

  if (OnlyPrintFlags) {
  } else if (OnlyPrintValues) {
    printAllValuesForNode(O, NV);
  } else if (OnlyPrintTypes) {
    printTypesForNode(O, NV);
  } else {
    //Print all of them
    O << ":{";
    printAllValuesForNode(O, NV);
    O << "}:{";
    printTypesForNode(O, NV);
    O << "}";

  O << "\n";
Example #5
bool UnownedNodeValueMap::count(NodeValue from) {
  for (auto &E : entries_) {
    auto &F = E.first;
    if (F.first == from.getNode() && F.second == from.getResNo()) {
      return true;

  return false;
Example #6
static void verifyConvolution(NodeValue src, NodeValue dest, NodeValue filter,
                              NodeValue bias, size_t kernel, size_t stride,
                              size_t pad, size_t group) {
  assert(src.getElementType() == dest.getElementType() && "Invalid Type");
  assert(src.getElementType() == filter.getElementType() && "Invalid Type");
  assert(src.getElementType() == bias.getElementType() && "Invalid Type");

  ShapeNHWC idim(src.getType()->dims());
  ShapeNHWC odim(dest.getType()->dims());

  assert(idim.w >= kernel && idim.h >= kernel &&
         "buffer too small for selected stride");
  assert(idim.c % group == 0 && "channels number must be divisible by groups");

  auto outSz = calculateConvOutputDims(idim.h, idim.w, kernel, stride, pad);
  assert(odim.n == idim.n && odim.h == outSz.first && odim.w == outSz.second &&
         odim.c % group == 0 && "Invalid output dimensions");

  auto filterDims = {odim.c, kernel, kernel, idim.c / group};
  assert(filter.getType()->dims().equals(filterDims) && "Invalid filter dims");

  auto biasDims = {odim.c};
  assert(bias.getType()->dims().equals(biasDims) && "Invalid bias dims");
IlwisTypes OperationNodeScript::typesUsed(int index, const NodeValue& vright, SymbolTable &symbols) const {
    if ( index >= vright.size())
        return itUNKNOWN;

    IlwisTypes tp1 = symbols.ilwisType(vright[index], vright.id(index));
    IlwisTypes tp2 = symbols.ilwisType(_value[index], _value.id(index));

    if ( tp1 == itUNKNOWN || tp2 == itUNKNOWN)
        return itUNKNOWN;
    return tp1 | tp2;

Example #8
static void verifyPool(NodeValue src, NodeValue dest, size_t kernel,
                       size_t stride, size_t pad) {
  ShapeNHWC idim = ShapeNHWC(src.getType()->dims());
  ShapeNHWC odim = ShapeNHWC(dest.getType()->dims());
  assert(idim.w >= kernel && idim.h >= kernel &&
         "buffer too small for selected stride");

  auto outSz = calculateConvOutputDims(idim.h, idim.w, kernel, stride, pad);
  ShapeNHWC exp(idim.n, outSz.first, outSz.second, idim.c);
  assert(exp == odim && "Unexpected output dimensions");
Example #9
NodeValue UnownedNodeValueMap::get(NodeValue from) {
  for (auto &E : entries_) {
    auto &F = E.first;
    auto &T = E.second;

    if (F.first == from.getNode() && F.second == from.getResNo()) {
      return NodeValue(T.first, T.second);

  llvm_unreachable("Invalid node");
  return NodeValue(nullptr, 0);
Example #10
static void verifyBatchNormalization(NodeValue src, NodeValue dest,
                                     NodeValue bias, NodeValue scale,
                                     NodeValue mean, NodeValue var,
                                     size_t channel) {
  checkSameType(dest, src);

  // Figure out how many channels are in the tensor.
  size_t channels = src.dims()[channel];

  auto exp = {channels};
  assert(bias.getType()->dims().equals(exp) && "Invalid bias dim");
  assert(scale.getType()->dims().equals(exp) && "Invalid scale dim");
  assert(mean.getType()->dims().equals(exp) && "Invalid mean dim");
  assert(var.getType()->dims().equals(exp) && "Invalid var dim");
Example #11
// printTypesForNode --prints all the types for the given NodeValue, without a newline
// (meant to be called as a helper)
static void printTypesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
  DSNode *N = NV.getNode();

  if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
    O << "Folded";
  // Go through all the types, and just dump them.
  // FIXME: Lifted from Printer.cpp, probably should be shared
  bool firstType = true;
  if (N->type_begin() != N->type_end())
    for (DSNode::TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = N->type_begin(),
        ee = N->type_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
      if (!firstType) O << "::";
      firstType = false;
      O << ii->first << ":";
      if (ii->second) {
        bool first = true;
        for (svset<Type*>::const_iterator ni = ii->second->begin(),
            ne = ii->second->end(); ni != ne; ++ni) {
          if (!first) O << "|";
          Type * t = *ni;
          t->print (O);
          first = false;
        O << "VOID";
    O << "VOID";

  if (N->isArrayNode())
    O << "Array";
Example #12
QString TermNode::getName(const NodeValue& var) const {
    QString name = var.toString();
    if (name != sUNDEF)
        return name;
//    QString typeName = var.typeName();
//    if ( typeName == "Ilwis::IRasterCoverage") {
//        Ilwis::IRasterCoverage raster = var.value<Ilwis::IRasterCoverage>();
//        name = raster->name();
//    }
//    if ( typeName == "Coordinate") {
//        name = var.id();
//    }
//    if ( typeName == "Voxel") {
//        name = var.id();
//    }
    return var.id();
Example #13
static void verifyFullyConnected(NodeValue src, NodeValue weights,
                                 NodeValue bias, NodeValue dest) {
  assert(src.dims()[0] == dest.dims()[0] &&
         flattenCdr(src.dims()).second == weights.dims()[0] &&
         "Mismatch on expected source dimensions");

  assert(bias.dims()[0] == weights.dims()[1] &&
         weights.dims()[1] == dest.dims()[1] &&
         "Inconsistent bias/weights/dest sizes.");
Example #14
bool OperationNodeScript::handleTableCases(int index, const NodeValue& vright, const QString &operation,
                                              const QString& relation, SymbolTable &symbols, ExecutionContext *ctx) {
    if ( index >= vright.size())
        return false;

    QString expr;
    if ( SymbolTable::isNumerical(vright[index]) && SymbolTable::isDataLink(_value[index])){
        expr = QString("%1(%2,%3,%4,%5)").arg(operation).arg(_value.toString(index)).
    } else if (SymbolTable::isNumerical(_value[index]) && SymbolTable::isDataLink(vright[index])){
        expr = QString("%1(%2,%3,%4, %5)").arg(operation).arg(vright.toString(index)).
    } else if (SymbolTable::isDataLink(_value[index]) && SymbolTable::isDataLink(vright[index])) {
        expr = QString("%1(%2,%3,%4,%5)").arg(operation).arg(vright.toString(index)).arg(_value.toString(index)).arg(relation);
    } else if (SymbolTable::isDataLink(vright[index]) && SymbolTable::isNumerical(_value[index])) {
        expr = QString("%1(%2,%3,%4,%5)").arg(operation).arg(vright.toString(index)).arg(_value.toDouble(index)).arg(relation);

    bool ok = Ilwis::commandhandler()->execute(expr, ctx,symbols);
    if ( !ok || ctx->_results.size() != 1)
        return false;
    _value = {ctx->_results[0], NodeValue::ctID};
    return true;
Example #15
void NodeValue::replaceAllUsesOfWith(NodeValue v) {
  if (v.getNode()) {
    assert(getType() == v.getType() && "Replacing value with the wrong type");
  auto &users = node_->getUsers();
  llvm::SmallVector<NodeUse, 4> usersVec(users.begin(), users.end());
  for (auto &U : usersVec) {
    NodeValue *site = U.get();
    assert(site->getNode() == node_ && "Invalid user");
    if (site->getResNo() == getResNo()) {
      site->setOperand(v.getNode(), v.getResNo());
Example #16
static void checkType(NodeValue A, ElemKind expectedType) {
  assert(A.getElementType() == expectedType && "Invalid type");
Example #17
bool AssignmentNode::evaluate(SymbolTable& symbols, int scope, ExecutionContext *ctx)
    if ( _expression.isNull())
        return false;

        bool ok = _expression->evaluate(symbols, scope, ctx);
        if ( ok) {
            // we save the additional info  as we might need it but for the rest clear
            // the results as the result of the assignment node is a newly filled ctx
            auto additionalInfo = ctx->_additionalInfo;

            NodeValue val = _expression->value();
            for(int i = 0; i < val.size(); ++i) {
                Symbol sym = symbols.getSymbol(val.id(i),SymbolTable::gaREMOVEIFANON);
                IlwisTypes tp = sym.isValid() ? sym._type : itUNKNOWN;
                QString result = _outParms->id(i);

                if (  hasType(tp, itILWISOBJECT | itCOLUMN)) {

                    if ( hasType(tp, itRASTER)) {
                        ok &= copyObject<RasterCoverage>(sym, result,symbols);
                    else if (hasType(tp, itFEATURE))
                        ok &= copyObject<FeatureCoverage>(sym, result,symbols);
                    else if (hasType(tp, itCOORDSYSTEM))
                        ok &= copyObject<CoordinateSystem>(sym, result,symbols);
                    else if ( hasType(tp, itDOMAIN)){
                        ok &= copyObject<Domain>(sym, result,symbols);
                    } else if ( hasType(tp, itGEOREF)){
                        ok &= copyObject<GeoReference>(sym, result,symbols);
                    } else if (hasType(tp, itTABLE | itCOLUMN)){
                        ok &= copyObject<Table>(sym, result,symbols,true);
                        QSharedPointer<Selector> selector = _outParms->selector(result);
                        if (!selector.isNull()){
                            QString varName = selector->variable();
                            ITable source =  sym._var.value<ITable>();
                            QString oldColName = additionalInfo[source->name()].toString();
                            QVariant newT= symbols.getValue(result);
                            ITable newTable = newT.value<ITable>();
                            ColumnDefinition& coldef = newTable->columndefinitionRef(oldColName);
                            if ( coldef.isValid()){

                    if(!ok) {
                        throw ErrorObject(QString(TR(ERR_OPERATION_FAILID1).arg("assignment")));
                    QSharedPointer<ASTNode> specifier = _outParms->specifier(_outParms->id(i));
                    if ( !specifier.isNull()) {
                        if ( specifier->noOfChilderen()!= 1)
                            return ERROR2(ERR_NO_OBJECT_TYPE_FOR_2, "Output object", "expression");
                        store2Format(specifier, sym, result);



            } else {
                sym = symbols.getSymbol(result,SymbolTable::gaREMOVEIFANON);
                tp = sym.isValid() ? sym._type : itUNKNOWN;
                if ( tp == itUNKNOWN) {
                    tp = Domain::ilwType(val);
            //ctx->addOutput(symbols,_expression->value(),result, tp, Resource());

    return ok;
} catch(const ErrorObject&){


return false;
Example #18
void UnownedNodeValueMap::insert(NodeValue from, NodeValue to) {
      {{from.getNode(), from.getResNo()}, {to.getNode(), to.getResNo()}});
Example #19
void NodeManager::reclaimZombies() {
    // FIXME multithreading

    Debug("gc") << "reclaiming " << d_zombies.size() << " zombie(s)!\n";

    // during reclamation, reclaimZombies() is never supposed to be called
    Assert(! d_inReclaimZombies, "NodeManager::reclaimZombies() not re-entrant!");

    // whether exit is normal or exceptional, the Reclaim dtor is called
    // and ensures that d_inReclaimZombies is set back to false.
    ScopedBool r(d_inReclaimZombies);

    // We copy the set away and clear the NodeManager's set of zombies.
    // This is because reclaimZombie() decrements the RC of the
    // NodeValue's children, which may (recursively) reclaim them.
    // Let's say we're reclaiming zombie NodeValue "A" and its child "B"
    // then becomes a zombie (NodeManager::markForDeletion(B) is called).
    // One way to handle B's zombification would be simply to put it
    // into d_zombies.  This is what we do.  However, if we were to
    // concurrently process d_zombies in the loop below, such addition
    // may be invisible to us (B is leaked) or even invalidate our
    // iterator, causing a crash.  So we need to copy the set away.

    vector<NodeValue*> zombies;

    NodeValue* last = NULL;
    for(vector<NodeValue*>::iterator i = zombies.begin();
            i != zombies.end();
            ++i) {
        NodeValue* nv = *i;
        // Work around an apparent bug in libc++'s hash_set<> which can
        // (very occasionally) have an element repeated.
        if(nv == last) {
        last = nv;

        // collect ONLY IF still zero
        if(nv->d_rc == 0) {
            if(Debug.isOn("gc")) {
                Debug("gc") << "deleting node value " << nv
                            << " [" << nv->d_id << "]: ";
                Debug("gc") << endl;

            // remove from the pool
            kind::MetaKind mk = nv->getMetaKind();
            if(mk != kind::metakind::VARIABLE) {

            // whether exit is normal or exceptional, the NVReclaim dtor is
            // called and ensures that d_nodeUnderDeletion is set back to
            // NULL.
            NVReclaim rc(d_nodeUnderDeletion);
            d_nodeUnderDeletion = nv;

            // remove attributes
            {   // notify listeners of deleted node
                TNode n;
                n.d_nv = nv;
                nv->d_rc = 1; // so that TNode doesn't assert-fail
                for(vector<NodeManagerListener*>::iterator i = d_listeners.begin(); i != d_listeners.end(); ++i) {
                // this would mean that one of the listeners stowed away
                // a reference to this node!
                Assert(nv->d_rc == 1);
            nv->d_rc = 0;

            // decr ref counts of children
            if(mk == kind::metakind::CONSTANT) {
                // Destroy (call the destructor for) the C++ type representing
                // the constant in this NodeValue.  This is needed for
                // e.g. CVC4::Rational, since it has a gmp internal
                // representation that mallocs memory and should be cleaned
                // up.  (This won't delete a pointer value if used as a
                // constant, but then, you should probably use a smart-pointer
                // type for a constant payload.)
}/* NodeManager::reclaimZombies() */
Example #20
static void verifyCrossEntropyLoss(NodeValue P, NodeValue CE,
                                   NodeValue labels) {
  assert(P.getElementType() == CE->getElementType());
  assert(P.dims()[0] == labels.dims()[0] && "Invalid shape");
Example #21
static void verifySoftMax(NodeValue src, NodeValue dest) {
  checkSameType(src, dest);
  assert(src.dims() == dest.dims() && "Invalid shape");
Example #22
/// Check that the type of the first operand matches the type of the second
/// operand.
static void checkSameType(NodeValue A, NodeValue B) {
  assert(A.getType() == B.getType() && "Invalid type");
Example #23
/// Check that the shape of the first operand matches the shape of the second
/// operand.
static void checkSameShape(NodeValue A, NodeValue B) {
  assert(A.dims() == B.dims() && "Invalid shape");