Example #1
PetscErrorCode DMLibMeshSetSystem(DM dm, NonlinearImplicitSystem& sys)
  const Parallel::Communicator &comm(sys.comm());

  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  PetscBool islibmesh;
  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm, DMLIBMESH,&islibmesh);
  if(!islibmesh) SETERRQ2(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Got DM oftype %s, not of type %s", ((PetscObject)dm)->type_name, DMLIBMESH);

  if(dm->setupcalled) SETERRQ(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "Cannot reset the libMesh system after DM has been set up.");
  DM_libMesh *dlm = (DM_libMesh *)(dm->data);
  dlm->sys =&sys;
  /* Initially populate the sets of active blockids and varids using all of the
     existing blocks/variables (only variables are supported at the moment). */
  DofMap& dofmap = dlm->sys->get_dof_map();
  for(unsigned int v = 0; v < dofmap.n_variables(); ++v) {
    std::string vname = dofmap.variable(v).name();
    dlm->varids->insert(std::pair<std::string,unsigned int>(vname,v));
    dlm->varnames->insert(std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>(v,vname));
  const MeshBase& mesh = dlm->sys->get_mesh();
  std::set<subdomain_id_type> blocks;
  /* The following effectively is a verbatim copy of MeshBase::n_subdomains(). */
  // This requires an inspection on every processor
  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el  = mesh.active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end = mesh.active_elements_end();
  for (; el!=end; ++el)
  // Some subdomains may only live on other processors

  std::set<subdomain_id_type>::iterator bit = blocks.begin();
  std::set<subdomain_id_type>::iterator bend = blocks.end();
  if(bit == bend) SETERRQ(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "No mesh blocks found.");

  for(; bit != bend; ++bit) {
    subdomain_id_type bid = *bit;
    std::string bname = mesh.subdomain_name(bid);
    if(!bname.length()) {
      /* Block names are currently implemented for Exodus II meshes
         only, so we might have to make up our own block names and
         maintain our own mapping of block ids to names.
      std::ostringstream ss;
      ss << "dm" << bid;
      bname = ss.str();
    dlm->blockids->insert(std::pair<std::string,unsigned int>(bname,bid));
    dlm->blocknames->insert(std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>(bid,bname));
  ierr = DMLibMeshSetUpName_Private(dm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
Example #2
compute_nearnullspace(std::vector<NumericVector<Number> *> & sp, NonlinearImplicitSystem & sys)
  FEProblemBase * p =
      sys.get_equation_systems().parameters.get<FEProblemBase *>("_fe_problem_base");
  p->computeNearNullSpace(sys, sp);
Example #3
compute_bounds(NumericVector<Number> & lower,
               NumericVector<Number> & upper,
               NonlinearImplicitSystem & sys)
  FEProblemBase * p =
      sys.get_equation_systems().parameters.get<FEProblemBase *>("_fe_problem_base");
  p->computeBounds(sys, lower, upper);
Example #4
compute_jacobian(const NumericVector<Number> & soln,
                 SparseMatrix<Number> & jacobian,
                 NonlinearImplicitSystem & sys)
  FEProblemBase * p =
      sys.get_equation_systems().parameters.get<FEProblemBase *>("_fe_problem_base");
  p->computeJacobianSys(sys, soln, jacobian);
Example #5
compute_postcheck(const NumericVector<Number> & old_soln,
                  NumericVector<Number> & search_direction,
                  NumericVector<Number> & new_soln,
                  bool & changed_search_direction,
                  bool & changed_new_soln,
                  NonlinearImplicitSystem & sys)
  FEProblemBase * p =
      sys.get_equation_systems().parameters.get<FEProblemBase *>("_fe_problem_base");
      sys, old_soln, search_direction, new_soln, changed_search_direction, changed_new_soln);
Example #6
void petscSetupDampers(NonlinearImplicitSystem& sys)
  FEProblem * problem = sys.get_equation_systems().parameters.get<FEProblem *>("_fe_problem");
  NonlinearSystem & nl = problem->getNonlinearSystem();
  PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> * petsc_solver = dynamic_cast<PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> *>(nl.sys().nonlinear_solver.get());
  SNES snes = petsc_solver->snes();

  // PETSc 3.2.x-
  SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck(snes, dampedCheck, problem);
  // PETSc 3.3.0+
  SNESLineSearch linesearch;
  PetscErrorCode ierr = SNESGetSNESLineSearch(snes, &linesearch);
  PetscErrorCode ierr = SNESGetLineSearch(snes, &linesearch);

  ierr = SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck(linesearch, dampedCheck, problem);
Example #7
static PetscErrorCode  DMCreateDomainDecomposition_libMesh(DM dm, PetscInt *len, char ***namelist, IS **innerislist, IS **outerislist, DM **dmlist)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DM_libMesh     *dlm = (DM_libMesh *)(dm->data);
  NonlinearImplicitSystem *sys = dlm->sys;
  IS emb;
  if(dlm->decomposition_type != DMLIBMESH_DOMAIN_DECOMPOSITION) PetscFunctionReturn(0);
  *len = dlm->decomposition->size();
  if(namelist)      {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(char*), namelist);  CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  if(innerislist)   {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(IS),    innerislist);    CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  if(outerislist)   *outerislist = PETSC_NULL; /* FIX: allow mesh-based overlap. */
  if(dmlist)        {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(DM),    dmlist);    CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dlm->decomposition->size(); ++d) {
    std::set<numeric_index_type>               dindices;
    std::string                          dname;
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>  dblockids;
    std::map<unsigned int,std::string>   dblocknames;
    unsigned int                         dbcount = 0;
    for(std::set<unsigned int>::const_iterator bit = (*dlm->decomposition)[d].begin(); bit != (*dlm->decomposition)[d].end(); ++bit){
      unsigned int b = *bit;
      std::string bname = (*dlm->blocknames)[b];
      dblockids.insert(std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>(bname,b));
      dblocknames.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>(b,bname));
      if(!dbcount) dname = bname;
      else   dname += "_" + bname;
      if(!innerislist) continue;
      MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = sys->get_mesh().active_local_subdomain_elements_begin(b);
      const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = sys->get_mesh().active_local_subdomain_elements_end(b);
      for ( ; el != end_el; ++el) {
        const Elem* elem = *el;
        std::vector<numeric_index_type> evindices;
        /* Iterate only over this DM's variables. */
        for(std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator vit = dlm->varids->begin(); vit != dlm->varids->end(); ++vit) {
          unsigned int v = vit->second;
          // Get the degree of freedom indices for the given variable off the current element.
          sys->get_dof_map().dof_indices(elem, evindices, v);
          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < evindices.size(); ++i) {
            numeric_index_type dof = evindices[i];
            if(dof >= sys->get_dof_map().first_dof() && dof < sys->get_dof_map().end_dof()) /* might want to use variable_first/last_local_dof instead */
    if(namelist) {
      ierr = PetscStrallocpy(dname.c_str(),(*namelist)+d);            CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if(innerislist) {
      PetscInt *darray;
      IS dis;
      ierr = PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dindices.size(), &darray); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      numeric_index_type i = 0;
      for(std::set<numeric_index_type>::const_iterator it = dindices.begin(); it != dindices.end(); ++it) {
        darray[i] = *it;
      ierr = ISCreateGeneral(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, dindices.size(),darray, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if(dlm->embedding) {
        /* Create a relative embedding into the parent's index space. */
        ierr = ISMapFactorRight(dis,dlm->embedding, PETSC_TRUE, &emb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISEmbed(dis,dlm->embedding, PETSC_TRUE, &emb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
        PetscInt elen, dlen;
        ierr = ISGetLocalSize(emb, &elen); CHKERRQ(ierr);
        ierr = ISGetLocalSize(dis, &dlen);  CHKERRQ(ierr);
        if(elen != dlen) SETERRQ1(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Failed to embed field %D", d);
        ierr = ISDestroy(&dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
        dis = emb;
      else {
        emb = dis;
      if(innerislist) {
        ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
        (*innerislist)[d] = dis;
      ierr = ISDestroy(&dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if(dmlist) {
      DM ddm;
      ierr = DMCreate(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, &ddm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = DMSetType(ddm, DMLIBMESH);               CHKERRQ(ierr);
      DM_libMesh *ddlm = (DM_libMesh*)(ddm->data);
      ddlm->sys = dlm->sys;
      /* copy over the varids and varnames */
      *ddlm->varids    = *dlm->varids;
      *ddlm->varnames  = *dlm->varnames;
      /* set the blocks from the d-th part of the decomposition. */
      *ddlm->blockids    = dblockids;
      *ddlm->blocknames  = dblocknames;
      ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)emb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ddlm->embedding = emb;
      ddlm->embedding_type = DMLIBMESH_DOMAIN_EMBEDDING;

      ierr = DMLibMeshSetUpName_Private(ddm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = DMSetFromOptions(ddm);           CHKERRQ(ierr);
      (*dmlist)[d] = ddm;
Example #8
static PetscErrorCode  DMCreateFieldDecomposition_libMesh(DM dm, PetscInt *len, char ***namelist, IS **islist, DM **dmlist)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DM_libMesh     *dlm = (DM_libMesh *)(dm->data);
  NonlinearImplicitSystem *sys = dlm->sys;
  IS emb;
  if(dlm->decomposition_type != DMLIBMESH_FIELD_DECOMPOSITION) PetscFunctionReturn(0);

  *len = dlm->decomposition->size();
  if(namelist) {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(char*), namelist);  CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  if(islist)   {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(IS),    islist);    CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  if(dmlist)   {ierr = PetscMalloc(*len*sizeof(DM),    dmlist);    CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  DofMap& dofmap = dlm->sys->get_dof_map();
  for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dlm->decomposition->size(); ++d) {
    std::set<unsigned int>               dindices;
    std::string                          dname;
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>  dvarids;
    std::map<unsigned int, std::string>  dvarnames;
    unsigned int                         dvcount = 0;
    for(std::set<unsigned int>::const_iterator dvit = (*dlm->decomposition)[d].begin(); dvit != (*dlm->decomposition)[d].end(); ++dvit){
      unsigned int v = *dvit;
      std::string vname = (*dlm->varnames)[v];
      dvarids.insert(std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>(vname,v));
      dvarnames.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>(v,vname));
      if(!dvcount) dname = vname;
      else   dname += "_" + vname;
      if(!islist) continue;
      /* Iterate only over this DM's blocks. */
      for(std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator bit = dlm->blockids->begin(); bit != dlm->blockids->end(); ++bit) {
	unsigned int b = bit->second;
	MeshBase::const_element_iterator el     = sys->get_mesh().active_local_subdomain_elements_begin(b);
	MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = sys->get_mesh().active_local_subdomain_elements_end(b);
	for ( ; el != end_el; ++el) {
	  const Elem* elem = *el;
	  //unsigned int e_subdomain = elem->subdomain_id();
	  std::vector<unsigned int> evindices;
	  // Get the degree of freedom indices for the given variable off the current element.  
	  dofmap.dof_indices(elem, evindices, v);
	  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < evindices.size(); ++i) {
	    unsigned int dof = evindices[i];
	    if(dof >= dofmap.first_dof() && dof < dofmap.end_dof()) /* might want to use variable_first/last_local_dof instead */
    if(namelist) {
      ierr = PetscStrallocpy(dname.c_str(),(*namelist)+d);            CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if(islist) {
      IS dis;
      PetscInt *darray;
      ierr = PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dindices.size(), &darray); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      unsigned int i = 0;
      for(std::set<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = dindices.begin(); it != dindices.end(); ++it) {
	darray[i] = *it;
      ierr = ISCreateGeneral(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, dindices.size(),darray, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, &dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      if(dlm->embedding) {
	/* Create a relative embedding into the parent's index space. */
	ierr = ISMapFactorRight(dis,dlm->embedding, PETSC_TRUE, &emb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
	PetscInt elen, dlen;
	ierr = ISGetLocalSize(emb, &elen); CHKERRQ(ierr);
	ierr = ISGetLocalSize(dis, &dlen); CHKERRQ(ierr);
	if(elen != dlen) SETERRQ1(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Failed to embed subdomain %D", d);
	ierr = ISDestroy(&dis); CHKERRQ(ierr);
	dis = emb;
      else {
	emb = dis;
      (*islist)[d] = dis;
    if(dmlist) {
      DM ddm;
      ierr = DMCreate(((PetscObject)dm)->comm, &ddm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = DMSetType(ddm, DMLIBMESH);               CHKERRQ(ierr);
      DM_libMesh *ddlm = (DM_libMesh*)(ddm->data);
      ddlm->sys = dlm->sys;
      /* copy over the block ids and names */
      *ddlm->blockids = *dlm->blockids; 
      *ddlm->blocknames = *dlm->blocknames;
      /* set the vars from the d-th part of the decomposition. */
      *ddlm->varids     = dvarids;        
      *ddlm->varnames   = dvarnames;        
      ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)emb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ddlm->embedding = emb;
      ddlm->embedding_type = DMLIBMESH_FIELD_EMBEDDING;

      ierr = DMLibMeshSetUpName_Private(ddm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = DMSetFromOptions(ddm);           CHKERRQ(ierr);
      (*dmlist)[d] = ddm;
Example #9
// This function computes the Jacobian K(x)
void LaplaceYoung::jacobian (const NumericVector<Number> &soln,
			     SparseMatrix<Number>    &jacobian,
			     NonlinearImplicitSystem &system)
  // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
  const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();

  // The dimension that we are running
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

  // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
  // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
  // in future examples.
  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
  // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);

  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
  // \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
  // store the object as an \p AutoPtr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
  // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

  // A 5th order Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
  QGauss qrule (dim, FIFTH);

  // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

  // Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
  // will be used to assemble the linear system.
  // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
  // integration point.
  const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();

  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

  // The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
  // points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  // Define data structures to contain the Jacobian element matrix.
  // Following basic finite element terminology we will denote these
  // "Ke". More detail is in example 3.
  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;

  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
  // the element.  These define where in the global system
  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  // Now we will loop over all the active elements in the mesh which
  // are local to this processor.
  // We will compute the element Jacobian contribution.
  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      // Store a pointer to the element we are currently
      // working on.  This allows for nicer syntax later.
      const Elem* elem = *el;

      // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
      // current element.  These define where in the global
      // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
      // contribute to.
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

      // Compute the element-specific data for the current
      // element.  This involves computing the location of the
      // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
      // (phi, dphi) for the current element.
      fe->reinit (elem);

      // Zero the element Jacobian before
      // summing them.  We use the resize member here because
      // the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
      // the last element.  Note that this will be the case if the
      // element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
      // triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
      Ke.resize (dof_indices.size(),

      // Now we will build the element Jacobian.  This involves
      // a double loop to integrate the test funcions (i) against
      // the trial functions (j). Note that the Jacobian depends
      // on the current solution x, which we access using the soln
      // vector.
      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
          Gradient grad_u;

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
            grad_u += dphi[i][qp]*soln(dof_indices[i]);

          const Number K = 1./std::sqrt(1. + grad_u*grad_u);

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
            for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
              Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(
                                  K*(dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp]) +

      dof_map.constrain_element_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);

      // Add the element matrix to the system Jacobian.
      jacobian.add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);

  // That's it.
Example #10
// Here we compute the residual R(x) = K(x)*x - f. The current solution
// x is passed in the soln vector
void LaplaceYoung::residual (const NumericVector<Number> &soln,
			     NumericVector<Number> &residual,
			     NonlinearImplicitSystem &system)
  // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
  const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();

  // The dimension that we are running
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (dim, 2);

  // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
  // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
  // in future examples.
  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
  // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);

  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
  // \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
  // store the object as an \p AutoPtr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
  // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

  // A 5th order Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
  QGauss qrule (dim, FIFTH);

  // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

  // Declare a special finite element object for
  // boundary integration.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

  // Boundary integration requires one quadraure rule,
  // with dimensionality one less than the dimensionality
  // of the element.
  QGauss qface(dim-1, FIFTH);

  // Tell the finte element object to use our
  // quadrature rule.
  fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);

  // Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
  // will be used to assemble the linear system.
  // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
  // integration point.
  const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();

  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

  // The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
  // points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  // Define data structures to contain the resdual contributions
  DenseVector<Number> Re;

  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
  // the element.  These define where in the global system
  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  // Now we will loop over all the active elements in the mesh which
  // are local to this processor.
  // We will compute the element residual.

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      // Store a pointer to the element we are currently
      // working on.  This allows for nicer syntax later.
      const Elem* elem = *el;

      // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
      // current element.  These define where in the global
      // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
      // contribute to.
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

      // Compute the element-specific data for the current
      // element.  This involves computing the location of the
      // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
      // (phi, dphi) for the current element.
      fe->reinit (elem);

      // We use the resize member here because
      // the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
      // the last element.  Note that this will be the case if the
      // element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
      // triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
      Re.resize (dof_indices.size());

      // Now we will build the residual. This involves
      // the construction of the matrix K and multiplication of it
      // with the current solution x. We rearrange this into two loops:
      // In the first, we calculate only the contribution of
      // K_ij*x_j which is independent of the row i. In the second loops,
      // we multiply with the row-dependent part and add it to the element
      // residual.

      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
          Number u = 0;
          Gradient grad_u;

          for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
              u      += phi[j][qp]*soln(dof_indices[j]);
              grad_u += dphi[j][qp]*soln(dof_indices[j]);

          const Number K = 1./std::sqrt(1. + grad_u*grad_u);

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
            Re(i) += JxW[qp]*(
                              K*(dphi[i][qp]*grad_u) +

      // At this point the interior element integration has
      // been completed.  However, we have not yet addressed
      // boundary conditions.

      // The following loops over the sides of the element.
      // If the element has no neighbor on a side then that
      // side MUST live on a boundary of the domain.
      for (unsigned int side=0; side<elem->n_sides(); side++)
        if (elem->neighbor(side) == NULL)
            // The value of the shape functions at the quadrature
            // points.
            const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >&  phi_face = fe_face->get_phi();

            // The Jacobian * Quadrature Weight at the quadrature
            // points on the face.
            const std::vector<Real>& JxW_face = fe_face->get_JxW();

            // Compute the shape function values on the element face.
            fe_face->reinit(elem, side);

            // Loop over the face quadrature points for integration.
            for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qface.n_points(); qp++)
                // This is the right-hand-side contribution (f),
                // which has to be subtracted from the current residual
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi_face.size(); i++)
                  Re(i) -= JxW_face[qp]*sigma*phi_face[i][qp];

      dof_map.constrain_element_vector (Re, dof_indices);
      residual.add_vector (Re, dof_indices);

  // That's it.