void FPxSceneMain::Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime ) { pxguard(FPxSceneMain::Tick); if( mScene ) { //mCharManager->updateControllers(); // // Kinematic actors move unreal actors // /*NxActor** actors = mScene->getActors(); int nbActors = mScene->getNbActors(); while(nbActors--) { NxActor* actor = *actors++; if( actor->userData && actor->isDynamic() && actor->readBodyFlag( NX_BF_KINEMATIC ) ) { AActor* aptr = (AActor*)actor->userData; // update location and rotation FCheckResult Hit(1.0f); NxMat34 m = actor->getGlobalPose(); aptr->GetLevel()->MoveActor( aptr, FVector(0,0,0), ToRotator(m.M), Hit ); aptr->GetLevel()->FarMoveActor( aptr, ToFVS(m.t), 0, 1 ); } }*/ // // Unreal actors move kinematic actors // /*NxActor** actors = mScene->getActors(); int nbActors = mScene->getNbActors(); while(nbActors--) { NxActor* actor = *actors++; if( actor->userData && actor->isDynamic() && actor->readBodyFlag( NX_BF_KINEMATIC ) ) { AActor* aptr = (AActor*)actor->userData; // update location and rotation NxMat34 m = ToMat34(aptr->Rotation,aptr->Location); actor->setGlobalPose(m); } }*/ // // Dynamic actors move unreal actors // NxActor** actors = mScene->getActors(); int nbActors = mScene->getNbActors(); while(nbActors--) { NxActor* actor = *actors++; if( actor->userData && actor->isDynamic() && !actor->readBodyFlag( NX_BF_KINEMATIC ) ) { AActor* aptr = (AActor*)actor->userData; // update location and rotation FCheckResult Hit(1.0f); NxMat34 m = actor->getGlobalPose(); aptr->GetLevel()->FarMoveActor( aptr, ToFVS(m.t) ); aptr->GetLevel()->MoveActor( aptr, FVector(0,0,0), ToRotator(m.M), Hit ); } } // // TODO: optimize timing // // Minimum acceptable framerate is 5fps if( DeltaTime > 0.2f ) { DeltaTime = 0.2f; } mTime += DeltaTime; while( /*!mSimulating &&*/ mTime >= PX_TIMESTEP ) { mTime -= PX_TIMESTEP; mScene->simulate(PX_TIMESTEP); mScene->flushStream(); mScene->fetchResults(NX_RIGID_BODY_FINISHED, true); //mSimulating = true; } //renderScene(); /*if( mSimulating && mScene->checkResults(NX_RIGID_BODY_FINISHED, false) ) { mScene->fetchResults(NX_RIGID_BODY_FINISHED, true); mSimulating = false; //modifyScene(DeltaTime); }*/ // get debug info if( GPxPhysics.mDrawPhysX ) mDebugRen = mScene->getDebugRenderable(); } unguard; }
void render() { static Timer t; if(!gMyPhysX.isPaused()) { for (NxU32 i = 0; i < gKinematicActors.size(); i++) { NxActor* actor = gKinematicActors[i].actor; NxVec3 pos = actor->getGlobalPosition(); pos += gKinematicActors[i].vel * 1.f/60.f; actor->moveGlobalPosition(pos); } } gMyPhysX.simulate(t.elapsed_time()); t.reset(); // Clear buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor4f(0.5,0.9,0.5,1.0); DrawSkyBox(SKYEXTENTS); drawPlane(SKYEXTENTS); // Keep physics & graphics in sync for (NxU32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { int nbActors = gMyPhysX.getScene()->getNbActors(); NxActor** actors = gMyPhysX.getScene()->getActors(); actors += nbActors; while(nbActors--) { NxActor* actor = *--actors; float size; bool isTrigger = false; bool isKinematic = actor->isDynamic() && actor->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_KINEMATIC); NxVec3 color; NxF32 alpha = 1; if (actor->isDynamic()) { if (actor->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_KINEMATIC)) { color.set(1,0,0); } else { color.set(0,1,0); } } else { color.set(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); } if (*(int *)(&actor->userData) < 0) { NxI32 triggerNumber = -(*(NxI32 *)(&actor->userData)); NxI32 triggerIndex = triggerNumber - 1; // This is our trigger isTrigger = true; size = 10.0f; color.z = gNbTouchedBodies[triggerIndex] > 0.5f ? 1.0f:0.0f; alpha = 0.5f; if (pass == 0) continue; } else { // This is a normal object size = float(*(int *)(&actor->userData)); if (pass == 1) continue; } float glmat[16]; glPushMatrix(); actor->getGlobalPose().getColumnMajor44(glmat); glMultMatrixf(glmat); glColor4f(color.x, color.y, color.z, 1.0f); glutSolidCube(size*2.0f); glPopMatrix(); // Handle shadows if( !isTrigger) { glPushMatrix(); const static float ShadowMat[]={ 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 }; glMultMatrixf(ShadowMat); glMultMatrixf(glmat); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glColor4f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 1.0f); glutSolidCube(size*2.0f); glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glPopMatrix(); } } } }