Example #1
bool Read3dmUserDataHeader( const size_t offset, ON_BinaryArchive& file, ON_TextLog& dump )
  // TCODE_OPENNURBS_CLASS_USERDATA chunks have 2 uuids
  // the first identifies the type of ON_Object class
  // the second identifies that kind of user data
  ON_UUID userdata_classid = ON_nil_uuid;
  ON_UUID userdata_itemid = ON_nil_uuid;
  bool rc = file.ReadUuid( userdata_classid );
  if ( !rc )
     ErrorReport(offset,"ReadUuid() failed to read the user data class id.",dump);
    dump.Print("UserData class id = ");
    dump.Print( userdata_classid );
    const ON_ClassId* pUserDataClassId = ON_ClassId::ClassId(userdata_classid);
    if ( pUserDataClassId )
      const char* sClassName = pUserDataClassId->ClassName();
      if ( sClassName )
        dump.Print(" (%s)",sClassName);

    rc = file.ReadUuid( userdata_itemid );
    if ( !rc )
       ErrorReport(offset,"ReadUuid() failed to read the user data item id.",dump);
      dump.Print("UserData item id = ");
      dump.Print( userdata_itemid );

      int userdata_copycount = -1;
      rc = file.ReadInt( &userdata_copycount );
      if ( !rc )
        ErrorReport(offset,"ReadInt() failed to read the user data copy count.",dump);
        ON_Xform userdata_xform;
        rc = file.ReadXform( userdata_xform );
        if ( !rc )
          ErrorReport(offset,"ReadXform() failed to read the user data xform.",dump);
  return rc;
bool ON_BezierCageMorph::Read(ON_BinaryArchive& archive)
  int major_version = 0;
  int minor_version = 0;
  bool rc = archive.BeginRead3dmChunk(TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK,&major_version,&minor_version);
  if ( rc )
    if ( major_version != 1 )
      rc = false;
    if (rc)
      rc = archive.ReadXform(m_xyz2rst);
      rc = m_rst2xyz.Read(archive);
    if ( !archive.EndRead3dmChunk() )
      rc = false;
  return rc;
Example #3
ON_BOOL32 ON_InstanceRef::Read(
       ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
  int major_version = 0;
  int minor_version = 0;
  bool rc = binary_archive.Read3dmChunkVersion(&major_version,&minor_version);
  if ( rc )
    if ( major_version != 1 )
      rc = false;
    if (rc )
      rc = binary_archive.ReadUuid( m_instance_definition_uuid );
    if ( rc )
      rc = binary_archive.ReadXform( m_xform );
    if ( rc )
      rc = binary_archive.ReadBoundingBox( m_bbox );
  return rc;