Example #1
int ObRootRpcStub::migrate_tablet(const common::ObServer& src_cs, const common::ObServer& dest_cs, const common::ObRange& range, bool keey_src, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = range.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize rage, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = dest_cs.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize dest_cs, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_bool(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), keey_src)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize keey_src, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(src_cs, OB_CS_MIGRATE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    int64_t pos = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to migrate tablet, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #2
int MockRootServer::handle_register_server(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ObServer server;
    ret = server.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());

  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    bool is_merger = false;
    ret = serialization::decode_bool(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position(), &is_merger);
    if ((ret == OB_SUCCESS) && is_merger)
      TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "%s", "merge server registered");
  // response
  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());
    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = send_response(OB_REPORT_TABLETS_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle register server result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
int MockChunkServer::handle_get_table(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObGetParam param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake data cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObScanner scanner;
    ObRowkey row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    char temp[256] = "";
    cell.table_id_ = 101; 
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      snprintf(temp, 256, "chunk_%lu_get_row_key:%lu", i, i);
      row_key = make_rowkey(temp, &allocator_);
      cell.row_key_ = row_key;
      cell.column_id_ = i + 1;
      cell.value_.set_int(2234 + i);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true, 1);
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ret = send_response(OB_GET_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle get table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #4
int ObRootRpcStub::create_tablet(const common::ObServer& cs, const common::ObRange& range, const int64_t mem_version, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = range.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize rage, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), mem_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize keey_src, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_CS_CREATE_TABLE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    msgbuf.get_position() = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to create tablet, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #5
int ObRootRpcStub::switch_schema(const common::ObServer& ups, const common::ObSchemaManagerV2& schema_manager, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = schema_manager.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize schema, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_SWITCH_SCHEMA, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    msgbuf.get_position() = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to switch schema, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
      char server_buf[OB_IP_STR_BUFF];
      ups.to_string(server_buf, OB_IP_STR_BUFF);
      TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "send up_switch_schema, ups=%s schema_version=%ld", server_buf, schema_manager.get_version());
  return ret;
Example #6
int ObRootRpcStub::get_last_frozen_version(const common::ObServer& ups, const int64_t timeout_us, int64_t &frozen_version)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  frozen_version = -1;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_UPS_GET_LAST_FROZEN_VERSION, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    msgbuf.get_position() = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to create tablet, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::decode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), &frozen_version)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to deserialize frozen version ,err=%d", ret);
      frozen_version = -1;
      TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "last_frozen_version=%ld", frozen_version);
  return ret;
Example #7
    int ObRootRpcStub::get_obi_role(const common::ObServer& master, const int64_t timeout_us, common::ObiRole &obi_role)
      int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
      ObDataBuffer msgbuf;

      if (NULL == client_mgr_)
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
        ret = OB_ERROR;
      else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
      else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(master, OB_GET_OBI_ROLE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
        TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
        ObResultCode result;
        msgbuf.get_position() = 0;
        if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
          TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
        else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
          TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to get obi_role, err=%d", result.result_code_);
          ret = result.result_code_;
        else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = obi_role.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
          TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to deserialize frozen version ,err=%d", ret);
          TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "get obi_role from master, obi_role=%s", obi_role.get_role_str());
      return ret;      
Example #8
int ObRootRpcStub::set_obi_role(const common::ObServer& ups, const common::ObiRole& role, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = role.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to serialize role, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_SET_OBI_ROLE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result_code;
    msgbuf.get_position() = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result_code.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result_code.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to set obi role, err=%d", result_code.result_code_);
      ret = result_code.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #9
int ObRootRpcStub::heartbeat_to_ms(
    const common::ObServer& ms, 
    const int64_t lease_time, 
    const int64_t schema_version, 
    const common::ObiRole &role,
    const int64_t config_version)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
   *  - 2012/7/20 xiaochu.yh: add config_version, update MY_VERSION from 3 to 4
  static const int MY_VERSION = 4;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), lease_time)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), schema_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = role.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), config_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->post_request(ms, OB_REQUIRE_HEARTBEAT, MY_VERSION, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    // success
  return ret;
Example #10
int MockRootServer::handle_fetch_schema(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    int64_t timestamp = 0;
    ret = serialization::decode_vi64(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position(), &timestamp);
    if ((timestamp != 0) && (timestamp != 1024))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "check timestamp failed:timestamp[%ld]", timestamp);
      ret = OB_ERROR;
  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());
    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    // new version
    ObSchemaManagerV2 schema(1025);
    tbsys::CConfig conf;
    if (!schema.parse_from_file("schema.ini", conf))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "parse from file failed");
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = schema.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ret = send_response(OB_REPORT_TABLETS_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  return ret;
Example #11
 int ObRootRpcStub::revoke_ups_lease(const common::ObServer& ups, const int64_t lease, const common::ObServer& master, const int64_t timeout_us)
   int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
   ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
   ObMsgRevokeLease msg;
   msg.lease_ = lease;
   msg.ups_master_ = master;
   if (NULL == client_mgr_)
     TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
     ret = OB_ERROR;
   else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
     TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
   else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = msg.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
     TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
   else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_RS_UPS_REVOKE_LEASE, msg.MY_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
     TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
     // success
     ObResultCode result;
     int64_t pos = 0;
     if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
       TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
     else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
       TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to revoke lease, err=%d", result.result_code_);
       ret = result.result_code_;
   return ret;
Example #12
int ObRootRpcStub::create_tablet(const common::ObServer& cs, const common::ObRange& range, const int64_t mem_version, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  static char buff[OB_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];
  msgbuf.set_data(buff, OB_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH);
  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = range.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize range, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), mem_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize key_src, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_CS_CREATE_TABLE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    int64_t pos = 0;
    static char range_buff[OB_MAX_ROW_KEY_LENGTH * 2];
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      range.to_string(range_buff, OB_MAX_ROW_KEY_LENGTH * 2);
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to create tablet, err=%d, cs=%s, range=%s", result.result_code_, cs.to_cstring(), range_buff);
      ret = result.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #13
int MockChunkServer::handle_start_merge(ObPacket *ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  int64_t tmp_version = 0;
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ret = common::serialization::decode_vi64(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position(), &tmp_version);
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      ret = send_response(OB_HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle start merge result:ret[%d]", ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && tmp_version > version_) 
    version_ = tmp_version;
  return ret;
Example #14
int ObRootRpcStub::delete_tablets(const common::ObServer& cs, const common::ObTabletReportInfoList &tablets, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = tablets.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serializ, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_CS_DELETE_TABLETS, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    ObResultCode result;
    int64_t pos = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to delete tablets, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #15
int ObRootRpcStub::shutdown_cs(const common::ObServer& cs, bool is_restart, const int64_t timeout_us)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;      
  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_i32(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), is_restart ? 1 : 0)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "encode is_restart fail:ret[%d], is_restart[%d]", ret, is_restart ? 1 : 0);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_STOP_SERVER, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    // success
    ObResultCode result;
    int64_t pos = 0;
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to restart, err=%d server=%s", result.result_code_, cs.to_cstring());
      ret = result.result_code_;
  return ret;
Example #16
int ObRootRpcStub::grant_lease_to_ups(const common::ObServer& ups,
                                      const common::ObServer& master, const int64_t lease,
                                      const ObiRole &obi_role,
                                      const int64_t config_version)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  ObMsgUpsHeartbeat msg;
  msg.ups_master_ = master;
  msg.self_lease_ = lease;
  msg.obi_role_ = obi_role;

  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = msg.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize msg, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->post_request(ups, OB_RS_UPS_HEARTBEAT, msg.MY_VERSION, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    // success
  return ret;
Example #17
int ObRootRpcStub::heartbeat_to_cs(
    const common::ObServer& cs, 
    const int64_t lease_time, 
    const int64_t frozen_mem_version, 
    const int64_t schema_version,
    const int64_t config_version)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  static const int MY_VERSION = 3;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;


  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), lease_time)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), frozen_mem_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), schema_version)))
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize, err=%d", ret);
  else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->post_request(cs, OB_REQUIRE_HEARTBEAT, MY_VERSION, msgbuf)))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
    // success
  return ret;
Example #18
int ObFileService::receive_file_end(ObString& file_path, ObString& tmp_file_path,
                                    const int64_t file_size, easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& out_buffer,
                                    int32_t& response_cid, const int64_t session_id)
    int ret = OB_SUCCESS;

    struct stat file_stat;
    char tmp_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    char path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    int n = snprintf(tmp_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s",
                     tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr());
    if (n<0 || n>=OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get tmp_file_path length[%d] [%.*s]",
                  n, tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr());
        ret = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;
    else if (stat(tmp_path_buf, &file_stat) != 0)
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "stat tmp_file_path[%s] failed: %s",
                  tmp_path_buf, strerror(errno));
        ret = OB_IO_ERROR;

    n = snprintf(path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s",
                 file_path.length(), file_path.ptr());
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && (n<0 || n>=OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH))
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get path_buf length[%d] [%.*s]",
                  n, file_path.length(), file_path.ptr());
        ret = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && file_stat.st_size != file_size)
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "The size of received tmp file size[%ld], "
                  "remote file size[%ld]", file_stat.st_size, file_size);
        ret = OB_INVALID_DATA;
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && 0 != rename(tmp_path_buf, path_buf))
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Rename [%s] to path[%s] failed: errno[%d] %s",
                  tmp_path_buf, path_buf, errno, strerror(errno));
        ret = OB_IO_ERROR;

    int err = OB_SUCCESS;
    ObResultCode rc;
    rc.result_code_ = ret;
    err = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(),
    if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
        TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", err);
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION,
                                     out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_end_response failed:ret[%d]", err);

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err)
        ret = err;

    return ret;
int MockChunkServer::handle_scan_table(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObScanParam param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObScanner scanner;
    ObRowkey row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    char temp[256] = "";
#if 1
    cell.table_id_ = 101;
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      snprintf(temp, 256, "chunk_%lu_scan_row_key:%lu", i, i);
      row_key = make_rowkey(temp, &allocator_);
      cell.row_key_ = row_key;
      cell.column_id_ = i + 1;
      cell.value_.set_int(2234 + i);
    cell.table_id_ = 123;
    for (uint64_t i = 100; i < 200; ++i)
      snprintf(temp, 256, "row_%lu", i);
      row_key = make_rowkey(temp, &allocator_);
      cell.row_key_ = row_key;
      cell.column_id_ = 101;
      cell.value_.set_int(2234 + i);

    /* begin add by xiaochu */
    //Scanner Range must be set other wise the ms client will report error
    ObNewRange range;
    /// This will cause rowkey mismatch
    //char *start= "chunk_0_scan_row_key:0";
    //char *end  = "chunk_9_scan_row_key:9";
    char *start= (char*)"row_100";
    char *end  = (char*)"row_200";
    range.start_key_ = make_rowkey(start, &allocator_);;
    range.end_key_ = make_rowkey(end, &allocator_);
    range.table_id_ = 103;
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true, 10);
    /* end add by xiaochu */

    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ObScannerIterator iter;
    for (iter = scanner.begin(); iter != scanner.end(); ++iter)
      printf("server_temp:%s\n", to_cstring(cell.row_key_));
    ret = send_response(OB_SCAN_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #20
int ObFileService::receive_file_block(ObFileAppender& file_appender,
                                      char* block_buf, easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& in_buffer,
                                      ObDataBuffer& out_buffer, int32_t & response_cid, const int64_t session_id)
    int err = OB_SUCCESS;
    int64_t offset;
    int64_t read_size = -1;
    //FILL_TRACE_LOG("Start receive_file_block");
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = serialization::decode_i64(in_buffer.get_data(),
                                        in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(), &offset);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode offset failed: err=[%d]", err);
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        if (NULL == serialization::decode_vstr(in_buffer.get_data(),
                                               in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(),
                                               block_buf, block_size_, &read_size))
            err = OB_DESERIALIZE_ERROR;
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode block failed");
    //FILL_TRACE_LOG("decode end");
    // write file block
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        const bool is_fsync = false;
        err = file_appender.append(block_buf, read_size, is_fsync);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Appender file block failed:err=[%d]", err);
    //FILL_TRACE_LOG("append end");
    // send response
    ObResultCode rc;
    int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
    rc.result_code_ = err;
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(),
        if (OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", ret);
    //FILL_TRACE_LOG("encode end");
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = queue_thread_->prepare_for_next_request(session_id);
        if(OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "prepare for next request fail:ret[%d]", ret);
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION,
                                     out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id);

        if (OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_end_response failed:ret[%d]", ret);

    //FILL_TRACE_LOG("send response end");
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err)
        ret = err;
    return ret;
Example #21
int ObRootRpcStub::table_exist_in_cs(const ObServer &cs, const int64_t timeout_us,
    const uint64_t table_id, bool &is_exist_in_cs)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(),
            msgbuf.get_position(), table_id)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to encode table_id, table_id=%ld, ret=%d", table_id, ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_CS_CHECK_TABLET, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
  ObResultCode result;
  int64_t pos = 0;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_CS_TABLET_NOT_EXIST == result.result_code_)
      ret = OB_SUCCESS;
      is_exist_in_cs = false;
    else if (OB_SUCCESS == result.result_code_)
      is_exist_in_cs = true;
      ret = result.result_code_;
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to check cs tablet. table_id=%lu, cs_addr=%s, err=%d",
          table_id, cs.to_cstring(), ret);
  return ret;
Example #22
int MockChunkServer::handle_get_table(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
#if 0
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObGetParam param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake data cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObNewScanner scanner;
    ObRow row;

    ObObj obj_a, obj_b, obj_d;
    ObObj str_c;
    ObString var_str;
    var_str.assign("hello", 5);
    row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0);
    row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1);
    row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2);
    row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3);
    row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0, obj_a);
    row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1, obj_b);
    row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2, str_c);
    row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3, obj_d);

    ObString row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    char temp[256] = "";
    cell.table_id_ = 101; 
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      const ObRowStore::StoredRow *stored_row = NULL;
      ASSERT_EQ(OB_SUCCESS, store_.add_row(row_, stored_row));
      ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != stored_row);
            snprintf(temp, 256, "chunk_%lu_get_row_key:%lu", i, i);
            row_key.assign(temp, static_cast<int32_t>(strlen(temp)));
            printf("server:%.*s\n", row_key.length(), row_key.ptr());
            cell.row_key_ = row_key;
            cell.column_id_ = i + 1;
            cell.value_.set_int(2234 + i);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true, 1);
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ret = send_response(OB_GET_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle get table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #23
int MockChunkServer::handle_scan_table(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObScanParam param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake cell
    ObNewScanner scanner;
    ObRow row_;
    ObRowDesc row_desc_;
    ObString row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    char temp[256] = "";
    ObObj obj_a, obj_b, obj_d;
    ObObj str_c;
    ObString var_str;
    row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0);
    //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1);
    //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2);
    //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3);
    var_str.assign("hello", 5);
    row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0, obj_a);
    //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1, obj_b);
    //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2, str_c);
    //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3, obj_d);

    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      if (OB_SUCCESS != scanner.add_row(row_))
        printf("handle table scan: fail! \n");
      printf("handle table scan: add new row to scanner\n");
    /* begin add by xiaochu */
    //Scanner Range must be set other wise the ms client will report error
    ObRange range;
    ObString start_key;
    ObString end_key;
    /// This will cause rowkey mismatch
    //char *start= "chunk_0_scan_row_key:0";
    //char *end  = "chunk_9_scan_row_key:9";
    char *start= (char*)"row_100";
    char *end  = (char*)"row_200";
    start_key.assign(start, static_cast<int32_t>(strlen(start)));
    end_key.assign(end, static_cast<int32_t>(strlen(end)));
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.end_key_ = end_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true, 10);
    /* end add by xiaochu */

    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position())))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to serialize scanner");
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = send_response(OB_SCAN_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to send scanner");
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
int handle_scan_table2(ObDataBuffer &out_buffer)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;

  ObResultCode result_msg;
  result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
  ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

  // fake cell
  ObNewScanner scanner;
  ObRow row_;
  ObRowDesc row_desc_;
  ObString column_name;
  char temp[256] = "";
  ObObj obj_a, obj_b, obj_d;
  ObObj str_c;
  ObString var_str;
  row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0);
  //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1);
  //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2);
  //row_desc_.add_column_desc(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3);
  var_str.assign((char*)"hello", 5);
  row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 0, obj_a);
  //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 1, obj_b);
  //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 2, str_c);
  //row_.set_cell(test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID, OB_APP_MIN_COLUMN_ID + 3, obj_d);

  /* begin add by xiaochu */
  //Scanner Range must be set other wise the ms client will report error
  ObNewRange range;
  ObRowkey start_key;
  ObRowkey end_key;
  ObObj start_key_obj;
  ObObj end_key_obj;
  bool is_full;
  ObRowkey last_row_key;
  ObObj last_row_key_obj;

  if (times == 0)
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
      if (OB_SUCCESS != scanner.add_row(row_))
        printf("handle table scan: fail! \n");
      printf("handle table scan: add new row to scanner\n");
#if 0
    start_key.assign(&start_key_obj, 1);
    end_key.assign(&end_key_obj, 1);
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.end_key_ = end_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;

    ObRowkey last_row_key;
    ObObj last_row_key_obj;
    last_row_key_obj.set_int(3);//100 *  (times + 1));

    is_full = true;//false;
    last_row_key.assign(&last_row_key_obj, 1);

    start_key.assign(&start_key_obj, 1);
    end_key.assign(&end_key_obj, 1);
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.end_key_ = end_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;


    ObRowkey last_row_key;
    ObObj last_row_key_obj;
    last_row_key_obj.set_int(100 *  (times + 1));

    is_full = false;
    last_row_key.assign(&last_row_key_obj, 1);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(is_full, 3);
    TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "times = %d", times);
  else if (times == 1)
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
      if (OB_SUCCESS != scanner.add_row(row_))
        printf("handle table scan: fail! \n");
      printf("handle table scan: add new row to scanner\n");
    start_key_obj.set_int(100 * (times));
    end_key_obj.set_int(100 *  (times) + 2);
    start_key.assign(&start_key_obj, 1);
    end_key.assign(&end_key_obj, 1);
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.end_key_ = end_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;
    ObRowkey last_row_key;
    ObObj last_row_key_obj;
    last_row_key_obj.set_int(100 *  (times + 1));
    is_full = false;
    last_row_key.assign(&last_row_key_obj, 1);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(is_full, 2);
    TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "times = %d", times);
  else if (times == 2)
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
      if (OB_SUCCESS != scanner.add_row(row_))
        printf("handle table scan: fail! \n");
      printf("handle table scan: add new row to scanner\n");
    start_key_obj.set_int(100 * (times));
    end_key_obj.set_int(100 * (times) + 5);
    start_key.assign(&start_key_obj, 1);
    end_key.assign(&end_key_obj, 1);
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.end_key_ = end_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;
    is_full = false;
    last_row_key_obj.set_int(100 *  (times + 1));
    last_row_key.assign(&last_row_key_obj, 1);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(is_full, 5);
    TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "times = %d", times);
  else if (times == 3)
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
      if (OB_SUCCESS != scanner.add_row(row_))
        printf("handle table scan: fail! \n");
      printf("handle table scan: add new row to scanner\n");
    start_key_obj.set_int(100 * (times));
    start_key.assign(&start_key_obj, 1);
    end_key.assign(&end_key_obj, 1);
    range.start_key_ = start_key;
    range.table_id_ = test::ObFakeTable::TABLE_ID;
    is_full = true;
    last_row_key.assign(&last_row_key_obj, 1);
    scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(is_full, 4);
    TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "times = %d", times);

    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "invalid times!!! times=%d", times);

  /* end add by xiaochu */
  if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position())))
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to serialize scanner");

  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #25
int MockUpdateServer::handle_mock_get(ObPacket *ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObGetParam get_param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = get_param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObScanner scanner;
    ObString row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < get_param.get_cell_size(); i ++)
      cell.table_id_ = get_param[i]->table_id_;
      cell.column_id_ = get_param[i]->column_id_;
      if (mock::join_table_id == cell.table_id_)
        if (mock::join_column1_id == cell.column_id_)
          cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column1_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
        else if (mock::join_column2_id == cell.column_id_)
          cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column2_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
        else if (0 == cell.column_id_)
          cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column1_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column2_id;
            cell.row_key_ = row_key;
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
            if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
              ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          cell.column_id_ = 0;
          TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unepxected column id [tableid:%lu,columnid:%lu]", cell.table_id_,
          ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;
      else if (mock::table_id == cell.table_id_)
        if (mock::column1_id == cell.column_id_)
          cell.column_id_ = mock::column1_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
        else if (mock::column2_id == cell.column_id_)
          cell.column_id_ = mock::column2_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unepxected column id [tableid:%lu,columnid:%lu]", cell.table_id_,
          ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;
        TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unexpected table id [tableid:%lu]", cell.table_id_);
        ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      int64_t fullfilled_item_num = 0;
      if(0 == cell.column_id_)
        fullfilled_item_num = 1;
        fullfilled_item_num = 2;
      ret = scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true,fullfilled_item_num);
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ret = send_response(OB_GET_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan root table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #26
int MockUpdateServer::handle_get_table(ObPacket * ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObGetParam param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake data cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObScanner scanner;
    ObString row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    char temp[256] = "";
    ObString table_name;
    char * name = "update_test_table";
    table_name.assign(name, strlen(name));
    cell.table_name_ = table_name;
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      snprintf(temp, 256, "update_%lu_get_row_key:%lu", i, i);
      row_key.assign(temp, strlen(temp));
      cell.row_key_ = row_key;
      column_name.assign(temp, strlen(temp));
      cell.column_name_ = column_name;
      cell.value_.set_int(2234 + i);

    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    ret = send_response(OB_SCAN_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan root table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #27
int ObRootRpcStub::get_split_range(const common::ObServer& ups, const int64_t timeout_us,
    const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t forzen_version, ObTabletInfoList &tablets)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer msgbuf;
  if (NULL == client_mgr_)
    TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL");
    ret = OB_ERROR;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(),
            msgbuf.get_position(), forzen_version)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to encode forzen_version. forzen_version=%ld, ret=%d", forzen_version, ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(),
            msgbuf.get_position(), table_id)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to encode table_id. table_id=%lu, ret=%d", table_id, ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_RS_FETCH_SPLIT_RANGE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret);
  ObResultCode result;
  int64_t pos = 0;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret);
    else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_)
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to fetch split range, err=%d", result.result_code_);
      ret = result.result_code_;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = tablets.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos)))
      TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to deserialize tablets, err=%d", ret);
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "fetch split range from ups succ.");
    TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fetch split range from ups fail, ups_addr=%s, version=%ld", ups.to_cstring(), forzen_version);
  return ret;
Example #28
int MockUpdateServer::handle_mock_scan(ObPacket *ob_packet)
  int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
  ObDataBuffer* data = ob_packet->get_buffer();
  if (NULL == data)
    ret = OB_ERROR;

  ObScanParam scan_param;
  if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
    ret = scan_param.deserialize(data->get_data(), data->get_capacity(), data->get_position());
    if (ret != OB_SUCCESS)
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s", "check scan_param failed");

  tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection();
  ThreadSpecificBuffer::Buffer* thread_buffer = response_packet_buffer_.get_buffer();
  if (NULL == thread_buffer)
    ret = OB_ERROR;
    ObDataBuffer out_buffer(thread_buffer->current(), thread_buffer->remain());

    ObResultCode result_msg;
    result_msg.result_code_ = ret;
    ret = result_msg.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());

    // fake cell
    ObCellInfo cell;
    ObScanner scanner;
    ObString row_key;
    ObString column_name;
    cell.table_id_ = scan_param.get_table_id();
    if (mock::join_table_id == cell.table_id_)
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < scan_param.get_column_id_size(); i++)
        if (mock::join_column1_id == scan_param.get_column_id()[i])
          cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column1_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
        else if (mock::join_column2_id == scan_param.get_column_id()[i])
          cell.column_id_ = mock::join_column2_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unepxected column id [tableid:%lu,columnid:%lu]", cell.table_id_,
          ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;
    else if (mock::table_id == cell.table_id_)
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < scan_param.get_column_id_size(); i++)
        if (mock::column1_id == scan_param.get_column_id()[i])
          cell.column_id_ = mock::column1_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
        else if (mock::column2_id == scan_param.get_column_id()[i])
          cell.column_id_ = mock::column2_id;
          cell.row_key_ = row_key;
          ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
            ret = scanner.add_cell(cell);
          TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unepxected column id [tableid:%lu,columnid:%lu]", cell.table_id_,
          ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;
      TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "unexpected table id [tableid:%lu]", cell.table_id_);
      ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED;

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      ret = scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true,1);
      // scanner.set_timestamp(mock::schema_timestamp);
    int64_t pos = 0;
    char range_buf[512];
    ObString range_str;
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      ObRange range;
      ret = range.serialize(range_buf,sizeof(range_buf),pos);
      if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        // ret = scanner.set_ext_info(range_str);
      pos = 0;
      TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "pos:%ld,ret:%d",pos, 
    int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId();
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      ret = scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position());
    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
      ret = send_response(OB_GET_RESPONSE, 1, out_buffer, connection, channel_id);
  TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "handle scan root table result:ret[%d]", ret);
  return ret;
Example #29
 int serialize_param(ObDataBuffer & data_buffer, const char* arg0)
   return  serialization::encode_vstr(
       data_buffer.get_data(), data_buffer.get_capacity(),
       data_buffer.get_position(), arg0);
Example #30
int ObFileService::receive_file_pre(ObFileAppender& file_appender,
                                    int64_t& file_size, ObString& file_path, ObString& tmp_file_path,
                                    easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& in_buffer,
                                    ObDataBuffer& out_buffer, int32_t& response_cid, const int64_t session_id)
    int err = OB_SUCCESS;

    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = serialization::decode_i64(in_buffer.get_data(),
                                        in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(), &file_size);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode file_info failed: err=[%d]", err);

    char dest_dir_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    ObString dest_dir;
    dest_dir.assign_buffer(dest_dir_buf, sizeof(dest_dir_buf));
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = dest_dir.deserialize(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(),
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode dest_dir failed:err=[%d]", err);

    char dest_file_name_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    ObString dest_file_name;
    dest_file_name.assign_buffer(dest_file_name_buf, sizeof(dest_file_name_buf));
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = dest_file_name.deserialize(in_buffer.get_data(),
                                         in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position());
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode dest_file_name failed:err=[%d]", err);

    // check dir
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        err = check_dir(dest_dir, file_size);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Check dir failed:err=[%d]", err);

    // generate tmp_file_path and file_path
    char file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    char tmp_file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        const char tmp_file_prefix[]= "tmp_";
        int64_t count = 0;

        count = snprintf(file_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s/%.*s",
                         dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr());

        if (count<0 || count >= OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)
            err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "snprintf file name failed, return[%ld] [%.*s]/[%.*s]",
                      count, dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr());
        count = file_path.write(file_path_buf,
        if (count != static_cast<int>(strlen(file_path_buf)))
            err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Write file_path_buf to ObString failed");

        count = snprintf(tmp_file_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s/%s%.*s",
                         dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), tmp_file_prefix, dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr());
        if (count <0 || count >= OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)
            err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "snprintf tmp file name failed, return[%ld] [%.*s]/[%s][%.*s]",
                      count, dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), tmp_file_prefix, dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr());

        count = tmp_file_path.write(tmp_file_path_buf,
        if (count != static_cast<int>(strlen(tmp_file_path_buf)))
            err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW;
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Write tmp_file_path_buf to ObString failed");

    // check if the tmp_file and the dest file exist already
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        if (0 == access(tmp_file_path_buf, F_OK))
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Tmp file [%s] already exists", tmp_file_path_buf);
            err = OB_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST;
        if (0 == access(file_path_buf, F_OK))
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "File [%s] already exists", file_path_buf);
            err = OB_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST;
    // log operation
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "start receive file: dir[%.*s] file_name[%.*s] "
                  "tmp_file_path[%.*s] from server [%s]",
                  dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(),
                  dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr(),
                  tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(),

    // open tmp file
    if (OB_SUCCESS == err)
        bool is_dio = true;
        bool is_create = true;
        bool is_trunc = true;
        err = file_appender.open(tmp_file_path, is_dio, is_create, is_trunc);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != err)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "open file_appender failed:tmp_file[%.*s] err[%d]",
                      tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(), err);

    // send response
    ObResultCode rc;
    int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
    rc.result_code_ = err;
    out_buffer.get_position() = 0;

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(),
        if(OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Serialize result code failed:ret=[%d]", ret);

    if(OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = queue_thread_->prepare_for_next_request(session_id);
        if(OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "prepare for next request fail:ret=[%d]", ret);

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret)
        ret = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION,
                                     out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id);
        if (OB_SUCCESS != ret)
            TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_request_response failed:ret=[%d]", ret);

    if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err)
        ret = err;
    return ret;