Example #1
// zenity backend for under linux merged in dev branch - soon in master
// https://github.com/mlabbe/nativefiledialog/pull/34
cstr imgui_bind_file_popup(Object& e, cstr mixin, cstr attr, std::string& data, cstr filters) {
    ImGui::InputText("##input", data.data(), data.length(), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);

    char buf[200];
    snprintf(buf, HA_COUNT_OF(buf), "browse##%s", no_prefix(attr));

    if(ImGui::Button(buf)) {
        nfdchar_t*  outPath = nullptr;
        nfdresult_t result  = NFD_OpenDialog(filters, nullptr, &outPath);
        hassert(result != NFD_ERROR, "Error: %s\n", NFD_GetError());
        if(result == NFD_OKAY) {
            JsonData old_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
            data             = outPath;
            JsonData new_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
            edit::add_changed_attribute(World::get().editor(), e.id(), old_val, new_val,
                                        attr_changed_text(mixin, attr));

            return attr;
    ImGui::LabelText("##text", attr);
    return nullptr;
Example #2
  void ObjectMemory::snapshot(STATE) {
    // Assign all objects an object id...
    ObjectMemory::GCInhibit inhibitor(root_state_->om);

    // Walk the heap over and over until we don't create
    // any more objects...

    size_t last_seen = 0;

    while(last_object_id != last_seen) {
      last_seen = last_object_id;

      ObjectWalker walker(root_state_->om);
      GCData gc_data(state->vm());

      // Seed it with the root objects.

      Object* obj = walker.next();

      while(obj) {
        obj = walker.next();

    // Now, save the current value of last_object_id, since thats
    // so we can compare later to find all new objects.
    last_snapshot_id = last_object_id;

    std::cout << "Snapshot taken: " << last_snapshot_id << "\n";
Example #3
TideDataset::TideDataset(const std::string& tide_uri) {
  pert::ProtoTableReader<Object> tide_reader;
  CHECK(tide_reader.Open(tide_uri)) << "failed to open uri: " << tide_uri;
  string key;
  Object object;

  while (tide_reader.NextProto(&key, &object)){
    uint32 object_id = object.id();
    ObjectData& object_data = objectid_to_objectdata_[object_id];
    object_data.id = object_id;
    object_data.name = object.name();

    for (int i=0; i < object.photos_size(); ++i){
      const tide::Photo& photo = object.photos(i);
      imageid_to_objectid_[photo.id()] = object_id;
      if (photo.label() == tide::POSITIVE){
      else if (photo.label() == tide::NEGATIVE){
      else if (photo.label() == tide::NONE){
Example #4
  VALUE rb_protect_inspect(VALUE (*func)(VALUE a, VALUE b), VALUE h_obj, VALUE h_arg) {
    NativeMethodEnvironment* env = NativeMethodEnvironment::get();
    STATE = env->state();

    Thread* thr = Thread::current(state);
    LookupTable* rectbl = thr->recursive_objects();

    Object* obj = env->get_object(h_obj);

    Object* id = obj->id(state);

    bool found = false;
    rectbl->fetch(state, id, &found);

    if(found) {
      return (*func)(h_obj, h_arg);

    rectbl->store(state, id, cTrue);

    VALUE ret = Qnil;

    ExceptionPoint ep(env);

    bool unwinding = false;

    if(unlikely(ep.jumped_to())) {
      unwinding = true;
    } else {
      ret = (*func)(h_obj, h_arg);


    // Get the thread and table again, the GC might have fun.
    thr = Thread::current(state);
    rectbl = thr->recursive_objects();
    obj = env->get_object(h_obj);
    id = obj->id(state);

    rectbl->remove(state, id);

    if(unwinding) env->current_ep()->return_to(env);

    return ret;
Example #5
  /* This is the execute implementation used by normal Ruby code,
   * as opposed to Primitives or FFI functions.
   * It prepares a Ruby method for execution.
   * Here, +exec+ is a VMMethod instance accessed via the +vmm+ slot on
   * CompiledMethod.
  ExecuteStatus VMMethod::execute(STATE, Task* task, Message& msg) {
    CompiledMethod* cm = as<CompiledMethod>(msg.method);

    MethodContext* ctx = MethodContext::create(state, msg.recv, cm);

    VMMethod* vmm = cm->backend_method_;

    // Copy in things we all need.
    ctx->module(state, msg.module);
    ctx->name(state, msg.name);

    ctx->block(state, msg.block);
    ctx->args = msg.args();

    // If argument handling fails..
    GenericArguments args;
    if(args.call(state, vmm, ctx, msg) == false) {
      // Clear the values from the caller

      // TODO we've got full control here, we should just raise the exception
      // in the runtime here rather than throwing a C++ exception and raising
      // it later.

      Exception::argument_error(state, vmm->required_args, msg.args());
      // never reached!

#if 0
    if(!probe_->nil_p()) {
      probe_->start_method(this, msg);

    // Clear the values from the caller


    if(unlikely(task->profiler)) {
      profiler::Method* prof_meth;
      if(MetaClass* mc = try_as<MetaClass>(msg.module)) {
        Object* attached = mc->attached_instance();
        if(Module* mod = try_as<Module>(attached)) {
          prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, mod->name(), profiler::kNormal);
        } else {
          prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, attached->id(state), profiler::kNormal);
      } else {
        prof_meth = task->profiler->enter_method(msg.name, msg.module->name(), profiler::kSingleton);

      if(!prof_meth->file()) {
        prof_meth->set_position(cm->file(), cm->start_line(state));

    return cExecuteRestart;
Example #6
Object *Object::clone(QHash<Id, Object*> &objHash) const
	Id resultId = id().sameTypeId();
	Object *result = new Object(resultId);
	objHash.insert(resultId, result);

	foreach (Id childId, mChildren) {
		Object *child = objHash[childId]->clone(id(), objHash);
Example #7
cstr imgui_bind_attribute(Object& e, cstr mixin, cstr attr, bool& data) {
    if(ImGui::Checkbox(no_prefix(attr), &data)) {
        JsonData old_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, !data);
        JsonData new_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
        edit::add_changed_attribute(World::get().editor(), e.id(), old_val, new_val,
                                    attr_changed_text(mixin, attr));
        return attr;
    return nullptr;
Example #8
cstr imgui_bind_attribute(Object& e, cstr mixin, cstr attr, std::string& data) {
    static char buf[128] = "";
    Utils::strncpy(buf, data.c_str(), HA_COUNT_OF(buf));
    if(ImGui::InputText(no_prefix(attr), buf, HA_COUNT_OF(buf),
                        ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue)) {
        JsonData old_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
        data             = buf;
        JsonData new_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
        edit::add_changed_attribute(World::get().editor(), e.id(), old_val, new_val,
                                    attr_changed_text(mixin, attr));
        return attr;
    return nullptr;
Example #9
  VALUE rb_inspecting_p(VALUE h_obj) {
    NativeMethodEnvironment* env = NativeMethodEnvironment::get();
    STATE = env->state();

    Thread* thr = Thread::current(state);
    LookupTable* rectbl = thr->recursive_objects();

    Object* obj = env->get_object(h_obj);

    Object* id = obj->id(state);

    bool found = false;
    rectbl->fetch(state, id, &found);

    if(found) return Qtrue;
    return Qfalse;
Example #10
cstr bind_ints(Object& e, cstr mixin, cstr attr, T& data, int num_elements) {
    static T data_on_start;
    bool     justReleased  = false;
    bool     justActivated = false;
    DragInts(no_prefix(attr), (int*)&data, num_elements, &justReleased, &justActivated);
    if(justActivated) {
        data_on_start = data;
    if(justReleased && data != data_on_start) {
        JsonData old_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data_on_start);
        JsonData new_val = mixin_attr_state(mixin, attr, data);
        edit::add_changed_attribute(World::get().editor(), e.id(), old_val, new_val,
                                    attr_changed_text(mixin, attr));
        return attr;
    return nullptr;
Example #11
void redis_store<Object>::get(const timestamp& key,
                              const long lp_id, obj_ptr& ret) {
  boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(get_mutex_);
  std::stringstream lpid_ss_;
  lpid_ss_ << lp_id;
  std::stringstream time_ss_;
  time_ss_ << key.time();
  std::string command = "ZRANGEBYSCORE " + type_rank_ + lpid_ss_.str() + " " + time_ss_.str() + " " + time_ss_.str();
  reply = (redisReply*) redisCommand(context, command.c_str());
  if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) {
    Object obj;
    for (int i = 0; i < reply->elements; ++i) {
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << reply->element[i]->str;
      boost::archive::text_iarchive iar(ss);
      iar >> obj;
      if (obj.id() == key.id()) break;
    ret = boost::make_shared<Object>(obj);
Example #12
  void ObjectMemory::print_new_since_snapshot(STATE) {
    // Assign all objects an object id...
    ObjectMemory::GCInhibit inhibitor(root_state_->om);

    ObjectWalker walker(root_state_->om);
    GCData gc_data(root_state_);

    // Seed it with the root objects.

    Object* obj = walker.next();

    // All reference ids are shifted up
    native_int check_id = (native_int)last_snapshot_id << 1;

    int count = 0;
    int bytes = 0;

    while(obj) {
      if(!obj->has_id(state) || obj->id(state)->to_native() > check_id) {
        bytes += obj->size_in_bytes(state->vm());

        if(kind_of<String>(obj)) {
          std::cout << "#<String:" << obj << ">\n";
        } else {
          std::cout << obj->to_s(state, true)->c_str(state) << "\n";

      obj = walker.next();

    std::cout << count << " objects since snapshot.\n";
    std::cout << bytes << " bytes since snapshot.\n";
Example #13
void test(void)
    ObjectManager<> m;
    Object<>* obj = Create<Item>();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());
    obj = Create<Item>();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());
    obj = Create<Item>();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());

    obj = Create<Object<> >();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());
    obj = Create<Object<> >();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());
    obj = Create<Object<> >();
    m.add(obj->id(), obj);
    printf("%u\n", obj->id());


    ItemNT* itemn = CreateNT<ItemNT>("hello");
    printf("%u, %s, %u\n", itemn->id(), itemn->name().c_str(), itemn->tempid());
    while (!m.add(itemn->id(), itemn))
    printf("%u, %s, %u\n", itemn->id(), itemn->name().c_str(), itemn->tempid());

Example #14
  void SignalThread::print_backtraces() {
    STATE = shared_.env()->state;
    ThreadList* threads = shared_.thread_nexus()->threads();

    for(ThreadList::iterator i = threads->begin(); i != threads->end(); ++i) {
      VM* vm = (*i)->as_vm();
      if(!vm) continue;

      bool first = true;
      CallFrame* frame = vm->call_frame();

      while(frame) {
        if(first) {
          logger::fatal("--- %s %d backtrace ---", vm->kind_name(), vm->thread_id());
          first = false;

        std::ostringstream stream;

        if(NativeMethodFrame* nmf = frame->native_method_frame()) {
          stream << static_cast<void*>(frame) << ": ";
          NativeMethod* nm = try_as<NativeMethod>(nmf->get_object(nmf->method()));
          if(nm && nm->name()->symbol_p()) {
            stream << "capi:" << nm->name()->debug_str(state) << " at ";
            stream << nm->file()->c_str(state);
          } else {
            stream << "unknown capi";
        } else if(frame->compiled_code) {
          if(frame->is_block_p(state)) {
            stream << "__block__";
          } else {
            if(SingletonClass* sc = try_as<SingletonClass>(frame->module())) {
              Object* obj = sc->singleton();

              if(Module* mod = try_as<Module>(obj)) {
                stream << mod->debug_str(state) << ".";
              } else {
                if(obj == G(main)) {
                  stream << "MAIN.";
                } else {
                  stream << "#<" << obj->class_object(state)->debug_str(state) <<
                            ":" << (void*)obj->id(state)->to_native() << ">.";
            } else if(IncludedModule* im = try_as<IncludedModule>(frame->module())) {
              stream <<  im->module()->debug_str(state) << "#";
            } else {
              Symbol* name;
              std::string mod_name;

              if(frame->module()->nil_p()) {
                mod_name = frame->lexical_scope()->module()->debug_str(state);
              } else {
                if((name = try_as<Symbol>(frame->module()->module_name()))) {
                  mod_name = name->debug_str(state);
                } else if((name = try_as<Symbol>(
                          frame->lexical_scope()->module()->module_name()))) {
                  mod_name = name->debug_str(state);
                } else {
                  mod_name = "<anonymous module>";
              stream << mod_name << "#";

            Symbol* name = try_as<Symbol>(frame->name());
            if(name) {
              stream << name->debug_str(state);
            } else {
              stream << frame->compiled_code->name()->debug_str(state);

          stream << " in ";
          if(Symbol* file_sym = try_as<Symbol>(frame->compiled_code->file())) {
            stream << file_sym->debug_str(state) << ":" << frame->line(state);
          } else {
            stream << "<unknown>";

          stream << " (+" << frame->ip();
          if(frame->is_inline_frame()) {
            stream << " inline";
          } else if(frame->jitted_p()) {
            stream << " jit";
          stream << ")";


        frame = frame->previous;
Example #15
  void CallFrame::print_backtrace(STATE, std::ostream& stream, int total, bool filter) {
    CallFrame* cf = this;

    int i = -1;

    while(cf) {

      if(total > 0 && i == total) return;

      if(NativeMethodFrame* nmf = cf->native_method_frame()) {
        stream << static_cast<void*>(cf) << ": ";
        NativeMethod* nm = try_as<NativeMethod>(nmf->get_object(nmf->method()));
        if(nm && nm->name()->symbol_p()) {
          stream << "capi:" << nm->name()->debug_str(state) << " at ";
          stream << nm->file()->c_str(state);
        } else {
          stream << "unknown capi";

        stream << std::endl;
        cf = cf->previous;

      if(!cf->compiled_code) {
        cf = cf->previous;

      if(filter && cf->compiled_code->kernel_method(state)) {
        cf = cf->previous;

      stream << static_cast<void*>(cf) << ": ";

      if(cf->is_block_p(state)) {
        stream << "__block__";
      } else {
        if(SingletonClass* sc = try_as<SingletonClass>(cf->module())) {
          Object* obj = sc->attached_instance();

          if(Module* mod = try_as<Module>(obj)) {
            stream << mod->debug_str(state) << ".";
          } else {
            if(obj == G(main)) {
              stream << "MAIN.";
            } else {
              stream << "#<" << obj->class_object(state)->debug_str(state) <<
                        ":" << (void*)obj->id(state)->to_native() << ">.";
        } else if(IncludedModule* im = try_as<IncludedModule>(cf->module())) {
          stream <<  im->module()->debug_str(state) << "#";
        } else {
          Symbol* name;
          std::string mod_name;

          if(cf->module()->nil_p()) {
            mod_name = cf->constant_scope()->module()->debug_str(state);
          } else {
            if((name = try_as<Symbol>(cf->module()->module_name()))) {
              mod_name = name->debug_str(state);
            } else if((name = try_as<Symbol>(
                      cf->constant_scope()->module()->module_name()))) {
              mod_name = name->debug_str(state);
            } else {
              mod_name = "<anonymous module>";
          stream << mod_name << "#";

        Symbol* name = try_as<Symbol>(cf->name());
        if(name) {
          stream << name->debug_str(state);
        } else {
          stream << cf->compiled_code->name()->debug_str(state);

      stream << " in ";
      if(Symbol* file_sym = try_as<Symbol>(cf->compiled_code->file())) {
        stream << file_sym->debug_str(state) << ":" << cf->line(state);
      } else {
        stream << "<unknown>";

      stream << " (+" << cf->ip();
      if(cf->is_inline_frame()) {
        stream << " inline";
      } else if(cf->jitted_p()) {
        stream << " jit";
      stream << ")";

      stream << std::endl;
      cf = cf->previous;

Example #16
 bool Pointer::operator==(const Object &other) const
     return !other.isNew() && id() == other.id();
Example #17
 Pointer::Pointer(const Object &obj) : className_(obj.className()), objectId_(obj.id())