int wpdu::convert_vb_to_smival( Vb &tempvb, SmiVALUE *smival ) { smival->syntax = tempvb.get_syntax(); switch ( smival->syntax ) { case sNMP_SYNTAX_NULL: break; // case sNMP_SYNTAX_INT32: case sNMP_SYNTAX_INT: { SnmpInt32 tmp; tempvb.get_value(tmp); smival->value.sNumber = tmp; } break; // case sNMP_SYNTAX_UINT32: case sNMP_SYNTAX_GAUGE32: case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR32: case sNMP_SYNTAX_TIMETICKS: { SnmpUInt32 tmp; tempvb.get_value(tmp); smival->value.uNumber = tmp; } break; // case Counter64 case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64: { Counter64 c64; tempvb.get_value(c64); smival->value.hNumber.hipart = c64.high(); smival->value.hNumber.lopart = c64.low(); } break; // OID syntax case sNMP_SYNTAX_OID: { Oid tmpoid; tmpoid.oidval(); tempvb.get_value(tmpoid); SmiLPOID smi = tmpoid.oidval(); smival->value.oid.len = tmpoid.length(); ACE_NEW_RETURN(smival->value.oid.ptr, SmiUINT32 [smival->value.oid.len], 1); ACE_OS::memcpy(smival->value.oid.ptr, smi->ptr, smival->value.oid.len *sizeof(SmiUINT32)); } break; case sNMP_SYNTAX_BITS: case sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS: case sNMP_SYNTAX_IPADDR: { OctetStr os; tempvb.get_value(os); smival->value.string.ptr = 0; smival->value.string.len = os.length(); if ( smival->value.string.len > 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN(smival->value.string.ptr, SmiBYTE [smival->value.string.len], 1); if ( smival->value.string.ptr ) { for (int i=0; i<(int) smival->value.string.len ; i++) smival->value.string.ptr[i] = os[i]; } else { smival->syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_NULL; // invalidate the smival return SNMP_CLASS_RESOURCE_UNAVAIL; } } } break; default: ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "wpdu::convert_vb_to_smival did not convert vb\n")); // ACE_ASSERT(0); } // switch return 0; }
int wpdu::set_trap_info(snmp_pdu *raw_pdu, const Pdu& pdu) const { Oid enterprise; Oid trapid; // validate caller has set this correctly pdu.get_notify_id( trapid); if ( !trapid.valid() || trapid.length() < 2 ) { cmu_snmp::free_pdu( raw_pdu); return SNMP_CLASS_INVALID_NOTIFYID; } raw_pdu->specific_type=0; // TODO: object should emit numeric instead of this kind of mess... if ( trapid == coldStart) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_COLD_START; // cold start else if ( trapid == warmStart) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_WARM_START; // warm start else if( trapid == linkDown) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_LINK_DOWN; // link down else if ( trapid == linkUp) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_LINK_UP; // link up else if ( trapid == authenticationFailure ) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_AUTH_FAILURE; // authentication failure else if ( trapid == egpNeighborLoss) raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_EGP_NEIGHBOR_LOSS; // egp neighbor loss else { raw_pdu->trap_type = V1_ENT_SPECIFIC; // enterprise specific // last oid subid is the specific value // if 2nd to last subid is "0", remove it // enterprise is always the notify oid prefix raw_pdu->specific_type = (int) trapid[(int) (trapid.length() - 1)]; trapid.trim(1); if ( trapid[(int)(trapid.length() - 1)] == 0 ) trapid.trim(1); enterprise = trapid; } if ( raw_pdu->trap_type != V1_ENT_SPECIFIC) pdu.get_notify_enterprise( enterprise); if ( enterprise.length() > 0) { // note!! To the contrary, enterprise OID val is // copied here and raw_pdu->enterprise is freed in free_pdu // as it should be (HDN) // these are hooks into an SNMP++ oid // and therefor the raw_pdu enterprise // should not free them. null them out!! SmiLPOID rawOid; rawOid = enterprise.oidval(); // HDN - enterprise is a local object, cannot simply assign pointer //raw_pdu->enterprise = rawOid->ptr; raw_pdu->enterprise_length = (int) rawOid->len; ACE_NEW_RETURN(raw_pdu->enterprise, oid[raw_pdu->enterprise_length],-1); ACE_OS::memcpy((char *)raw_pdu->enterprise,(char *)rawOid->ptr, raw_pdu->enterprise_length * sizeof(oid)); } TimeTicks timestamp; pdu.get_notify_timestamp( timestamp); raw_pdu->time = ( unsigned long) timestamp; // HDN - set agent addr using the local hostname if possible char localHostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; Snmp::get_host_name(localHostName, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); if (ACE_OS::strlen(localHostName) > 0) { GenAddress addr(localHostName); OctetStr octet; addr.to_octet(octet); ACE_OS::memcpy(&(raw_pdu->agent_addr.sin_addr),, octet.length()); } return 0; }