Example #1
BufferOffset Assembler::Logical(const Register& rd, const Register& rn,
                                const Operand& operand, LogicalOp op)
  VIXL_ASSERT(rd.size() == rn.size());
  if (operand.IsImmediate()) {
    int64_t immediate = operand.immediate();
    unsigned reg_size = rd.size();

    VIXL_ASSERT(immediate != 0);
    VIXL_ASSERT(immediate != -1);
    VIXL_ASSERT(rd.Is64Bits() || is_uint32(immediate));

    // If the operation is NOT, invert the operation and immediate.
    if ((op & NOT) == NOT) {
      op = static_cast<LogicalOp>(op & ~NOT);
      immediate = rd.Is64Bits() ? ~immediate : (~immediate & kWRegMask);

    unsigned n, imm_s, imm_r;
    if (IsImmLogical(immediate, reg_size, &n, &imm_s, &imm_r)) {
      // Immediate can be encoded in the instruction.
      return LogicalImmediate(rd, rn, n, imm_s, imm_r, op);
    } else {
      // This case is handled in the macro assembler.
  } else {
    VIXL_ASSERT(operand.reg().size() == rd.size());
    Instr dp_op = static_cast<Instr>(op | LogicalShiftedFixed);
    return DataProcShiftedRegister(rd, rn, operand, LeaveFlags, dp_op);
Example #2
BufferOffset Assembler::DataProcShiftedRegister(const Register& rd, const Register& rn,
                                                const Operand& operand, FlagsUpdate S, Instr op)
  VIXL_ASSERT(rn.Is64Bits() || (rn.Is32Bits() && is_uint5(operand.shift_amount())));
  return Emit(SF(rd) | op | Flags(S) |
              ShiftDP(operand.shift()) | ImmDPShift(operand.shift_amount()) |
              Rm(operand.reg()) | Rn(rn) | Rd(rd));