Example #1
void createVm( const VmLoader& loader,
               const OptionList& options,
               bool ignoreUnrecognized ) {

    globalLoader = std::unique_ptr<VmLoader>( loader.clone() );

    JavaVM* vm;
    JNIEnv* env;

    JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
    JavaVMOption* jniOptions = options.createJniOptions();

    vm_args.version = globalLoader->version();
    vm_args.options = jniOptions;
    vm_args.nOptions = jint( options.size() );

    vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = ignoreUnrecognized;

    jint rc = globalLoader->createJavaVM( &vm, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &env ), &vm_args );

    options.destroyJniOptions( jniOptions );

    if ( rc != 0 ) {
        string msg = "Unable to create the virtual machine. The error was " + std::to_string( rc );
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jclass runtimeClass = env->FindClass( "java/lang/Runtime" );
    if ( ! runtimeClass ) {
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, java.lang.Runtime.";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jmethodID runtimeGetRuntime = env->GetStaticMethodID( runtimeClass, "getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;" );
    if ( ! runtimeGetRuntime ) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Runtime.getRuntime().";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jobject runtimeObject = env->CallStaticObjectMethod( runtimeClass, runtimeGetRuntime );
    if ( ! runtimeObject )	{
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        string msg = "Unable to invoke Runtime.getRuntime()";
        catch (JNIException& e)
            msg.append("\ncaused by:\n");
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jmethodID runtimeAddShutdownHook = env->GetMethodID( runtimeClass, "addShutdownHook", "(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V" );
    if ( ! runtimeAddShutdownHook ) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Runtime.addShutdownHook().";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jclass shutdownHookClass = env->FindClass( "jace/util/ShutdownHook" );
    if ( ! shutdownHookClass ) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, jace.util.ShutdownHook. Did you forget to include "
                "jace-runtime.jar in your classpath at runtime?";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    // Register the native method jace.util.ShutdownHook.signalVMShutdown
    JNINativeMethod signalVMShutdown;
    signalVMShutdown.fnPtr     = reinterpret_cast<void*>(Java_jace_util_ShutdownHook_signalVMShutdown);
    signalVMShutdown.name      = const_cast<char*>("signalVMShutdown");
    signalVMShutdown.signature = const_cast<char*>("()V");

    jint result = env->RegisterNatives(shutdownHookClass, &signalVMShutdown, 1);
    if (result != JNI_OK) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass );
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to register native method, jace.util.ShutdownHook.signalVMShutdown()";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jmethodID shutdownHookGetInstance = env->GetStaticMethodID( shutdownHookClass, "getInstance", "()Ljace/util/ShutdownHook;" );
    if ( ! shutdownHookGetInstance ) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass );
        string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, jace.util.ShutdownHook.getInstance()";
        throw JNIException( msg );

    jobject shutdownHookObject = env->CallStaticObjectMethod( shutdownHookClass, shutdownHookGetInstance );
    if ( ! shutdownHookObject ) {
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
        deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
        deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass );
        string msg = "Unable to invoke jace.util.ShutdownHook.getInstance()";
        catch (JNIException& e)
            msg.append("\ncaused by:\n");
        throw JNIException( msg );

    env->CallVoidMethod( runtimeObject, runtimeAddShutdownHook, shutdownHookObject );
    catch (JNIException& e)
        string msg = "Exception thrown invoking Runtime.addShutdownHook(shutdownHook)";
        msg.append("\ncaused by:\n");
        throw JNIException( msg );
    deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject );
    deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass );
    deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass );