boost::optional<model::ModelObject> ReverseTranslator::translateShadowCalculation( const WorkspaceObject& workspaceObject) { OS_ASSERT(workspaceObject.iddObject().type() == IddObjectType::ShadowCalculation); ShadowCalculation shadowCalculation = m_model.getUniqueModelObject<ShadowCalculation>(); OptionalInt i = workspaceObject.getInt(ShadowCalculationFields::CalculationFrequency); if (i) { shadowCalculation.setCalculationFrequency(*i); } i = workspaceObject.getInt(ShadowCalculationFields::MaximumFiguresinShadowOverlapCalculations); if (i) { shadowCalculation.setMaximumFiguresInShadowOverlapCalculations(*i); } OptionalString s = workspaceObject.getString(ShadowCalculationFields::PolygonClippingAlgorithm); if (s && !s->empty()) { shadowCalculation.setPolygonClippingAlgorithm(*s); } s = workspaceObject.getString(ShadowCalculationFields::SkyDiffuseModelingAlgorithm); if (s && !s->empty()) { shadowCalculation.setSkyDiffuseModelingAlgorithm(*s); } return shadowCalculation.cast<ModelObject>(); }
TEST_F(IdfFixture, IdfObject_NameGetterWithReturnDefaultOption) { // OBJECT WITH DEFAULT NAME std::stringstream text; text << "Building," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << "," << std::endl << ";"; OptionalIdfObject oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); IdfObject object = *oObj; OptionalString name =; ASSERT_TRUE(name); EXPECT_TRUE(name->empty()); name =; ASSERT_TRUE(name); EXPECT_EQ("NONE",*name); object.setName("MyBuilding"); name =; ASSERT_TRUE(name); EXPECT_EQ("MyBuilding",*name); OptionalString name2 =; ASSERT_TRUE(name2); EXPECT_EQ(*name,*name2); }
void WeatherFileFinder::extractDetails( const IdfFile &t_idffile, ToolVersion &t_version, boost::optional<std::string> &t_filelocationname, boost::optional<std::string> &t_weatherfilename) { IdfObjectVector versionObjects = t_idffile.getObjectsByType(IddObjectType::Version); if(versionObjects.size() == 1){ OptionalString version = versionObjects[0].getString(VersionFields::VersionIdentifier, true); if (version){ boost::regex majorMinorBuildRegex("^(\\d*?)\\.(\\d*?)\\.(\\d*?)$"); boost::regex majorMinorRegex("^(\\d*?)\\.(\\d*?)$"); boost::regex majorRegex("^(\\d*?)$"); boost::smatch matches; if (boost::regex_search(*version, matches, majorMinorBuildRegex)){ unsigned major = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second)); unsigned minor = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[2].first, matches[2].second)); unsigned build = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[3].first, matches[3].second)); t_version = ToolVersion(major, minor, build); }else if(boost::regex_search(*version, matches, majorMinorRegex)){ unsigned major = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second)); unsigned minor = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[2].first, matches[2].second)); t_version = ToolVersion(major, minor); }else if(boost::regex_search(*version, matches, majorRegex)){ unsigned major = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>(std::string(matches[1].first, matches[1].second)); t_version = ToolVersion(major); } } } IdfObjectVector locationObjects = t_idffile.getObjectsByType(IddObjectType::Site_Location); if(locationObjects.size() == 1){ OptionalString locationname = locationObjects[0].getString(Site_LocationFields::Name, true); if (locationname && !locationname->empty()){ LOG(Debug, "Location name field from IDF: " << *locationname); t_filelocationname = locationname; } } std::string header = t_idffile.header(); std::vector<std::string> headerlines; boost::split(headerlines, header, boost::is_any_of("\n\r"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = headerlines.begin(); itr != headerlines.end(); ++itr) { boost::smatch matches; if (boost::regex_match(*itr, matches, boost::regex(".*!\\s+WeatherFileName=(.*)"),boost::regex_constants::match_all)) { std::string match = matches[1]; t_weatherfilename = match; break; } } }
TEST_F(ModelFixture, ComponentWatcher_BadComponentDataFromWorkspace) { Workspace ws; OptionalWorkspaceObject owo = ws.addObject(IdfObject(IddObjectType::OS_ComponentData)); ASSERT_TRUE(owo); // make component data ok except points to non-existent object WorkspaceObject cd = *owo; OptionalString oName =; // should have been set by constructor ASSERT_TRUE(oName); EXPECT_FALSE(oName->empty()); cd.setString(OS_ComponentDataFields::UUID,toString(createUUID())); cd.setString(OS_ComponentDataFields::VersionUUID,toString(createUUID())); StringVector values; values.push_back("My Material"); IdfExtensibleGroup eg = cd.pushExtensibleGroup(values); EXPECT_TRUE(eg.empty()); // Cannot register a bad pointer. EXPECT_EQ(1u,ws.numObjects()); Model model(ws); // expect ComponentWatcher creation to kick out ComponentData EXPECT_EQ(0u,model.numObjects()); }
TEST_F(IdfFixture, IdfObject_StringFieldGetterWithReturnDefaultOption) { // NON-EXTENSIBLE OBJECT std::stringstream text; text << "Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled," << std::endl << " MyCondenser," << std::endl << " ," << std::endl << " ," << std::endl // default is 0.0 << " ," << std::endl // default is "Fixed" << " 125.0;"; // default is 250.0 // default is 0.2 // // default is "General" // default is 0.0 // default is 0.0 // default is 0.0 OptionalIdfObject oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); IdfObject object = *oObj; // returns set values OptionalString idfField = object.getString(0,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("MyCondenser",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(1,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(4,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("125.0",*idfField); // returns default for fields behind fields with set values idfField = object.getString(2,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("0.0",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(3,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("Fixed",*idfField); // returns default for non-existent fields idfField = object.getString(6,true); EXPECT_FALSE(idfField); idfField = object.getString(7,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("General",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(8,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("0.0",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(10,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("0.0",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(11,true); EXPECT_FALSE(idfField); // EXTENSIBLE OBJECT text.str(""); text << "DaylightingDevice:Tubular," << std::endl << " MyTDD," << std::endl << " MyDome," << std::endl << " MyDiffuser," << std::endl << " MyConstruction," << std::endl << " 1.0," << std::endl << " 2.0;"; // \default 0.28 // Transition Zone 1 Name // Transition Zone 1 Length // ... (extensible 2) oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); object = *oObj; EXPECT_EQ(6u,object.numFields()); // returns set values idfField = object.getString(0,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("MyTDD",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(5,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("2.0",*idfField); // returns default for non-existent, non-extensible fields idfField = object.getString(6,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("0.28",*idfField); EXPECT_EQ(6u,object.numFields()); idfField = object.getString(6); EXPECT_FALSE(idfField); StringVector newGroup; newGroup.push_back("MyFirstTransistionZone"); newGroup.push_back("1.5"); ASSERT_FALSE(object.pushExtensibleGroup(newGroup).empty()); // returns default for fields behind fields with set values idfField = object.getString(6,true); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_EQ("0.28",*idfField); idfField = object.getString(6); ASSERT_TRUE(idfField); EXPECT_TRUE(idfField->empty()); // return evaluates to false for extensible fields that do not exist idfField = object.getString(10); EXPECT_FALSE(idfField); }
TEST_F(IdfFixture, IdfObject_DefaultFieldComments) { // OBJECT WITH NO FIELD COMMENTS std::stringstream text; text << " Schedule:Day:Interval," << std::endl << " A Schedule," << std::endl << " Any Number," << std::endl << " ," << std::endl << " 09:00," << std::endl << " 0," << std::endl << " 22:00," << std::endl << " 1," << std::endl << " 24:00," << std::endl << " 0;"; OptionalIdfObject oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); IdfObject object = *oObj; // non-extensible fields OptionalString fc = object.fieldComment(0,true); OptionalIddField iddField = object.iddObject().getField(0); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); ASSERT_TRUE(iddField); EXPECT_EQ(makeIdfEditorComment(iddField->name()),*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(0); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_TRUE(fc->empty()); fc = object.fieldComment(2,true); iddField = object.iddObject().getField(2); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); ASSERT_TRUE(iddField); EXPECT_EQ(makeIdfEditorComment(iddField->name()),*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(2); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_TRUE(fc->empty()); // extensible fields fc = object.fieldComment(6,true); iddField = object.iddObject().getField(6); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); ASSERT_TRUE(iddField); EXPECT_EQ(makeIdfEditorComment(iddField->name()) + " 2",*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(6); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_TRUE(fc->empty()); // non-existant fields fc = object.fieldComment(14,true); EXPECT_FALSE(fc); // OBJECT WITH SOME FIELD COMMENTS text.str(""); text << " Schedule:Day:Interval," << std::endl << " A Schedule," << std::endl << " Any Number," << std::endl << " ," << std::endl << " 09:00, ! opening time" << std::endl << " 0," << std::endl << " 22:00, ! closing time" << std::endl << " 1," << std::endl << " 24:00," << std::endl << " 0;"; oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); object = *oObj; // returns set values fc = object.fieldComment(3,true); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_EQ("! opening time",*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(5,true); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_EQ("! closing time",*fc); // returns default for fields behind fields with set values fc = object.fieldComment(4,true); iddField = object.iddObject().getField(4); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); ASSERT_TRUE(iddField); EXPECT_EQ(makeIdfEditorComment(iddField->name()) + " 1",*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(6); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_TRUE(fc->empty()); // returns default for fields past fields with set values fc = object.fieldComment(6,true); iddField = object.iddObject().getField(6); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); ASSERT_TRUE(iddField); EXPECT_EQ(makeIdfEditorComment(iddField->name()) + " 2",*fc); fc = object.fieldComment(6); ASSERT_TRUE(fc); EXPECT_TRUE(fc->empty()); }
TEST_F(IdfFixture, IdfObject_CommentGettersAndSetters) { // DEFAULT OBJECT COMMENTS IdfObject object(IddObjectType::Zone); // exist? if so, are comments according to regex? std::string str = object.comment(); if (!str.empty()) { EXPECT_EQ(str,makeComment(str)); } unsigned n = object.numFields(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { OptionalString oStr = object.fieldComment(i); if (oStr && !oStr->empty()) { EXPECT_EQ(*oStr,makeComment(*oStr)); } } // comment setter works (already comments, and needs comment character prepended) str = "! New object comment"; object.setComment(str); EXPECT_EQ(str,object.comment()); str = "\n\nThis is my object.\n"; object.setComment(str); str = "\n\n! This is my object.\n"; EXPECT_EQ(str,object.comment()); // field comment setter works for valid indices for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Field " << i; str = ss.str(); ss.str(""); EXPECT_TRUE(object.setFieldComment(i,str)); ss << "! " << str; EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(),object.fieldComment(i)); } // field comment setter returns false, does not crash for invalid indices EXPECT_FALSE(object.setFieldComment(n+3,str)); // TEXT OBJECT COMMENTS std::stringstream text; text << " Branch," << std::endl << " Central Chiller Branch," << std::endl << " 0, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}" << std::endl << " ," << std::endl << " Chiller:Electric, ! i think we have an electric chiller" << std::endl << " Central Chiller," << std::endl << " Central Chiller Inlet Node," << std::endl << " Central Chiller Outlet Node," << std::endl << " Active;"; OptionalIdfObject oObj = IdfObject::load(text.str()); ASSERT_TRUE(oObj); object = *oObj; // field comments setter properly extends field comments vector as needed OptionalString optStr = object.fieldComment(0); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_EQ("",*optStr); optStr = object.fieldComment(1); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_EQ("",*optStr); // auto-generated comments are stripped optStr = object.fieldComment(3); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_EQ("! i think we have an electric chiller",*optStr); EXPECT_TRUE(object.setFieldComment(5,"my comment")); optStr = object.fieldComment(5); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_EQ("! my comment",*optStr); optStr = object.fieldComment(4); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_EQ("",*optStr); optStr = object.fieldComment(6); ASSERT_TRUE(optStr); EXPECT_TRUE(optStr->empty()); // field comments setter returns false, does not crash if exceed number of fields. EXPECT_FALSE(object.setFieldComment(10,"hi")); }