Example #1
/** \brief Returns a human-readable string representation of the entry.
 * This function transforms the basic information of the entry in a
 * string. Note that most of the information is lost as the function
 * is likely to only display the filename and the size of the file,
 * nothing more.
 * \return A human-readable string representation of the entry.
std::string FileEntry::toString() const
    OutputStringStream sout;
    sout << m_filename;
        sout << " (directory)";
        sout << " ("
             << m_uncompressed_size << " byte"
             << (m_uncompressed_size == 1 ? "" : "s");
        size_t const compressed_size(getCompressedSize());
        if(compressed_size != m_uncompressed_size)
             // this is not currently accessible since only the
             // ZipLocalEntry and ZipCentralDirectoryEntry have
             // a compressed size
             sout << ",  " // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
                  << compressed_size << " byte" // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
                  << (compressed_size == 1 ? "" : "s") // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
                  << " compressed"; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
        sout << ")";
    return sout.str();
int InflateInputStreambuf::underflow() {
  // If not underflow don't fill buffer
  if ( gptr() < egptr() )
    return static_cast< unsigned char >( *gptr() ) ;

  // Prepare _outvec and get array pointers
  _zs.avail_out = _outvecsize ; 
  _zs.next_out  = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char * >( &( _outvec[ 0 ] ) ) ;

  // Inflate until _outvec is full
  // eof (or I/O prob) on _inbuf will break out of loop too.
  int err = Z_OK ;
  while ( _zs.avail_out > 0 && err == Z_OK ) {
    if ( _zs.avail_in == 0 ) { // fill _invec
      int bc = static_cast< int >( _inbuf->sgetn( &(_invec[ 0 ] ) , 
			      _invecsize ) ) ;
      // FIXME: handle i/o problems.
      _zs.next_in  = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char * >( &( _invec[0] ) ) ;
      _zs.avail_in = bc ;
      // If we could not read any new data (bc == 0) and inflate isn't
      // done it will return Z_BUF_ERROR and thus breaks out of the
      // loop. This means we don't have to respond to the situation
      // where we can't read more bytes here.

    err = inflate( &_zs, Z_NO_FLUSH ) ;
  // Normally the number of inflated bytes will be the
  // full length of the output buffer, but if we can't read
  // more input from the _inbuf streambuf, we end up with
  // less.
  int inflated_bytes = _outvecsize - _zs.avail_out ;
  setg( &( _outvec[ 0 ] ),
	&( _outvec[ 0 ] ),
	&( _outvec[ 0 ] ) + inflated_bytes ) ;
  // FIXME: look at the error returned from inflate here, if there is
  // some way to report it to the InflateInputStreambuf user.
  // Until I find out I'll just print a warning to stdout.
  if( err != Z_OK && err != Z_STREAM_END ) {
#if defined (HAVE_STD_IOSTREAM) && defined (USE_STD_IOSTREAM)
    // Throw an exception to make istream set badbit
    OutputStringStream msgs ;
    msgs << "InflateInputStreambuf: inflate failed" ;
    msgs << ": " << zError( err ) ;
    throw IOException( msgs.str() ) ;
    // If HAVE_STD_IOSTREAM not defined we just return eof
    // if no output is produced, and that happens anyway
  if (inflated_bytes > 0 )
    return static_cast< unsigned char >( *gptr() ) ;
    return EOF ; // traits_type::eof() ;
Example #3
inline String
	ArgP&&... args
) {
	OutputStringStream stream;
	// Ensure stream does not flush after every output operation
	stream.flags(stream.flags() & ~ios::unitbuf);
	return stream.str();
/** \brief Clean up the InflateInputStreambuf object.
 * The destructor makes sure all allocated resources get cleaned up.
    // Dealloc z_stream stuff
    int const err(inflateEnd(&m_zs));
    if(err != Z_OK)
        // in a destructor we cannot throw...
        OutputStringStream msgs; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
        msgs << "InflateInputStreambuf::~InflateInputStreambuf(): inflateEnd() failed" // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
             << ": " << zError(err); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
        /** \TODO
         * Write an error callback interface and call that instead of
         * using std::cerr...
        std::cerr << msgs.str() << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
TEST(Document, AcceptWriter) {
    Document doc;
    doc.Parse(" { \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3, 4] } ");

    OutputStringStream os;
    Writer<OutputStringStream> writer(os);

    EXPECT_EQ("{\"hello\":\"world\",\"t\":true,\"f\":false,\"n\":null,\"i\":123,\"pi\":3.1416,\"a\":[1,2,3,4]}", os.str());
/** \brief Called when more data is required.
 * The function ensures that at least one byte is available
 * in the input area by updating the pointers to the input area
 * and reading more data in from the input sequence if required.
 * This function actually passes the data through the zlib library
 * to decompress it.
 * \return The value of that character on success or
 *         std::streambuf::traits_type::eof() on failure.
std::streambuf::int_type InflateInputStreambuf::underflow()
    // If not really underflow do not fill buffer
    // (is that really possible?!)
    if(gptr() < egptr())
        return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE

    // Prepare _outvec and get array pointers
    m_zs.avail_out = getBufferSize();
    m_zs.next_out = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&m_outvec[0]);

    // Inflate until _outvec is full
    // eof (or I/O prob) on _inbuf will break out of loop too.
    int err(Z_OK);
    while(m_zs.avail_out > 0 && err == Z_OK)
        if(m_zs.avail_in == 0)
            // fill m_invec
            std::streamsize const bc(m_inbuf->sgetn(&m_invec[0], getBufferSize()));
            /** \FIXME
             * Add I/O error handling while inflating data from a file.
            m_zs.next_in = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&m_invec[0]);
            m_zs.avail_in = bc;
            // If we could not read any new data (bc == 0) and inflate is not
            // done it will return Z_BUF_ERROR and thus breaks out of the
            // loop. This means we do not have to respond to the situation
            // where we cannot read more bytes here.

        err = inflate(&m_zs, Z_NO_FLUSH);

    // Normally the number of inflated bytes will be the
    // full length of the output buffer, but if we can't read
    // more input from the _inbuf streambuf, we end up with
    // less.
    offset_t const inflated_bytes = getBufferSize() - m_zs.avail_out;
    setg(&m_outvec[0], &m_outvec[0], &m_outvec[0] + inflated_bytes);

    /** \FIXME
     * Look at the error returned from inflate here, if there is
     * some way to report it to the InflateInputStreambuf user.
     * Until I find out I'll just print a warning to stdout.
     * This at least throws, we probably want to create a log
     * mechanism that the end user can connect to with a callback.
    if(err != Z_OK && err != Z_STREAM_END)
        OutputStringStream msgs;
        msgs << "InflateInputStreambuf::underflow(): inflate failed"
             << ": " << zError(err);
        // Throw an exception to immediately exit to the read() or similar
        // function and make istream set badbit
        throw IOException(msgs.str());

    if(inflated_bytes > 0)
        return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());

    return traits_type::eof();
Example #7
string BasicEntry::toString() const {
  OutputStringStream sout ;
  sout << _filename << " (" << _size << " bytes)" ;
  return sout.str() ;