static void hb_inetCloseStream( PHB_SOCKET_STRUCT socket ) { if( socket->flushFunc && socket->sd != HB_NO_SOCKET ) socket->flushFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd, HB_MAX( socket->iTimeout, 10000 ), HB_TRUE ); if( socket->cleanFunc ) socket->cleanFunc( socket->stream ); socket->recvFunc = NULL; socket->sendFunc = NULL; socket->flushFunc = NULL; socket->cleanFunc = NULL; socket->stream = NULL; }
static void s_inetSendInternal( HB_BOOL lAll ) { PHB_SOCKET_STRUCT socket = HB_PARSOCKET( 1 ); PHB_ITEM pBuffer = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING ); const char * buffer; int iLen, iSent, iSend; long lLastSnd = 1; if( socket == NULL || pBuffer == NULL ) hb_inetErrRT(); else if( ! hb_inetIsOpen( socket ) ) hb_retni( -1 ); else { buffer = hb_itemGetCPtr( pBuffer ); iSend = ( int ) hb_itemGetCLen( pBuffer ); if( HB_ISNUM( 3 ) ) { iLen = hb_parni( 3 ); if( iLen < iSend ) iSend = iLen; } socket->iError = HB_INET_ERR_OK; iSent = iLen = 0; while( iSent < iSend ) { if( socket->sendFunc ) { iLen = socket->sendFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd, buffer + iSent, iSend - iSent, socket->iTimeout, &lLastSnd ); if( lLastSnd <= 0 && iLen > 0 ) { iSent += iLen; iLen = ( int ) lLastSnd; } } else iLen = hb_socketSend( socket->sd, buffer + iSent, iSend - iSent, 0, socket->iTimeout ); if( iLen > 0 ) { iSent += iLen; if( ! lAll ) break; } else { hb_inetGetError( socket ); break; } } socket->iCount = iSent; if( socket->flushFunc && ( lLastSnd > 0 || ( lLastSnd == -1 && socket->iTimeout >= 0 && socket->iTimeout < 10000 && s_inetIsTimeout( socket ) ) ) ) { /* TODO: safe information about unflushed data and try to call flush before entering receive wait sate */ socket->flushFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd, socket->iTimeout < 0 ? socket->iTimeout : HB_MAX( socket->iTimeout, 10000 ), HB_FALSE ); } hb_retni( iSent > 0 ? iSent : iLen ); } }