void wxFbPalette::OnSpinDown( wxSpinEvent& ) { #if wxVERSION_NUMBER < 2900 int page = m_notebook->GetSelection(); if ( m_posVector[page] <= 0 ) return; m_posVector[page]--; wxToolBar *toolbar = m_tv[page]; PObjectPackage pkg = AppData()->GetPackage( page ); wxString widget( pkg->GetObjectInfo( m_posVector[page] )->GetClassName() ); wxBitmap icon = pkg->GetObjectInfo( m_posVector[page] )->GetIconFile(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxBitmapButton* button = new wxBitmapButton( toolbar, nextId++, icon ); button->SetToolTip( widget ); toolbar->InsertControl( 0, button ); #else #if wxVERSION_NUMBER < 2900 toolbar->InsertTool( 0, nextId++, icon, wxNullBitmap, false, NULL, widget, widget ); #else toolbar->InsertTool( 0, nextId++, widget, icon ); #endif #endif toolbar->Realize(); #endif }
void wxFbPalette::PopulateToolbar(PObjectPackage pkg, wxToolBar *toolbar) { unsigned int j = 0; while (j < pkg->GetObjectCount()) { wxString widget( pkg->GetObjectInfo(j)->GetClassName() ); wxBitmap icon = pkg->GetObjectInfo(j)->GetIconFile(); toolbar->AddTool(nextId++, widget, icon, widget); toolbar->Realize(); j++; } }
void wxFbPalette::OnSpinDown(wxSpinEvent& e) { int page = m_notebook->GetSelection(); if (m_posVector[page] <= 0) return; m_posVector[page]--; wxToolBar *toolbar = m_tv[page]; PObjectPackage pkg = AppData()->GetPackage(page); wxString widget( pkg->GetObjectInfo( m_posVector[page] )->GetClassName() ); wxBitmap icon = pkg->GetObjectInfo(m_posVector[page])->GetIconFile(); toolbar->InsertTool(0, nextId++, icon, wxNullBitmap, false, NULL, widget, widget); toolbar->Realize(); }
void wxFbPalette::PopulateToolbar( PObjectPackage pkg, wxToolBar *toolbar ) #endif { unsigned int j = 0; while ( j < pkg->GetObjectCount() ) { PObjectInfo info = pkg->GetObjectInfo( j ); if ( info->IsStartOfGroup() ) { toolbar->AddSeparator(); } if ( NULL == info->GetComponent() ) { #if wxVERSION_NUMBER < 2900 LogDebug( _( "Missing Component for Class \"%s\" of Package \"%s\"." ), info->GetClassName().c_str(), pkg->GetPackageName().c_str() ); #else LogDebug(_("Missing Component for Class \"" + info->GetClassName() + "\" of Package \"" + pkg->GetPackageName() + "\".") ); #endif } else { wxString widget( info->GetClassName() ); wxBitmap icon = info->GetIconFile(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxBitmapButton* button = new wxBitmapButton( toolbar, nextId++, icon ); button->SetToolTip( widget ); toolbar->AddControl( button ); #else toolbar->AddTool(nextId++, widget, icon, widget); #endif toolbar->Realize(); } j++; } }