void AccountHandler::_handlePacket(Packet* packet, BuddyPtr buddy)
	// packet and buddy must always be set
	// as must the session manager
	AbiCollabSessionManager* pManager = AbiCollabSessionManager::getManager();
	// manager didn't handle it, see what we can do
	switch (packet->getClassType()) 
		case PCT_JoinSessionRequestEvent:
			JoinSessionRequestEvent* jse = static_cast<JoinSessionRequestEvent*>(packet);
			// lookup session
			AbiCollab* pSession = pManager->getSessionFromSessionId(jse->getSessionId());

            // check if this buddy is allowed to access this document
            // TODO: this should be done for every session packet, not just join session packets
            if (!hasAccess(pSession->getAcl(), buddy))
                // we should only reach this point if someone is brute forcing trying
                // out session IDs while not being on the ACL. Ban this uses.
			// lookup exporter
			ABI_Collab_Export* pExport = pSession->getExport();
			// lookup adjusts
			const UT_GenericVector<ChangeAdjust *>* pExpAdjusts = pExport->getAdjusts();
			PD_Document* pDoc = pSession->getDocument();

			// add this author to the document if we don't recognize him
			UT_sint32 iAuthorId = -1;
			UT_UTF8String buddyDescriptor = buddy->getDescriptor();
			UT_GenericVector<pp_Author*> authors = pDoc->getAuthors();
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Scanning %d authors to see if we recognize this buddy\n", authors.getItemCount()));
			for (UT_sint32 i = 0; i < authors.getItemCount(); i++)
				pp_Author* pAuthor = authors.getNthItem(i);

				const gchar* szDescriptor = NULL;
				pAuthor->getProperty("abicollab-descriptor", szDescriptor);
				if (!szDescriptor)

				if (buddyDescriptor != szDescriptor)

				// yay, we know this author!
				iAuthorId = pAuthor->getAuthorInt();
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Found known author with descriptior %s, id %d!\n", buddyDescriptor.utf8_str(), iAuthorId));
			if (iAuthorId == -1)
				// we don't know this author yet, create a new author object for him
				iAuthorId = pDoc->findFirstFreeAuthorInt();
				pp_Author * pA = pDoc->addAuthor(iAuthorId);
				PP_AttrProp * pPA = pA->getAttrProp();
				pPA->setProperty("abicollab-descriptor", buddyDescriptor.utf8_str());
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Added a new author to the documument with descriptor %s, id %d\n", buddyDescriptor.utf8_str(), iAuthorId));
			// serialize entire document into string
			JoinSessionRequestResponseEvent jsre(jse->getSessionId(), iAuthorId);
			if (AbiCollabSessionManager::serializeDocument(pDoc, jsre.m_sZABW, false /* no base64 */) == UT_OK)
				// set more document properties
				jsre.m_iRev = pDoc->getCRNumber();
				jsre.m_sDocumentId = pDoc->getDocUUIDString();
				if (pDoc->getFilename())
					jsre.m_sDocumentName = UT_go_basename_from_uri(pDoc->getFilename());
				// send to buddy!
				send(&jsre, buddy);
				// add this buddy to the collaboration session
		case PCT_JoinSessionRequestResponseEvent:
			JoinSessionRequestResponseEvent* jsre = static_cast<JoinSessionRequestResponseEvent*>( packet );
			PD_Document* pDoc = 0;
			if (AbiCollabSessionManager::deserializeDocument(&pDoc, jsre->m_sZABW, false) == UT_OK)
				if (pDoc)
					// NOTE: we could adopt the same document name here, but i'd
					// rather not at the moment - MARCM
					if (jsre->m_sDocumentName.size() > 0)
						gchar* fname = g_strdup(jsre->m_sDocumentName.utf8_str());
					// The default ownership when joining is FALSE, as that seems 
					// to make sense for the generic case. The person sharing the 
					// document by default owns the document (and is thus allowed
					// to modify the ACL).
					pManager->joinSession(jsre->getSessionId(), pDoc, jsre->m_sDocumentId, jsre->m_iRev, jsre->getAuthorId(), buddy, this, false, NULL);
					UT_DEBUGMSG(("AccountHandler::_handlePacket() - deserializing document failed!\n"));
		case PCT_GetSessionsEvent:
			GetSessionsResponseEvent gsre;
			const UT_GenericVector<AbiCollab *> sessions = pManager->getSessions();
			for (UT_sint32 i = 0; i < sessions.getItemCount(); i++)
				AbiCollab* pSession = sessions.getNthItem(i);
				if (pSession && pSession->isLocallyControlled())
                    // check if the buddy has access to this session
                    if (!hasAccess(pSession->getAcl(), buddy))
                        UT_DEBUGMSG(("Buddy %s denied access to session %s by ALC\n", buddy->getDescriptor(true).utf8_str(), pSession->getSessionId().utf8_str()));

					const PD_Document * pDoc = pSession->getDocument();

                    // determine name
					UT_UTF8String documentBaseName;
					if (pDoc->getFilename())
						documentBaseName = UT_go_basename_from_uri(pDoc->getFilename());
					// set session info
					gsre.m_Sessions[ pSession->getSessionId() ] = documentBaseName;
			send(&gsre, buddy);
		case PCT_GetSessionsResponseEvent:
			GetSessionsResponseEvent* gsre = static_cast<GetSessionsResponseEvent*>( packet );
			UT_GenericVector<DocHandle*> vDocHandles;
			for (std::map<UT_UTF8String,UT_UTF8String>::iterator it=gsre->m_Sessions.begin(); it!=gsre->m_Sessions.end(); ++it) {
				DocHandle* pDocHandle = new DocHandle((*it).first, (*it).second);
			pManager->setDocumentHandles(buddy, vDocHandles);
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Unhandled packet class: 0x%x\n", packet->getClassType()));
Example #2
/*! Create a new AttrProp based upon the given one, removing the items given
	 if their value is equal to that given.  See also PP_AttrProp::cloneWithElimination,
	 which does similarly but removes the items given regardless of whether or not
	 their value is equal to the value given.
	 \return NULL on failure, the newly-created PP_AttrProp clone otherwise.
PP_AttrProp * PP_AttrProp::cloneWithEliminationIfEqual(const gchar ** attributes,
												const gchar ** properties) const
	// first, create an empty AttrProp.
	PP_AttrProp * papNew = new PP_AttrProp();
	if (!papNew)
		goto Failed;

	UT_uint32 k;
	const gchar * n;
	const gchar * v;

	k = 0;
	while (getNthAttribute(k++,n,v))
		// for each attribute in the old set, add it to the
		// new set only if it is not present in the given array.

		if (attributes && *attributes)
			const gchar ** p = attributes;
			while (*p)
					goto DoNotIncludeAttribute; // cannot handle PROPS here
				if (strcmp(n,p[0])==0 && strcmp(n,p[1])==0)		// found it, so we don't put it in the result.
					goto DoNotIncludeAttribute;
				p += 2;								// skip over value

		// we didn't find it in the given array, add it to the new set.

		if (!papNew->setAttribute(n,v))
			goto Failed;


	k = 0;
	while (getNthProperty(k++,n,v))
		// for each property in the old set, add it to the
		// new set only if it is not present in the given array.

		if (properties && *properties)
			const gchar ** p = properties;
			while (*p)
				if (strcmp(n,p[0])==0 && strcmp(n,p[1])==0)		// found it, so we don't put it in the result.
					goto DoNotIncludeProperty;
				p += 2;

		// we didn't find it in the given array, add it to the new set.

		if (!papNew->setProperty(n,v))
			goto Failed;


	return papNew;

	return NULL;
Example #3
/*! Create a new AttrProp based upon the given one, adding or replacing the items given.
	 \return NULL on failure, the newly-created PP_AttrProp clone otherwise.
PP_AttrProp * PP_AttrProp::cloneWithReplacements(const gchar ** attributes,
												 const gchar ** properties,
												 bool bClearProps) const
	bool bIgnoreProps = false; // see below

	// first, create a new AttrProp using just the values given.

	PP_AttrProp * papNew = new PP_AttrProp();
	if (!papNew)
		goto Failed;
	if (!papNew->setAttributes(attributes) || !papNew->setProperties(properties))
		goto Failed;

	// next, add any items that we have that are not present
	// (have not been overridden) in the new one.

	UT_uint32 k;
	const gchar * n;
	const gchar * v;
	const gchar * vNew;

	k = 0;
	while (getNthAttribute(k++,n,v))
		// TODO decide if/whether to allow PT_PROPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME here.
		// TODO The issue is: we use it to store the CSS properties and
		// TODO when we see it, we expand the value into one or more
		// TODO properties.  if we allow it to be given here, should
		// TODO we blowaway all of the existing properties and create
		// TODO them from this?  or should we expand it and override
		// TODO individual properties?
		// TODO for now, we just barf on it.
		UT_return_val_if_fail (strcmp(n,PT_PROPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)!=0, false); // cannot handle PROPS here
		if (!papNew->getAttribute(n,vNew))
			if (!papNew->setAttribute(n,v))
				goto Failed;

	// we want to be able to remove all properties by setting the
	// props attribute to ""; in order for that to work, we need to
	// skip the following loop if props is set to ""
	const gchar * szValue;

	if(papNew->getAttribute("props", szValue) && !*szValue)
		bIgnoreProps = true;

	if (!bClearProps && !bIgnoreProps)
		k = 0;
		while (getNthProperty(k++,n,v))
			if (!papNew->getProperty(n,vNew))
				if (!papNew->setProperty(n,v))
					goto Failed;

	// the following will remove all properties set to ""; this allows us
	// to remove properties by setting them to ""

	return papNew;

	return NULL;
AbiCollab* AbiCollabSessionManager::startSession(PD_Document* pDoc, UT_UTF8String& sSessionId, 
			AccountHandler* pAclAccount, bool bLocallyOwned, XAP_Frame* pFrame, 
			const UT_UTF8String& masterDescriptor)
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Starting collaboration session for document with id %s, master descriptor: %s\n",
			pDoc->getDocUUIDString(), masterDescriptor.utf8_str()));
	UT_return_val_if_fail(pDoc, NULL);
	UT_return_val_if_fail(pAclAccount, NULL);

	if (sSessionId == "")
		XAP_App* pApp = XAP_App::getApp();	
		UT_UUID* pUUID = pApp->getUUIDGenerator()->createUUID();

	if (masterDescriptor != "")
		// search for a buddy descriptor in the authors list that matches this 
		// descriptor, and make that the active author; if such an author does
		// not exist, then search for an author with no abicollab property set 
		// at all, and give it this buddy descriptor (ie, we assume that it is 
		// "us", even though it might not always be a valid assumption).

		int iAuthorId = -1;
		UT_GenericVector<pp_Author*> authors = pDoc->getAuthors();
		pp_Author* pEmptyAuthor = NULL;
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("Scanning %d authors to see if we recognize this master buddy\n", authors.getItemCount()));
		for (UT_sint32 i = 0; i < authors.getItemCount(); i++)
			pp_Author* pAuthor = authors.getNthItem(i);

			const gchar* szDescriptor = NULL;
			pAuthor->getProperty("abicollab-descriptor", szDescriptor);
			if (!szDescriptor)
				if (!pEmptyAuthor && !pAuthor->getAttrProp()->hasProperties())
					pEmptyAuthor = pAuthor;

			if (masterDescriptor != szDescriptor)

			// yay, we already editted this document ourselves!
			iAuthorId = pAuthor->getAuthorInt();
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Found our own author object with descriptior %s, id %d!\n", masterDescriptor.utf8_str(), iAuthorId));

		if (iAuthorId == -1)
			if (pEmptyAuthor)
				// reuse this author object and make it our own
				iAuthorId = pEmptyAuthor->getAuthorInt();
				PP_AttrProp * pPA = pEmptyAuthor->getAttrProp();
				pPA->setProperty("abicollab-descriptor", masterDescriptor.utf8_str());
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Reusing empty author object with id %d, setting descriptor to %s!\n", iAuthorId, masterDescriptor.utf8_str()));
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("No suitable author found in the document for descriptor %s\n", masterDescriptor.utf8_str()));
				iAuthorId = pDoc->findFirstFreeAuthorInt();
				pp_Author * pA = pDoc->addAuthor(iAuthorId);
				PP_AttrProp * pPA = pA->getAttrProp();
				pPA->setProperty("abicollab-descriptor", masterDescriptor.utf8_str());
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Added a new author to the documument with descriptor %s, id %d\n", masterDescriptor.utf8_str(), iAuthorId));
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Creating a new collaboration session with UUID: %s\n", sSessionId.utf8_str()));

	UT_return_val_if_fail(_setupFrame(&pFrame, pDoc), NULL);
	AbiCollab* pAbiCollab = new AbiCollab(pDoc, sSessionId, pAclAccount, bLocallyOwned);
	// notify all people we are sharing a new document
	// FIXME: since we only allow a session to be shared on 1 account, we should
	// only notify the buddies on that account, instead of notifying the buddies
	// on all accounts.
	StartSessionEvent event;
	return pAbiCollab;